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    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Dragonborne Class Concept 2022

    Dragonborne Class Concept


    This concept is an update of sorts of my old Dragonsworn class concept. I decided to do an update because of the upcoming expansion, and because I do believe in the viability of a dragon-based class. My old concept was based largely around the idea that each aspect would need to be represented. However, over time I've come to believe that we could still fit the dragon concept in the standard three spec configuration.

    Similar to the older concept, I will be using Heroes of the Storm for the mechanical basis of the class. In addition, I will also use many of the mechanics found in the original Dragonsworn concept. The main difference in this concept will be the specs, which will only be 3, and will rely heavily on the concepts found in HotS. Also people looking for a dragon-based class concept that aligns with Warcraft are free to use this write up as a basis.

    I. Overview

    Dragonsworn is a hybrid, 3 spec Hero class that revolves around magic and the ability to briefly transform into a dragon. This class is capable of performing DPS, Tanking, and Healing, and is playable by every race except for Worgen and Forsaken. Allied Races should be included for potential races. The specs are as follows; Earthwarden; a Tanking spec with lava and fire abilities, Timewalker; A ranged DPS spec that can shift in and out dragon form, and uses the sands of time as a weapon, and Lifebinder, a healing spec that utilizes flames as tools for both healing, and damage.

    In the Dragonsworn class, the player's race is actually Dragon. When the player chooses a race in the selection screen, they're actually selecting their human form. The player is a new type of Chromatic Dragon, capable of changing flights at will and assuming their powers and abilities. This allows the player's character to switch between Dragonflights as easily as other classes switch between specs. The lore behind this, and the treatment of this new dragon flight is open to interpretation and development. I'm merely using it as a method in which to allow the player to swap between Dragonflights and allowing it to make sense.

    II. Class Specifics


    Roles: Tank, RDPS, Healing
    Resource: Dragon Soul, Mana
    Armor: Mail
    Weapons: Polearms, Shields, Mace, swords, 2H swords, Staves
    Primary Stats: Agility and INT
    Races: All except for Void Elves, Worgen, and Forsaken

    Humanoid Form and Dragon Form

    The core of this class' mechanics is the ability to shift from humanoid form to dragon form by using specific abilities.

    During the majority of your gameplay, you will be in human form, blending in with the other mortals of Azeroth as much as possible. However, there should be some different aspects to the Dragon Humanoid form than standard races. Anything from different hair types, eye colors, horns, tattoos, skin color, emotes or other features should be available.

    Every Dragonsworn spec has the ability to enter Dragon form during battle. Entering Dragon form occurs when your resource reaches a certain point. Once activated, you will remain in Dragon form until your resource runs out, or you cancel the form. In addition, some abilities such as Wing Flap and Dragonfire temporarily transforms you into a dragon. Dragonfire has a slight chance to keep you in dragon form for 12 seconds.

    Dragon Fury

    Dragonborne use two different resources: Magic for Humanoid form, and Dragon Fury for Dragon form. Dragonborne can choose to use Dragon Fury for individual attacks, or switch to dragon form where they have access to their dragon-based abilities along with increased armor and an increased ability to use Dragonfire. However, Dragon Form is a constant drain on their Dragon Fury resource, so its use must be chosen wisely. Dragon Fury abilities will turn the player into a dragon. Due to tanking needs, Earthwardens have double the total amount of Dragon Fury possible, and increased armor in Dragon Form.

    Illustration of mana based attacks leading towards Dragon Form:

    Wings out immediately following the use of Wing Flap.

    Some abilities that use Dragon Fury:
    Dragon Fire
    Wing Flap
    Dragon Roar

    Dragon Fire

    Each spec has the ability of Dragon Fire in all forms. However, Dragon Fire takes on different properties depending on your current Dragon Flight. Activating Dragon Fire has a low chance to cause your character to turn into a dragon.

