1. #4061
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    This is wrong.

    What you are actually saying is being a trans phone and a homophobe is fine, but pointing that out is intractable. Mods continuing to protect the absolute most vile posters on this forum.

    I’ll see you guys in a couple of weeks.
    It's sad some people cant see it for what it is.

    Bigots have weaponized thier kids since for ever.
    Gypsies are going to steal muh kids
    Latinos are going to seduce them with dancing
    The blacks are corrupting kids with rap music
    The gays are grooming children
    The Trans are making my children think gender is a fluid concept.

    Mom's for liberty have been around forever. They now want to hang out with the cool kids. But get mad when others recognize their bigotries, and get called out.
    Elon got so mad he spent 44 billion to own a large part of the internet.
    Karen's will have to settle for calling the manager, or the mall cops.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  2. #4062
    And now the twitter-problems has hit Goldman Sach's as well with a 612% increase in non-payment on commercial real estate, in part due to twitter's delinquency, https://www.ft.com/content/6bf11c8e-...9-157db427602a

    Some can see it as a serious problem, and other troll about it: "Commercial real estate is melting down fast. Home values next." https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1663238551406772245

  3. #4063
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    So you want piss someone off and still be able to see their posts after they don't want anything to do with you because.............? That honestly sounds like a you problem more than anything else.
    Honestly if someone's so brittle about me reading their Twitter posts (not even reacting! just reading!) that they have a negative emotional reaction, it really begs the question of why they have internet access in the first place. They're probably mentally unstable and should seriously reconsider engaging in the behaviour.

    Imagine having your ego so threatened by me of all people. I'm a dumbass.

    Marginally more seriously; one of the biggest issues with social media as it stands is this echo chamber mechanic. If someone throws a few stones through the dome, all the better. Letting in some fresh air and sunlight wouldn't be the worst thing for the average chronically online person.
    If you are particularly bold, you could use a Shiny Ditto. Do keep in mind though, this will infuriate your opponents due to Ditto's beauty. Please do not use Shiny Ditto. You have been warned.

  4. #4064
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilSaihah View Post
    Honestly if someone's so brittle about me reading their Twitter posts (not even reacting! just reading!) that they have a negative emotional reaction, it really begs the question of why they have internet access in the first place. They're probably mentally unstable and should seriously reconsider engaging in the behaviour.

    Imagine having your ego so threatened by me of all people. I'm a dumbass.

    Marginally more seriously; one of the biggest issues with social media as it stands is this echo chamber mechanic. If someone throws a few stones through the dome, all the better. Letting in some fresh air and sunlight wouldn't be the worst thing for the average chronically online person.
    You're ignoring most people blocking someone isn't cause they are saying something that threatens some "status quo" idea, it's cause they are verbally attacking someone often because that person is threatening some status quo. And then they keep watching their posts to make alts to keep attacking after being blocked. So if that person has to spend extra time to even see a post, I'm not feeling anything for them.
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
    Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
    Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.

  5. #4065
    Quote Originally Posted by LilSaihah View Post
    Honestly if someone's so brittle about me reading their Twitter posts (not even reacting! just reading!) that they have a negative emotional reaction, it really begs the question of why they have internet access in the first place. They're probably mentally unstable and should seriously reconsider engaging in the behaviour.
    Well that's a stable way of looking at things.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  6. #4066
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I prefer this one, personally...

    Amazing graph that perfectly conveys the reality of things in relation to contemporary trends in culture, society and beyond. But you know how it is; if you sail far enough to the West, you'll eventually make landfall in the East.

  7. #4067
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    Amazing graph that perfectly conveys the reality of things in relation to contemporary trends in culture, society and beyond. But you know how it is; if you sail far enough to the West, you'll eventually make landfall in the East.
    We have Nazi flags being flown outside Disney World. And there are people in this thread who genuinely believes that it's the left who's moving the bar. LOL.


    The right keeps pushing the bar further right, and "enlightened centrists" in an effort to pretend they're as neutral as possible keep moving right themselves in a silly self inflicted game to try and stay as "politically neutral" as possible. i.e. in the direct center of the two parties. When asked what the "center" of "We just want to exist" and "LGBTQ should be eradicated from public life" is the enlightened centrist will just sputter a bit and then tell the two parties they should talk and compromise.

