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  1. #401
    Quote Originally Posted by sam86 View Post
    How exactly did Garrosh 'win'? Or Sylvannas for that matter
    What game are u playing? Seriously where did they win? I'm asking for real
    U do know that official lore answer and literally game events (Garrosh lost since over 10 years now) show how alliance won every single conflict with horde, and story (how sh8t it became) advances based on that
    so how did Garrosh or Sylvanas win?
    And why exactly did u ignore the fact that anyone can see on official wow channel that alliance dominate both pve and pvp competitions? if anything this shows how horribly broken OP alliance racials are in last 8 years since they decided to record and upload their tournaments, and only reason live server isn't pure alliance is because players don't want to abandon all their progress for new toon because of slight racial advantage (If i have over year playtime on my toon and i stopped playing hardcore since decade, how many playtime have the top players of wow on their toons?)

    - - - Updated - - -

    when did they LOSE!??
    This is like crying ur enemy scratched u while he is a corpse, twice!
    U lost a skirmish but won the war, and to WIN the war that means u gained everything u lost AND more!
    Yeah, we "win" on paper. But look at the game. Night elves lost everything. Are near extinction canonically. Horde didn't have to give back ANYTHING. Not Aszhara, not Hillsbrad, not Darkshore, not Ashenvale - nothing.
    Horde also did not pay for their crimes.
    So they say Alliance "wins" - but never actually gets anything out of it. How is that "winning"?

    Horde was allowed to destroy TWO Alliance capitals without repercussions.
    I'm telling you, it doesn't feel much like winning.
    Last edited by Eggroll; 2022-05-29 at 11:26 AM.

  2. #402
    Quote Originally Posted by Eggroll View Post
    Yeah, we "win" on paper. But look at the game. Night elves lost everything. Are near extinction canonically. Horde didn't have to give back ANYTHING. Not Aszhara, not Hillsbrad, not Darkshore, not Ashenvale - nothing.
    Horde also did not pay for their crimes.
    So they say Alliance "wins" - but never actually gets anything out of it. How is that "winning"?

    Horde was allowed to destroy TWO Alliance capitals without repercussions.
    I'm telling you, it doesn't feel much like winning.
    Fixation on the fact Garrosh died does not make him winning all the way till SoO less true. People just dont want to see it.

  3. #403
    Quote Originally Posted by Eggroll View Post
    Yeah, we "win" on paper. But look at the game. Night elves lost everything. Are near extinction canonically. Horde didn't have to give back ANYTHING. Not Aszhara, not Hillsbrad, not Darkshore, not Ashenvale - nothing.
    Horde also did not pay for their crimes.
    So they say Alliance "wins" - but never actually gets anything out of it. How is that "winning"?

    Horde was allowed to destroy TWO Alliance capitals without repercussions.
    I'm telling you, it doesn't feel much like winning.
    Well, Southshore is seemingly being reconstructed at least, so some of Hillsbrad is Alliance territory. That being said, Lordaeron is essentially restored in a matter of hours while Darkshore is still destroyed. Even from the most anti-Alliance perspective, it is difficult to not feel sorry for the night elves in their current state.

    Quote Originally Posted by VladlTutushkin View Post
    Fixation on the fact Garrosh died does not make him winning all the way till SoO less true. People just dont want to see it.
    I do think that Blizzard is...well, perhaps not necessarily "Horde-biased" per se, but they do seem to invest more resources and energies on developing the Horde narrative than they do the Alliance. We cannot deny that most Blizzard employees are proudly Horde players (Christie Golden might be slightly Alliance-leaning, but I think even she plays on both factions).

    For example, the recent Lordaeron questline was fascinating. But it was basically giving the Forsaken their home (Tirisfal), their capital (Lordaeron Keep and Undercity), and their ruling leaders (Desolate Council) back, with the Alliance player just randomly tagging along, to learn in the end that most Forsaken night elves are still proudly Horde, with only a very small group breaking away. And that was after the Horde received another very well-developed and fleshed-out questline regarding the blood elves, which rewarded all Horde players with a brand-new mount.

    For night elf fans...what did they receive in the end? Basically, the few night elf souls which were saved by the Maw going into a seed of some kind (perhaps sacrificing their existence in the process), Ysera staying in the Shadowlands, and Tyrande and Shandris returning to Azeroth to await an unknown future. No mount, no new questline, no new capital or home, just more uncertainty and vague promises of "renewal". That is hardly satisfying for most kaldorei players, I would imagine.
    Last edited by OwenBurton; 2022-06-06 at 07:59 PM.
    "You see, there is balance in all things. Wisdom etched in our very fur: Black and white. Darkness and light. When the last emperor hid our land from the rest of the world, he also preserved...our ancient enemy, the mantid. So it is with your Alliance and your Horde. They are not strong despite one another; they are strong BECAUSE of one another. You mistake your greatest strength for weakness. Do you see this?"

