1. #6741
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It's very old, yes.

    The dude has a well documented savior complex: Humanity needs to be saved from climate change by taking us to mars, and Leon is literally the only one capable of doing it and the only one allowed to do it. View everything through that lens and his actions make a lot more sense as an unhinged lunatic with too much money and quite possibly one of the most severe cases of "Main character syndrome" ever documented in this galaxy.
    The ultimate irony, of course, being that fixing climate change would be so much, much, much more simple than habitating mars would ever be.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  2. #6742
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    The ultimate irony, of course, being that fixing climate change would be so much, much, much more simple than habitating mars would ever be.
    Sure, but there's no money in that! We'd have to change all the things we do on earth that current make money but harm the environment, and it's really not a sexy thing that gets people excited.

    Now going to mars...

    Bro way, way, way cooler.

  3. #6743
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Sure, but there's no money in that!
    It's actually the opposite but it requires advanced ideas and investment. The current tech bubble has loads of the latter but lacks the former. They can't regurgitate old ideas to solve climate change and they have been doing nothing that for the past few decades.
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

  4. #6744
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
    It's actually the opposite but it requires advanced ideas and investment. The current tech bubble has loads of the latter but lacks the former. They can't regurgitate old ideas to solve climate change and they have been doing nothing that for the past few decades.
    They keep trying to invent carbon capture, algae tanks instead of trees, weird shit like that where the "problem" is scale. Same way they keep trying to reinvent trains, buses and taxis in a less state owned and regulated way, which again fall over when it comes to scaling to national plans where those things exist.

  5. #6745
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    They keep trying to invent carbon capture, algae tanks instead of trees, weird shit like that where the "problem" is scale. Same way they keep trying to reinvent trains, buses and taxis in a less state owned and regulated way, which again fall over when it comes to scaling to national plans where those things exist.
    The "algae trees" are not as bad as you think they are.

    There are actual urban areas, in abundance, where air pollution is so bad that creating green areas is literally not an option as trees literally just won't grow. It's usually a combination of particulate pollution+ actual dust in the air+ ground water pollution.

    There several cities in India, like New Delhi, Xianyang in China, areas of Sarajevo, Cairo and Lagos in Africa etc.

    Of course scalability is a huge impediment.

    But if they can be scaled to something affordable and combined with other elements like emissions reductions and public transportation, they could be used to kickstart a re-greening efforts.

    They are not and were never intended to be a replacement for trees just a stopgap measure between the current situation and some point where trees can grow and grow to a size and coverage density that would make a difference.

  6. #6746
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    The "algae trees" are not as bad as you think they are.

    There are actual urban areas, in abundance, where air pollution is so bad that creating green areas is literally not an option as trees literally just won't grow. It's usually a combination of particulate pollution+ actual dust in the air+ ground water pollution.

    There several cities in India, like New Delhi, Xianyang in China, areas of Sarajevo, Cairo and Lagos in Africa etc.

    Of course scalability is a huge impediment.

    But if they can be scaled to something affordable and combined with other elements like emissions reductions and public transportation, they could be used to kickstart a re-greening efforts.

    They are not and were never intended to be a replacement for trees just a stopgap measure between the current situation and some point where trees can grow and grow to a size and coverage density that would make a difference.
    The point is that they can't be scaled, the problem is megatons when the biological capacity for these things is measured in tons at best. Same as any carbon capture, so many vested interests are stuck with CO2 emissions that they'll throw money at just about anything to keep pumping it out, but more importantly, keep the propaganda machine rolling that there's a tech solution so governments can be persuaded to put of acting.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Musk is being sued for using imagery from dystopian cyberpunk film classic, Bladerunner 2049 for the announcement of his Robotaxis. Alex Proyas is complaining about him ripping off his designs from his similarly dystopian 'I, Robot' film.

    Guess cyberpunk dystopia really is the world he wants, but I guess you would if you're closer to Tessier-Ashpool than any cyberpunk protagonists, I can see why its attractive.

  7. #6747
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    The point is that they can't be scaled, the problem is megatons when the biological capacity for these things is measured in tons at best. Same as any carbon capture, so many vested interests are stuck with CO2 emissions that they'll throw money at just about anything to keep pumping it out, but more importantly, keep the propaganda machine rolling that there's a tech solution so governments can be persuaded to put of acting.
    Carbon capture is an entirely different conversation. Air quality can be a very localized issue. Yes, using these "algae trees" to improve local air quality is still very much in the realm of theoretical and experimental, but the people behind them didn't actually intended these as a solution to urban air pollution or for carbon capture. They are intended as local, limited solutions to a specific problem jointly with a slew of other measures.

