I like these ideas and I think the Dracthyr need to be changed. Blizzard should do this!
I think the Dracthyr need to be changed, but I don't agree with the suggestions presented here.
I like the Dracthyr as they currently are and I don't think changes are needed.
You linked:
-Dragon with fake jaw;
-Dragon with soy-powered jaw that makes Dracthyr's head look like The Crimson Chin;
-Goofy Azshara Dragon;
-The only actual valid example: Kalecgos' new model, which has a jaw with the same proportion of many already previewed by Blizzard.
I'm not sure what's the deal with people who think the Dracthyr's faces aren't bulky enough. There were lots of bulky examples on the preview, just like Kalecgos' head, but adjusted for a humanoid dragon.
With their slender flying spellcaster's body, anything bigger than a Kalecgos-like head would be ridiculous.
We finally get both a race and a class catered towards us in the lgbtqia+ community and the first thing you want to do is take it away from us. Pretty disgusting TBH.
It would’ve been nice to have some head options that have visible fangs, like almost every dragon in the game.
- - - Updated - - -
Idk man, it’s not restricting any of these options to a specific gender.
I’d think that having masculine/feminine options regardless of gender would make the LGBT+ community happy.
I saw on Wowhead this update of models and varieties of heads.
I know there are a lot of players who like more "plush" style. I don't intend to play a Drakthyr. So I don't care if things get terrible...
Just posting this here as it seems to me that the feedback about the wider necks has been heard.
Already pointy chins like OP suggested the Blizz gang must disagree.
For me this is comical (zero% menacing):
I like something like this better:
Last edited by Fantazma; 2022-07-12 at 07:25 PM.
Dracthyr heads are absolutely in the WarCraft aesthetic - more specifically, the modern stuff like Wrathion.
No one wants their heads to look like traditional WoW dragon heads. They are atrocious.
Left is traditional. Absolutely godawful. Right is modern, and way better, which is why the Dracthyr follow it more closely. Both are warcraft.
At least play the game before making weird comments about the WarCraft aesthetic, because you just painted yourself as clueless in regards to the WoW aesthetics.
I see a lot of resemblance between the posted images. And very little resemblance between modern Wrathion and the Drac'thyr. Look at the primordial ferocity of his design and tell me with a straight face you see the same in Drac'thyr.
Dracthyr heads look like they were made by camel fan, they smiling and ready to spit.
Same energy,15* looks like 1:1 Zebra costume.
Just remade them from 0, bulky torso + deathwing head = it's not gonna fail you.
Just dropping by to give my two cents on the recent blog post on Dracthyr customization.
- It's a good start, but it's not enough. They're just adding muscle mass on top of the current frame, which doesn't change the silhouette all that much when viewed from a distance (especially when wearing "armor"). It's a good surface detail, but it's not changing the model in a meaningful way. Their frames remain small with narrow shoulders. This is not bulk.
- They need to make their heads bigger and lower their necks because quite frankly the tiny-faced lizards look ridiculous. Especially when you use the customization options that increase muscle mass.
- Giving us pre-designed armor sets that only Dracthyr can wear is still extremely disappointing and I'm not quite sure who's getting excited about this. If you're going to give me a new race, I expect to be able to wear my armor while playing said new race. Worgen can wear armor, so why can't Dracthyr? There's no excuse besides laziness and/or poor direction from the devs.
- Still waiting on info for more humanoid form options.
Last edited by ercarp; 2022-07-14 at 03:22 AM.
Since this thread is about dracthyr appearance I'll talk about this in here.
Now that alpha is out and it is possible to see how armor actually looks like, I feel rather disapointed. You can't even mount in dracthyr form.
The armor you can put on in character creation (and I assume can change in barber) is very limited compared to actual selection of armors. I have seen some screenshots of these character creation armors and only one of them looks good. Basically it seems to me that this single armor is the only good set evokers can wear. That is unless the dragonflight content offers extra armors you can select or wear that looks good. It is still extremely limited.
Dracthyr looked fine enough and seems fine otherwise, but to basically separate it from the ability to transmog properly seems like big mistake.
I hope this will be fixed somehow.
Last edited by Morae; 2022-07-14 at 08:25 PM.
These gorgeous edits by Alissera on Twitter are flying under the radar and deserve way more attention so I'm cross-posting them here.
More Races for Dracthyr Visage Form by Alissera on Twitter
Male Trolls
Female Trolls
Male Night Elves
Female Night Elves
Female Blood Elves
Male Human
Male Human (less jewelry)
Male Tauren
Last edited by ercarp; 2022-07-19 at 08:06 PM.