1. #5501
    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomen View Post
    If you think Elon is a racist. say so clearly. Do not imply it. Stand for your conviction.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Also, this is why we've moved from saying African American to Black in America. Elon is African American, and he's also arguably a white supremacist apologist at best, and an actual white supremacist at worst.
    I have, a lot. Explicitly. Recently too, as shown above.

  2. #5502

    Maybe its that I am now watching it or Musk is so pathetic he gets his ideology from people that like him but this shit is weird man

    Dude is about to regurgitate 4chan stuff uncritically. I mean he has already with the pizza gate stuff but at least he was embarrassed about that one and deleted it

  3. #5503
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post

    Maybe its that I am now watching it or Musk is so pathetic he gets his ideology from people that like him but this shit is weird man

    Dude is about to regurgitate 4chan stuff uncritically. I mean he has already with the pizza gate stuff but at least he was embarrassed about that one and deleted it
    Welcome to how he's been acting since before he purchased Twitter, and what everyone has been pointing out for years.

    This is why you don't self-prescribe ketamine to treat depression. Dude is guzzling red pills and hasn't asked what's in them.

  4. #5504
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomen View Post
    If you think Elon is a racist. say so clearly. Do not imply it. Stand for your conviction.

    - - - Updated - - -
    LOL, yeah, Edge, I'm having a little trouble figuring out where you stand from your nearly 800 posts in this thread, are you pro or anti Musk??? Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. #5505
    Quote Originally Posted by draynay View Post
    LOL, yeah, Edge, I'm having a little trouble figuring out where you stand from your nearly 800 posts in this thread, are you pro or anti Musk??? Inquiring minds want to know.
    What's that? Another dishonest dipshit on a burner account suddenly appearing in a thread to troll? Must be a day ending in derp.

  6. #5506
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Glad to see that more people are finally catching on to the fact that Elon's just an edgy neurodivergent 4chan dweeb in a rich 50-year-old man's body.

  7. #5507
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post

    Maybe its that I am now watching it or Musk is so pathetic he gets his ideology from people that like him but this shit is weird man

    Dude is about to regurgitate 4chan stuff uncritically. I mean he has already with the pizza gate stuff but at least he was embarrassed about that one and deleted it
    If you ask me, far too many people complaining about Twitter's moderation as insistently as he did are only one or two steps removed from being either 4chan trolls who lament they can't shitpost just as much elsewhere, or actual 4chan users who do believe the stupid shit they say and are bummed they can't say it out loud elsewhere. Given the streak Musk is up to recently, he seems to be type 2 more than type 1 contrarily to what I used to think.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  8. #5508
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    This is Elon, the head of the company, being a reply guy to some random racist shitlord for absolutely no reason while knowing full well every one of his tweets is reported on. This is the kind of decionmaking that's lost Twitter like 70% of it's value in a bit over a year and has caused advertisers to flee. This is what's emboldened bigots and others to spew hate.
    I heard that it's lost closer to 90% of its value.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Replying directly from a guy who is debating IQ of HBCU, aka black people. I mean holy shit you can't get more racist and then Elon replies to some rando racist by doubling down on DEI (type by Elon?).
    Writing it as DIE instead of DEI is deliberate. They're trying to spin it as a depopulation strategy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Very Tired View Post
    Honestly kind of sad watching Elon's fall. Like he caught some kind of red pill virus and suddenly thinks he knows all the answers and any proof pointing him out as wrong is just pure propaganda. And it's even worse knowing a good portion of the country acts the same way.
    I think he's always been like that. For one: he's an apartheid conflict-gem-mine trust-fund brat; for another, both of his parents are awful in their own right; both of the above suggests that he's been warped from an early age.

    And then: there's how he tried to turn the Tham Luang Nang Non rescue into a publicity stunt and ego trip. That would have been bad enough in its own right. But then, when Vernon Unsworth actually rolled his sleeves up and got the job done (thus inadvertently showing Musty up)? Musty retaliated by accusing him of being a pedo.

    That, mind you, happened some years before he officially went off the right-wing deep end. But it's the point at which I started disliking that spoiled petulant scuzz.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Glad to see that more people are finally catching on to the fact that Elon's just an edgy neurodivergent 4chan dweeb in a rich 50-year-old man's body.
    I think he's lying about being neurodivergent, too. He admitted that he's never been diagnosed (being formally diagnosed is not the be-all and end-all; even so); and he acts, if anything, like an ableist caricature of a neurodivergent person. Or just an emotionally-stunted spoiled brat who's desperate for attention and never learned anything resembling empathy.
    Last edited by Dacia Ultan; 2024-03-02 at 08:50 PM.

