1. #2061
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Well, I guess you're having the last laugh tonight.
    Only if they end up keeping Staley.

  2. #2062
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    Yup, you must fire Staley after this shit. You got a player injured last week in a meaingless game, you make stupid choices for BOTH of your years and your defense has been shit for a year and a half. Then you do THAT in the playoffs after being given 4 INTs and a 27-0 lead. Fire his ass.
    This man was the Ram's DC before he went to the Chargers.

    That bolded part alone is firable.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  3. #2063
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    So instead of moving the franchise once again maybe rename it to the LA Chokers.

  4. #2064
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    This man was the Ram's DC before he went to the Chargers.

    That bolded part alone is firable.
    Agreed but they managed to squeak into the playoffs, so he took his extra wounded team who he got beat up last week into this playoff game then played great for a half and then forgot how to play the game.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    So instead of moving the franchise once again maybe rename it to the LA Chokers.
    I'd be worried of those Chokers got Payton from the Saints though. Imagine what he can do with a QB like Herbert. Scary.

  5. #2065
    The Lightbringer ProphetFlume's Avatar
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    What was the chargers’s time of possession second half? I can’t remember them having the ball except for that third and long Herbert ran in.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumboy View Post
    I'm not sure if you guys have noticed but sometimes I say things that are kind of dumb
    Quote Originally Posted by draynay View Post
    I just like reading about the "vigorous rubbing" that might affect ball inflation.

  6. #2066
    Wooooow....this is why charger is a verb
    "We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
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  7. #2067
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    I'd be worried of those Chokers got Payton from the Saints though. Imagine what he can do with a QB like Herbert. Scary.
    Yep, that was my thought too. If the Chargers have ANY sense they make the Saints and Payton an offer they can't refuse and just let Payton do what he does with Herbert. It wouldn't fix the defense, but man the thought of Payton with Herbert for the next 5-10 years is kinda scary in the AFC.

  8. #2068
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Crazy to think we could be in a bidding war between Dallas and LA for Payton's services after this weekend.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  9. #2069
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    Jacksonville burned a timeout???? WHY!. You could have used 3 timeouts to get the ball back if this failed. Now you just gave them 40 seconds free if you fail.

    Sweet play call bailed them out though. That was nice.
    uh, it was fucking genius. Everyone knew Trevor was going to do his dumb QB leap play. Pedersen didn't like the look (neither did Trevor, you hear him yelling "kill, kill" and changing the play), and had the wherewithal to call the timeout. Most dumbass coaches would be like "it's 4th and a foot, if we can't push the pile and get it, we don't deserve it." But Doug takes the TO, goes into his bag of tricks for a play that looks like a more heavy-formation sneak, massive misdirection, makes it almost as guaranteed as a sneak, but has the upside of what happened: a big play that lets you just kill the rest of the clock to kick the GW FG.

    Masterclass by Pedersen, imo.

    (Also, the analytics say go for 2 when down by 4 with 8 minutes or less left in the 4th, but I agree that's a risky call. The math says it's better to 50/50 the 2 point conversion than 50/50 OT, because even if you fail the 2 pt conversion, you were gonna need another drive and at least you know what you need going into it, as opposed to the unknowns of OT.)

  10. #2070
    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    Yep, that was my thought too. If the Chargers have ANY sense they make the Saints and Payton an offer they can't refuse and just let Payton do what he does with Herbert. It wouldn't fix the defense, but man the thought of Payton with Herbert for the next 5-10 years is kinda scary in the AFC.
    Payton can likely get a great defensive assistant to come with him, is some rumors around the staff he's building as it is. But yeah who cares what they give up, they have a great offense ready to go and the defense has some potential as shown in the 2nd half of this year.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    uh, it was fucking genius. Everyone knew Trevor was going to do his dumb QB leap play. Pedersen didn't like the look (neither did Trevor, you hear him yelling "kill, kill" and changing the play)
    Okay, but look at it from the other direction. How genius would it be if they burned that timeout and then ran a 4th down play and failed. Then the game was over because you had 2 timeouts.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    Masterclass by Pedersen, imo.
    Yeah we can agree to disagree there.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Crazy to think we could be in a bidding war between Dallas and LA for Payton's services after this weekend.
    This is of course assuming the Cowboys choke in Tampa which is possible.

  11. #2071
    Immortal Vetali's Avatar
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    Uhhh I didn't watch the game over the Kraken game, turned it on after that was done, game was a blow out.

    Chargers really Charger'd it?

  12. #2072
    Quote Originally Posted by Vetali View Post
    Chargers really Charger'd it?
    Did they ever.

  13. #2073
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vetali View Post
    Uhhh I didn't watch the game over the Kraken game, turned it on after that was done, game was a blow out.

    Chargers really Charger'd it?
    27-0. That is all.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  14. #2074
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    Okay, but look at it from the other direction. How genius would it be if they burned that timeout and then ran a 4th down play and failed. Then the game was over because you had 2 timeouts.
    The game was over if they failed regardless, whether they took the timeout or not. The Chargers wouldn't have kneeled, they would have run plays, even if you call 3 consecutive timeouts on 1st thru third, you burn at least 20s on those 3 plays. Then they can run the clock down from 1:10 to :30, call their last timeout, then punt. That's a worse percentage idea than calling the TO and converting the 4th down.

