I like these ideas and I think the Dracthyr need to be changed. Blizzard should do this!
I think the Dracthyr need to be changed, but I don't agree with the suggestions presented here.
I like the Dracthyr as they currently are and I don't think changes are needed.
30% of this mmo-champion's very poll are fine with it. An unknown amount of players is satisfied with the Twink Dracthyr and are even commenting it. Another amount of players are unsatisfied and are doing the correct thing: they won't buy dragonflight. No dev will design a game to please fucking reddit.
This shit is Pandaren all over again. It will launch, you will buy and play the game, everything will remain the same.
But twink Dractyhr > the bara scally abominations incessantly proposed in this thread.
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there's this too.
Closer to ~174 people that want to see a change in the poll. Just some of the people that want a change don’t agree with what’s been proposed in the thread.
Not to mention all over the official forums/Reddit.
I don’t really see much actual praise for the Dracthyr outside of Teriz and maybe a select few others.
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But either way y’all can’t seem to understand that we all want options.
Y’all can keep the super skinny twink Dracthyr, but we all know what the majority will play if they add bulkier/actual draconic options.
Blizzard even understands the community dislike of them, which is why they had to say “there are bulkier body options that we haven’t shown yet we’ll show them in a Dracthyr preview.”
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/ne...t-the-dracthyr Just in fucking time.
Everyone has seen the Deviantart edits posted on reddit and twitter, we all agree that they please the scallies already which is why they are way inferior to twink dracthyrs.
Also, this is a traditional WoW dragon - the Drake.
Notice how it looks like a winged gecko, head almost like a fish. No chin. Now look at the Dracthyr. Back to the winged gecko. Then to the soon-to-be-playable winged gecko. We are getting lore-accurate humanoid dragons. You dislike it because you are unfamiliar with the game, which is of course normal for someone who hasn't played the game in ages yet still criticizes it.
Once Dragonflight launches, you will buy it anyway, supporting Blizzard and a design you dislike. Then you'll keep complaining on forums. Then 11.0 will be announced and you'll buy it again, while the rest of us play around with Soythyr.
In the official preview they included this little video showing 4 body options - one is plumpy, like y'all bara fanatics want. Anymore and it would be a fridge.
Last edited by A Chozo; 2022-07-11 at 05:11 PM.
I'm quit curious as well, but they definitely look like a step up from before.
the race still looks scrawny and wimpy which is odd for a dragon/humanoid hybrid.
dragons in warcraft are buff, humanoids in warcraft are buff but for some reason the hybrid looks malnourished.
heads look nice but the "wing toe" is absolutely horrible, dearly hope there is an option to hide that or have some armor cover it.
overall still feels and looks more like a fan project and less like a multi-billion dollar corporation is putting real effort into it.
Sure mate let's use adult Dragons like Tarecgosa then
Again, go look at the game before you spout your headcanon here. Dragons with big jaws like Deathwing are a big exception, not the rule. They have always been fish-faced, hence the fish-faced Dracthyr.
Deal with it, I've wasted enough time with you.
Welp you constant complainers can stop crying now you got your buff Bods to fawn over, I am seriously impressed with the Dracthyr even more so.