My whole life has basically fallen apart over the past year and I ended up homeless and for some insane reason I decided to be homeless in Georgia. I literally got to see systemic racism in action on a daily basis. I would see black homeless people bullied and harassed endlessly and cops would leave me alone because I was a white man. People in rural Georgia don't even try to hide the racism and that was shocking to me because even in the worst bits of Virginia at least people hid their hatred a little better. Wasn't really planning to stick around long but I have fallen in love with the state and its history and the amazing people who live here who are trying to keep it blue. It has become a home to me when I needed one most and the bullshit the GQP is constantly pulling with marginalizing the black vote just enrages me. I am not far from Florida so what is happening there hits really close to home especially the "dont say gay" bullshit. All the GQP has is hate and fear.
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The funny thing is only reason Christians even tolerate Israel is because of the bible and its role in the end times. Some of the worst antisemetic shit I hear comes from Christians.
Speaking of Florida...
Guess what, girlies? It's Malicious Compliance Monday!
Dear Florida parent/caretaker:
The Florida house of Representatives has recently ruled that “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”
To be in accordance with this policy, I will no longer be referring to your student with gendered pronouns. All students will be referred to as “The” or “them.” I will no longer use a gendered title such as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” or make any references to my husband/wife in the classroom. From now on I will be using the non-gendered title “Mx.”
Furthermore, I will be removing all books or instruction which refer to a person being a “mother,” “Father,” “husband” or “wife” as these are gender identities that also may allude to sexual orientation. Needless to say, all books which refer to a character as “he” or “She” will also be removed from the classroom. If you have any concerns about this policy, please feel free to contact your local congressperson.
Thank you, Mx. XXXXXXXXXX
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi