1. #3981
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Oooh baby you're trying real hard to wriggle free of
    You have yet to address Trump being a sexual assaulter. You have no standing to say anyone else is "wriggling free". Also, you support sexual assault.

  2. #3982
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    What topics do you feel this is reflective of, specifically? Because my view is that it's the mirror opposite of this, just with people finding out that they're far more conservative than they believed themselves to be.

    Also yes, views and positions change over time and are not forever locked in stasis. Most people adjust their own personal views and beliefs along with the times as we do with every other aspect of our lives (advances in technology, changes in language etc.). Others just complain that "things aren't like they use do be" which is obviously always going to be true and also a completely pointless thing to say.

    Doesn't help that social media sites like Twitter are increasingly actively promoting extremist right wing views that result in people gobbling up images like the above.
    I ran face-first into the antithesis of that post the other day when looking up some of my old posts. I had a whole bunch of posts pre-2016 where I supported several Republican candidates, like Chris Christie and Jon Huntsman, at least in a "I disagree with these guys but could have a beer with them and talk about it" sense. Heck, let's bring out the closing line of that third link for a sec, bearing in mind this was 2014, pre-MAGA but post-Tea-Party;

    "The issue isn't conservatives, or even Republicans, it's the base they've decided to appeal to. They're following their base, rather than leading them, and that's a serious problem."

    Now, sure, my views might've changed, rather than Republicans, I hear the protests coming. Well, let's check back on my own ideological self-identification from early 2014, around the same time as that last post; https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...1#post26810797

    Yep, identifying myself as a "liberal market socialist".
    And recently? https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...1#post54033120
    Still "outspokenly market socialist". The "liberal" is still clearly true, too, though I didn't happen to include it there.

    So yeah. I'm not the one who changed in the nearly-a-decade since those posts. It's Republicans. And I called out the cause nearly a decade back; they chose to appeal to the fascist Nazi-style side of their base, and todays Republican Party is the result. I'm not the one who got "more extreme". I've always been this "woke", this socialist. They're the ones who've changed, and anyone claiming they haven't is a liar.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Oooh baby you're trying real hard to wriggle free of calling my comment a "clueless take." So, can I consider you to retract it? Or umm ... maybe answer

    I know it's tough to criticize somebody's post and really wish to bail after remembering how hard people came after the subject of my post, but you can't avoid it. Retract or defend it. The choice is yours.
    Wanting Pride to be reduced to a day or weekend is a desire to see Pride celebration marginalized. It's not supporting Pride. So your first sentence was internally contradictory.

    It shouldn't bother anyone that it's a month long. The only reason you'd have an issue with that is if you're unhappy with the message and want it to be limited to a much smaller presence in the year.

  3. #3983
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post

    Wanting Pride to be reduced to a day or weekend is a desire to see Pride celebration marginalized. It's not supporting Pride. So your first sentence was internally contradictory.

    It shouldn't bother anyone that it's a month long. The only reason you'd have an issue with that is if you're unhappy with the message and want it to be limited to a much smaller presence in the year.
    he claims want's a smaller presence" now, from a month to a week now, but if he got the smaller presence, the arguement would change that week should be a day, than he'd argue for what he really wants, which is no presence or awareness or at all. I mean the guy actively supports a man to be president who wants to wipe it out of any and all mention of these topics at all.

  4. #3984
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    ad hominem
    An ad hominem argument would be "because you are an asshole, you're wrong." On the other hand, "you're wrong and an asshole" isn't an ad hominem.

    You're wrong.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  5. #3985
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    An ad hominem argument would be "because you are an asshole, you're wrong." On the other hand, "you're wrong and an asshole" isn't an ad hominem.

    You're wrong.
    Nah. People can slip in and out of ad hominem fluidly. Attack their argument, then attack the person making it, then back to attacking the argument.