    Cataclysm: Breaths molten lava, dealing initial damage, and damage over time for 6 seconds.

    Restorative Flames: Your Dragon Fire also heals allies. Red Dragonflight's Dragon Fire has a wider cone.

    Timeless Blaze: Breathes temporal sand instead of fire. Damage done to targets slows them by X% for 8 seconds. Your damage to target increases haste by X for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. Bronze Dragonflight's Dragon Fire has a shorter cooldown.

    Travel Form

    After a certain level, Dragonsworn learn the ability to transform into a unique dragon form (Chromatic Dragon, or from their spec/dragon flight) that allows them to run at the speed of a mount, and eventually fly while outside of combat. This form is instant cast, and your party members can ride on your back!

    III. General Abilities

    Flame Buffet: Launches a ball of fire at a target, damaging them and burning them for 3 seconds. If a burning target is hit, Flame Buffet deals additional damage.

    Wing Flap: Flap your dragon wings, pushing an enemy away from you. (30 second CD) In Dragon Form this ability has no cooldown, and also causes damage.

    Dragon Form: Temporarily transform into a Dragon, increasing your HP and armor, and enhancing your abilities. Dragonfire has a low chance to make you enter this form for 12 seconds.

    Tailspin: slam your mighty dragon tail into enemies in front of you, dealing damage to all targets in its path. Tailspin has different properties depending on spec.

    +Earthwardn: Tailspin receives 2 charges.
    +Lifebinder: Tailspin is ablaze and heals allies and damages enemies.
    +Timewalker: Tailspin range increased by 10 yds and slows targets.

    Dragonflight: Instantly transform into a dragon and fly 20yds in the direction you're moving in. Dragon Form has an additional charge, increased range (+5yds) and a reduced cooldown. Earthwardens can target enemies with dragon flight, and deal damage on impact.

    Dragon Fire: Transform into a dragon and blast an area with fire, dealing damage in a cone in front of the caster, instantly returning to humanoid form afterwards. (1 minute CD) Dragon Fire has a low chance to trigger Dragon Form for 12 seconds. In Dragon Form, this ability has 2 charges, and its cooldown is reduced to 2 seconds.

    Dragon Roar: Unleash a powerful roar that inspires your allies and strikes fear into your enemies around you. Increases the movement speed of your allies by 10% and decreases the movement speed of your enemies by 10% for 12 seconds. (2 minute CD) Only useable in Dragon Form.

    Draconic Scales: Reduces the damage you take for 8 seconds. Grants an additional effect based on your current Dragonflight. (1.5 minute CD) While Dragon Form is active, the duration of Draconic Scales is increased by 50%.

    Skyfire: (Channel) Transform into a dragon and fly into the air, bombarding a targeted area with flames for X seconds. (5 minute CD) Has different effects based on Dragonflight:

    All targets are inflicted with Burn DoT effect for 6 seconds.
    +Lifebinder: Allies can be healed by the bombardment (Can be used as a healing spell).
    +Timewalker: Targeted area becomes Slowing Sands with a shorter duration.

    Sanctuary: Turn into a dragon and immediately fly into the sky, removing all threat and restoring your health and mana at the expense of your Dragon Fury. You can land up to 45 ft away from your starting location in humanoid form. (5 minute CD, requires full Dragon Fury)

    IV. Specializations

    Earthwarden Black Dragonflight, Tank

    Guardians of the world, Earthwardens combine raw destructive power with the stability and solidity of earth beneath them. The Earthwarden uses the power of the planet itself to wreck fiery havoc on his enemies, and to protect his wary allies. Due to their nature, they can hold more Dragon Fury than other dragons from other flights.

    Molten Talons: swipes a target in front of you with your claws, dealing fire damage, and causing the target to burn for X seconds.

    Cross Flames: Brutally slash all targets in a 8 yd radius around the caster, dealing fire damage. Targets inflicted with burn take additional damage.

    Crunch: Bite down on a target, healing you for a % of the damage done.

