1. #2481
    lol its so depressing that people fall for it
    the people who cried most about free speech were fascist who once gain power are going to go full force in desroying their opponents, they have no morals why do "centrist" keep falling for it. btw all of the free speech absolutist people are now " oh yeah it was a ploy i actually just want elon to ban the left "
    hopefully advertisers all leave twitter more now and someone makes a corpo friendly alternative that will not be a cesspool
    Last edited by arandomuser; 2022-12-16 at 04:43 AM.

  2. #2482
    Rofl, Twitter is just filled with people unironically parroting, "buT tHEy wErE DOxXinG!".

    Holy shit, how many super straight dudes desperately want to suck on Elom's weiner?

    When's he banning the FAA account for doxxing, btw?

  3. #2483
    Unsuspend accounts who doxxed my exact location in real-time

    Elon Musk doing making a poll.

    So this will get tiresome fast. Now is this piece of feces farming content? The story for much going back to the Trump poll is his troll, simple mind loves this interaction. What he lives for. So I'm not sure if this is regret or heat now of the suspensions and he is trying to find an out. Idc what it is he really effed up here.

    Sadly I will keep track of this poll, since it's going to get Elon botted and his stans who are all right trolls will vote down this poll to keep these journalists suspended. Ball will be in Elon's court. One more time, I want these and more journalist to get suspended.

    Me personally almost 99.99999% of my sources have come from Twitter on this site. I don't tweet but use Twitter as my "real time" news source. I'm looking for a new one. I know there are some, but oof!

    Oh shit Elon already reposted a new poll. Here is the old poll

    So get this the new poll, My link at top gives you the choices of: Now or 7 Days.

    So yes, Elon knows he effed up and is making polls on the go to help correct his narrative. Rofl!
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2022-12-16 at 04:57 AM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  4. #2484
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    I see Musk is going with "what if this happened to NYTimes reporters?" as an excuse.

    Um, NYTimes reporters aren't fitted with transponders in case, heh, the NYTimes reporter crashes and needs to be rescued. Or to help prevent one NYTimes reporter from bumping into another NYTimes reporter...and exploding. NYTimes reporters very rarely explode. Also, while people might disagree about a person's right to privacy, nobody disagrees on a plane's right to privacy. It doesn't get rights. It's a plane.

    Also, unless Musk is on the plane 24/7 then, no, his location isn't being tracked, either. The location of his plane is being tracked. Just because I find out, hypothetically, that his plane is in Newark NJ airport, doesn't mean I know he's in Newark, NJ. He could be in Red Bank visiting Jay and Silent Bob. Or NYC. Or Mars.

    Considering the owner of the jet-tracking Twitter account was never arrested, I think it's safe to conclude what he was doing is/was legal. He wasn't hacking the FAA, for example.

    If Elon Musk gives an interview, in which he appears in person with another human being, is he being doxxed because we know where that TV studio is? LOOK OUT, the interviewer is doxxing Musk! Get him!

    This is the stupidest thing I've seen all day, and not only did I report on the Trump NFTs, but I also saw someone try to cut across three lanes of traffic in that storm that's all over the news because they were staring at their iPhone while driving and not watching for offramps. (The driver did not get to his offramp because several larger vehicles decided that swerving out of his way on snowy-ass roads wasn't their problem, and NY drivers don't give NJ drivers an ounce of leeway out of spite)

  5. #2485
    Foooooooooook! I was in the Twitter Space listening to this chat of journalist and went afk for 10 minutes and this happened!

    Holy Shit. Elon Musk just popped into a Twitter Spaces chat with a bunch of journalists. He was called out by journalist Drew Harrell, who he banned, for lying about posting links to his private information, then leaves almost immediately after being pressed. Here is the exchange

    Audio in link. Listen.

    His excuse is bullshit he keeps saying doxxing when none of the journalist posted any real time location, that I'm not getting yet. Musk left then the chat then immediately closes after. The host or others I have not seen are stating what happened if possibly Musk killed it.

    @Edge @Breccia
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2022-12-16 at 05:32 AM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  6. #2486
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Um, NYTimes reporters aren't fitted with transponders in case, heh, the NYTimes reporter crashes and needs to be rescued. Or to help prevent one NYTimes reporter from bumping into another NYTimes reporter...and exploding. NYTimes reporters very rarely explode. Also, while people might disagree about a person's right to privacy, nobody disagrees on a plane's right to privacy. It doesn't get rights.
    This "don't track muh plane" is a relatively new development, it's a response to rich wastes of breath being called out for their gratuitous use of private planes.

  7. #2487
    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    This "don't track muh plane" is a relatively new development, it's a response to rich wastes of breath being called out for their gratuitous use of private planes.
    There are websites which track all these flights off of Twitter too. They all operate within the law.

    It's literally an oligarch complaining about not being above the law (the law being the publishing of flight tracking data).

    He wants to move in secret, and operate in secret, like any true fascist.

  8. #2488
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Unsuspend accounts who doxxed my exact location in real-time

    Elon Musk doing making a poll.

    So this will get tiresome fast. Now is this piece of feces farming content? The story for much going back to the Trump poll is his troll, simple mind loves this interaction. What he lives for. So I'm not sure if this is regret or heat now of the suspensions and he is trying to find an out. Idc what it is he really effed up here.

    Sadly I will keep track of this poll, since it's going to get Elon botted and his stans who are all right trolls will vote down this poll to keep these journalists suspended. Ball will be in Elon's court. One more time, I want these and more journalist to get suspended.