  9. #5509
    So did we talk yet about Musk, along with all the other conservative cretins in the media, trying to blame women and black people for corporate malfeasance and cutting corners to drive profits? Best part is that it was only a month ago that millions of Teslas were recalled over ongoing safety issues with the laughable autopilot horseshit. I wonder which diversity hires Musk had overseeing that aspect of his company.

  10. #5510
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    So did we talk yet about Musk, along with all the other conservative cretins in the media, trying to blame women and black people for corporate malfeasance and cutting corners to drive profits? Best part is that it was only a month ago that millions of Teslas were recalled over ongoing safety issues with the laughable autopilot horseshit. I wonder which diversity hires Musk had overseeing that aspect of his company.
    Brace yourself for a repackaging of affirmative action as "DEI" being the first big "new" Conservative talking point for 2024.

    I'm not sure if Elon is just choosing to reveal his power level now or if he's going down a k-hole or something, but getting echoes of the Yedolf saga.

  11. #5511
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Brace yourself for a repackaging of affirmative action as "DEI" being the first big "new" Conservative talking point for 2024.
    They've been ramping that up for a little while. They needed something to replace the dreaded "CRT" after everyone conveniently forgot to be outraged about it, after all. It's one thing to shit on black/brown people, since they're such a relatively small percent of the population (and generally weren't voting for the GOP anyway), but something tells me that dragging women into the line of fire (more than they've already done with abortion) isn't going to work out very well for these assholes...

  12. #5512
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    So did we talk yet about Musk, along with all the other conservative cretins in the media, trying to blame women and black people for corporate malfeasance and cutting corners to drive profits? Best part is that it was only a month ago that millions of Teslas were recalled over ongoing safety issues with the laughable autopilot horseshit. I wonder which diversity hires Musk had overseeing that aspect of his company.
    Edge brought it up three days ago. The topic just got kind of nudged aside by the matter of Fetterman having apparently abandoned whatever principles he previously claimed.

  13. #5513
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dacia Ultan View Post
    Edge brought it up three days ago. The topic just got kind of nudged aside by the matter of Fetterman having apparently abandoned whatever principles he previously claimed.
    I'm a Democrat!
    *one stroke later*
    I'm a Republican!
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  14. #5514
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    I'm a Democrat!
    *one stroke later*
    I'm a Republican!
    Which just goes to show how little anything Republicans do is based on any genuine principle. Between when he was recovering from the stroke and when he did this weird switcheroo: they were saying that he was obviously cognitively damaged, was a "vegetable" and "brain-dead" and that his "brain was mush" and he had to have a machine do his thinking for him, and so on; basically trying to shame the designated enemy for not forcing him to step down. (And insinuating that his wife was the one calling the shots—because that, of course, would be just terrible—associating dissent with brain damage like they always do, and so on).

    But then: he started agreeing with their crap. And, suddenly: they're no longer feigning concern for his well-being. Gee; it's almost as if they were bad-faith concern trolls all along, and the pretense that it was about whether or not he had "brain damage" was just vice-signaling.

  15. #5515
    Epic! Karreck's Avatar
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    Beneath you. Devouring.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dacia Ultan View Post
    But then: he started agreeing with their crap. And, suddenly: they're no longer feigning concern for his well-being. Gee; it's almost as if they were bad-faith concern trolls all along, and the pretense that it was about whether or not he had "brain damage" was just vice-signaling.
    *insert Pikachu shock face here*
    Princesses can kill knights to rescue dragons.

  16. #5516
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Rigging your election
    Narcissists start off as Democrats because they want the praise and adoration for having correct values (since they have no actual clue how Democrats even operate) and then once they start failing to get the praise and adoration, they look at Republicans and realize they can grift millions AND adoration off Republicans because they'll eat up and praise anyone who agrees with them on a few key issues.