    Skyfall: Instantly summon a meteror from the sky, dealing fire damage to all targets in a 8yd radius creating a well of dark energy that increases the damage they take for X seconds.

    Cataclysmic Armor: Burst into flames, dealing damage to enemies in a 6 yard radius, but rapidly drain your mana. Damage done to your enemies through cataclysmic armor or through your attacks heals you for a percent of the damage. Damage done to burning enemies deals more damage.

    Stonecracker: Stomps the ground, causing damage to all targets in 8 yards around the caster, and slowing them for a few seconds.

    Infernus: (passive) Increases the size, range, and damage of your Dragon's breath ability. In addition, Infernus increases the damage done to afflicted targets of your dragon flame for X seconds.

    Beneath the Surface: (passive) Your attacks have a chance for your enemy to see your true form, horrifying them for a few seconds. Horrified enemies damage is reduced.

    Firestorm: (passive) Your Wing Flap ability causes any target that is currently afflicted with Shadow Fire or Burn to spread it to nearby enemies. When this occurs, Shadowfire and Burn restart their duration.

    Worldbreaker: Enter into a more powerful draconic form, reducing damage taken by 6%, and increasing your attack speed by 20% for 8 seconds. While enraged, critical strikes heal you for a % of the damage done. During duration, your abilities are enhanced. (5 minute cooldown)

    Draconic Might:Activates your Draconic Scales ability off of cooldown. Increases the damage from your next Molten Claw attack, and your next Dragon Breath is free, does not trigger a cooldown, and you regain X% of health from its damage. (8 minute CD)

    Dragon Lord: For the next 12 seconds, abilities that use Dragon Fury will also heal you for 2% of your total health. (3 min CD)

    Molten Scales: (passive) While Draconic Scales is active, molten lava seeps from your armor, causing it to splash onto enemy melee attackers and damaging them while increasing your armor by 5%. Armor increase stacks up to 5 times.

    Red Dragonflight, Healing

    Once empowered by the Titans to be the guardians of life, Lifebinders do whatever it takes to protect life even at the possible cost of their own.

    *Critical Flame Buffet strikes will heal the Lifebinder for a % of the damage.

    Gift of Life: Sacrifice an amount of your health to instantly heal an ally for 150% of the amount of life you sacrificed. Gift of Life costs no mana.

    Preservation: Plant a seed of healing that blooms after 3 seconds, healing nearby allied Heroes for a % of their maximum Health.

    Nourishing Fumes: (passive) Allies near the Lifebinder during Dragon Fire are healed over 6 seconds.

    Lifebinding: Sacrifice your mana, dividing the total amount of expended mana between you and an allied target and converting it into life. While your mana is below 35%, the healing power of your Gift of Life spell is increased.

    Exuberance: (passive) At 75% health or more, you move 15% faster. (Does not stack with mount speed)

    Unbinding: Sacrifice a significant portion of your health and your mana to heal your ally for 300% of the health sacrificed, and deal damage to enemies within 8 yards around your ally for 300% of the mana sacrificed. (3 minute CD)

    Blossom of Life: (Talent) Critical heals will spawn a Blossom of Life near your location. You or your allies can collect up to 3 blossoms. Consuming the Blossom will heal you for a % of your maximum health. 1 minute cooldown. In addition, if you cast Gift of Life while holding a blossom, Gift of Life will consume the blossom instead. This effect does not work while Life Binder is active.

    Summon Red Whelp: Summon a whelp to assist you. The whelp will breathe Cleansing Flames, healing nearby allies, and damaging nearby enemies. The whelp lasts until cancelled or killed.

    Restorative Scales: (passive) While Draconic Scales is active, damage done to you heals you instead.