  4. #404
    Over 9000! sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eggroll View Post
    Yeah, we "win" on paper. But look at the game. Night elves lost everything. Are near extinction canonically. Horde didn't have to give back ANYTHING. Not Aszhara, not Hillsbrad, not Darkshore, not Ashenvale - nothing.
    Horde also did not pay for their crimes.
    so ur problem is they didn't update the old game to reflect that
    I bet u feel pissed when Varian suddenly vanish after u finish wrath exp -.-
    Old content is stuck in old time, cata zones show horde invasion, in Hillsbrad u see both Sylvanas and Garrosh as warchief, then in SL u see everyone hunting here, and if u ever feel pissed go solo raid SoO and punch Garrosh, something we have no equal for
    So u get to enjoy weekly looting while we get to enjoy 1 time lvl zone at best... so much win, i seriously wish we 'lose' as much as alliance
    And again that also ignore how alliance dominate all tournaments since years
    Honestly i don't see alliance ever recover in numbers of players thanks to introduction of faction change in wrath and blizz 'promise' of 'keeping eye on it' (my server Ghostlands turned pure alliance by Cata, and generally pve servers became alliance and pvp horde), unless they make alliance racials even more broken than they are now, and honestly even then doubt it will fix numbers because live servers average player probably have years of investment in their toon to just suddenly change faction, because even payed transfer doesn't move all ur progress
    anyway blizz decided to fuck it and fuck lore and just make alliance and horde best buddies teaming for pve content, yay

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by OwenBurton View Post
    For night elf fans...what did they receive in the end?
    u get neither Sylvannas nor Garrosh, which is a win
    but yeah nelf specially are f8cked, and prior to this exp wow was basically orcs vs humans and rest are supports
    also quality of undead quest is highly questionable, u do know that for many ppl Calia is a /who meme, my friend who plays wow since wc2 days don't know her
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  5. #405
    Quote Originally Posted by OwenBurton View Post
    For night elf fans...what did they receive in the end? Basically, the few night elf souls which were saved by the Maw going into a seed of some kind (perhaps sacrificing their existence in the process), Ysera staying in the Shadowlands, and Tyrande and Shandris returning to Azeroth to await an unknown future. No mount, no new questline, no new capital or home, just more uncertainty and vague promises of "renewal". That is hardly satisfying for most kaldorei players, I would imagine.
    Exactly my thought, thank you.

  6. #406
    Quote Originally Posted by Eggroll View Post
    Exactly my thought, thank you.
    And they get dark ranger customization option and no one really ask for, why not give them Tyrande night warrior makeup? They will forgot many sh*t they going through (not all of them)

  7. #407
    Yeah Forsaken is back in the horde like nothing ever happened, get a titel, dark ranger customization, and a city back, Night elfs got a seed that will probably be their new city in a expansion or 2 and seem to be located on a Island out in nowhere far from any of their lands they had for thousands of years, so not only lost Darnassus but seem to loose Kalimdor also if the new main city isnt there.

  8. #408
    Better developp and use the secondary leaders and characters, and the internal opponents of the rulers. Developp the culture and unique traits of each kingdom and races.

  9. #409
    Operation Gnomeregan should have ended with Sicco Thermaplugg and his Troggs being defeated for good and Gnomeregan being finally retaken by gnomes.

    Cataclysm should then have seen the start of Gnomeregan's rebuilding and the city would have been repopulated by MOP.

  10. #410
    Quote Originally Posted by Terrorthatflapsinthenight View Post
    Better developp and use the secondary leaders and characters, and the internal opponents of the rulers. Developp the culture and unique traits of each kingdom and races.
    BfA Alliance was great in that sense. So much intrigue.

  11. #411
    Quote Originally Posted by Terrorthatflapsinthenight View Post
    Operation Gnomeregan should have ended with Sicco Thermaplugg and his Troggs being defeated for good and Gnomeregan being finally retaken by gnomes.

    Cataclysm should then have seen the start of Gnomeregan's rebuilding and the city would have been repopulated by MOP.
    What does that have to do with making Alliance more popular.

  12. #412
    Quote Originally Posted by Verdugo View Post
    What does that have to do with making Alliance more popular.
    To give more development and focus on non-human races, instead of having the humans do things for the other Alliance races, as well as making some real achievements to a race that is treated too much and too often as just the comic-relief and to make some progress in the story instead of the eternal statue quo of WOW.