  15. #2075
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    The game was over if they failed regardless, whether they took the timeout or not. The Chargers wouldn't have kneeled, they would have run plays, even if you call 3 consecutive timeouts on 1st thru third, you burn at least 20s on those 3 plays. Then they can run the clock down from 1:10 to :30, call their last timeout, then punt. That's a worse percentage idea than calling the TO and converting the 4th down.
    Uh try again. There was 1:28 on the clock when they used the TO. They ran a 4th down play with 1:28 remaining. If they failed it would have taken 4-5 seconds off. Let's say 1:23. 3 chargers runs (which is what most teams do there) takes about say 6 seconds per play for 18 seconds. They'd be punting with around 1:05. The Jags would only need a FG to win and a minute to do it. So yeah it was very much doable.

    The worst case was burning the TO and THEN failing the 4th down call which means they'd have ~20 seconds and slim chances.

  16. #2076
    Maybe you're right on the timing, I wasn't paying too much attention to the clock once the TO was called. But you're not accounting for the (high) percentages on converting the 4th and a foot. Even though it's 4th down, it's safer to go for it with a foot to go, on their 40, with 1:28 left, because you're much more likely to convert there and eventually win, than you are to drive with a minute left from, say, your 20. If the Chargers get 0 yards on their drive, a 40 yard punt puts you on your 20, and god forbid you get downed somewhere inside there.

    The truly disastrous play would be not converting on 4th and a foot on their 40, regardless of the timeout being used or not. So better to take it and get the call right. Clearly Lawrence didn't like the look either.

  17. #2077
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    Maybe you're right on the timing, I wasn't paying too much attention to the clock once the TO was called. But you're not accounting for the (high) percentages on converting the 4th and a foot. Even though it's 4th down, it's safer to go for it with a foot to go, on their 40, with 1:28 left, because you're much more likely to convert there and eventually win, than you are to drive with a minute left from, say, your 20. If the Chargers get 0 yards on their drive, a 40 yard punt puts you on your 20, and god forbid you get downed somewhere inside there.

    The truly disastrous play would be not converting on 4th and a foot on their 40, regardless of the timeout being used or not. So better to take it and get the call right. Clearly Lawrence didn't like the look either.
    I mean I get that side of it, the team would be with the coach there but taken in a vacuum I did not like it because it forced them to get that 4th down or lose right there and it surrendered any chance of getting the ball back with enough time to mount a drive. The play call worked, it was a really great play they ran, so I get it.

    The Jags are just lucky they don't have to hear the other side of it in an alternate reality when they fail the 4th and lose the game right there because they burned a timeout.

  18. #2078
    That's analytics, baby. Blamed for everything when it fails, but when it's right, and it pays off, people call it flukey or risky. The 2 point conversion was the analytical choice too. Perfectly called last two drives, but if the aggressiveness doesn't pay off, it's all about the failing of analytics to account for game situation. I think what people fail to account for is that players LIKE the aggressiveness as opposed to the safe offensive play. They want to be trusted to make the big play. It's eat or be eaten for QBs and WRs, they live for that shit. And I do think it makes them play better on aggressive playcalling.

  19. #2079
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    Uh try again. There was 1:28 on the clock when they used the TO. They ran a 4th down play with 1:28 remaining. If they failed it would have taken 4-5 seconds off. Let's say 1:23. 3 chargers runs (which is what most teams do there) takes about say 6 seconds per play for 18 seconds. They'd be punting with around 1:05. The Jags would only need a FG to win and a minute to do it. So yeah it was very much doable.

    The worst case was burning the TO and THEN failing the 4th down call which means they'd have ~20 seconds and slim chances.
    Okay, but that didn't happen. The timeout might be the only reason the play worked, which is quite obviously better than turning it over on downs. Criticizing people after they did something resulting in a loss is one thing, doing it after they win possibly due to that call is really quite strange.

  20. #2080
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    That's analytics, baby. Blamed for everything when it fails, but when it's right, and it pays off, people call it flukey or risky. The 2 point conversion was the analytical choice too. Perfectly called last two drives, but if the aggressiveness doesn't pay off, it's all about the failing of analytics to account for game situation. I think what people fail to account for is that players LIKE the aggressiveness as opposed to the safe offensive play. They want to be trusted to make the big play. It's eat or be eaten for QBs and WRs, they live for that shit. And I do think it makes them play better on aggressive playcalling.
    The timeout wasn't analytics in motion. That timeout would be anti-analytics, baby. Analytics doesn't give a fuck if players LIKE aggressiveness, that has ZERO to do with analytics. You can't praise analytical choices in one sense and then say the timeout was the correct choice if you are applying analytics to the discussion. Jesus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cordrann View Post
    Okay, but that didn't happen. The timeout might be the only reason the play worked, which is quite obviously better than turning it over on downs. Criticizing people after they did something resulting in a loss is one thing, doing it after they win possibly due to that call is really quite strange.
    Sure the timeout might be the only reason it worked, but the play they had called could have worked just the same, we don't know. You can criticize a choice that is made despite the result because you think it was the wrong call or analytics says one thing. Whatever though, this discussion is over from my end.

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