    All of Twitter is in an uproar about how LGBTQ pride is "being shoved down their throats" and yet pride month advertising has all been targeted to LGBTQ communities. If you don't know what that means, a targeted breakdown: Advertising agencies don't just randomly throw out ads everywhere. Advertising is specifically targeted at people given their interests, browsing habits, etc.

    The only reason pride month is "being shoved down people's throats" is because the entire right wing social media sphere is the ones shoving it in people's faces. Nobody, and I mean nobody who is crying about pride being shoved in their faces comes across these ads naturally. The only way you're seeing these ads is in articles and tweets where you're being told you should be outraged by it.

    Elon himself is amplifying these outrage tweets because we know he has an extremely anti trans stance.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  8. #4068
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    We have Nazi flags being flown outside Disney World. And there are people in this thread who genuinely believes that it's the left who's moving the bar. LOL.
    There's no left in the US and the people flying the nazi flag are obviously a problem, but it is not one that is solved by making cultural and political life for centrists nonexistent.

  9. #4069
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    There's no left in the US and the people flying the nazi flag are obviously a problem, but it is not one that is solved by making cultural and political life for centrists nonexistent.
    Okay but what is a centrist? at this point it seems that anyone who is right wing but leans left on one issue claims to be "centrist". I don't think there is such a thing if it was it would be too powerful of a political force not to be its own prominent party. There were centrist parties in the past they all died out, our issues are far too polarizing for there to actually be a center that doesn't lean more towards one side or another.

  10. #4070
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    it is not one that is solved by making cultural and political life for centrists nonexistent.
    You can blame the party that elevated an adultering thief con man to godhood status, put children in dog cages until they died, crack down on businesses that say that being homosexual is okay, defend Russia and their ethnic cleansing of Ukraine, conjure lies about election fraud when the party with the fewer votes loses, and staged an insurrection in which people died to keep dictatorial control.

    If you want to be upset that there's no center, you can take it up with the party that literally defended torch-carrying Nazis first. If you're wondering where centrists went, it's not halfway between "normal" and "Nazi".

    And, just so we're clear, I'm a little concerned you use the nearly handwaving term "obviously a problem" when you've lived through what you say you have. Forgetting your wallet when you go out to breakfast is obviously a problem. Nazis fucking murder people for being the wrong color.

  11. #4071
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    There's no left in the US and the people flying the nazi flag are obviously a problem, but it is not one that is solved by making cultural and political life for centrists nonexistent.
    Fuck centrists, you're either against fascism or you're enabling them.

  12. #4072
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    We have Nazi flags being flown outside Disney World. And there are people in this thread who genuinely believes that it's the left who's moving the bar. LOL.
    To paraphrase one tweet.

    At the White House the Pride Flag is being flown and at Disney they Swastika. Which one are conservatives more upset about?
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  13. #4073
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    You can blame the party that elevated an adultering thief con man to godhood status, put children in dog cages until they died, crack down on businesses that say that being homosexual is okay, defend Russia and their ethnic cleansing of Ukraine, conjure lies about election fraud when the party with the fewer votes loses, and staged an insurrection in which people died to keep dictatorial control.

    If you want to be upset that there's no center, you can take it up with the party that literally defended torch-carrying Nazis first. If you're wondering where centrists went, it's not halfway between "normal" and "Nazi".

    And, just so we're clear, I'm a little concerned you use the nearly handwaving term "obviously a problem" when you've lived through what you say you have. Forgetting your wallet when you go out to breakfast is obviously a problem. Nazis fucking murder people for being the wrong color.
    The problem isn't just who elevated whom, but that there's not really anyone willing to see past that and where cultural politics seem to be heading and pull the handbrake.

    I think that being upset is too strong a word at this point; I feel rather resigned about it because it is an impossible path.