    Less focus on humans, and more lore and real accomplishements and progresses for the other races of the Alliance.
    Last edited by Terrorthatflapsinthenight; 2022-06-14 at 01:15 PM.

  13. #413
    Quote Originally Posted by Terrorthatflapsinthenight View Post
    To give more development and focus on non-human races, instead of having the humans do things for the other Alliance races, as well as making some real achievements to a race that is treated too much and too often as just the comic-relief and to make some progress in the story instead of the eternal statue quo of WOW.

    Less focus on humans, and more lore and real accomplishements and progresses for the other races of the Alliance.
    But not gnomes for fucks sake.

  14. #414
    Quote Originally Posted by Verdugo View Post
    But not gnomes for fucks sake.
    Every race should have its development and moments of awesome.

    What's your problem with Gnomes anyway ?

  15. #415
    Quote Originally Posted by Terrorthatflapsinthenight View Post
    Every race should have its development and moments of awesome.

    What's your problem with Gnomes anyway ?
    Look, gnomes are just not really popular. No matter how many "badass" moments you shoehorn in, they will never become popular, so just giving them spotlight will piss off people that want the real Alliance favourites like Night Elves to get spotlight without becoming punching bags.

  16. #416
    Quote Originally Posted by Verdugo View Post
    Look, gnomes are just not really popular. No matter how many "badass" moments you shoehorn in, they will never become popular, so just giving them spotlight will piss off people that want the real Alliance favourites like Night Elves to get spotlight without becoming punching bags.
    I think any race should have its own developped story and moments, and even if they still aren't the most popular race giving the gnomes some additionnal seriousness and feats won’t harm their or the Alliance popularity in general.

    Similar development and treatment should be given to the Draenei, the Dwarves and the Worgens with us witnessing the rebuilding of the Exodar, the cleansing of the radiations on Azuremyst Isles and Draenei truly establishing themselves on Azeroth and develloping ties with their allies, Gilneans taking back Gilneas and working to cleanse the Plague while also interacting with other allies than Stormwind and the Night Elves, and seeing the restablishement of the relations and common politics and military between the dwarven clans and seeing the Dark Irons meet with other races while also facing suspension from their non-dwarven new allies.

  17. #417
    The Alliance always should have been the larger more established faction (because it literally was from where WCIII ended to where vanilla kicks off), theoretically stronger but paralysed by factious infighting and a leader giving competing orders, compared to the horde's smaller but more agile and vigorous leadership under thrall.
    This would have worked well in vanilla (and even happens to some extent) that without a unifying foe the alliance races are so busy dealing with fires in their own backyard and competing with each other it effectively leaves it completely exposed to horde manoeuvring.

    Hilariously we're now in a situation where the horde is ruled by a council and the alliance has a blue warchief.
    Tonight for me is a special day. I want to go outside of the house of the girl I like with a gasoline barrel and write her name on the road and set it on fire and tell her to get out too see it (is this illegal)?

  18. #418
    Merging the factions is the only way /end thread.

  19. #419
    Quote Originally Posted by Terrorthatflapsinthenight View Post
    I think any race should have its own developped story and moments, and even if they still aren't the most popular race giving the gnomes some additionnal seriousness and feats won’t harm their or the Alliance popularity in general.

    Similar development and treatment should be given to the Draenei, the Dwarves and the Worgens with us witnessing the rebuilding of the Exodar, the cleansing of the radiations on Azuremyst Isles and Draenei truly establishing themselves on Azeroth and develloping ties with their allies, Gilneans taking back Gilneas and working to cleanse the Plague while also interacting with other allies than Stormwind and the Night Elves, and seeing the restablishement of the relations and common politics and military between the dwarven clans and seeing the Dark Irons meet with other races while also facing suspension from their non-dwarven new allies.
    The gnomes at least have Mechagon back, which is something new and interesting. Imagine if Erazmin and his people helped Gelbin modernize and remake all of Gnomeregan if ever they reclaimed their other city, it would be like a high-tech paradise in the middle of a fantasy world with all sorts of fancy gimmicks and flying transport machines everywhere.
    Last edited by OwenBurton; 2022-06-25 at 10:49 PM.
    "You see, there is balance in all things. Wisdom etched in our very fur: Black and white. Darkness and light. When the last emperor hid our land from the rest of the world, he also preserved...our ancient enemy, the mantid. So it is with your Alliance and your Horde. They are not strong despite one another; they are strong BECAUSE of one another. You mistake your greatest strength for weakness. Do you see this?"

  20. #420
    And far less focus on the opposition with the Horde, with far more on the Alliance's most immediate issues and foes, and to see more of their interactions with neutral races and factions.

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