Poll: Do you want Player Housing in WoW?

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  1. #61
    Bloodsail Admiral VMSmith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verylargeprime View Post
    I cannot understand the appeal of player housing if everything's instanced and isolated, which seems inevitable. Worst idea.
    It amuses me to no end to see people complain that housing would be "instanced and isolated" in a game in which everything worth doing is "instanced and isolated".

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Gehco View Post
    And the fact that it was a demand for you to have it.
    i don't remember players on the PTR in WOD saying the garrisons needed trade chat and AH option? from what i remember what was told at blizzcon about garrisons tested on alpha was dumped

    the version of the garrison released was socially damaging, blizzard had to come up with a system of dailies, traders, and invasions just to get players to visit other players garrisons even into the expansion

    btw, i still like the garrison, have one on every player at level 20+.not just for the other hearth stone and use them to this day. i still have to call a duck...a duck
    Last edited by pinkz; 2022-04-07 at 07:10 AM.

  3. #63
    Eh, I would probably try one just for sale of it but for me it even more oportunities for people to hide and make open world emptier.

  4. #64
    If they take a system like ESO and adopt it to WoW then I could see it working really well. If the "Dragonflight" leak is to be believed then the new Carpentry profession could tie in with crafting furniture just like in ESO. They could even steal the "Racial Motif" idea and have all sorts of customisation options as new rewards for achievements/legacy raids.

    If they took the Garrison system, made a bunch of small, really pretty zone themed ones and stuck them in the world, took the "buildings" and made them "rooms" and gave us the option to customise every little aspect of the House then that's essentially what I'm thinking of. Make them all varying sizes with increasing Gold costs, with the bigger ones having more rooms and different fun aspects. It could also serve as a new Gold Sink after Shadowlands didn't have any major ones (that I'm aware of? Not like Brutosaur I mean).

  5. #65
    No. The game does not need more places for players to AFK.

  6. #66
    Field Marshal verylargeprime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VMSmith View Post
    It amuses me to no end to see people complain that housing would be "instanced and isolated" in a game in which everything worth doing is "instanced and isolated".
    Instanced is one thing. You might want to double check your definition of "isolated" and contrast this with the experience of dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, etc.

    There's a difference between organizing or queueing for instanced multiplayer content, and sitting in an instance by yourself doing... What exactly? Like I don't get the appeal.

    All's I'm saying is, incentivize players to host events in their housing instances if you want it to not be a garbage feature

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Zypherz View Post
    I can understand not caring for it, but why would anyone be against it? It would only be cosmetic and it taking people out of the world is a) not an issue with the current game and b) not even relevant.

    It's a perfect side system that compliments achievements, giving much more meaning to otherwise pointless and tedious grinds as they offer new cosmetics to decorate with.

    For me it's in the top 3 things I want in the game; But that's from a completionists PoV (where my number 1 is having every class available on 1 character similarly to FFXIV; Importantly giving us true account bound gameplay).
    Zypherz said it right first. Housing has endless potential for lasting content, just like the transmog system. Gather materials for lava lamps from Molten Core, harvest jet black pigment for wallpapers from the dragons inside Obsidian Sanctum, and build wooden chairs made from crooked wood in Drustvar. Obviously it can be implemented in many different ways, but if it's done right there are far more upsides than downsides with player housing from a content perspective. Less people being AFK in hubs is not a loss. Treating other problems as reasons to avoid improvement is counter-productive, lazy, and cowardly.

    The game has been made for the longest time almost without a thought about lasting value, always looking for the next continent, the next zone, the next raids and items, just a new thing replacing the next thing. The collection systems in WoW are some of the exceptions to that design philosophy, and should be cherished for that alone. But we need more of that, if not for our personal enjoyment but for the betterment of the game as a growing eco-system.

  8. #68
    The Lightbringer Kilpi's Avatar
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    IMO for it to be "worth it", it would require a) LOTS of options where to have the house, like at least one spot per zone in each zone, and b) the customization should be very "free", like no pre-determined spots for furniture etc., and c) add possible items from basically all dungeons and raids in the game, making old raids and dungeons "relevant" again, kinda like what transmog also did (this would mean all dungeons and raids drop items relevant to the theme of that instance). That being said, I don't see them doing it this way, and if they ever do it, it's gonna be closer to what Garrisons were; one or few spots to build the whole thing, and then customization is limited and very constrained.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Every time a new expansion announcement looms on the horizon, the subject of Player Housing is brought up. Every single time, without fail.

