Shadowlands was the xpac for big, beefy, thuglike characters. Dragonflight is for high fantasy. I'd rather they not beef up the dragons. What they are doing is correct.
I like these ideas and I think the Dracthyr need to be changed. Blizzard should do this!
I think the Dracthyr need to be changed, but I don't agree with the suggestions presented here.
I like the Dracthyr as they currently are and I don't think changes are needed.
Shadowlands was the xpac for big, beefy, thuglike characters. Dragonflight is for high fantasy. I'd rather they not beef up the dragons. What they are doing is correct.
I dont think we know the rate of customization.
However if we had bulier alternate it would have to be females.
One of the worst thing about warcraft is the messed up sexual dimorphism. Lizards means big women and small men.
I for one am excited about how queer coded the humanoid forms are. U basically have headdresses, body glitter and hair dye as well as jewelry
- - - Updated - - -
Regardless its rude as hell to "your art needs to be FIXED"
Romance doesnt detract from a story. Its a Genre, like horror or comedy or adventure. The game was ruined when we got Horror in drustvar or nazmir. It wasnt ruined when we had funny quests. So if you think a little man on man love ruins the game, then yes you are either a homophobe or just a spoil sport that goes "ewww kissing is yucky" like a baby. Furthermore, if a character has never expressed interest in any gender, then its not proof they are straight. straight people are not the default
At first I thought that the Drakthyr could use changes similar to the ones in the OP. But then I decided to look at the current drake models, and you know what? The Drakthyr are perfectly in line with how a WoW drake would look if it were bipedal, which I think that was clearly the intention. Even the thin waist is because their legs are moved down, on a regular drake the legs are close to the body and mostly keep the drake's overall body width the same rather than make it bulkier.
@ercarp Very good edit suggestions! I hope they take community feedback to heart.
shit, didn't expect good suggestion from community, you should apply for a job
Great ideas. I agree with eveything suggested.
If they can do two, maybe three races for Alliance and Horde appearances, I'll be a lot happier with them (like male/female human, male/female gnome, male/female night elf and male/female blood elf, male/female orc, male/female tauren). If they can add armor to the dragon form, I'll be pretty fine with everything overall.
I think a lot of the color combinations they've shown off really, really clash. They should make sure to add more combinations that are fairly neutral and can be mixed with different things. The dark skin + neon green hair + bright blue scales one was particularly bad...
I'd also be okay with them being bulked up a bit, appearance-wise. They do seem kind of wimpy for a "soldier race".
I actually really like the added options for masculine features that they put in this image.
I totally get wanting a genderless race, but your body "type" (male or female reproductive organs) doesn't need to dictate whether you're slender and feminine looking or more masculine looking in appearance.
Allowing people to decide if they want to make a masculine dragon, a feminine dragon, or something completely in the middle should be a player choice as part of the customization options given IMO.