Poll: Do you want Player Housing in WoW?

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  1. #261
    Quote Originally Posted by Fitsu View Post

    I don't mean to sound elitist,

    Proceeds to projectile vomit elitism...

  2. #262
    I would like player housing and guild housing.

  3. #263
    Quote Originally Posted by Fitsu View Post
    I used Mythic because I was speaking of my own niche. While both are "raiding" I wouldn't consider a Mythic raider and a Norm/HC raider to be of the same niche and to use LFR as an example is a bit silly, that's like saying everyone who has made a character on an RP server is a RPer or someone plays Arena because they queued up for a Skirmish once.

    Now I guess this tier is a little unfair as it's just started but looking at last tier 5107 guilds were 4/10 Mythic by the time the tier ended. I would argue that any guild that doesn't atleast kill the first few mythic bosses during the entire tier isn't a raiding guild. There just a bunch of people doing random content, as the first few bosses on mythic are puggable by the end of a tier. So yeah your probably looking at a bigger number. Perhaps around 8% of the playerbase are raiders.

    I don't mean to sound elitist, but I dunno what niche I would consider you if your literally raiding every week and progressing heroic for an entire tier I doubt this is the case for anyone but I may be wrong. There's probably guilds that don't raid but once every now and then decide to get people together and just give it a look, there more just casual/social players though not raiders.
    There are tons of guilds that just raid normal then heroic and never clear heroic because of lack of skill and/or RL conflicts with no desire to do mythic. Last time I looked at any raiding numbers(WoD) there were significantly more guilds that killed a boss in normal than heroic, and significantly less that killed a boss in Mythic compared to Heroic.

    Even back before mythic, there plenty of normal only guilds.

  4. #264
    I would like player housing, but not guild housing. By and large, only the guild leaders will get to have any control over how it looks/runs.

    I think garrisons would have worked better with less of the resource generation. You got ore and herbs and cooking materials without having to go into the world which doesn't feel right.

  5. #265
    Bloodsail Admiral VMSmith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mic_128 View Post
    I would like player housing, but not guild housing. By and large, only the guild leaders will get to have any control over how it looks/runs.

    I think garrisons would have worked better with less of the resource generation. You got ore and herbs and cooking materials without having to go into the world which doesn't feel right.
    I've played two games with guild housing, FFXIV and SWTOR, and in neither one did the guild housing feel worth having existed. In both, the only time I ever went to the guild housing was when the guild leader was there for some reason and we needed to trade items with each other.

  6. #266
    Herald of the Titans
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    Blizzard - We have implemented FFXIV style housing, starting...NOW.
    Players - Damn it Blizzard, all the houses are sold out! I logged in a few minutes late and there's nothing left.
    House Owners - WTF do you mean I need to enter once every 45 days, just the damn MAUs again. You ruined it!

  7. #267
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowmatrix View Post
    Blizzard - We have implemented FFXIV style housing, starting...NOW.
    Players - Damn it Blizzard, all the houses are sold out! I logged in a few minutes late and there's nothing left.
    House Owners - WTF do you mean I need to enter once every 45 days, just the damn MAUs again. You ruined it!
    Just make it phased, like garrisons. Once they actually had it not bugged,it worked pretty good.

  8. #268
    Mechagnome Starney's Avatar
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    Yes, but only if we can choose the location where we want it to be. If it's some fixed location like the garrison, then I wouldn't care that much.

  9. #269
    Brewmaster Alkizon's Avatar
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    Well... I'm kind of not against one, but so that it doesn't affect gameplay, so that it's something cosmetic, perhaps with some elements of mini-games (place with access to them) and separate formalized part for "accumulation of personal memories". Imo, it's quite appropriate... *looking at copious number of arcades/puzzles playing area of ​​which is limited to apartment/house and interaction with space/society/local threats adjacent to it* Here, probably, main thing to understand is that you don’t need to try to insert everything there and do it at once *pointing with a smile at garrisons* and minimum/(maximum exclusion) of this influence beyond its scope.

    ...but still, within framework of "old" gameplay, I lean more towards guild houses and their development/distribution of responsibilities (minigames/personal scores) = social interaction of people close to each other/friends in interests/activity. Something like virtual kindergarten, forgive me for such simplification. I repeat, ordinary game's purpose was, is and always will be conditional imitation/learning/experience, which means that certain requirements are imposed on it in the sense of social engineering. Now it's not just underworking, but rather even destructive/unattractive in this indicator. I'm not going to say that this is its main drawback, which there are quite a few of ones, but some people are obviously lazy.

    To question of location - I'd certainly approach from perspective of "possible areas" with "instance entrance". Those player "chooses"/fixes own entry where wants with possibility of relocating it through "city" interface, along with possible set of pre-generated "internal terrain shapes" divided into corresponding areas of interactions with inner scripts... actually, I wrote that and see now, that this is really very similar programmatically to our "favorite" garrison, but... hmm, let's imagine that from outside it's not a garrison, but just city building of any shape, and entrance to it is same portal-phase - if we are talking about private apartment, or one of a number of seemingly finished, but empty houses (except for their own, the rest are just for "furniture") in private sector/area designated for this business/"street of guild houses", and maybe even each with private courtyard on backside - for guild houses. On the other hand...

    - with "private room/apartment" in guild houses, which can be accessed not only somewhere in this/big city separately (portal-door (in place of former wall texture) inside existing public building (same as in guild house)), but also possibly in some small villages/towns... since it's just portal to personal custom area "beyond world of external influences and interactions".
    - - -
    for starters, it can be just couple of small rooms where you'll be absolutely safe, even with custom furniture, without any interactivity, just to listen to feedback and opinions

    I don't know how to describe it any better.
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