    I'm handwaving it because it is an issue that really requires less than a second to identify and label; in what I consider a normal country, they'd face legal consequences. Still, you have to understand that those people waving the flag of Nazi Germany are a product of century-long miseducation and internalized propaganda. It's cruel irony, considering that the absolute majority of the victims of Europe's fascism and nazism were white Europeans, that a white man would fly the flag of something that killed the most white Europeans after the plague.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by draynay View Post
    Fuck centrists, you're either against fascism or you're enabling them.
    The question of being a centrist is not halfway between fascism and normal life. I see it as individually weighing each matter for the optimal balance between the individual and the collective, with an humanly ethical approach being at the centre of it.

    In regards to the US, I would place centrism between conservative corporate cleptocracy and cultural-anarchist technocleptocracy, but both the dominant parties are heavily capitalist and by default center to center-right.
    Last edited by Magnagarde; 2023-06-13 at 03:36 AM.

  14. #4074
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    The problem isn't just who elevated whom

    but that there's not really anyone willing to see past that and where cultural politics seem to be heading and pull the handbrake.
    Half of us have. Well, it's more than half, really. Your issue is with the people stomping on the gas.

    For what it's worth, I understand your resignation, and don't blame you for it. I just don't share it.

  15. #4075
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    The problem isn't just who elevated whom, but that there's not really anyone willing to see past that and where cultural politics seem to be heading and pull the handbrake.
    Oh? This should be good: Where are the "cultural politics" headed that requires someone to pull the handbrake?

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    It's cruel irony, considering that the absolute majority of the victims of Europe's fascism and nazism were white Europeans, that a white man would fly the flag of something that killed the most white Europeans after the plague.
    As opposed to who? Or is this just one of those "the filthy Jews aren't white!" assertions? Because no one is surprised that the most people who die in white-majority countries during a time of open war are...you know...white people.

  16. #4076
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    There's no left in the US
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    In regards to the US, I would place centrism between conservative corporate cleptocracy and cultural-anarchist technocleptocracy, but both the dominant parties are heavily capitalist and by default center to center-right.
    I can't say I've seen anybody that decries CNN (& Lefty) rhetoric on fascism from the right and also says America doesn't actually have a left. The people that see the left as essentially correct typically moan that the American left isn't far enough left, and that the American right is fascist.

    The question of being a centrist is not halfway between fascism and normal life. I see it as individually weighing each matter for the optimal balance between the individual and the collective, with an humanly ethical approach being at the centre of it.
    In America, I'd say centrism occupies the squishy middle in culture particularly. The left doesn't want them for any minor disagreement on "woke" cultural issues. The right is too pro-life, or religious-liberties-obsessive for them. Economically, maybe they disagree with both party's opinions on social spending and the rates of taxation.

    Not that left right and center is too descriptive nowadays, they're essentially unwieldy coalitions. The better framing that still keeps some generalizations is something like the hidden tribes/political tribes breakdown.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  17. #4077
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    There's no left in the US and the people flying the nazi flag are obviously a problem, but it is not one that is solved by making cultural and political life for centrists nonexistent.
    You just said that the graph depicting the American left as running to the EXTREME left was accurate yet here you're saying there is no left in the US. Seems like you're just here to troll since you obviously have no strong grasp on any of it.

  18. #4078
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    The question of being a centrist is not halfway between fascism and normal life. I see it as individually weighing each matter for the optimal balance between the individual and the collective, with an humanly ethical approach being at the centre of it.
    Ok, so what's the optimal balance between "it's okay to publicly live as your authentic self provided you aren't hurting others" and "people that we deem to be degenerates need to be denied healthcare and legal rights, or outright exterminated?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  19. #4079
    TBH I would not mind any of the culture war issues from the left if they actually did anything about the homeless. Like sure go prescribe experimental medicine to kids and pretend its cool and all that but like at least do something about the junkies that are taking over many progressive cities? Or how crime has been basically legalized and people do whatever they want knowing theyll get in more trouble if they do something at all. Do whatever you want but at least keep stuff safe and functional

  20. #4080
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    sure go castrate kids
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    crime has been basically legalized
    It's always nice when you stop pretending to be a decent person who doesn't just regurgitate bullshit fascist propaganda.

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