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I'm mostly addressing the crowd that hates everything about the current design and would never be satisfied by any changes to its proportions whatsoever; ercarp's edit isn't 'roided up at all, you're right. Blizzard just has a tendency to drastically over-correct more often than not, so please forgive me for being skeptical they'd address this sort of feedback with any subtlety.
I mean, I look at that picture and I see lanky arms, a noodle neck and a pretty lizard-y head. I do wish the dracthyr had those iconic outward teeth lining their jaws like the other dragonkin have, but that feels like a small thing in the grand scheme to me. Check out that drake in the model viewer and you'll see how small their waists are too, not to mention the skinny tails. They're nowhere near the bulk of a fully-grown dragon, which is what I'm seeing the loudest people requesting?