1. #2541
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Is Elom an airplane?
    While comma fucking is one of my favorite past times, it is also very tiring habit.

  2. #2542
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Whats the last part of the definition? You know, after where you stopped for some reason.....
    He probably thinks trying to hold rich people accountable for their bullshit (in this case, using a private jet to fly somewhere instead of taking a fifty minute drive, using tax payer dollars for personal flights, etcetera) is "malicious", instead of, y'know, completely fucking justified and something we should normalize.

    EDIT: Fixed typo.
    Last edited by The Stormbringer; 2022-12-16 at 08:46 PM.

  3. #2543
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    He probably thinks trying to hold rich people accountable for their bullshit (in this case, using a private jet to fly somewhere instead of taking a fifty minute drive, using tax payer dollars for persona flights, etcetera) is "malicious", instead of, y'know, completely fucking justified and something we should normalize.
    Who knew phone companies were doxxing everyone all along.....

  4. #2544
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    He probably thinks trying to hold rich people accountable for their bullshit (in this case, using a private jet to fly somewhere instead of taking a fifty minute drive, using tax payer dollars for persona flights, etcetera) is "malicious", instead of, y'know, completely fucking justified and something we should normalize.
    I get regularly yelled at for suggesting that vigilant justice is sometimes perfectly justified, and the argument I'm given is usually "the state should handle things pertaining to the law!".

    If and when Musk is committing tax evasion with his big boy plane, it should be the IRS that slaps him for it.

  5. #2545
    It's not all honky dory with all his other companies.

    Tesla EV is gradually losing market share. More competition. Lack of low-price option. Vehicle build QA/QC ranked at the bottom of most vehicle magazines. Musk himself admitted that Tesla EV has QA/QC problems. Tesla EV repairs are expensive due to lack of qualified facilities.

    Tesla solar growth is flat. The worst ranked costumer service of all the legitimate solar companies. I can personally attest to that.

    In 6 years, Boring Company has had only one paying job - Las Vegas Loop. Which is basically a glorified way of moving tourists around.

    Neuralink is on schedule to start installing their devices on human. Assuming they receive FDA approval.

    Instead, he is wasting time tweeting.

  6. #2546
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    He probably thinks trying to hold rich people accountable for their bullshit (in this case, using a private jet to fly somewhere instead of taking a fifty minute drive, using tax payer dollars for personal flights, etcetera) is "malicious", instead of, y'know, completely fucking justified and something we should normalize.

    EDIT: Fixed typo.
    "... typically with malicious intent."

    Why don't you people bother reading the stuff you quote yourself?

  7. #2547
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    I get regularly yelled at for suggesting that vigilant justice is sometimes perfectly justified, and the argument I'm given is usually "the state should handle things pertaining to the law!".

    If and when Musk is committing tax evasion with his big boy plane, it should be the IRS that slaps him for it.
    It's not about breaking the law, it's about the public trust. If he's getting tax payer dollars to do stupid shit, the tax payers deserve to know. I don't give a fuck about the IRS. The tax system in the USA is tipped so heavily towards the rich and powerful that the scale has almost gone completely vertical. This is about letting the people know so they can hold the government accountable for stupid decisions, in this case, pandering to some rich jackass.

    Still isn't doxxing, by the way. If I was a semi driver, and had a tracker on my semi that broadcasted my location to a publicly available website so anyone can check and see the route I'm taking and how far I am from drop-offs, I'm not going to flip out when someone makes a Twitter account spreading that information around. Because I'm the one who made it public in the first place.

    EIT: Hell, we can even take it a step further. If the semi industry or company said, "In order to drive one of our trucks, you should know there's this tracker with the publicly available info on its location" to me, and I still agreed to work for them, then IT STILL WOULDN'T BE DOXXING. Which is, of course, basically what's going on with the Elon Jet.

  8. #2548
    Quote Originally Posted by Okacz View Post
    I get it, but this argument is swaying dangerously close to "You dislike being stalked? Just hide!", which I'm not the biggest fan of. And there's no doubt that all this information is readily available, but the issue is the precedent of people creepily collecting the data with some serious accuracy and publishing it online, as if to say "were watching your every move, but we are the good guys because it's perfectly legal". There's no joy in defending a billionaire being in that situation, but the precedent is dangerous.
    I don't think you get my point Elon is choosing to be publicly available, he has the option to be a ghost but has opted not to. This isn't stalking or someone creepily collecting data. Elon has consciously made the choice to let his flight data be available, you can't complain about "stalking" when you are putting your address on a billboard for the world to see.

  9. #2549
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    It's not about breaking the law, it's about the public trust. If he's getting tax payer dollars to do stupid shit, the tax payers deserve to know. I don't give a fuck about the IRS. The tax system in the USA is tipped so heavily towards the rich and powerful that the scale has almost gone completely vertical. This is about letting the people know so they can hold the government accountable for stupid decisions, in this case, pandering to some rich jackass.

    Still isn't doxxing, by the way. If I was a semi driver, and had a tracker on my semi that broadcasted my location to a publicly available website so anyone can check and see the route I'm taking and how far I am from drop-offs, I'm not going to flip out when someone makes a Twitter account spreading that information around. Because I'm the one who made it public in the first place.