    Tough Love: Clears all raid and party members of magical, poison, and disease effects, and casts an empowered version of the Lifebinder's Draconic Scales on its allies that also increases the healing done to friendly targets for its duration. (3 minute CD)

    Timewalker: Bronze Dragonflight, Ranged DPS

    Manipulators of the sands of time. Timewalkers use their great power to control and eventually destroy their enemies.

    *Critical Flame Buffet strikes reduce the Cooldown of Dragon Fire. Dragon Fire has a 45 second base CD.

    Sandblast: Fires a missile of temporal sand at a target. When casted, Sandblast leaves a temporal echo that can mimic the Timewalker's sandblast when casted again, dealing reduced damage. The echo lasts for 6 seconds. You can have up to 2 echos active at once.

    Sandstorm: Surrounds the caster in a cloud of sand, reducing damage done to them, but increasing damage down to enemies for 6 seconds. (2 min CD).

    Meridian: Instantly switch locations with your Echo while it is active.

    Sand Drake: Launches a dragon of sand into an air, landing on a targeted area dealing damage to all targets within it, and slowing the movement and attack speed of targets in the center.

    Slowing Sands: Creates a sand vortex that slows enemies within it by 5% every 0.25 seconds, up to 75%.

    Time Trap: Place a Time Trap that arms and Stealths after 2 seconds. The trap can activated to detonate the trap, placing all nearby enemies in Time Stop for 3 seconds. Maximum of 2 traps can active at a time. Enemies in time stop take increased damage from Sandblast.

    Duskbreaker: You detonate your time traps, dealing damage to all enemies within 8 yards of their location.

    Infinity Shield: Creates a temporal bubble around the caster, damage done will damage mana instead of caster. When duration ends, the caster will be healed by 200% of the mana lost. Lasts 6 seconds. (5 minute CD)

    Temporal Loop: The Timewalker places a spell on a target. After 3 seconds, the target is instantly teleported back to the location where the spell was originally placed. Basic Abilities recharge faster for 3 seconds after casting Temporal Loop.

    Blessing of Nozari: Transforms you into a dragon for X seconds. Increases movement speed by 30% and your abilities are enhanced, and recharge 30% faster for 10 seconds. Cooldown does not begin until ability finishes. (3 minute CD).

    Ebullience: (passive) When at 75% mana or more, you increase the flow of time, moving 15% faster. (Does not stack with mount speed, but does stack with travel form)

    Temporal Burst Manipulate the flow of time, increasing haste by 30% for all party and raid members for 40 sec.

    Temporal Scales: (passive) While Draconic Scales is active, enemy melee attacks increase your haste by 6%. Stacks up to 3 times.

    V. Misc.

    1. The Earthwarden, Lifebinder and Timewalker specs are heavily based on HotS heroes Chromie and Alexstrasza. If you have alternate ideas. please share them.
    2. I will be editing this post over time. I won't be doing talents or anything like that.
    3. I don't own nor create any art in this post.
    4. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it.
    5. Please note that these are just SAMPLE abilities. I would definitely have talents and abilities that mention Wrathion and other cool stuff.
    6. I did not do Blue or Green dragonflights because I feel that Mage and Druid covers those concepts. If you wish to see my take on those concepts, you can check out my old Dragonsworn concept here.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2022-03-01 at 03:09 AM.

  2. #2
    It's a decent start, but personally I don't agree with allowing the players to play as a dragon in any capacity other than being an empowered mortal. Thus, I only agree to simple Dragonsworn. Additionally, only utilizing 3 of the 5 dragonflights is a waste in my opinion. I'd want all 5 to be used, even if that meant a class with 5 specs. Alternatively, it could be a class with 4 specs and 1 of the specs has 2 viable talent options.

    Tank: Black Dragonsworn
    Ranged Caster: Blue Dragonsworn
    Melee DPS: Red Dragonsworn
    Healer: Green/Bronze Dragonsworn

    Healer would either be 2 separate types of healer specs, or a single healer spec that has a build that switches between the two flights akin to how Mistweaver can opt-in to fistweaving or not. Green would be more output based while Bronze would be more preventative based.