    I've personally never seen the appeal of Player Housing, but I may be a bit of an outlier as I detest building even in games that have a large focus on building. I remember when I played Sims 4, I always picked a pre-made house to get into the gameplay quicker. Valheim I actually quit when I realized I had to build a house, and in Minecraft I've always built something really fast (usually in the side of a mountain or underground so I don't have to place as many blocks).

    But I'm curious, how many here actually want Player Housing in WoW? And I'd also like to know why, because to me it seems like a strangely anti-social feature to have in an MMO.
    I'm not sure. Housing is big sandbox (real sandbox, not what TI, Mechagon, Maw, etc. are considered to be) RPG element. It's great by itself, but at the same time it should be implemented properly. Purely cosmetic feature wouldn't be so interesting, I guess. Especially if it wouldn't be account-wide. Players won't have time and imagination to build house on every character. And again this character/account problem. Rare and valuable things tend to drop on alts, where they're usually useless. This causes "incompleteness" problem. For example player would want to switch to alt, but house wouldn't have all features there. Or opposite - player would obtain some rare item on alt and would want to pass it to main. Another major question - should houses have some utility? I.e. should some content be tied to them? Blizzard don't want to invest lots of work into content, that will give 0 content in return. Money => content => things to do => sub fees => money. Blizzard have fear, that taking lots of resources from "real" content will cause another "nothing to do" problem, because many players will play with houses a little bit and then abandon them.

    And I don't even talk about that "houses are anti-social" arguments. Forced socialization - is very doubtful thing. If player wants and likes to socialize - he goes out to the world and socializes. But I'm not sure, if it's ok to force him to do it just to make an illusion, that this game is social one. At the end illusion is just illusion. Crowd of players around, who do nothing but steal you quest mobs - isn't good tradeoff for satisfying those guys, who cry about "I feel lonely, if game isn't Japanese subway rush hour simulator".
    Last edited by WowIsDead64; 2022-04-07 at 08:57 AM.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  10. #70
    I voted no but for selfish reasons, housing doesnt interest me. Even in FFXIV I live in the inn or the spare room in my fc house where I just dump quest rewards from events, I never actually visit it because Im a gritty adventurer that sqauts in the goldsaucer/main towns.

    Although housing doesnt affect me I hope people who want it get it as long as it doesnt get tied to my characters progression forceully ie achievements/story progression.

  11. #71
    Pandaren Monk Pakheth's Avatar
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    If it's done ala Wildstar with a plot of land and free placement of items and link it to crafting and instanced drops then very much yes. Gives you reasons to run old content again.

    If it's done ala Garrisons, then no.

    It has to be done properly and with possibility of being lasting content that will span expansions, but seems Blizzard love to discard such things.

  12. #72
    Stood in the Fire
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    can we get polls where only people that actually play the game answer?
    I 3d print stuff

  13. #73
    If they do it like OSRS it would be amazing, but no personal auction house or silly nonsense like that. Purely cosmetic. Could even make it more social by creating a player house party area, goodbye goldshire!

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Zypherz View Post
    I can understand not caring for it, but why would anyone be against it? It would only be cosmetic and it taking people out of the world is a) not an issue with the current game and b) not even relevant.
    Disagree. You already have realms that have pop issues nand this will only make it worse as people sit in their instance IT is releveant. This is basically you trying to pre=emptively take ouit reasons by iimmerdiately discounting thm

    [It's a perfect side system that compliments achievements, giving much more meaning to otherwise pointless and tedious grinds as they offer new cosmetics to decorate with.
    It is a complete waste of resources as there will be far less to do out in the world. You will practically be forced to do the housing because youi will have nothing to do otherwise.

