1. #3761
    If Musk is to the point he is this overtly helping Russia and China, that should call into question anything he gives from his SpaceX or Telsa brands as he could very well turn any secret we give him to assist in his jobs over to them as well.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  2. #3762
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Now, those two statements are not necessarily at odds. But I somehow suspect Twitter has not shed 89% of its operational costs, yes, even with the layoffs. He did not literally decimate his company. But I'm calling it now, no, they did not break even.
    He did in fact more than decimate the company.

    Decimate means to eliminate every tenth person, not reduce to a tenth. The old romans were strange, but not that stupid.

  3. #3763

    twitter has silently changed their Hateful Conduct policy to prohibit ‘direct attacks’ against users on the basis of their blue checkmark.

  4. #3764
    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    Who knew it only cost $8/month to be a protected class, rofl.

    I thought that Twitter was supposed to be fore Freeze Peach?

  5. #3765
    So, we got red maga hats and now blue checkmarks to quickly identify those who are missing at least 1 chromosome, idk, I think it's a great service. Looking forward to the next way they can identify the shit stains of the world at a glance.

  6. #3766
    Quote Originally Posted by beanman12345 View Post
    So, we got red maga hats and now blue checkmarks to quickly identify those who are missing at least 1 chromosome, idk, I think it's a great service.
    I believe you mean have an extra one, as a missing chromosome is lethal - except for a condition that can only happen in females.

  7. #3767
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    "twitter has silently changed their Hateful Conduct policy to prohibit ‘direct attacks’ against users on the basis of their blue checkmark."
    But literal Nazis are okay.

  8. #3768
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post

    at the least, it ain't posted anywhere, but they did ban the account pushing #Blocktheblue

    - - - Updated - - -

    and looks like they are pushing twitter blue for free on anyone with more than a million followers

    like Pele, who's been dead since last year

    doubt this will stop people from blocking people that bought blue since most of them are hateful shit-posters.
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
    Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
    Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.

  9. #3769
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    #blocktheblue is #1 trending in news, or at least it was. Elon, realizing what a disaster this is for twitter, keeps giving blue check marks to big celebs and brands who do not want it. Of course the blue check mark is effectively worthless, beyond what few "features" it offers, like the ability to edit tweets. But some elon simps still think that having a blue check mark means you've verified your identity. Literally all it means is you entered you r credit card info though.

    It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out, but it's hilarious to watch it happening in real time.

    Also, @Dril, one of the original advocates for blocking blue check marks, is being force fed blue checks by elon. dril keeps changing his display name since that gets rid of the blue check, but elom keeps giving the blue check back to him. Pretty manchild in action.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  10. #3770
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    SpaceX is where I will give Elon credit. Now I can rip into many parts about SpaceX, namely how he gets government funding yet always bitches about taxes. Namely he thinks taxes are a waste in some area while if you must I could ask "Do we need to go to Mars or feed people?".

    So since this is sorta an Elon mega thread the rocket was fine the other day.
    Do you mean fine or meme-"Everything is fine" on the the date of 4-20?

    Interestingly part of the problem was that they are trying to build a simplified launch-system for Mars (without flame-diverters etc). So, a root-cause-analysis would find that Musk's dream of Mars was the underlying problem that needs to be fixed, so I wonder how long before someone steps in and says that SpaceX should focus on the here and now, not Mars.

  11. #3771
    lol elon getting mad about all the pay pigs getting blocked. so hes giving free checkmarks to people he deems worthy and still making the peasants pay. can't imagine subsidizing the 2nd richest man in the worlds misadventures.

  12. #3772
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    lol elon getting mad about all the pay pigs getting blocked. so hes giving free checkmarks to people he deems worthy and still making the peasants pay. can't imagine subsidizing the 2nd richest man in the worlds misadventures.
    Also, the humiliation of the system making it very clear who actually thinks that stupid shit has any value. Which mostly seems to be, "nobody who actually matters". He's slapping that shit on popular accounts left and right desperately trying to create a reality to conform to his fantasy where it's actually super popular and people really like it and he's very smart and handsome.

    I still can't get over his dad cashing in on the emerald mine bounty. Absolute alpha move right there, beyond zero respect for his own child. Explains a lot about the emotional fragility of the young lad with hair plugs.

  13. #3773
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Also, the humiliation of the system making it very clear who actually thinks that stupid shit has any value. Which mostly seems to be, "nobody who actually matters". He's slapping that shit on popular accounts left and right desperately trying to create a reality to conform to his fantasy where it's actually super popular and people really like it and he's very smart and handsome.

    I still can't get over his dad cashing in on the emerald mine bounty. Absolute alpha move right there, beyond zero respect for his own child. Explains a lot about the emotional fragility of the young lad with hair plugs.
    his dad does seem like a complete cunt reckon there was alot of corporal punishment in that childhood

  14. #3774
    Twitter has verified the (previously banned) far-right party Britain First as an "official organisation" and is giving blue ticks to anyone "affiliated" with it

    That will amplify their tweets to non-followers

    Just admit I'm not too familiar with this party, but doing some research this seems like a far right party. Honestly they seem too much similar to our Republican Party.

