Correct. Team 1 win scenarios are more likely to happen.
If team 1 scores, the best chance of the losing the next drive is 40% ... assuming best Drive to TD and they got a FG.
If team 1 gets a TD and extra point, their chance of losing is 20% ... assuming best drive to TD opponent.
In both cases, there is 50% chance or greater to win.
The best way for team 2 to win, is to not let Team 1 score at all. Which is true in both the current system and the old one.
Here are all the possible outcomes after 2 drives. (Black means cannot happen, Red means Sudden Death, Blue means team 1 wins, and Green means Team 2 wins. The darker shade means extremely unlikely to occur but not impossible. No one is kicking a FG if they are down by more than 3 points, but it technically can happen. NS = No score, DS = Defense Scored)