View Poll Results: What do you think?

508. This poll is closed
  • I like these ideas and I think the Dracthyr need to be changed. Blizzard should do this!

    268 52.76%
  • I think the Dracthyr need to be changed, but I don't agree with the suggestions presented here.

    78 15.35%
  • I like the Dracthyr as they currently are and I don't think changes are needed.

    162 31.89%
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  1. #1001
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    The absolutely hilarious point to be made, is that the two people arguing that they cannot see it, are the same people with pictures of Dragon Aspects as their profile pictures. It shows that they are blatantly aware of what people (including them) WANTED to play.

    Pretending they can't see how what we're getting doesn't come close to what was wanted is amberheard levels of dishonesty.

    And to make it very clear, Dracthyr are MORE SIMILAR to Argonians than they are SIMILAR to WoW Dragons. They look CLOSER to lizard men from an Elder Scrolls game than they look like the DRAGONS from World of Warcraft.

    But please proceed to cover your eyes and say "No this is fine, I'm ok with this."
    You understand I have played Elder scrolls and I turned my nose up at Argonians, where as I am excited to play a Dracthyr... They are not at all alike and if anything at least it's different the haters are starting to move on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mutineer View Post
    If they gave us quadrupedal drakes instead of upright dracthyr, would you still not be complaining about how lanky, un-dragonlike, and frail they look? Drakes are some pretty spindly dudes. I'm pretty sure we'd have this same thread, except it'd be a 'roided up drake in the OP.
    You speak many truths, whatever Blizz would have done people would have hated on it.

  2. #1002
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    I like the Drac'thyr. But wings aside, they share more in common - aesthetically - with any given generic RPG lizard race (Argonians included) than they do actual dragons. That is fine. To deny this just because some people wield it as a critique instead of an observation is disingenuous.

  3. #1003
    Quote Originally Posted by amberheard View Post
    You understand I have played Elder scrolls and I turned my nose up at Argonians, where as I am excited to play a Dracthyr... They are not at all alike and if anything at least it's different the haters are starting to move on.
    Sure thing amber

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    They literally said that it had to do with size constraints in the developer deep dive.

    The rest is your opinion. I have no interest or desire to sway it one way or another.
    They say alot of things after everyone saw the crap they made and rejected it.

    You not trying to sway opinion? You not caring if people don't like the lizardmen? LOL ok.

  4. #1004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mutineer View Post
    If they gave us quadrupedal drakes instead of upright dracthyr, would you still not be complaining about how lanky, un-dragonlike, and frail they look? Drakes are some pretty spindly dudes. I'm pretty sure we'd have this same thread, except it'd be a 'roided up drake in the OP.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiriastrasza View Post
    You understand I have played Elder scrolls and I turned my nose up at Argonians, where as I am excited to play a Dracthyr... They are not at all alike and if anything at least it's different the haters are starting to move on.

    You speak many truths, whatever Blizz would have done people would have hated on it.
    I'm curious as to where you people live that all but one image in the OP actually looks like they take steroids (there is only 1 image in the OP that actually looks like they're 'roided up)?

  5. #1005
    I wanted them to look like:

    Which I wouldn't personally called 'roided up, but I suppose to each their own.

  6. #1006
    Quote Originally Posted by Calfredd View Post
    I'm curious as to where you people live that all but one image in the OP actually looks like they take steroids (there is only 1 image in the OP that actually looks like they're 'roided up)?
    I'm mostly addressing the crowd that hates everything about the current design and would never be satisfied by any changes to its proportions whatsoever; ercarp's edit isn't 'roided up at all, you're right. Blizzard just has a tendency to drastically over-correct more often than not, so please forgive me for being skeptical they'd address this sort of feedback with any subtlety.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    I wanted them to look like:

    Which I wouldn't personally called 'roided up, but I suppose to each their own.
    I mean, I look at that picture and I see lanky arms, a noodle neck and a pretty lizard-y head. I do wish the dracthyr had those iconic outward teeth lining their jaws like the other dragonkin have, but that feels like a small thing in the grand scheme to me. Check out that drake in the model viewer and you'll see how small their waists are too, not to mention the skinny tails. They're nowhere near the bulk of a fully-grown dragon, which is what I'm seeing the loudest people requesting?

  7. #1007
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mutineer View Post
    I mean, I look at that picture and I see lanky arms, a noodle neck and a pretty lizard-y head. I do wish the dracthyr had those iconic outward teeth lining their jaws like the other dragonkin have, but that feels like a small thing in the grand scheme to me. Check out that drake in the model viewer and you'll see how small their waists are too, not to mention the skinny tails. They're nowhere near the bulk of a fully-grown dragon, which is what I'm seeing the loudest people requesting?
    Pretty much.

    Dracthyr are essentially WoW drakes standing on their hind legs.

  8. #1008
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Pretty much.