    Me personally almost 99.99999% of my sources have come from Twitter on this site. I don't tweet but use Twitter as my "real time" news source. I'm looking for a new one. I know there are some, but oof!

    Oh shit Elon already reposted a new poll. Here is the old poll

    So get this the new poll, My link at top gives you the choices of: Now or 7 Days.

    So yes, Elon knows he effed up and is making polls on the go to help correct his narrative. Rofl!
    He lost his first poll, people said to unban them, and he put up a 2nd poll, and I think he lost that one too.

  9. #2489
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    He lost his first poll, people said to unban them, and he put up a 2nd poll, and I think he lost that one too.
    He put a 24 hour timer on the 2nd poll. But yeah, probably will lose that too, but then he'll just whine about the "Woke army" or some such. His new poll is currently at 57-43 for immediate unban with 22 hours to go.

  10. #2490
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    This is what watching a billionaire have a meltdown in real time is like.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  11. #2491
    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    He put a 24 hour timer on the 2nd poll. But yeah, probably will lose that too, but then he'll just whine about the "Woke army" or some such. His new poll is currently at 57-43 for immediate unban with 22 hours to go.
    Personally, I hope this speed runs him being reported by EVERYONE to Apple, Google and the EU to get him banned in everything.

  12. #2492
    Brewmaster Slirith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Personally, I hope this speed runs him being reported by EVERYONE to Apple, Google and the EU to get him banned in everything.
    One can only hope.

  13. #2493
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Foooooooooook! I was in the Twitter Space listening to this chat of journalist and went afk for 10 minutes and this happened!

    Holy Shit. Elon Musk just popped into a Twitter Spaces chat with a bunch of journalists. He was called out by journalist Drew Harrell, who he banned, for lying about posting links to his private information, then leaves almost immediately after being pressed. Here is the exchange

    Audio in link. Listen.

    His excuse is bullshit he keeps saying doxxing when none of the journalist posted any real time location, that I'm not getting yet. Musk left then the chat then immediately closes after. The host or others I have not seen are stating what happened if possibly Musk killed it.
    I'm kind of disappointed in those journalists though. One of them should have said "Mr Musk, so what you're saying is that you believe speech that can potentially bring harm to people should be censored?"
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  14. #2494

    Musk cites "doxxing" of his jet as the reason for them being banned. Problem is, the information is public.


    Really surprised he didn't ban that tweeter, since they directly implicate Musk going to Epstein's island.


    "Assassination Coordinates" is trending because of that stupidity.
    Last edited by postman1782; 2022-12-16 at 07:00 AM.

  15. #2495
    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    This "don't track muh plane" is a relatively new development, it's a response to rich wastes of breath being called out for their gratuitous use of private planes.
    Also, just because I haven't seeen this posted yet, this tweet from last month didn't age well:

    It seems Elon's commitment to "free speech" isn't as strong today as itt was a month ago.
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  16. #2496
    Of all the dumb shit Elon does, this is the dumbest fight you guys decided to pick.

    He is a cunt, but tracking someone's location like this, even with publicly available data, shouldn't be legal.

  17. #2497
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Of all the dumb shit Elon does, this is the dumbest fight you guys decided to pick.

    He is a cunt, but tracking someone's location like this, even with publicly available data, shouldn't be legal.
    Why not? As you said, it's publicly available data. It's already being tracked.
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  18. #2498
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Midnight Bomber View Post
    Why not? As you said, it's publicly available data. It's already being tracked.
    I could dox the real life location of several people in this thread by cross referencing your posting habits, sentence patterns, and user names, with other social media sites until I came upon a rl picture, from which point it is just a matter of spending some time of Facebook. All publicly available.

    Should I be allowed to do it and then post the results here?

  19. #2499
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Of all the dumb shit Elon does, this is the dumbest fight you guys decided to pick.

    He is a cunt, but tracking someone's location like this, even with publicly available data, shouldn't be legal.
    So on which basis should it be illegal? Should data aggregation be illegal? Or should tracking of planes be illegal? You prefer planes crashing mid air?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    I could dox the real life location of several people in this thread by cross referencing your posting habits, sentence patterns, and user names, with other social media sites until I came upon a rl picture, from which point it is just a matter of spending some time of Facebook. All publicly available.

    Should I be allowed to do it and then post the results here?
    ah ok, already jumping to mental gymnastics right here. News Flash: There was no cross referencing some other data, it was just the same old data that is already public. In your reality you would ban links to any public data source you deem unsafe? Yeah, that will work...

  20. #2500
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    So on which basis should it be illegal? Should data aggregation be illegal? Or should tracking of planes be illegal? You prefer planes crashing mid air?
    On the basis that it shouldn't be legal to broadcast someone's location with the specific intention of tracking them 24/7 and letting everyone know where they are. Why is still such a foreign concept to you people? Would you like it if someone was tracking you and letting the world know all the time?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    ah ok, already jumping to mental gymnastics right here. News Flash: There was no cross referencing some other data, it was just the same old data that is already public. In your reality you would ban links to any public data source you deem unsafe? Yeah, that will work...
    There was literally zero mental gymnastics involved. It is still publicly available even if I have to piece it together from multiple public sources.

    If someone wants to track Musk's plane 24/7 based on publicly available flight data, then go for it, but don't go broadcasting it publicly to everyone.

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