1. #2261
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    So all this shit of Elon saying Twitter should be non partisan?

    Yeah, he just got up on twitter live last night to admit that he bought twitter to help Trump and the GQP.


    All because he believes Twitter helped Biden win in 2020.

    He's also getting a pretty big head.

    Elmo's giant waste of money, his flagrant disregard for the "values" he preached like free speech, legalization of humor, political neutrality, was all in a bid to control the narrative of the country and steer it to the right. Why do people think he fired pretty much every overseas Twitter employee and keeps a skeleton crew in the US to keep things running? There doesn't seem to be a plan or even desire for Twitter's long term success, just stopping the bleeding so he can keep the propaganda machine running as long as possible.

    Elmo's posts are now basically at the top of everyone's feed, and fellow Twitter users in the left who had zero interest in tags related to conservative conspiracies are now seeing pretty much every right wing talking point on their feed even if they don't have such interests.

    The fact that Elmo is turning Twitter into his right wing propaganda machine just tells us all we need to know about how long Twitter is going to last. RIP all of the artists and other professionals who built an audience on the platform. I salute all who are about to lose so much of their audience because a narcissistic billionaire wants to affect global discourse towards what he believes.


    Quote Originally Posted by dave karpf
    The thing to understand about the Hunter Biden laptop story was that it was SUPPOSED to be the Trump campaign’s “October Surprise.”

    Mainstream media and social media were supposed to take the bait and focus on the appearance of scandal for the last weeks of the election.

    They didn’t take the bait. The New York Post story was shunned. Social media platforms treated it as manufactured propaganda with questionable sourcing.

    And conservative elites have been PISSED ever since.

    They’re supposed to be these brilliant media manipulators.

    Roger Stone and Steve Bannon and the rest of the Pepe Patrol pretend at being these incredibly sophisticated actors, injecting precision memes to bend the public will.

    But they’re actual just blunt instruments.

    Trump got impeached the first time for trying to condition congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine on Zelenskyy announcing an “investigation” of Biden corruption.

    He wanted the appearance of corruption, so he could wrap the media’s attention around it.

    The laptop was basically Plan B.

    They wanted everyone to freak out about it for a few weeks. Normally what happens is conservative media shouts about it, mainstream media genuflects and “covers the controversy,” and Bannon and co high-five each other for setting the agenda.

    It didn’t work this time. They’ve been pouting ever since.

    It’s a lot like a kid who loses a video game and starts slamming the controller, insisting it’s rigged or the system is cheating.

    It’s NOT FAIR! Their plan was supposed to WORK!

    Musk and Taibbi are tapping into that well of resentment.

    Why should we care about the President’s adult failson who doesn’t work in the administration? Two years later, what’s the scandal supposed to even be?

    The media didn’t take the bait. No fair. That’s the scandal.

    They’re gonna keep bitching about it for years. It’s going to be louder and emptier than the Benghazi hearings.

    The scandal is that their clever propaganda effort sank like a lead balloon. And that has to be SOMEONE ELSE’S fault.

    That’s it. That’s the whole thing.
    Breakthroughs in "Hillary's emails" that turned out to be nothingburgers, but the media picked up regardless, greatly affected the course of the 2016 election. Team Trump attempted the same with Biden through the Hunter's laptop conspiracy. They retrieved it from the computer repair ship, implanted emails faking communications with Russians, thought it would work for them a second time. When the media didn't run with Hunter's laptop and give them free votes, they started to cope, seethe and mald.
    Last edited by Cthulhu 2020; 2022-12-04 at 11:54 AM.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  2. #2262
    Rofl, of course Elon is a perpetually aggrieved conservative that always needs to "get back" at the libs for perceived slights.

    What a deeply inadequate man. Stunningly inadequate.

  3. #2263
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    So all this shit of Elon saying Twitter should be non partisan?

    Yeah, he just got up on twitter live last night to admit that he bought twitter to help Trump and the GQP.


    All because he believes Twitter helped Biden win in 2020.

    He's also getting a pretty big head.
    There we go! Is not so hard Elon, just admit your bias. Remember you are neutral, oh that's what you told us.

