1. #2101
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Twitter US is on life support expansions at this point are not imaginable unless he does a 180 and starts hiring like crazy. The stuff going with twitter in the US would have gotten him shut down in the EU and other regions.
    How much do you care to bet that the people offered "their jobs" back lose all seniority and such?
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  2. #2102

    Rofl, and Elon is simping in the comments section of pardoned felon Dinesh D'Souza, too.

    Elon is truly the most basic, vanilla of right-ring reactionaries now. He did something stupid and there are consequences? Not his fault, it's "leftists"!

    And what for nothing, Tesla stock is now worth just over half as much as it was worth in mid-April when Elon "offered" to buy Twitter.

    Truly, the man remains an entrepreneurial genius.

  3. #2103
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    How much do you care to bet that the people offered "their jobs" back lose all seniority and such?
    Assuming they want to come back. There are tons of tech job openings out there. Around 6,000 tech and biotech jobs were cut in the Bay Area. However, San Francisco has 10,247 tech job postings. San Jose has 7,527 tech job postings. Lots of new startups. Lots of startups looking for talents.

  4. #2104
    Quote Originally Posted by D Luniz View Post
    no one capable is going to willfully step into that shitshow
    In fairness, I would have thought that about being Donald Trumps Lawyer - and yet they keep working for him.

  5. #2105
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaransan View Post
    In fairness, I would have thought that about being Donald Trumps Lawyer - and yet they keep working for him.
    I think IT attracts different people than law, where I'm not even sure if they qualify as such. There will still be people like his fanboys that want to work there or people that just have to because of their visa and shit like that.

    Btw, around German news sites the number that is floated for current Twatter employees is 2k still.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  6. #2106

  7. #2107
    so does SBF own a chunk of twitter or what?

  8. #2108
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaransan View Post
    In fairness, I would have thought that about being Donald Trumps Lawyer - and yet they keep working for him.
    Some lawyers will take high profile clients just for publicity, which will help them get more clients.

    I don't know that any coder wants to work in a burning building for a megalomaniac asshole boss just to put it on their resume.

  9. #2109
    Herald of the Titans
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    More or less. Twitter's internal search engine is very weak, and basically you can use it to find something if you know exactly what you're looking for and where to look before you start.

  10. #2110

  11. #2111
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaransan View Post
    In fairness, I would have thought that about being Donald Trumps Lawyer - and yet they keep working for him.
    but would you say the lawyers he's been getting are "capable"

    lawyers that know how to handle that sort of case
    or are they the IRL equivalent of Lionel Hutz.

    and as another poster said, in those cases, they are banking on the high profile clients boosting their practice

    coding and engineering doesn't get that much advantage for working for famous places
    Last edited by D Luniz; 2022-11-23 at 11:11 AM.
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
    Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
    Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.

  12. #2112
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    How much do you care to bet that the people offered "their jobs" back lose all seniority and such?
    Doubt they would go for it given how low IT unemployment is.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaransan View Post
    In fairness, I would have thought that about being Donald Trumps Lawyer - and yet they keep working for him.
    Have you seen his lawyers? you wouldn't trust these guys to be in a ambulance case. Most of the lawyers he has are terrible bottom of the pit lawyers some with zero experience in the cases they are representing him. If that is the comparison then Twitter will get the equivalent of the IT guy who just got his Microsoft certification and wanted to intern.

  13. #2113
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Long story short. She resigned when Musk took over. Musk begged her not to resign. She unresigned. She refused to cut the headcount of Twitter's ad sales team that was already depleted. He fired her.
    Don't know about California labour law, but around here she'd get a better deal by getting fired than by resigning. Especially as no one would hold being fired against her in such a high-profile trainwreck.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    I don't use Twitter, and all of these are foreign to me. So, to search for a subject/post on Twitter, instead of using Twitter's internal search engine, Twitter users prefer to use Google?
    Google comes default in browser address bars. That is already an argument for using it. Just like IE being default was enough.

  14. #2114
    Appreciate the clarification. Back to the slow moving trainwreck.

    Fifty of the top 100 Twitter advertisers have stopped advertising on Twitter. Seven more have reduced their ad stream to near zero.

    According to our financial adviser at First Republic, the bank has stopped advertising on Twitter also.

  15. #2115
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Appreciate the clarification. Back to the slow moving trainwreck.

    Fifty of the top 100 Twitter advertisers have stopped advertising on Twitter. Seven more have reduced their ad stream to near zero.

    According to our financial adviser at First Republic, the bank has stopped advertising on Twitter also.
    This is all the work of a secret cabal of activists, apparently.

    And not for-profit companies in a capitalist system behaving exactly like for-profit companies in a capitalist system.

    Watch Elon go further and further down the right wing rabbit hole, which includes making up your own reality, is kinda deeply entertaining but also a bit concerning given his influence and wealth. He's gonna need to sell a lot of Twitter checkmark subs to make that money back. What color is he going to make the paid one? Since I guess it took a few weeks to innovate a different color so that his "Twitter Blue" (name probably to be changed given the color change) wouldn't defeat the entire purpose of the verification system to begin with.

    He remains a master entrepeneur and innovator.

  16. #2116
    Apartheid says what?

    In short I just want to say Elon deleted this. I don't know why he had to tweet this and it bothered him so much about some shirts from 8 years ago now.

    He then believes he needs to engage people.

    Engaging Andy Ngo. Listen I have thoughts on Ferguson, but not the thread and don't derail. My post here is about a CEO of social media dipping himself into something that he should have just let go.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2022-11-23 at 06:52 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  17. #2117
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Engaging Andy Ngo. Listen I have thoughts on Ferguson, but not the thread and don't derail. My post here is about a CEO of social media dipping himself into something that he should have just let go.
    Lol, the loser that thought vegan milkshakes were actually quick-dry cement and/or biological weapons.

    Also the guy that has routinely ingratiated himself with white nationalist groups and been directly involved in instigating assaults.

    Seriously, Elon's out there in true Republican fantasyland, just making up his own reality. This is why advertisers are fleeing, and this is also why he's blaming their flight on some secret cabal of activists that somehow holds sway over major multinational corporations (fuckin lol). Because he's god damned Elon and he's always right and never wrong and never makes mistakes so if advertisers are fleeing it's clearly SOMEONE ELSE who is to blame and not his ass.

    I do hope people regularly remind him that he is still, and will always be a disappointment to his father. A guy who fucked his step-granddaughter because the whole family are a bunch of freaks apparently.

  18. #2118
    of course bitch baby rich boy and son and inheritor of apartheid emerald mine slaver money says racist police violence doesn't exist
    "It's 2013 and I still view the internet on a 560x192 resolution monitor!"

  19. #2119
    Brewmaster diller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Hanging Fruit View Post
    I mean... I think a dead Twitter is a better Twitter and I would have said that before Elon but now I actively hope it happens.
    Why?, twitter is useful for a lot of people, the wast majority of users aren't using it for politics.

  20. #2120
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diller View Post
    Why?, twitter is useful for a lot of people, the wast majority of users aren't using it for politics.
    There's basically nothing particularly unique about Twitter that couldn't be immediately replaced by a competitor, other than the audience it currently (or at least, prior to all this) commands. It could be replaced by a competitor in a week and it would change nearly nothing about society, other than people having to change the link to their Twitter to a link to their Mastodon or Bluesky or whatever. I don't actually think Mastodon's that great an alternative because it's too high a bar to entry (not that the bar is high, but it needs to be low enough that idiots can figure it out to get popular enough), but that's not really a "feature".

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