I follow three people on Twitter. One is Teigen. I'll remind those of you who forgot that:
That tweet went to court. Why? Trump blocked her...and because Trump himself claimed that Twitter was his public office official word, due to his public office, he couldn't do that.Lolllllll no one likes you
Trump can't block users from his Twitter feed, federal judge rules
-- May 23, 2018
The ruling was basically a plain text printout of the First Amendment, circled in Sharpee so Trump could find it.
Near as I can tell, the case was appealed unsuccessfully in 2019, and SCOTUS refused to hear it on the grounds of (a) Trump was kicked off Twitter and (b) Trump was kicked out of the White House and (c) fuck you fatty, we're set for life.
You cited something from 2020. Which means, it had already been ruled on, and already lost its appeal. Not only was Trump trying to use his government and massive fatass weight on Twitter, he was trying to do so despite having lost multiple court cases on the grounds that what he was doing was unConstitutional.
There is no parallel with the Hunter Biden case. Which, again, was Trump's DoJ.
Now, I believe every response to @tehdang from now on should be to ask him about this very specific issue. It won't matter if I do it, he's too much of a coward to face me in the ring, but maybe if literally everyone else asks he'll either be forced to respond, or scuttle into the shadows like Gollum.