    The fact that they are being hailed as something the creators never intended them to be is an entirely different issue. The jury is still very much out on their scalability, WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR INTENDED PURPOSE.

    Namely, using them together with other measures to improve local air quality in densely populated, highly polluted areas until other more permanent measures become viable.
    Last edited by Elder Millennial; 2024-10-22 at 12:05 PM.

  8. #6748
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    Carbon capture is an entirely different conversation. Air quality can be a very localized issue. Yes, using these "algae trees" to improve local air quality is still very much in the realm of theoretical and experimental, but the people behind them didn't actually intended these as a solution to urban air pollution or for carbon capture. They are intended as local, limited solutions to a specific problem jointly with a slew of other measures.

    The fact that they are being hailed as something the creators never intended them to be is an entirely different issue. The jury is still very much out on their scalability, WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR INTENDED PURPOSE.

    Namely, using them together with other measures to improve local air quality in densely populated, highly polluted areas until other more permanent measures become viable.

    Its purpose is CO2 reduction, that’s what it does. Nothing to do with particulates or other pollutants like NO2.

  9. #6749
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post

    Its purpose is CO2 reduction, that’s what it does. Nothing to do with particulates or other pollutants like NO2.
    Congratulations, you managed to read a headline and form an entire point of view off of that and nothing else.

    I swear to God, I'm going to end up having to put you on ignore again.



    But Spasojević emphasizes another advantage of microalgae. “They are more resistant to heavy metals than trees. Through analysis of biomass, we found that they clean 300 to 3,000 cubic meters of air from heavy metals,” he pointed out. The PM microscopic dust is a carrier of such substances. Most deaths from air pollution in Serbia are attributed to elevated levels of PM particles.

    According to the study Health Impact of Ambient Air Pollution in Serbia, conducted in 2019 by the World Health Organization, exposure to high levels of PM accounts for almost 1,800 deaths per year just in Belgrade.

    Instead of just reading 200 word sensationalist headlines, read what the actual authors intended these to be for and what they do.

    Yes they don't do everything. They are not meant for carbon capture. Nobody who works on these ever intended these to be for carbon capture, nobody who works on these intends these to replace trees. That's not what these are meant for.

    They have a very specific, very niche but important theoretical application. The concept and principle are mature, but the technology itself is not, nor is it clear whether it can be scaled for it to be economically viable FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSE. Which is not and has never been "carbon capture" or replacing trees. They are and were intended as very localized, very limited air purifiers that you can put up and get running overnight as a stopgap measure.

    Yes, they capture carbon, but "carbon capture" is a different thing.
    Last edited by Elder Millennial; 2024-10-22 at 04:08 PM.

  10. #6750
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    Congratulations, you managed to read a headline and form an entire point of view off of that and nothing else.

    I swear to God, I'm going to end up having to put you on ignore again.



    Instead of just reading 200 word sensationalist headlines, read what the actual authors intended these to be for and what they do.

    Yes they don't do everything. They are not meant for carbon capture. Nobody who works on these ever intended these to be for carbon capture, nobody who works on these intends these to replace trees. That's not what these are meant for.

    They have a very specific, very niche but important theoretical application. The concept and principle are mature, but the technology itself is not, nor is it clear whether it can be scaled for it to be economically viable FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSE. Which is not and has never been "carbon capture" or replacing trees. They are and were intended as very localized, very limited air purifiers that you can put up and get running overnight as a stopgap measure.

    Yes, they capture carbon, but "carbon capture" is a different thing.
    *Reads the quoted paper which exclusively discusses O2 production and enhanced oxygenation as a means of mitigating pollution instead*.

    This bit really sold it:
    Operating costs are another consideration for feasibility. The LIQUID3 prototype relied on a solar array to power onboard lighting, sensors, and functions. But scaling up could make electricity consumption prohibitive.
    This is exactly the kind of crap I'm talking about.

  11. #6751
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    *Reads the quoted paper which exclusively discusses O2 production and enhanced oxygenation as a means of mitigating pollution instead*.

    This bit really sold it:

    This is exactly the kind of crap I'm talking about.
    Unfortunately, this is true of trees also.