    Well, this just shows as I said in my first post on this thread what Twitter will turn into. Not many disagreed but just stating the obvious.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  15. #3775
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Not many disagreed but just stating the obvious.
    I'm more concerned with the unbanning. Unless Tiwtter gifted them a membership? The official Twitter page does not list a price for a Verified Organization. I have seen reports ranging as high as $1,000 a month. So we're between "Twitter is okay with alt-right organizations paying their way back onto Twitter for $1,000 a month" and "Twitter welcomes back alt-right organization and gives them $1,000 of free publicity a month".

  16. #3776
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Just admit I'm not too familiar with this party, but doing some research this seems like a far right party.
    They're a descendant of the British National Party, founded by a guy who was kicked out of the BNP for sexual assault.

    So yeah, real winners. Exactly Elom's type of people.

    Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
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  17. #3777
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    So I just checked my notifications and top of my feed are
    Soledad O'Brien
    Dan Rather
    Neil Gaiman
    Ron Perlman
    the Auschwitz Memorial
    and Sir Ian McKellen

    none of whom I follow but honestly that's an interesting mix of people ain't it

    all of whom were saying "I don't know why I got a blue check mark, I didn't ask for it, pay for it, or want it". Patton Oswald gave helpful advice -- change your name, change it back, check goes away, so I suspect it happened to him, too.

    Another poster I did not recognize said this could be criminal. The blue check mark represents a product that you ask for, then pay for. Putting it on a bunch of celebrities and apparently holocaust memorials suggests that approval when many of them are rejecting such approval. You're not allowed to conjure celebrity endorsements out of thin air like that. I don't know if that poster was correct -- I certainly haven't seen a lawsuit filed -- but at this point, the damage is done. People with the blue check for free are telling each other how to remove it.

  18. #3778
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So I just checked my notifications and top of my feed are
    Soledad O'Brien
    Dan Rather
    Neil Gaiman
    Ron Perlman
    the Auschwitz Memorial
    and Sir Ian McKellen

    none of whom I follow but honestly that's an interesting mix of people ain't it

    all of whom were saying "I don't know why I got a blue check mark, I didn't ask for it, pay for it, or want it". Patton Oswald gave helpful advice -- change your name, change it back, check goes away, so I suspect it happened to him, too.

    Another poster I did not recognize said this could be criminal. The blue check mark represents a product that you ask for, then pay for. Putting it on a bunch of celebrities and apparently holocaust memorials suggests that approval when many of them are rejecting such approval. You're not allowed to conjure celebrity endorsements out of thin air like that. I don't know if that poster was correct -- I certainly haven't seen a lawsuit filed -- but at this point, the damage is done. People with the blue check for free are telling each other how to remove it.

    I love how all of the MAGAts running around with blue check marks are making fun of people who are receiving blue check marks, saying "HAH, you're no longer special, because I have a blue check now too!" They see the blue check denoting someone as "special". Many of them believe they are shadow banned because their now blue check mark boosted tweets are receiving no engagement, when in reality what made someone special on twitter was not the blue check itself, but the fact that that person is famous, or creates content that people want to see. These people are so stupid that they believe the check mark came first, then the following.

    This is why Twitter is going to fail. Because once people realize that the blue check mark doesn't automatically give you an audience, that you actually need to do something entertaining for people to follow you, they'll unsubscribe. All that will be left are the Elom simps. We already know Twitter's revenue is in the shitter, and Elom couldn't possibly have cut costs that much. Twitter is almost certainly hemorrhaging money, and as much as Elom wants to pretend everything is okay, something is going to give out at some point. As he continues to not pay rent, break laws in multiple countries, etc. and ignore those problems, someone is going to get law enforcement involved.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
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  19. #3779
    Over 9000! ringpriest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    I love how all of the MAGAts running around with blue check marks are making fun of people who are receiving blue check marks, saying "HAH, you're no longer special, because I have a blue check now too!" They see the blue check denoting someone as "special". Many of them believe they are shadow banned because their now blue check mark boosted tweets are receiving no engagement, when in reality what made someone special on twitter was not the blue check itself, but the fact that that person is famous, or creates content that people want to see. These people are so stupid that they believe the check mark came first, then the following.

    This is why Twitter is going to fail. Because once people realize that the blue check mark doesn't automatically give you an audience, that you actually need to do something entertaining for people to follow you, they'll unsubscribe. All that will be left are the Elom simps. We already know Twitter's revenue is in the shitter, and Elom couldn't possibly have cut costs that much. Twitter is almost certainly hemorrhaging money, and as much as Elom wants to pretend everything is okay, something is going to give out at some point. As he continues to not pay rent, break laws in multiple countries, etc. and ignore those problems, someone is going to get law enforcement involved.
    Don't forget the possibility that it just breaks one of these days, and his remaining ops are unable to recover. (It seems to have already gone down a few times, but they've been able to get it back up, so far.)

    I suspect Musk's real goal at this point is to somehow keep it rolling until some combination of lawsuits regarding the employees he shafted (employees from the C-suite to the janitors didn't get what they were owed by Twitter, under contract and law) and the hundred of millions in fines from multiple governments (Musk has been, Uber-style, ignoring all the rules and regulations that Twitter operated under in both the US and Europe) finally put the stake in Twitter's hollowed-out but still-moving corpse. At that point, he will claim "I was this close to turning it around, but all these vengeful ex-employees/establishment courts/liberal governments unfairly targeted me!"
    "For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
    - U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933

  20. #3780
    Asked on the internet if the blue check given to celebs who are openly say they are not paying is a lawsuit about false celebrity endorsements.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

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