1. #2041
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I've seen content creators who are backing up twitter content in other platforms
    Dr. Chuck Tingle left the devils on Twitter and now trots across all timelines to show Love is Real on Tumblr.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  2. #2042
    Not sure the big deal about Trump being back. That liz whatever her name, just posted shit for trump anyways the entire time he was banned right up until Trump created his own safespace, and why would he leave that, when he can rant whatever and not have to ever deal with anyone telling him no, which he doesn't handle well. My guess Trump doesn't come back out of spite with his falling out with Elon during the summer.

  3. #2043
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I mean, he let Twitter users vote on what they wanted, how accurate that is idk. Regardless, Trump will just post some stupid shit over and over, like he’s always done, and will continue to shoot himself in the foot. It’s not that bad in the long-run so we can laugh at him.
    How accurate is it? It was a poll run by Elon Musk Twitter account (going to have more right-wingers following) that got a grand total of 15million votes out of 250million+ active daily users where people had like 1 day to vote.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What's hilarious was seeing all the right-wing cucks talking about how Twitter fired all these people and Twitter is still running and how useful were those people even..

    Mother fuckers, every time I click on a tweet, no matter who the account is, I get an error screen "Tweet is unavailable"

    The shit begins slowly like that and will spread until Twitter just ceases to be functional. With the massive turnover and the fact people won't be getting paid come December? I will be shocked if Twitter isn't filing for Bankruptcy in January.

  4. #2044
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    , how accurate that is idk
    70+% of Elon's followers are bots.

    I'll let you figure out how accurate an internet poll can be with that information in mind.

  5. #2045
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Content it might be, but it won't bring back advertisers.
    I mean I hope, but it drives activity which is the bottom line to advertisers. Listen I'm a cynic when it comes to corporatism, and they will just look at eyes.

    As my most important statement is Trump used the platform as insurrectionist.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    doubt trump will bend the knee to elon anyway
    Umm? It's about ego and narcissism. Trump still has 70 million followers I read. Truth is shit and even Trump knows it. Trump really does love Twitter and knows what it did for him It's his nice favorite warm meal or soup, too hard to kick.

    Some will say he is contractually obligated to Truth to post there and I think can post 3 or 7 hours later. Pffft! Trump honoring contracts and burning down a business for his ego. Do we have to argue this. Trump put his name and maybe some money in Truth, he can burn it down and fight long enough that he will never be hurt by Truth. Unlike an idiot who leveraged himself for a real $44 billion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Sure, it’s probably skewed. Still, I just don’t think the sky will be falling if Trump returns. The guy is a complete joke… let him make a joke of himself in front of more people.
    My goodness! Trump used the platform to discredit our election process, calling the election a fraud, which while not all had 70 million voters plus whoever believe this. He then, You Know used the platform to incite a insurrection.

    I'm sorry but this is really what bothers me and reading on Twitter today. People saying "just block him", don't follow, etc. It's not about this person shit posting, it's he has very much a political and movement backing behind him. I call it Fascism, but whatever you call it if this guy speaks he excites the masses. Those masses then could possible move to violence and disruption of our government.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  6. #2046
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    Umm? It's about ego and narcissism. Trump still has 70 million followers I read. Truth is shit and even Trump knows it. Trump really does love Twitter and knows what it did for him It's his nice favorite warm meal or soup, too hard to kick.

    A couple years ago I'd agree with this line of thought. Because a couple years ago, he was addicted as much as Elon is addicted. Years ago he couldn't go more then a couple hours between his fix. Yes, truth is shit, Yes, trump knows it's shit. The key is that Trump also knows Twitter is shit and may or may not even last as long as Truth at this rate, plus he get's the same dopamine hit on truth that he does on twitter. Hell it might even be a bigger dopamine hit on truth since his ego is fully massaged there. Plus a couple years ago, he couldn't go half a day away from twitter like he has the last half day. This was just another completely failed twitter move by Elon that accomplished nothing good for him.

  7. #2047
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    I mean I hope, but it drives activity which is the bottom line to advertisers. Listen I'm a cynic when it comes to corporatism, and they will just look at eyes.