    For what it's worth, I'm referring to a post that questioned someone's support for their own daughter for a Pride month stance.If you really have to reach for justification to demean the parenting of someone's kids in your argument, maybe it's time to detach from whatever issue caused you to do that. Maternal care of a daughter is a personal attack and an excellent example of ad hominem in the style of "I don't like your stance on Pride month, so I'm going to attack the raising of your daughter."

    Quote Originally Posted by HeatBlast View Post
    I'll give your next post any additional traction once
    Whenever you want to respond to my posts with a response to the contents of the post, let me know.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  6. #3986
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Whenever you want to respond to my posts with--
    This is a troll fucking thing to say from you. You've been asked about Trump's sexual assault "conviction" for weeks and haven't addressed it once.

  7. #3987
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Just an observation.

    Parents using their children as fodder to gain online clout ... seems like a another very Elon Musk thing to do.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  8. #3988
    @Winter Blossom YOU brought your kids into this when you fucking screed about Covid regulations.

    That’s on you. Don’t use your kids as props if you don’t want us pointing it out.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ShakesForPRide View Post
    Just an observation.

    Parents using their children as fodder to gain online clout ... seems like a another very Elon Musk thing to do.
    Gotta love how it all comes back around to shitty people mincing other shitty people.

  9. #3989
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    @Winter Blossom YOU brought your kids into this when you fucking screed about Covid regulations.

    That’s on you. Don’t use your kids as props if you don’t want us pointing it out.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Gotta love how it all comes back around to shitty people mincing other shitty people.
    People like Musk, do really dumb things when they're desperate for the attention of online strangers.

    Just in this very thread. MMO-C's very own Elon Musk has just found their own theCatturd offering them the bare minimun of approval.

    As history has shown us, this won't last
    Government Affiliated Snark

  10. #3990
    Quote Originally Posted by ShakesForPRide View Post
    People like Musk, do really dumb things when they're desperate for the attention of online strangers.

    Just in this very thread. MMO-C's very own Elon Musk has just found their own theCatturd offering them the bare minimun of approval.

    As history has shown us, this won't last
    You figure when you do something or say something wrong, and the absolute worst of the worst of the forum comes to your denser, you’d have a moment of reflection.

    But today is not that day!

  11. #3991
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    People are definitely weird on this site. But in regards to my daughter, since someone brought up my parenting, which shouldn’t even be part of the topic…

    My 13 year old daughter, for awhile, said she was gay, went back to being straight, said she was bi, and then decided she was straight again.

    She, like every child, changes her mind, gets confused, is discovering herself…. I support all of this — always have and always will.
    I've just got two basic points gleaned from pages 204 to 209.

    1. It's ad hominem to cast doubt on a mom's parenting of her gay daughter because such a mom thinks Pride Month is overlong and too corporatized. The responses to this point generally indicate that people are embarrassed. They can't defend the behavior without condoning all kinds of vile behavior and admitting to being hateful themselves. If you're Mekh, bringing someone's kids into it isn't ad hominem, and if you're HeatBlast, you deflect, and if you're ShakesForPRide, they'll accuse you of bringing your kid into it in a classic case of Russian reversal.

    2. The mixture of ad hominem and "you're not allowed to think that" (You're forced to support Pride Month as Pride Month or you don't actually support LGBT, because criticism of this kind is actual endorsement of silence as a political position) is an example of extremists of the left pushing centrists to the right. As they're pushing you away for holding opinions you can't hold if you truly support LGBT as an issue, they will try to say "But it's the right doing this to the center!" It's pretty clear the ideological position of the people making this action, and the direction of the push. I'd literally cite this as evidence of how the left treats the center, in opposition to how the left says they stand in relationship to the center. And it's over a pretty banal opinion that's made out to be a mountain or hateful intent.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  12. #3992
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    If you're Mekh, bringing someone's kids into it isn't ad hominem.
    Because it isn't. Not my fault you're too retarded to accurately use words. Maybe stick to crayons.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  13. #3993
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Exactly. It’s sad af that you have to break it down section by section just cause people are too high-strung on calling any differing opinion (not even a hateful one) as bigoted because it doesn’t exactly align with theirs.
    I think it has a lot to do with what you have on the line. It's true that some disagreement is simply a matter of having a different perspective and some is about much more than that.