    EIT: Hell, we can even take it a step further. If the semi industry or company said, "In order to drive one of our trucks, you should know there's this tracker with the publicly available info on its location" to me, and I still agreed to work for them, then IT STILL WOULDN'T BE DOXXING. Which is, of course, basically what's going on with the Elon Jet.
    So what if I started live tweeting your location when you drive your personal car? You are using public roads paved by tax payer money, and the tax payers deserve to know who uses the road built with their money after all.

    You can't have a system where the poor and the rich are treated differently, and then also get mad when the poor and rich get treated differently lol.

  10. #2550
    The ideal here is that Musk manages to move everyone off complaining about being "doxxed". It's not really a thing, let's stop trying to make it a thing so that you can look like a victim on social media.

    If Musk can both simultaneously destroy Twitter and raise awareness of how cringe both flavours of the culture war are then we might be able to get off this "Worst Timeline" course on to the "Worst Timeline excluding the ones where a race of parasites enslave mankind in order to lay eggs in our genitals causing hideous death".

  11. #2551
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    So what if I started live tweeting your location when you drive your personal car? You are using public roads paved by tax payer money, and the tax payers deserve to know who uses the road built with their money after all.

    You can't have a system where the poor and the rich are treated differently, and then also get mad when the poor and rich get treated differently lol.
    By driving my personal car, am I agreeing to having a tracking system installed that broadcasts my position to everyone who wants to know it? No? Then it's a different fucking situation.

  12. #2552
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    By driving my personal car, am I agreeing to having a tracking system installed that broadcasts my position to everyone who wants to know it? No? Then it's a different fucking situation.
    Your car has registration plates so technically it is always identifiable and you are driving on public roads, so why shouldn't I be able to follow you around? You should be doing less driving anyway, it is bad for the environment.

  13. #2553
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    It's a private company and Elon owns it. And as much of a fraud as Elon is I stood by Twitter choosing what speech it allowed and which it didn't I have no problem with what Elon is doing in that context.

    However it is beautiful watching the Alt-Right and First Amendment Freedom fighters complaining before suddenly OK with what Elon is doing. Any nonsense that free speech was the issue are gone.

    Freedom of Speech means only freedom from punishment of the government, it has never meant freedom from consequences. As much of a right as it's always been, rather than privilege.
    Elon absolutely has the legal right to ban anyone from his platform for any reason he wishes.

    It's just the predictable height of hypocrisy to whine about free speech when the platform supposedly targets people you like but then run it like a thin-skinned petty tyrant who bans anyone that doesn't worship him the moment he takes the helm.
    Last edited by Jastall; 2022-12-16 at 09:52 PM.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  14. #2554
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    Elon absolutely has the legal right to ban anymore from his platform for any reason he wishes.

    It's just the predictable height of hypocrisy to whine about free speech when the platform supposedly targets people you like but then run it like a thin-skinned petty tyrant who bans anyone that doesn't worship him the moment he takes the helm.
    Very True. Being a thin skinned hypocrite is his prerogative and not illegal.

    Personally I think someone ought to clone Twitter identically and everyone ought to migrate. Not that it will matter because Twitter is about to go bankrupt anyways in my opinion.

    I think Tesla stock holders are going to run out of patience.

  15. #2555
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Your car has registration plates so technically it is always identifiable and you are driving on public roads, so why shouldn't I be able to follow you around? You should be doing less driving anyway, it is bad for the environment.
    The difference is, you would have to actively be following me in order to know where I'm at, since the only way to track me is those license plates. I am not actively broadcasting my location to a publicly available website. Unless you're insinuating you're hacking into CCTV and traffic cameras and scanning every single license plate to try to identify mine?

    Also, I'm pretty sure some states don't let you look up who owns a license plate, meaning that wouldn't work in your scenario. Or they force you to pay for the information which can only be accessed via the DMV.

    So again, your attempt to beat my argument here has failed.

  16. #2556
    There are free flight trackers available on the Apple App Store.

    There are also several cruise ship trackers online as well.

    If tracking flights is doxxing then United Airlines has been doxxing their own passengers for years now on their own website.

    If Elon does not want his jet tracked, sell it and just hire private company with multiple jets to fly him around. Itineraries are tracked, cargo manifests are not. No one will know which jet he is on.

  17. #2557
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post

    If you believe that, I've got a hyperloop to sell you.
    I mean, you say that, but what he's done already is pretty impressive. Landing those 2 boosters in sync was beautiful.

    So who knows.

  18. #2558
    Quote Originally Posted by Hypasonic View Post
    I mean, you say that, but what he's done already is pretty impressive. Landing those 2 boosters in sync was beautiful.

    So who knows.
    Didn't realise he personally did that

  19. #2559
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    Same, I also didn't realise spielberg was such a great actor.

  20. #2560
    Quote Originally Posted by Kronik85 View Post
    The ideal here is that Musk manages to move everyone off complaining about being "doxxed". It's not really a thing, let's stop trying to make it a thing so that you can look like a victim on social media.

    If Musk can both simultaneously destroy Twitter and raise awareness of how cringe both flavours of the culture war are then we might be able to get off this "Worst Timeline" course on to the "Worst Timeline excluding the ones where a race of parasites enslave mankind in order to lay eggs in our genitals causing hideous death".
    Yes, being doxxed is a thing.

    No, it will never stop being hilarious that idiots think this jackass is motivated by anything more than narcissism. He doesn't give a shit about you, me, humanity, or any of the ideals he feigns interest in.

    Everyone already knew how cringe the right-wing culture war was long before Musk embraced it because it was politically expedient for him. Sorry.

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