Ye, the whole Starlink in Ukraine thing remains good but it's not like Musk has always backed up his online boasts and promises, such as the whole "I'll make ventilators for COVID" thing, while not forgetting the entire nonsense around those trapped children in Thailand. And with him being a primary driving force behind crypto, NFTs and associated scams, plus his tax-dodging shenanigans and how Tesla abuses its employees almost as much as Amazon it seems, I surely can't say he's a good guy at all.
Doesn't mean I hate him, there's far worse people out there far more deserving of that, but rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's must include both the good and the bad. If he wants to buy Twitter just to be able to shitpost harder, as someone here said, then let him do so. It's a uniquely bad source of information in the first place I daresay.