    For me it's in the top 3 things I want in the game; But that's from a completionists PoV (where my number 1 is having every class available on 1 character similarly to FFXIV; Importantly giving us true account bound gameplay).
    Not even in the top 1,000 for me. People can play Sims if they want to play house. USe those resources to make engaging content out in the world. Put them on things like Torghast rather than this Sims BS.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by VMSmith View Post
    It amuses me to no end to see people complain that housing would be "instanced and isolated" in a game in which everything worth doing is "instanced and isolated".
    NOt even close to the same thing. What is in game you ahve to do as a group. You are killing things to get gear. How exactly are ypou doing that in play housiung when you are by yourself. You are isolated in player housing because it is just you and only you. IT amuses me that people try to equate raids and dungeons to player hosuing in this manner when they are nowhere near the same thing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by VinceVega View Post
    Yes i want it because it is something to do which has no power connected to it. Just playing. And if you don't want it you can ignore it.
    How are you going to ignore it when it is the only thing in game. IT's either do that or nothing because all resources will have to be invested in housing to get it how you want. I don't want a game where there is no other content in the game because all development went to housing so you can play Sims.

  15. #75
    Herald of the Titans czarek's Avatar
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    If they will add it ok if not still ok. I dont care much about this :P

  16. #76
    with the way things are going in e.g. crafting, if they introduced housing again, it would be so ridiculously expensive in terms of gold that you would need a daily token subscription

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by MoanaLisa View Post
    If they do it right then sure. I doubt that they will do it right so that's a waste and no.
    This is kind of the crux of it for me.

    I'm pretty firmly against player housing in WoW mainly because I find player housing in all MMOs to be a bit of a tacky add-on and poorly done.

    I'd love it if it was a great addition, but I don't know exactly how that would look, maybe something along Valheim building with choosable architecture... regardless the core issue presented with garrisons still persists, it empties the game world and potentially impacts game health through that perception. I think this is less of an issue in a post BFA-SL window with drastically reduced player base (no one is playing to see running around in a city anyway) and layering/phasing has also created the same issue, at least artificially, albeit it could be used to force active players not in their housing into the same city layer.

  18. #78
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorothyjean View Post
    I feel like they would just make it something like Garrisons and a lot of people seemed to hate that but I can't imagine them having just Player housing... they would have to make some system or dailies or something within it.
    Which really just defeats the purpose imo. Sometimes things can be there to just do. Sadly current blizzard seems to think everything has to in some way tie back to power or raiding.

  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by rrayy View Post
    How exactly would it take people out of the world when going in to the world would be the requirement for unlocking the cosmetics in the first place? Most players raid, M+, PvP or sit in a city. How exactly would there be less people in the world after this? If anything there would be more people in the world; The house itself would take up a very small amount of time and would simply be a monument to your account progress and achievements. Of course, this is me speculating on how it would work, but that's a common way for it to be done.

    "People that want to build houses can play SIMs" - Uh, people that want to PvP can play another PvP game? People that want to socialize can join an online group chat? What kind of an argument is that? I can understand not caring for it, but housing isn't exactly a new concept to MMO's.

    'It's a waste of resources' - It would be one of the driving factors on me enjoying the next expansion. I literally can not think of content past what I've discussed that I'd rather see, so I'm obviously going to disagree that it's a waste. To each their own though.

    I do agree that if it's done wrong, It could be a massive waste of resources (like Garrisons). I'm assuming that it wouldn't be terrible. But the best thing about housing is that it can be iterated on over time; It doesn't have to be done right now. They can gradually add more and more rewards, it doesn't have to take up a lot of their time right now. Outside of those that push end-game content, the majority of players seem driven by cosmetic collections. I myself am driven by achievements (so, everything), but most achievements lack a reward. Housing, for me, adds an extra layer of incentive and reward to those achievements. If they combine housing with following FF's 1 character for every class model, I'll be in heaven. The game will literally be saved for me.
    Last edited by DechCJC; 2022-04-07 at 10:30 AM.

  20. #80
    I'm interested in player landmarks across the world. Like every zone having 5 spots for which ONE player each can set up a structure that provides them with some perk and will influence what happens in that zone. The landmarks will be contestable each week and with only a few hundred (5 x number of zones) spots, they'll be highly exclusive assets.

    Seems way more interesting than some instanced player ghetto in a capital city that will be deserted before the first patch hits.

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