  3. #3
    I love the visuals, however I think

    Black (tank) - Blue/Bronze (ranged caster) - Red/Green (Healer)

    would work better. Get all 5 flights influencing, yet keep it at 3 specs. We haven't had a ranged caster spec added to the game since the start, so it really should be ranged caster. Agi mail gear for tanking, Int for everything else.

    I can only hope that Blizzard is smart enough to make a dragon class for the upcoming xpac..... if they don't, this game will keep bleeding subs until it dies.

  4. #4
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SloidVoid View Post
    It's a decent start, but personally I don't agree with allowing the players to play as a dragon in any capacity other than being an empowered mortal. Thus, I only agree to simple Dragonsworn. Additionally, only utilizing 3 of the 5 dragonflights is a waste in my opinion. I'd want all 5 to be used, even if that meant a class with 5 specs. Alternatively, it could be a class with 4 specs and 1 of the specs has 2 viable talent options.

    Tank: Black Dragonsworn
    Ranged Caster: Blue Dragonsworn
    Melee DPS: Red Dragonsworn
    Healer: Green/Bronze Dragonsworn

    Healer would either be 2 separate types of healer specs, or a single healer spec that has a build that switches between the two flights akin to how Mistweaver can opt-in to fistweaving or not. Green would be more output based while Bronze would be more preventative based.
    The issue with dragonsworn is that there’s no basis for such a class in WoW. Typically classes have some basis in either a RTS or MMO format, and has a major lore figure attached. DKs had that, Monks had that, and Demon Hunters had that. The only dragon-based concept with that pedigree is a class based on the dragon characters in HotS.

    As for only using Black, Bronze, and Red, I restricted the concept to those three because they’re unique, because HotS used those three dragons, and because adding blue and green becomes redundant, and Mages and Druids cover those dragons just fine.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    I love the visuals, however I think

    Black (tank) - Blue/Bronze (ranged caster) - Red/Green (Healer)

    would work better. Get all 5 flights influencing, yet keep it at 3 specs. We haven't had a ranged caster spec added to the game since the start, so it really should be ranged caster. Agi mail gear for tanking, Int for everything else.
    I had considered that, but I wanted to stick with the dragons shown in HotS.

    I can only hope that Blizzard is smart enough to make a dragon class for the upcoming xpac..... if they don't, this game will keep bleeding subs until it dies.
    I agree! Fingers crossed! I don’t think I can purchase another expansion with no new class.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SloidVoid View Post
    It's a decent start, but personally I don't agree with allowing the players to play as a dragon in any capacity other than being an empowered mortal. Thus, I only agree to simple Dragonsworn. Additionally, only utilizing 3 of the 5 dragonflights is a waste in my opinion. I'd want all 5 to be used, even if that meant a class with 5 specs. Alternatively, it could be a class with 4 specs and 1 of the specs has 2 viable talent options.
    Honestly I don't *get* this criticism tbh. I don't really care to play a dragon personally, but within the WoW lore, dragons are commonplace enough to be a playable race. So if they manage to resolve their infertility, I really don't see a reason why they shouldn't be playable.

    Dragons have been part of the Warcraft setting since War2, and since WoW they have constantly shown how invested they are on mortal affairs and working with us, so I really don't get the exclusionism of them as playable.

  6. #6
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Honestly I don't *get* this criticism tbh. I don't really care to play a dragon personally, but within the WoW lore, dragons are commonplace enough to be a playable race. So if they manage to resolve their infertility, I really don't see a reason why they shouldn't be playable.

    Dragons have been part of the Warcraft setting since War2, and since WoW they have constantly shown how invested they are on mortal affairs and working with us, so I really don't get the exclusionism of them as playable.
    I think it's the supposed power level. However, people seem to forget that Garrosh shanked Kairoz after he helped him escape between MoP and WoD. So dragons like these are hardly all powerful gods. They certainly utilize very powerful magic, but its really no different from typical magic users. It's simply draconic magic combined with their natural power as dragons.