    It's hard to say whether Elom is genuinely just a shitty racist bigot, or if he's grifting. It's hard to tell with him. We do know he has personal trauma with one of his children being trans. As someone with a breeding kink based entirely on his own personal idea that passing on your genes to as many people as possible is alpha af, one of his children choosing not to reproduce is his personal 9/11
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  17. #5517
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Narcissists start off as Democrats because they want the praise and adoration for having correct values (since they have no actual clue how Democrats even operate) and then once they start failing to get the praise and adoration, they look at Republicans and realize they can grift millions AND adoration off Republicans because they'll eat up and praise anyone who agrees with them on a few key issues.
    Sounds about right, seeing as it seems like just about every supposed leftie who goes right-wing is a shallow, self-aggrandizing egotist with no apparent actual values of their own.
    It's hard to say whether Elom is genuinely just a shitty racist bigot, or if he's grifting.
    ¿Por qué no los dos?
    It's hard to tell with him. We do know he has personal trauma with one of his children being trans.
    I wouldn't call it "trauma." It's narcissistic injury. I think the fact that Grimes almost immediately hooked up with Chelsea Manning after dumping him probably plays into it, as well.
    As someone with a breeding kink based entirely on his own personal idea that passing on your genes to as many people as possible is alpha af, one of his children choosing not to reproduce is his personal 9/11
    The description of natalism as a "breeding kink" is spot-on.
    Last edited by Dacia Ultan; 2024-01-16 at 08:48 AM.

  18. #5518

    Archive link to an op-ed on the Philadelphia Inquirer, connecting the current strong pushback against DEI and its scapegoating for anything and everything - including by Elon - which is almost always untrue, to the moral panic in the late 80's when a story of a carjacking gone wrong opened up a moral panic over urban crime and drug use following a report that "A Black guy" shot a mans pregnant wife when they were returning from a birthing class.

    The husband was the murderer, btw.

    Musk gleefully joined in an X/Twitter discussion railing against stepped-up corporate initiatives for racial and gender diversity, equity, and inclusion, commonly known as DEI. The electric-car guru responded favorably to a fact-free post — suggesting that pilots hired by United Airlines out of historically Black colleges have lower IQs than Air Force-trained pilots — that sounded like a eugenics rant from the 1920s, then added: “It will take an airplane crashing and killing hundreds of people for them to change this crazy policy of DIE.”

    It’s not clear whether Musk misspelled DEI on purpose, but the next day the $231-billion man was back on the warpath, piling onto an attack on diversity initiatives at Boeing in a post that was viewed 14 million times: “Do you want to fly in an airplane where they prioritized DEI hiring over your safety? That is actually happening.”

    This is actually not happening.
    What's not actually happening?


    On the issue of Boeing, Barron’s — hardly a hub of left-wing feel-goodery — pointed out, Musk’s assertion that safety was no longer used to determine bonuses was flat-out wrong, and the control system malfunctions that led to two 737 MAX crashes and almost 350 deaths in late 2018 and early 2019 preceded the offending DEI changes by a few years.

    A much clearer culprit is the aerospace company’s efforts to cut costs and outsource aspects of production. Alaska Airlines had reportedly already barred the plane from long flights over water precisely due to warnings over pressurization failures. Investigative site The Lever reported that former employees of Spirit AeroSystems, the subcontractor that manufactured Boeing’s door plugs, had alleged in court documents that the parts were often defective.

    None of this matters to the woke-obsessed, who can hardly find any issue they won’t blame on DEI. Oddly, their push for some imagined ideal of pure meritocracy seems to stop short of criticism of the mechanisms that much more often give people an undeserved leg up — nepotism, legacy admissions, influence-peddling, financial heft and so on.
    Elon just spend $44B so he could ensure his account would never be actioned on as he spreads mindless, regressive, racist conspiracy theories, I guess. Really bad investment, IMO.

  19. #5519
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Really bad investment, IMO.
    So...what does everyone think the previous owners are doing now, on this topic? Do they get together and talk about Twitter? Do they say "wow, we got out just before things got bad?" Do they say "I can't believe he gave us all this money for that?" Do they say "the fuck is X anyhow?"

    Like, what must they be thinking about the state of affairs Twitter has become? Bear in mind, it wasn't exactly flawless before, but it dropped 70% since.

  20. #5520
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So...what does everyone think the previous owners are doing now, on this topic? Do they get together and talk about Twitter? Do they say "wow, we got out just before things got bad?" Do they say "I can't believe he gave us all this money for that?" Do they say "the fuck is X anyhow?"

    Like, what must they be thinking about the state of affairs Twitter has become? Bear in mind, it wasn't exactly flawless before, but it dropped 70% since.

    The former CEO hasn't used the platform since he was fired.


    But he did apparently recently raise $30M for an AI startup. I'm wondering how long before his startup is worth more than Twitter. Not because I think he's a particularly visionary CEO or anything, but because he'd have to fuck up pretty badly to do as shit of a job running his company as the guy that overpaid $44B for the last company he ran.

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