    Even his reasoning is delusional (I'm talking this from the tweet, admit I didn't listen to his words) thinking Twitter was a major factor or even helped Biden. The biggest one, which I stress for the 1 billionth time, was Trump used Twitter to undermine a legitimate election, attack private citizens and put their lives in danger, angered enough mob to join in Jan 6th, then incite those people. I think Trump used Twitter very well in torpedoing his own campaign.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  4. #2264
    Pls could we not dig up the Hunter dick pics again? I've seen enough of it for few lifetimes.

  5. #2265
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Pls could we not dig up the Hunter dick pics again? I've seen enough of it for few lifetimes.
    For a political party who puts so much value into masculinity they seem to want to see dick pics pretty badly.

  6. #2266
    Bloodsail Admiral VMSmith's Avatar
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    Forgive the image, but some of the responses to Musk's "bedside table" pic are priceless:

  7. #2267
    not being funny but how much cocaine do you think elon snorts a day?

    hes getting more paranoid for sure

  8. #2268

    The World Cup has historically been a boon for Twitter, bringing in record traffic and an influx of advertising dollars.

    But this time, when the global soccer tournament started on Nov. 20, Twitter’s U.S. ad revenue was running at 80 percent below internal expectations for that week, three people with knowledge of the figures said.

    In tandem, Twitter was rapidly cutting its revenue projections. The company previously forecast that it would generate $1.4 billion in the last three months of the year, down from $1.6 billion a year ago because of the global economic downturn. But as Twitter kept missing its weekly advertising targets, that number slid to $1.3 billion, then to $1.1 billion, two people said.
    Gee, I guess having a platform for white supremacists and misinformation isn't actually profitable?

  9. #2269
    I could see the fact that the world cup is on everyone's shit list so it isn't driving traffic like normal as being an equally likely candidate for cause.

  10. #2270
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Breakthroughs in "Hillary's emails" that turned out to be nothingburgers, but the media picked up regardless, greatly affected the course of the 2016 election. Team Trump attempted the same with Biden through the Hunter's laptop conspiracy. They retrieved it from the computer repair ship, implanted emails faking communications with Russians, thought it would work for them a second time. When the media didn't run with Hunter's laptop and give them free votes, they started to cope, seethe and mald.
    Shouldn't fabricating evidence to create an investigation be some sort of crime?

  11. #2271
    Quote Originally Posted by BeepBoo View Post
    I could see the fact that the world cup is on everyone's shit list so it isn't driving traffic like normal as being an equally likely candidate for cause.
    Yeah, but what about all that record engagement Elon keeps talking about!??! Sure seems like that engagement is getting less and less valuable, which is a problem since revenue-per user was already very low compared to other social media platforms IIRC.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Myradin View Post
    Shouldn't fabricating evidence to create an investigation be some sort of crime?
    One would think, though they're not filing a police report. This is all just laying the groundwork for years of repeat Congressional investigations that go nowhere, like the 7 Benghazi hearings that were redundant and pointless and, by incoming Speaker Kevin McCarthy's own admission, were primarily done to hurt Hillary's political career rather than "find the truth" or hold anyone accountable. Since they all concluded exactly the same thing, that mistakes were made but that she violated no rules or laws and at worst was part of a series of poor decisions/mistakes.

  12. #2272

    Just going to keep posting this til conservatives like BeepBoo gets it. Nothing on the laptop can be confirmed, thanks to this little tidbit here of Steve Bannon admitting that they put fake pictures on it.

  13. #2273

    Just eff it! So here NYT is asking for the source of "Twitter files" to fact check. Elon quickly does err derr lefty media. Well, Elon paid Matt Taibbi and did the bs of giving him the info so Musk could claim third party partiality. Yet, Elon wants to immediately say NYT will do a hack job.

