I'd argue it's less that people in general don't realize the Alliance is interesting & more that the dev team thus far hasn't realized they can be interesting. We've seen it time & time again with in-game plots where each faction has different quest sets: The Horde is the one focused on first & given the most attention whereas the Alliance are the ones done afterwards when time is being crunched, so content gets cut more on their side. Look at what we saw in BfA: beautiful Horde rep mounts whereas the Alliance got three horses. A story that consistently featured Horde characters & Horde drama whereas the Alliance were nothing more than spectators. Mostly unique Allied Races for the Horde with strong backstories & differences from their core race counterparts like the Zandalari & Vulpera vs. Alliance Allied Races like the Mechagnomes. It feels like anytime there are Horde & Alliance comparative quests/items/etc coming out at the same time, the Horde ones seems to be taken more seriously whereas the Alliance ones are somewhat brushed off.
Even stories which should largely focus on Alliance characters tend to be little more than window dressing for the Horde characters in the spotlight. Tyrande had what could be a strong plot, but her whole storyline seems to have been little more than to have someone to tell Sylvanas where to go in the end. Bolvar was an Alliance legend & should have had a big role in Shadowlands, yet he barely did anything aside from pick up some coffee at whatever the next quest hub was. Meanwhile, Sylvanas hogged so much of the spotlight that even the main villain of Shadowlands never had room for any real character growth.
Best way to fix it IMO is have more voices who care about the Alliance & Alliance characters in the writer's room, & tell some of those still-hanging story threads. Gilneas, Council of the Three Hammers, Velen & where he is now with the Light after his experiences in Legion. Even if the next Alliance story is something painful about Tyraeleon going too far with the Light & needing to be taken down, at least that would be something for the Alliance as opposed to simply driving a robo-cat around.