    As my most important statement is Trump used the platform as insurrectionist.
    There is a reason advertisers avoid the dark corners of the internet even those that are active. It doesn't take much to tank a brand especially if you end up right next to some neo nazi or pedo post online. The current state of twitter it wouldn't take much for something like that to happen, it's too much of a risk besides other social media platform will give them more bang for their buck without the ticking time bomb.

  8. #2048
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Sure, it’s probably skewed. Still, I just don’t think the sky will be falling if Trump returns. The guy is a complete joke… let him make a joke of himself in front of more people.
    It might have mattered more back when everyone assumed Twitter was going to function mostly as usual under his ownership. But now that Elon lit the entire platform on fire, it's just icing on the shit cake.
    Last edited by s_bushido; 2022-11-20 at 05:11 PM.

  9. #2049
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Sure, it’s probably skewed. Still, I just don’t think the sky will be falling if Trump returns. The guy is a complete joke… let him make a joke of himself in front of more people.
    Twitter only helped Trump the entire time he was campaigning and ruling. I don't think it's wise to just brush off what his renewed access impact will be.

  10. #2050
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Twitter only helped Trump the entire time he was campaigning and ruling. I don't think it's wise to just brush off what his renewed access impact will be.
    Helping Trump against the GOP establishment sounds like a win to me. He has lost THREE elections for the GOP, let Twitter help him lost a fourth one.

  11. #2051
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Helping Trump against the GOP establishment sounds like a win to me. He has lost THREE elections for the GOP, let Twitter help him lost a fourth one.
    ...good fucking point. Going all the way to the other side of that thought, what if Twitter help Trump initiate a 3rd party campaign....

  12. #2052
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    ...good fucking point. Going all the way to the other side of that thought, what if Twitter help Trump initiate a 3rd party campaign....
    Of course we are all assuming twitter will survive that long, I mean it's only been what two weeks? who knew so much chaos could ensue in such a short time. It's true what they say much easier to break something than to build it.

  13. #2053
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Helping Trump against the GOP establishment sounds like a win to me. He has lost THREE elections for the GOP, let Twitter help him lost a fourth one.
    This is all fun and games until we have a repeat of his initial election or the brexit vote. It's also not like he lost overwhelmingly either.
    I'd rather I don't have to fear for the future of the western world every 2/4 years and everything that increases the odds in my favor is more than welcome.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  14. #2054
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Sure, it’s probably skewed. Still, I just don’t think the sky will be falling if Trump returns. The guy is a complete joke… let him make a joke of himself in front of more people.
    Have you not been paying attention? That joke is still able to incite violence....

  15. #2055
    Quote Originally Posted by tikcol View Post
    Twitter is getting fun again
    I give it less than 6 weeks before it breaks, and no one can fix it, since they are down to less than 500 workers now.

  16. #2056
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    The guy got banned and had cronies tweeting for him, and still does, despite making his own social media platform. He can incite violence without having a Twitter account. He hasn’t been kept at bay, by any means.
    Here's a thought. Let's not give that fucker MORE platforms to cause trouble with.

  17. #2057
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I've seen content creators who are backing up twitter content in other platforms
    Because they know that Twitter is going to be gone soon.

  18. #2058
    I love that almost everyone either left or got fired and the company is still doing fine.

    Tech jobs are worthless

  19. #2059
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    I love that almost everyone either left or got fired and the company is still doing fine.

    Tech jobs are worthless
    I believe that this forum should follow Twitter and also require that parody posts are clearly labelled :-)

    And, yes, there are reported outages.

  20. #2060
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    The guy got banned and had cronies tweeting for him, and still does, despite making his own social media platform. He can incite violence without having a Twitter account. He hasn’t been kept at bay, by any means.
    Where are you coming up with this? When Trump was banned election misinformation decreased significantly.

    Link below and I posted this back in Trump thread likely in 2021.


    Nobody is spreading his Truth social posts. In fact only time I see them are from journalist or someone discrediting.

    I don't know why you are dying on this hill.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

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