    His political bias is so blatant too.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  14. #2274
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    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    credit where credit is due, if any terms of service did exist or matter ye would be a textbook example of someone to be suspended, now elon should think really hard about maybe applying those same standards to...everbody? ye just got the most attention there is still a million random actualy nazis ( while ye is obstensibly pro- nazi as a black man i have a hard time believing he actually supports genocide of his own people and is just very mentally ill and scizophrenia and is being used by people like milo and fuentes who stroke his ego and victimhood complex, but i digress) anyways back on point, million nazis posting pro jewish question N word, f word, you name it not banned, elon only bans ye because of public backlash and yes association with trump was hurting Rs so even conservative twitter went agains ye, also good, but hyprotical they cared more about his bad optics than actual message
    I think the bigger issue is that he still doesn't know what those standards need to be. You can't be a free speech absolutist, there's some things that just aren't appropriate and can't be said in any public square. The reality is that you can't truly have free speech on any platform, but what Twitter really lacked was consistent enforcement of what is constituted as hate speech or racism on Twitter. That was one of the bigger issues that he needed to fix along with purging the website of content that exploits children and pedophilia. So far he's failed big time at the former and from my understanding, the latter is starting to be dealt with.

    A lot of countries however have laws that Twitter has to exist within aside from the USA. And I'd argue that Twitter being a global company needs to respect those laws more than the US Constitution because our laws actually lay out what is the most effective framework for social media platforms to build their rules around because they are much more well defined.

  15. #2275

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink, a medical device company, is under federal investigation for potential animal-welfare violations amid internal staff complaints that its animal testing is being rushed, causing needless suffering and deaths, according to documents reviewed by Reuters and sources familiar with the investigation and company operations.

    Neuralink Corp is developing a brain implant it hopes will help paralyzed people walk again and cure other neurological ailments. The federal probe, which has not been previously reported, was opened in recent months by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Inspector General at the request of a federal prosecutor, according to two sources with knowledge of the investigation. The probe, one of the sources said, focuses on violations of the Animal Welfare Act, which governs how researchers treat and test some animals.

    The investigation has come at a time of growing employee dissent about Neuralink’s animal testing, including complaints that pressure from CEO Musk to accelerate development has resulted in botched experiments, according to a Reuters review of dozens of Neuralink documents and interviews with more than 20 current and former employees. Such failed tests have had to be repeated, increasing the number of animals being tested and killed, the employees say. The company documents include previously unreported messages, audio recordings, emails, presentations and reports.

    Musk and other Neuralink executives did not respond to requests for comment.

    In all, the company has killed about 1,500 animals, including more than 280 sheep, pigs and monkeys, following experiments since 2018, according to records reviewed by Reuters and sources with direct knowledge of the company’s animal-testing operations. The sources characterized that figure as a rough estimate because the company does not keep precise records on the number of animals tested and killed. Neuralink has also conducted research using rats and mice.

    The total number of animal deaths does not necessarily indicate that Neuralink is violating regulations or standard research practices. Many companies routinely use animals in experiments to advance human health care, and they face financial pressure to quickly bring products to market. The animals are typically killed when experiments are completed, often so they can be examined post-mortem for research purposes.

    But current and former Neuralink employees say the number of animal deaths is higher than it needs to be for reasons related to Musk’s demands to speed research. Through company discussions and documents spanning several years, along with employee interviews, Reuters identified four experiments involving 86 pigs and two monkeys that were marred in recent years by human errors. The mistakes weakened the experiments’ research value and required the tests to be repeated, leading to more animals being killed, three of the current and former staffers said. The three people attributed the mistakes to a lack of preparation by a testing staff working in a pressure-cooker environment.

    One employee, in a message seen by Reuters, wrote an angry missive earlier this year to colleagues about the need to overhaul how the company organizes animal surgeries to prevent “hack jobs.” The rushed schedule, the employee wrote, resulted in under-prepared and over-stressed staffers scrambling to meet deadlines and making last-minute changes before surgeries, raising risks to the animals.
    Flying by the seat of their pants while trying to meet the demands of a mercurial, unpredictable boss prone to flights of fancy? That sounds familiar...

    On several occasions over the years, Musk has told employees to imagine they had a bomb strapped to their heads in an effort to get them to move faster, according to three sources who repeatedly heard the comment. On one occasion a few years ago, Musk told employees he would trigger a “market failure” at Neuralink unless they made more progress, a comment perceived by some employees as a threat to shut down operations, according to a former staffer who heard his comment.
    Uh...that doesn't seem...good?