    I appreciate most of your perspective on this issue, because even if I don't totally agree with you like anything or anyone. I do agree about the nonsense of hollow gestures leading to sanctimonious marketing schemes that are typically misguided at best and disingenuous at worst which only hurts not helps any cause.

    That said the Budweiser thing was just stupid ALL around and pretty much to me is am example of what I am talking about. FUCK Kid Rock, he's a racist, transphobic moron, who is a phony himself and makes shitty simple mindless music.

    But that said, what the FUCK was Budweiser thinking and what were they going to do, from a business standpoint?

    Like it or not how much of an impact do people who already don't buy their beer going to have, vs millions who drink that horse piss to begin with?

    Same with Target, wouldn't touch some issues like gay rights, but then saw the profit in it from a PR sense and decided to build on a brand until those on the Alt-Right lost their minds.

    Personally if you have to take the hit, take the Hit, Elon Musk is a prime example of this, but bottom line in the long run what does it all really mean?

    Business losing money, becomes less profitable, they won't be around long enough PUSH anything, or get behind any movement.

    And as for those Protesting, Unless those protesting are going to make certain sacrifices they are asking of others. Meaning protest products or services THEY ACTUALLY USE or NEED, then I am afraid the influence is going to be felt exactly the way it is now.

    Personally I always wanted to own an electric Vehicle, I just wanted to weight until the technology became more stable and has more range. But. NOW I hate Elon Musk, he is another transphobic, racist moron.

    Therefor the day of every purchasing a Tesla are GONE. Not much of a Sacrifice because at the same end I use IPhone, because they are the most reliable, and I need to have one for everything I do.

    My point over all being is that it's tough to hold the line between what you believe, and where you stand especially in terms of what you need. What sacrifices one is willing to make.

    But bottom line is I do get it, what you are saying. A Month for this, a day for that, boycott this, etc etc. Even if I don't totally agree, there does need to be more organization, less outrage, and more actually doing things that matter as opposed to playing into optics.

    As for the pile on any other bullshit you've been getting, FUCK THAT! At least you're honest enough to articulate YOUR OWN opinion despite the Elon Musk Meme LOL!

  14. #3994
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Exactly. It’s sad af that you have to break it down section by section just cause people are too high-strung on calling any differing opinion (not even a hateful one) as bigoted because it doesn’t exactly align with theirs.
    Read my signature: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States…. [It is] nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”

    The one topic that tehdang quoted and you seem to agree with is technically not to be discussed here, I will respect that. Yet, we are against attacking marginalized people who are not threatened as 2nd class citizens and more violence as once more they are not even being seen as human beings.

    Idk what difference to you can have against marginalized people who want to live their lives and don't hurt other people. It has always been simple, if you don't approve of it then don't effin worry. They are not harming you. You get that???
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  15. #3995
    Tonight On: Bigots Defending Bigots...

    Time to move on from the clown show folks or the thread'll be shut down and then they'll only have Twitter left to complain about how they're the victims. For "reasons".

  16. #3996
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    But that said, what the FUCK was Budweiser thinking and what were they going to do, from a business standpoint?
    They miscalculated in the modern outrage-era and didn't think that a few custom cans of beer for someone would result in a massive triggering.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Same with Target, wouldn't touch some issues like gay rights, but then saw the profit in it from a PR sense and decided to build on a brand until those on the Alt-Right lost their minds.
    Target has had Pride merchandise for Pride months for years and years now, this isn't new. What's new is how triggered bad-faith, dishonest conservatives got from a front-tuck bikini for girls that they thought was for trans folk but simply isn't.