    Dracthyr are essentially WoW drakes standing on their hind legs.
    Ok amber

    What everyone else is thinking

  9. #1009
    In 10.1 Dracthyr are going to be Tinkers

  10. #1010
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    Ok amber

    What everyone else is thinking

    Throwback to when images of the race were leaked and people thought it was fake/from a furry private server.
    I don’t remember seeing a single post being like “wow so cool new race”
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  11. #1011
    Pandaren Monk cocomen2's Avatar
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    real dragon vs furry suit
    Please, there a perfect example of hypocritical thinking:
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If Tinkers had anything to do with Hunters, but they don’t. Unlike Bards which are linked to Rogues.

  12. #1012
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Throwback to when images of the race were leaked and people thought it was fake/from a furry private server.
    I don’t remember seeing a single post being like “wow so cool new race”
    And that first picture comparing what you ordered and what you got...... the two "dragons" are very "similar" for Teriz.

    They both have an upright posture and basically the same structure. One just looks like a DRAGON..... and the other one is going to be a playable race in WoW next year.

    They could have made these Dracthyr so much better (and here's hoping they will work on them ALA Sonic style) and get them in a fashion where you can highly customize what you want, but what they've shown us so far is very, very poor.

  13. #1013
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    Ok amber

    What everyone else is thinking

    LoL! Can you post any picture from the Warcraft franchise where a dragon is super muscular and has bulging pectoral muscles? If you thought that was what you were getting, you were delusional.

    Also that image of the dracthyr is heavily distorted.

  14. #1014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mutineer View Post
    I'm mostly addressing the crowd that hates everything about the current design and would never be satisfied by any changes to its proportions whatsoever; ercarp's edit isn't 'roided up at all, you're right. Blizzard just has a tendency to drastically over-correct more often than not, so please forgive me for being skeptical they'd address this sort of feedback with any subtlety.

    I mean, I look at that picture and I see lanky arms, a noodle neck and a pretty lizard-y head. I do wish the dracthyr had those iconic outward teeth lining their jaws like the other dragonkin have, but that feels like a small thing in the grand scheme to me. Check out that drake in the model viewer and you'll see how small their waists are too, not to mention the skinny tails. They're nowhere near the bulk of a fully-grown dragon, which is what I'm seeing the loudest people requesting?
    You may be onto something. When you look at them, Drakthyr are missing the bestial and rough aspects of a dragon. Their model doesn't look bad, but fangs are nowhere to be seen, their colors and expressions are weirdly soft. Everything about them looks kind of neat and tidy for a dragon. It's the details, same thing that happened with Tauren after model update (going from fierce and stoic expression to a softer and kind of a derpy looking one).

  15. #1015
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    Ok amber

    What everyone else is thinking

    You've distorted the second image, this is a pathetic attempt at trolling.

  16. #1016
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theangryone View Post
    In 10.1 Dracthyr are going to be Tinkers
    In the Undermine patch with the robot dragons, I can see it.
    Secret third spec confirmed?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Okacz View Post
    You may be onto something. When you look at them, Drakthyr are missing the bestial and rough aspects of a dragon. Their model doesn't look bad, but fangs are nowhere to be seen, their colors and expressions are weirdly soft. Everything about them looks kind of neat and tidy for a dragon. It's the details, same thing that happened with Tauren after model update (going from fierce and stoic expression to a softer and kind of a derpy looking one).
    To be fair they'd probably look even weirder being all bestial while still being nothing but scales and bone.

    But it is weird how every draconic humanoid in lore so far has at least somewhat of a decent build... Except the ones created to be the 'perfect soldiers'.
    Last edited by Nightshade711; 2022-06-07 at 07:59 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  17. #1017
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    The freaking pet looks better and mroe draconic than this actual playable race, just let that sink in, how garbage it is.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    Ok amber

    What everyone else is thinking

    Thats exactly, right there.

    One clearly is made for world of warcraft, the other is for twitter people

  18. #1018
    When I saw the topic my first was, geez relax, but after actually reading it I totally agree with you. Really nice post sir!

  19. #1019
    Light comes from darkness shise's Avatar
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    You need to understand one thing:

    Current devs don´t want them to have a sex, they have to be gender neutral because they are trying hard to impose their views and beliefs on the game, instead of letting it be a perfectly neutral game like it has always been.

    With that in mind, I don´t expect any cool update to make them more masculine and rough or more subtle and femenine. Be glad Alexstrasza has some sort of femenine identity at all.

  20. #1020
    Quote Originally Posted by VinceVega View Post
    Oh ffs. Get out of your youtube bubble.
    Why would they have female and male charactaristics? They are freaking lizards. Those don't have that distinct differences between the genders. Dragons don't either.
    VIsage form is juts magic and not their true form. They chooses their shapeshift form freely. Like Chromie did.

    But everything HAS to be the evil leftists.... good god...
    some go way to deep into the conspiracy hole for sure. allthought i do say it would be nice with 3 options, male, female and neutral (after all, all other races do have male and female being quite distinguished). im still gonna play one nontheless but i dont see why it would hurt to have the options. i think what bothers me the most is how restricted dracthyrs are when it comes to armor, i get that they cant wear a cape for obvious reasons but outside of that it would be nice with being able to wear a full set.

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