View Poll Results: What do you think?

508. This poll is closed
  • I like these ideas and I think the Dracthyr need to be changed. Blizzard should do this!

    268 52.76%
  • I think the Dracthyr need to be changed, but I don't agree with the suggestions presented here.

    78 15.35%
  • I like the Dracthyr as they currently are and I don't think changes are needed.

    162 31.89%
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  1. #201
    If all these suggestions in the first post with a lot of customization options would be implemented, i might consider creating one of these dracthyr.

    In their current iteration, they're bad, if not repulsing in my eyes.

    In general, i would have prefered a Dragonsworn concept, where mortals ally with the flights, learning their powers, with humanoid bodies like Deathwing, the other aspects and normal disguises like Onyxia, Nefarian, Krasus and such used. What a wasted opportunity.

  2. #202
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HansOlo View Post
    Did you guys manage to fix the Drakthyr yet?

    I mean, the fixes are in the OP, the ones to put ingame are the devs

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    I mean, the fixes are in the OP, the ones to put ingame are the devs
    Keep working on it. Us as the community will make the Drakthyr great again.

  4. #204
    What do you mean Great "again"? The class/Race isnt even released yet and to be honest it's fine as is for the most part because we haven't seen all of the customisations, you're just upset it isnt another beefy boi and that it can't be another tank class probably.

  5. #205
    This is cute, but this is blizzard. there is about a 0.1% chance they will change anything after the reveal. Other than make things worse :P

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post
    were you presenting these as examples? these are really awful to look at.

  7. #207
    The Lightbringer Skayth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrexia View Post
    What do you mean Great "again"? The class/Race isnt even released yet and to be honest it's fine as is for the most part because we haven't seen all of the customisations, you're just upset it isnt another beefy boi and that it can't be another tank class probably.
    Nah, I just dont like that the male and female models look almost the same with very very minor differences that I needed to shown to be like.... oh they are different. Who woulda thought.

    If I need to strain my eyes, then its bullshit. Big beefcake? Sure why not. It at least makes it so the slender one isnt the only real model. But I actually prefer the one in op post of the black one. Slightly broadened and built up.

  8. #208
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrexia View Post
    What do you mean Great "again"? The class/Race isnt even released yet and to be honest it's fine as is for the most part because we haven't seen all of the customisations, you're just upset it isnt another beefy boi and that it can't be another tank class probably.
    If you mean the post above you, its sarcasm, trying to say the community is making no difference or something

  9. #209

    Anyone playing this might as well have a "kick me" sign taped to their back, but I accept the critique in general.

  10. #210
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post

    Anyone playing this might as well have a "kick me" sign taped to their back, but I accept the critique in general.
    Jesus that's hideous.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    what exactly makes Dwarves an underground race?

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post

    Anyone playing this might as well have a "kick me" sign taped to their back, but I accept the critique in general.
    Nightmare fuel...

  12. #212
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    You people talk like this shit is the epitome of prettiness ayyy

  13. #213
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    You people talk like this shit is the epitome of prettiness ayyy
    Their dragon faces look like this, so their visage faces will be fine.

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post

    Anyone playing this might as well have a "kick me" sign taped to their back, but I accept the critique in general.
    I mean, it's not really any more (or any less) dragon-furry-porn aesthetics than the current ones.

    Honestly fine with it.

    I'm all for giving people options, even weird ones. But those cost money, and Blizzard is a small indie company who can't waste money on cool shit, only on shit necessary to keep people subbed and not one cent more.

  15. #215
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Their dragon faces look like this, so their visage faces will be fine.
    Even their dragon faces is debatable, as those ones look like someone put scales on a damn Giraffe, or crossbreed a Giraffe and a gecko. Don't pretend your opinion is the only one.

    Second, People are talking about the visage form, trying to shit on the pandaren with scales, when everything overall is awful, that woman look like it have a goatee and the male have some serious uncanny valley vibe.

  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by Skayth View Post
    Nah, I just dont like that the male and female models look almost the same with very very minor differences that I needed to shown to be like.... oh they are different. Who woulda thought.

    If I need to strain my eyes, then its bullshit. Big beefcake? Sure why not. It at least makes it so the slender one isnt the only real model. But I actually prefer the one in op post of the black one. Slightly broadened and built up.
    See, that's your problem. The fact is there ISN'T male or female bodies. They're just Dracthyr. The bulkier model is female and male.

  17. #217
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Even their dragon faces is debatable, as those ones look like someone put scales on a damn Giraffe, or crossbreed a Giraffe and a gecko. Don't pretend your opinion is the only one.

    Second, People are talking about the visage form, trying to shit on the pandaren with scales, when everything overall is awful, that woman look like it have a goatee and the male have some serious uncanny valley vibe.
    I'm not going to pass judgement until BETA when we see more finalized faces. Obviously the visage models were still a WIP.

  18. #218
    Quote Originally Posted by Forteofgray View Post
    were you presenting these as examples? these are really awful to look at.
    Yes. Though obviously some look better than others. I'm a big fan of Nebri's design. Seems to fit WoW to a T.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post

    Anyone playing this might as well have a "kick me" sign taped to their back, but I accept the critique in general.
    I mean, imagine telling someone two weeks ago that this could possibly become a thing.

  19. #219
    Pandaren Monk AngerFork's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I'm not going to pass judgement until BETA when we see more finalized faces. Obviously the visage models were still a WIP.
    While I see why you'd hold off on judgement for now, I do feel it's worth pointing out that this is one of the common issues we see every expansion. People see a potential issue, it gets brushed off as "we don't know where it will be, don't pass judgement until beta." We get to beta, the issue is still there, it gets brushed off by others as "it's only beta, wait until launch." Then when it still isn't fixed after launch, people ask why it wasn't brought up earlier. Not that this is where you'll go with the critique, but it has been a common thread on some issues for years now.

    Moreso, I do feel like if there is a time to bring up issues with the model, it's now rather than later. Doing it now, the art team has time to alter the model to still work with their vision while taking feedback into account. It's possible the issues people see with the model won't matter once we actually have it in a playable version as opposed to a small sampling of video/images, but I'm all for people bringing this stuff up now while changes & adjustments can far easier be made & release dates aren't posing an immediate thread.

  20. #220
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngerFork View Post
    While I see why you'd hold off on judgement for now, I do feel it's worth pointing out that this is one of the common issues we see every expansion. People see a potential issue, it gets brushed off as "we don't know where it will be, don't pass judgement until beta." We get to beta, the issue is still there, it gets brushed off by others as "it's only beta, wait until launch." Then when it still isn't fixed after launch, people ask why it wasn't brought up earlier. Not that this is where you'll go with the critique, but it has been a common thread on some issues for years now.

    Moreso, I do feel like if there is a time to bring up issues with the model, it's now rather than later. Doing it now, the art team has time to alter the model to still work with their vision while taking feedback into account. It's possible the issues people see with the model won't matter once we actually have it in a playable version as opposed to a small sampling of video/images, but I'm all for people bringing this stuff up now while changes & adjustments can far easier be made & release dates aren't posing an immediate thread.
    The visage faces are still WIP though. The main issue people are having is that they look “unfinished”, and they look “unfinished” because it’s still a WIP. I do feel that minimal changes like polishing up the visage is mild enough to be handled in beta when we start getting more complete looking models.

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