    This thread is a pretty perfect example of the kind of expansive misinformation that can warp peoples perceptions of reality thanks to places like Twitter turning into extremist right wing echo chambers. Really helps that the dude who runs the site has so far spent the whole month retweeting transphobic bullshit.

    It's funny seeing Elom stans try to argue that he can't be transphobic because he's got a trans daughter though. Because his trans daughter fuckin hates his guts and wants nothing to do with him.

  17. #3997
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    They miscalculated in the modern outrage-era and didn't think that a few custom cans of beer for someone would result in a massive triggering.

    Target has had Pride merchandise for Pride months for years and years now, this isn't new. What's new is how triggered bad-faith, dishonest conservatives got from a front-tuck bikini for girls that they thought was for trans folk but simply isn't.

    This thread is a pretty perfect example of the kind of expansive misinformation that can warp peoples perceptions of reality thanks to places like Twitter turning into extremist right wing echo chambers. Really helps that the dude who runs the site has so far spent the whole month retweeting transphobic bullshit.

    It's funny seeing Elom stans try to argue that he can't be transphobic because he's got a trans daughter though. Because his trans daughter fuckin hates his guts and wants nothing to do with him.
    Elon took 44 billion dollar hit for his stupidity. Not out of courage mind you but because he could afford to.

    And how did that happen?

    Because of left liberal fanboys much like Jack who started twitter to begin with. Optics. He looked good like everyone else playing the game individually. The same way Budweiser did as a company and business.

    You really think a multi million dollar company doesn’t know who drinks their products?

    Hoping the same bullshit that gets people to support celebrities and any idol would mean big money.

    Well it backfired because the same people on the right that bought that shit pushed the other way. Yes racist transphobic bigots, That buy more if that horse piss in a day than anyone on the left combined drinks in a lifetime.

    Same with target. Dollar for dollar who do you think has more influence or commitment?


    Who do you support and who do you not and how do you act on it.

    Because if it’s like Elon Musk and the Hero Worship of celebrities like business that doesn’t give a fuck. Then we know what the result is.

    And why anyone else that knows this doesn’t want to get sucked in to more bullshit that means nothing. Is understandable.

    Elon Musk has always been a racist, transphobic bigoted asshole. But then so to is Budweiser so in that I agree they can just either shut the fuck up. Or really stand behind their political decisions.

    Or will they flip flop. Because they lose money and won’t profit off making a good decision.

    Personally since I know they’ll capitulate to these assholes. I don’t really need to see or hear about this shit.

    It’s a business not a political movement. Just like Elon Musk is a fragile rich white supremacist.

  18. #3998
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    And how did that happen?

    Because of left liberal fanboys much like Jack who started twitter to begin with. Optics. He looked good like everyone else playing the game individually. The same way Budweiser did as a company and business.
    Rofl, Jack is a RFK Jr. stan, he's always been a hardcore conservative what the fuck are you talking about. Why are you blaming Elom's actions on anyone but Elom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    You really think a multi million dollar company doesn’t know who drinks their products?
    What does this mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Hoping the same bullshit that gets people to support celebrities and any idol would mean big money.
    What does this mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Well it backfired because the same people on the right that bought that shit pushed the other way. Yes racist transphobic bigots, That buy more if that horse piss in a day than anyone on the left combined drinks in a lifetime.
    Jack had since left Twitter leadership. Elom bought Twitter because he was trolling and playing a game of chicken a lost.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Same with target. Dollar for dollar who do you think has more influence or commitment?
    Target is stopping because they're facing a deluge of death threats and harassment, not a boycott.

    The rest of your post is similarly difficult to follow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Elon Musk has always been a racist, transphobic bigoted asshole. But then so to is Budweiser so in that I agree they can just either shut the fuck up. Or really stand behind their political decisions.
    Again, what the fuck are you talking about.