    Five people who’ve worked on Neuralink’s animal experiments told Reuters they had raised concerns internally. They said they had advocated for a more traditional testing approach, in which researchers would test one element at a time in an animal study and draw relevant conclusions before moving on to more animal tests. Instead, these people said, Neuralink launches tests in quick succession before fixing issues in earlier tests or drawing complete conclusions. The result: More animals overall are tested and killed, in part because the approach leads to repeated tests.

    One former employee who asked management several years ago for more deliberate testing was told by a senior executive it wasn’t possible given Musk’s demands for speed, the employee said. Two people told Reuters they left the company over concerns about animal research.
    Gee, this focus on speed over safety and all else sure sound familiar...

    There's a lot more in the article, but Elon's going to be facing more oversight given his recent purchase and the sources for the money of said purchase, in addition to his batshit crazy behavior which is generally not the kind of thing the government likes in the guy running a company they contract with.

  16. #2276
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Let's be real, sounds like Musk was always an anti-labor pro slavery reich winger with a really good mask.

    The thing about this particular view on labor, if you're going to make me work massive overtime and dedicate my life to your company, you better be compensating me properly for it. None of this "Blizzard tax" shit where some billionaire with an oversized ego thinks they can pay you pennies for shortening your lifespan to work at your shitty company just because you think it'll look good on their resume. No, pay me fair compensation. I'm kind of surprised Musk got this far by exploiting people, but at the same time I'm sure he found people who worship hard enough to eat up all his BS.

    Some theories flying around are that Musk's competition in the EV market is getting really rough, as established auto makers are starting to make better EVs than Tesla - on top of Tesla chargers being specialized for their cars and other EVs sharing a generic charger. Musk is courting the right because he knows the right has the power to pass legislation that would stomp out his competition. Because that's how the right operates. Donate enough money to them and you can have a government sanctioned monopoly.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  17. #2277
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Let's be real, sounds like Musk was always an anti-labor pro slavery reich winger with a really good mask.

    The thing about this particular view on labor, if you're going to make me work massive overtime and dedicate my life to your company, you better be compensating me properly for it. None of this "Blizzard tax" shit where some billionaire with an oversized ego thinks they can pay you pennies for shortening your lifespan to work at your shitty company just because you think it'll look good on their resume. No, pay me fair compensation. I'm kind of surprised Musk got this far by exploiting people, but at the same time I'm sure he found people who worship hard enough to eat up all his BS.

    Some theories flying around are that Musk's competition in the EV market is getting really rough, as established auto makers are starting to make better EVs than Tesla - on top of Tesla chargers being specialized for their cars and other EVs sharing a generic charger. Musk is courting the right because he knows the right has the power to pass legislation that would stomp out his competition. Because that's how the right operates. Donate enough money to them and you can have a government sanctioned monopoly.
    Tesla is a battery company masquerading as a car company anyways. But he's courting the right because he went increasingly mask-off and became a bigger and bigger piece of shit and those are the only people who will give him the positive attention/feedback/validation he craves. Because he's never getting it from his creepy father who married/was fucking his step-granddaughter.

  18. #2278
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    So Sara Gonzales @SaraGonzalesTX has been posting a site for reporting drag shows so that they can be "shut down". Her posts have not been taken down even though this is a very clear case of right wing terrorism. They know police won't do anything because these drag shows are not illegal, so they're mobilizing militias to do it. Elmo's new twitter very clearly doesn't care about threats of real life violence.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  19. #2279
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    So Sara Gonzales @SaraGonzalesTX has been posting a site for reporting drag shows so that they can be "shut down". Her posts have not been taken down even though this is a very clear case of right wing terrorism. They know police won't do anything because these drag shows are not illegal, so they're mobilizing militias to do it. Elmo's new twitter very clearly doesn't care about threats of real life violence.
    Well that's just Elon protecting Freeze Peach, obviously.

  20. #2280
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    6 year age gap statutory rape? PERFECTLY FINE

    Someone related to Biden is in a marriage where the woman is 3 years older than the man? UNCONSTITUTIONAL. AGAINST TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE VALUES.

    Twitter is a conservative clown show.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

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