    An Australian university came to the same conclusions with their separate independent study. Climate change is entering a self-sustaining cycle.

    “We have knocked this essential cycle off balance,” Lloyd said. “Plants and climate are inextricably linked. The biggest drawdown of CO2 from our atmosphere is photosynthesizing organisms. It’s a big knob on the composition of the atmosphere, so that means small changes have a large impact.”

    Plants currently absorb an estimated 25% of the CO2 emitted by human activities each year, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, but this percentage is likely to decrease in the future as the climate warms, Lloyd explained, especially if water is scarcer.

    “When we think about climate futures, we predict that CO2 will go up, which in theory is good for plants because those are the molecules they breathe in,” Lloyd said. “But we’ve shown there will be a tradeoff that some prevailing models don’t account for. The world will be getting warmer, which means plants will be less able to draw down that CO2.”

    There goes that theory that global warming is good for plants.

  12. #6752
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    *Reads the quoted paper which exclusively discusses O2 production and enhanced oxygenation as a means of mitigating pollution instead*.

    This bit really sold it:

    This is exactly the kind of crap I'm talking about.
    Not like I totally didn't give you two distinct sources one expanding on the points of the other, while I also caveat the existing issues with the thing and the fact that it's ways from being a usable tech.

    Stop being so obtuse.

    Anyway, last time I ever engage with you, you're going back on my ignore list forever.

  13. #6753
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    Not like I totally didn't give you two distinct sources one expanding on the points of the other, while I also caveat the existing issues with the thing and the fact that it's ways from being a usable tech.

    Stop being so obtuse.

    Anyway, last time I ever engage with you, you're going back on my ignore list forever.
    A paper and a local tabloid news article. Forgive me for ignoring the latter, it made a claim about 300-3000m^3 of air cleaned of heavy metals, without any context to make it sound good. For actual context, Manchester has about 116,000,000,000m^3 covering the top km, at any one time and it moves. So I took that as a very fringe benefit, rather than the focus since the paper didn't see cause to mention it.
    Last edited by Jessicka; 2024-10-22 at 06:11 PM.

  14. #6754
    Over 9000! ringpriest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Sure, but there's no money in that! We'd have to change all the things we do on earth that current make money but harm the environment, and it's really not a sexy thing that gets people excited.

    Now going to mars...

    Bro way, way, way cooler.
    Tech bros want to colonize Mars, so that everyone will be forced to live in a contained environment.
    Musk's fantasy is living to be this guy:

    So that he can turn off your air if you disagree with him.
    "For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
    - U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933

  15. #6755
    While on the one hand, it's actually probably great that Leon isn't just taking political donations and turning them into revenue for Twitter.

    On the other hand, boy it's embarassing when the dude who owns Twitter has his PAC's spend the overwhelming majority of their ad budget on a competing social media platform. I imagine because Facebook/Ista ads work, Twitter ads are mostly treated like what you see when browsing porn sites.

  16. #6756
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    While on the one hand, it's actually probably great that Leon isn't just taking political donations and turning them into revenue for Twitter.

    On the other hand, boy it's embarassing when the dude who owns Twitter has his PAC's spend the overwhelming majority of their ad budget on a competing social media platform. I imagine because Facebook/Ista ads work, Twitter ads are mostly treated like what you see when browsing porn sites.
    The thing about Musk's PAC is that he is the only person contributing to it:


    Elon Musk remains the sole donor to his political action committee, America PAC.
    So, while he would massively be increasing X's ad revenue... he'd be using all his own money to do so.
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  17. #6757
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Shitposting Agasint Fascists
    Does Elom have insider knowledge that ad spending on X, is worthless?
    Government Affiliated Snark

  18. #6758
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    Does Elom have insider knowledge that ad spending on X, is worthless?
    I think even he knows nobody is clicking on my teachers sex leg, she so sex. Which do you like? I like the secone.

  19. #6759
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    Does Elom have insider knowledge that ad spending on X, is worthless?
    It's not insider knowledge when everybody knows.

  20. #6760
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Musk shares this post, showing-

    "Oh my God, The Atlantic posted a cover saying Trump was literally Hitler?"

    No. The image is fake.

    This is where I used to bug the mods to have this thread merged with the Trump thread, as he's proven he's 100% campaigning for Trump. But, the thread is only 90% Elon being a Trump campaign worker, so I guess they stay separate.

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