    In short, a playable dragon wouldn't be much stronger than any other class. It honestly makes perfect sense as a hero class.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I think it's the supposed power level. However, people seem to forget that Garrosh shanked Kairoz after he helped him escape between MoP and WoD. So dragons like these are hardly all powerful gods. They certainly utilize very powerful magic, but its really no different from typical magic users. It's simply draconic magic combined with their natural power as dragons.

    In short, a playable dragon wouldn't be much stronger than any other class. It honestly makes perfect sense as a hero class.
    With how often we outright murder dragons in this game, the power level argument feels so weak. Like for real I think a Demon Hunter is canonically stronger than a drake, and let's be real, the player character, as mortal as they are, are infused with power out of the wazoo.

    A wow dragon really does not feel more powerful than what the PC.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Finally, something not about Tinkers.
    What baffles me is there were numerous times you, yourself, said that a Dragon class wouldn't be added because Blizzard only adds WC3 Heroes. And then, once again, you change your mind. You're not a very consistent fella, are you?
    Furthermore, you could have edited your previous thread and bumped it.
    Overall, i am drawn to the concept for its vibrant colors. +1 for effort.

  10. #10
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Finally, something not about Tinkers.
    What baffles me is there were numerous times you, yourself, said that a Dragon class wouldn't be added because Blizzard only adds WC3 Heroes. And then, once again, you change your mind. You're not a very consistent fella, are you?
    The reason I make an exception for this concept is because HotS has shown via Demon Hunters (and Tinkers to some extent) that it is the successor to WC3. So it is very possible that Blizzard could pull a class concept from the WC heroes shown in HotS. WoW classes have already received HotS abilities, and the DH class utilized quite a few HotS concepts.

    Furthermore, you could have edited your previous thread and bumped it.
    Overall, i am drawn to the concept for its vibrant colors. +1 for effort.
    Yeah, I did that back in January, and the thread was closed and I was banned for "spam". Since the old thread is closed, I was no longer able to edit it, so I went ahead and created a new one with updated ideas and concepts.

  11. #11
    Brewmaster Jekyll's Avatar
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    A Dragonborn feels like a race or a monster type, not a class. You would be part of a brood and that could not be changed unless you get corrupted or revived as an undead.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    The reason I make an exception for this concept is because HotS has shown via Demon Hunters (and Tinkers to some extent) that it is the successor to WC3. So it is very possible that Blizzard could pull a class concept from the WC heroes shown in HotS. WoW classes have already received HotS abilities, and the DH class utilized quite a few HotS concepts.
    But, you did dismiss its possibility, didn't you? And in other times, you didn't. What's behind you flippin all the time?

    And, if that is the case, all of the sudden, then would you say Ragnaros, Hogger, Brightwing, Murky, Falstad, Cho'gall, Greymane, Lunara, Medivh, Anu'Barak, E.T.C, Mal'ganis and Sticthes are possible as well?

    The thread was closed and I was banned for "spam".

  13. #13
    I dig this concept far more than your earlier one.

    Still quite sad to see Green and Blue left out. I think Green can fit into Lifebinder and Blue can fit into Timewalker.

    For Lifebinder, just include some of Brightwing's specialties like Emerald Wind and Soothing Mist, while Timewalker can keep the main flavour of Bronze affecting time, while Blue can bring in Medivh's 'High Magic' spell themes, like Force of Magic, Arcane Rift and Ley Line Seal.

