I like these ideas and I think the Dracthyr need to be changed. Blizzard should do this!
I think the Dracthyr need to be changed, but I don't agree with the suggestions presented here.
I like the Dracthyr as they currently are and I don't think changes are needed.
I could see the Visage model getting expanded in the future. Probably a few races at a time over the course of a few expansions.
You know – now it's struck my fancy – that the Drakthyr could've also been made more interesting if they played up the mutated element of them. A body horror-based race would surely be something new that hasn't really been added since the Forsaken.
This particular design is fairly hideous, but it's reflective of a race in early development for Cataclysm (note that it could have been this rather ugly and generic thing, but I digress) that probably informed the Drakthyr. I find them to be a much cooler race because it plays up the element that they are an artificial race—they don't need to be ugly, but the artificiality could've been played up—give them an affinity for alchemy, for instance! They are already characterized as "curious", and that could've been played up. In this regard, they wouldn't even need to be strictly deformed, but it could've drawn the artificiality more into play.
If they were to go for the full body horror idea, like I proposed earlier, that could've also brought into play all sorts of unique abilities that wouldn't even need to be strictly Dragon-focused—alchemical or mutative in nature.
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This is very likely impossible—they're designed like NPC models, I think, so they're likely not even rigged for real armor.
One thing that I do like about this is it makes races like, say, Nerubians easier to design. While it makes for a disappointing race now, it may open the door for cool and new possibilities.
They should be changed.
Actually make a dragonrace and get lost with the whole humanoid form and copy paste other races.
Base model should be: (an actually dragon human mix)
And when they transform they should actually become a dragon like:
I don't get it. Why would anyone want a big bulky dragon when they're gonna be healing with their dream powers?
Honestly, I wouldn't...
First one doesn't look like a dragon to me. To human like proportions and more of a turtle face.
Never liked the bottom dragons in WoW. It's why I never use dragon mounts, the animations are wack and fighting as one of those would be kind of meh...
Different folk different strokes.
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I completely agree with most of the points here. The current Dracthyr is quite underwhelming and goofy looking. Makes me wonder why they wanted to reinvent the wheel, when updated models of the dragon aspects, which in my opinion look damn near perfection, exist in the game. If you've seen any alpha footage, the 'actual' NPC dracthyrs also look incredible - and when Blizzard didn't want us to use transmog on our playable Dracthyrs, couldn't they just have given us a model closer to that of the NPCs, which actually look more draconic than our toy-store version?
Ponder, ponder.
I've been diving into the Dracthyr info since I have a bit of time and I have to echo what a lot of people have been saying: I want bulkier and different body options. Emphasis on options - which other people still apparently are happy to dismiss because having options is a bad thing? I think some of that just comes from a fear that they'll have to see the options used on other people's characters but... I could be wrong, if there's some other reason for opposing options.
Yes, I want a bulkier option. I understand people who are tired of and want a not-muscle race option. I’m not, heh. The fact they have given options here, I have to wonder who thought “slightly more slender” and “slightly bulkier” would go over well with the general populous.
A better philosophy (in my opinion) would have been, “We’re going to give people options, and we know some will want muscle mass and others will want lithe. So let’s give them both, with a spectrum in between.”
I guarantee you, if they had gone in with and designed around that, you would not hear nearly so many dissenting opinions. Yes, you’d still have the outlier who wants to take it further, and maybe there would still be tweaks to be made, but far more of the player base would have been fine with them, because the majority would have their personal tastes covered.
The biggest put-down I've heard in response to having bulkier choices was "It doesn't make sense for a caster." And frankly I find that reason very wanting. Whether or not someone primarily uses magic has nothing to do with their personal exercise routine. Not all magic users are necessarily scrawny geeks in the same way that not all gamers hate the gym. If you're going to make a big deal about giving 'body options,' make sure they're actual body options that cover a larger span of your expected demographic's tastes.
That and... would one really need to list every buff race that can also be casters? What doesn't make sense to me is limiting the options rather than providing more variety for the core and most visible trait that defines a character.
And I absolutely adore those alternate race visage forms. I am all for those.
um kyrian need ability to fly like dracthyr with beautiful angelic wings.
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I'm kind of astonished that Blizzard did not go with this for the drakthyr to be honest. The dragon form would not even need to be huge, just make them the same size as druid transformations. It would have been a very easy win, and it would even tempt me to return to the game. I don't understand how they keep having so many near misses.
Signed up to comment, and offer my two cents. Be gentle, alright? I can agree with some of these ideas (there was a mockup that looked amazing, kudos to that person. All the edits i've seen in this thread look stellar!) But if you're going to cater to furries, you might as well give them options for days. They'll STILL run out of options though lol.
The below list is everything I could think of, within reason. Nothing like making a quadruped skeleton and turning them into actual dragons, though. As I understand that's an engine limitation, but you're free to correct me if it's not and they just "don't wanna because screen space." And i'm coming from Istaria, which DOES have playable dragons. Screen space isn't an issue if you do it right, and last time I checked you can just... Zoom your camera out?
- Fix the head size. 100% agree with that one.
- Why is the best they could give us only about fifteen or so colors? That's disappointing.
- Head shapes are redundant. Raptor and Whelp are just so similar. So someone wants to tell me they'll include borderline identical head shapes, but not the shapes people want? Sad.
- The armor selection for Drac'thyr's dragon form is... pointless. If it's only visual I think I'll pass. All the combinations are ugly anyways.
- Bulk is good. But why is the head SO SMALL?
Modders to the rescue, I suppose.