  19. #3999
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I think it has a lot to do with what you have on the line. It's true that some disagreement is simply a matter of having a different perspective and some is about much more than that.

    I appreciate most of your perspective on this issue, because even if I don't totally agree with you like anything or anyone. I do agree about the nonsense of hollow gestures leading to sanctimonious marketing schemes that are typically misguided at best and disingenuous at worst which only hurts not helps any cause.

    That said the Budweiser thing was just stupid ALL around and pretty much to me is am example of what I am talking about. FUCK Kid Rock, he's a racist, transphobic moron, who is a phony himself and makes shitty simple mindless music.

    But that said, what the FUCK was Budweiser thinking and what were they going to do, from a business standpoint?

    Like it or not how much of an impact do people who already don't buy their beer going to have, vs millions who drink that horse piss to begin with?

    Same with Target, wouldn't touch some issues like gay rights, but then saw the profit in it from a PR sense and decided to build on a brand until those on the Alt-Right lost their minds.

    Personally if you have to take the hit, take the Hit, Elon Musk is a prime example of this, but bottom line in the long run what does it all really mean?

    Business losing money, becomes less profitable, they won't be around long enough PUSH anything, or get behind any movement.

    And as for those Protesting, Unless those protesting are going to make certain sacrifices they are asking of others. Meaning protest products or services THEY ACTUALLY USE or NEED, then I am afraid the influence is going to be felt exactly the way it is now.

    Personally I always wanted to own an electric Vehicle, I just wanted to weight until the technology became more stable and has more range. But. NOW I hate Elon Musk, he is another transphobic, racist moron.

    Therefor the day of every purchasing a Tesla are GONE. Not much of a Sacrifice because at the same end I use IPhone, because they are the most reliable, and I need to have one for everything I do.

    My point over all being is that it's tough to hold the line between what you believe, and where you stand especially in terms of what you need. What sacrifices one is willing to make.

    But bottom line is I do get it, what you are saying. A Month for this, a day for that, boycott this, etc etc. Even if I don't totally agree, there does need to be more organization, less outrage, and more actually doing things that matter as opposed to playing into optics.

    As for the pile on any other bullshit you've been getting, FUCK THAT! At least you're honest enough to articulate YOUR OWN opinion despite the Elon Musk Meme LOL!
    Budweiser sent a few customized beer cans to someone, who showcased them as an advertisement.

    That's it. That's all they did. They probably expected some of the usual suspects would take offense at that but wrote it off as a negligible population. I mean, how many people will actually blow a gasket over a couple customized cans of beer that were a footnote in a massive company's marketing budget?

    Turns out, there's quite a few people who think that is awful and overly SJW and encourages grooming and not for display for their children and too political and whatnot. And that have several very public echo chambers, Twitter being the biggest now, to show just how embarassingly angry a couple cans of beer made them.

    It is not the fault of Bud or Target or whoever else if a couple pieces of merchandise are enough to send the alt-right and their grifters/cheerleaders like Musk into an absolute frenzy. Because as much as those people claim that they don't want to be shown things that are "political" (as in that they don't agree with, politics they agree with are always fine), they sure as fuck go out of their way to find them so they can complain about how much politics are shoved down their throats.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  20. #4000
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Elon took 44 billion dollar hit for his stupidity. Not out of courage mind you but because he could afford to.
    It's kind of amazing when you think of it. Like, what could be done with 44 BILLION dollars? I'm pretty sure I could buy a small country, dramatically improve the infrastructure, invest in their education and economy, develop them to a higher level of sustainability, self-sufficiency, and get them into the global markets, and still have enough money left over to build an exorbitantly expensive and excessive super-mansion and fill it with enough hookers and drugs to last a lifetime. And that's after paying off all the debts of myself, my family, my friends, and their friends and family. It's such a mind-boggling amount of money, and it could've changed so many lives for the better, and he burned it on a pyre for the sake of his ego. What a pathetic little worm he is.

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