    The way I see it, you have characters in HOTS like Jaina and Kael'thas who are obviously representing WoW Frost and Fire Mage specs, but Medivh is not a typical 'Arcane Mage'. He's built like 'Arcane++', and that kinda fits with with the Blue Dragon's overall theme of being naturally gifted masters of magic. The abilities can remain powerful, but sparingly used to support a Bronze-centric Spellcaster spec. And Brightwing is a happy medium of representing some of the Green Dragonflight abilities while not being a Druid.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    And, if that is the case, all of the sudden, then would you say Ragnaros, Hogger, Brightwing, Murky, Falstad, Cho'gall, Greymane, Lunara, Medivh, Anu'Barak, E.T.C, Mal'ganis and Sticthes are possible as well?
    Brightwing can easily be folded into Dragonborne.

    Lunara can be expanded into the Druid
    Cho'gall is very Void and Chaos-centric, so possibly Priest or Warlock
    Falstad and Ragnaros are both rooted into Shamanism and the use of elements (Storm, Wind, Fire, Lava)
    Anu'barak, Stitches and Mal'ganis already have basic roots in the Death Knight class. I think DK's even summon Aboms.
    Greymane is a type of Outlaw Rogue in HOTS. He also represents 'Worgen' as a race.

    That leaves Hogger, Murky and ETC as the outliers. They're kinda niche outliers though, since each is very whimsical themed. I'd say Hogger and Murloc are more represented as Races than classes, while ETC is 'Heavy Metal' themed which falls in line with the April Fools Bard concept we had.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2022-02-18 at 05:52 PM.

  14. #14
    It could use bow and melee specialization concepts too.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by SloidVoid View Post
    It's a decent start, but personally I don't agree with allowing the players to play as a dragon in any capacity other than being an empowered mortal. Thus, I only agree to simple Dragonsworn. Additionally, only utilizing 3 of the 5 dragonflights is a waste in my opinion. I'd want all 5 to be used, even if that meant a class with 5 specs. Alternatively, it could be a class with 4 specs and 1 of the specs has 2 viable talent options.

    Tank: Black Dragonsworn
    Ranged Caster: Blue Dragonsworn
    Melee DPS: Red Dragonsworn
    Healer: Green/Bronze Dragonsworn

    Healer would either be 2 separate types of healer specs, or a single healer spec that has a build that switches between the two flights akin to how Mistweaver can opt-in to fistweaving or not. Green would be more output based while Bronze would be more preventative based.
    I thought so at first, but not anymore. I think his designation is better.

    1. It's nice to get something not arcane related in a sense, we've really had a lot of that, especially with the mage and druid class, the elves too - night elves, nightborne, blood elves etc.

    Time magic on the other hand, not been explored as much, far rarer, and more interesting. Best option would be a choice, like a flight skin to swap between bronze andblue, but if i had to pick one, it would be ronze.

    2. Healer should definitely be red - green was never completely associated with healing, that was always the red, Green's main thing was the dream - common misconception, people confuse concepts when it comes to night elves, nature - because they keep thinking of other fantasy establishments rather than taking the lore into their own hand. Sure green is related to healing somewhat, you could think of it like nature and light healing.. but with the Dragons Alexstrazsa is the aspect of life, to take that away from the Red's to force it on the greens when they had a purpose tied to the Emerald dream isn't good.

    I would reather develop the Green concpet and the emerald dream a lot more, the original warcraft druid before wow had little to do with Healing if you read the wota, but it's a part of the druid, but their greenflight association is the Emerald dream.

    Now red for lifebinder, life, flowers, grwoth,all of that, I think that's good, and it should be red. off course if a red dragon was the class, we could have a dps, heal and tankspec.. but hey.

    3. I would think dragons too magical for melee, and the game desperately needs more range classes, not melee, still, mele is a possibility i suppose. The bronze would have been suited best for this as you could use time magic in a melee capacity, in which case the range would go the blues. I still think though i should be 1 dps class, and it should be ranged and bronze.

    4. Black can be any of tank or dps - black's are the most powerful damage dealers anyway, but also the earth is associated with protection, stablity and can be viewed as tanky. But in the lore, the magma breadth and power of the black is ferrocious.. it is one calss you can associate with range and melee dps quite powerfully as well as tanking. It and the green s (if you expand the emerald dream cocnept) could actually be full classes on their own.

    An alternative would be to do a dragon class, but basically have 3versions of the class flight skins - one for black, one for red, one for green - as those are the ones that can fit into a multi spec class. I mean you could make up something for blues and bronzes too if it comes to that - but it wouldd be a nice way of fore-shadowing class skins if one class cold have 3 different skins or even 5 based on your flight. Although i'll start with 3 and if it proves popular, introduce a blue skin in a patch and a bronze one.
    Last edited by Mace; 2022-02-18 at 06:31 PM.

  16. #16
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I dig this concept far more than your earlier one.
    Thank you. This concept is more of a realistic take I feel, because I don't believe that Blizzard would make a 5-spec class, and interestingly, the HotS dragons follow tank/DPS/healing paradigm.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jekyll View Post
    A Dragonborn feels like a race or a monster type, not a class. You would be part of a brood and that could not be changed unless you get corrupted or revived as an undead.
    This concept is based on the idea that you are a new type of chromatic dragon, so that you can change what type of dragon you are at will.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    But, you did dismiss its possibility, didn't you? And in other times, you didn't. What's behind you flippin all the time?
    Uh, my Dragonsworn concept from 3 years ago also utilized HotS mechanics.

    And, if that is the case, all of the sudden, then would you say Ragnaros, Hogger, Brightwing, Murky, Falstad, Cho'gall, Greymane, Lunara, Medivh, Anu'Barak, E.T.C, Mal'ganis and Sticthes are possible as well?
    Because pretty much none of those characters have the foundations for a class;

    Ragnaros is an Elemental.
    Hogger is a Kobold.
    Brightwing is a Faerie Dragon.
    Murkey is a Murloc.
    Falstad sort of already exists in class form as the basis for Dwarven Shaman
    Cho'gall is Warlock/Mage
    Greymane is a Warrior or Outlaw Rogue
    Lunara is a Dryad and heavily associated with Druids
    Medivh is a mage.
    Anubarak is a Nerubian.
    Malganis is a Demon, and they're associated with Warlocks
    Stitches is an Abomination and associated with DKs.

    A class based on the dragons is more plausible because they can take the form of mortal (playable) races. If it weren't for that, they'd be right there with the rest of that pile.

    You would have to ask a moderator.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2022-02-18 at 11:20 PM.

  17. #17
    While visually different two of your specs already are represented in the game mechanically, and the third is either brokenly op or completely useless depending on numbes/boss fights. How are they unique mechanically?

  18. #18
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tubeamp View Post
    While visually different two of your specs already are represented in the game mechanically,
    Which ones?

    and the third is either brokenly op or completely useless depending on numbes/boss fights.
    Sounds like a balanced spec then.

    How are they unique mechanically?
    Abilities shift them into their draconic forms temporarily.

    Fire-themed healing.

    Spec based on time manipulation.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by tubeamp View Post
    While visually different two of your specs already are represented in the game mechanically, and the third is either brokenly op or completely useless depending on numbes/boss fights
    Depending on the numbers, any spec can be OP or useless. What exactly is the point of mentioning this? It's not exclusive to the class concepts you see here.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2022-02-19 at 06:53 AM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Which ones?

    Sounds like a balanced spec then.

    Abilities shift them into their draconic forms temporarily.

    Fire-themed healing.

    Spec based on time manipulation.
    You haven't thought about how your class and spec would play in the game. Do the specs use builders/finishers, a priority system, dot management, high APM button mashing, burst windows, etc?

    Your tank sounds like it survives and mitigates damage in the say way a death knight does. This creates an issue where one tank is better than the other, and the worse one becomes "unplayable".

    Your design is entirely cosmetic-which to be fair is important-but doesn't look at the moment to moment gameplay or the community consequences for what adding your class would mean.

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