1. #6981
    Quote Originally Posted by mbit2 View Post
    Both only got rich by banks pumping money into them. Neither paypal nor amazon were better services, they simply got money bags and priced out competition operating at a loss to take over market share. So who is really at fault and needs to be addressed?
    Well, Musk is also rich primarily because the stock market is basically Insane Magical Woo-Woo Land where the rules of reality are coked out of their minds.

    Like 85% of his value comes from Tesla stock, which is so grossly obscenely overvalued it should basically be criminal. If Tesla was actually valued at a reasonable rate for what it is, Musk would have been just another middle of the pack rich kid and likely faded into obscurity a decade ago. Instead, he's become of some kind of Bond Villain Caricature almost entirely because a middlingly successful car company startup got hyped into the stratosphere and arbitrarily assigned a stock value that would make Scrooge McDuck jealous.

    Quite frankly, you could probably solve a shitload of the world's problems by just burning Wallstreet to the ground.

  2. #6982
    The world would be a much better place without the stock market.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  3. #6983
    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    I just straight up had to block his twitter. I have an account on there that I rarely use, just to see status updates on certain things that get linked. Whenever I would click home, I'd just get a dozen posts from his dumbass.
    Yeah, I have him blocked/muted, too. Only time I really see his feed is when someone links a pic of a tweet and I just don't believe that its real, so have to go check for myself lol And then you scroll for just a few seconds, and remember why he's blocked/muted in the first place.

  4. #6984

    After just over a year on sale, Tesla reportedly moved workers on the Cybertruck line at its Austin Gigafactory over to Model Y production, reports Business Insider. The electric SUV is consistently one of the company’s top sellers, while the Cybertruck has ended up being a much lower-volume model, as the site explains:
    Now, some workers on the Cybertruck are being reassigned to produce the company’s best-selling Model Y.

    The carmaker notified workers in December that it would be changing the Cybertruck and Model Y production schedules and polled workers on their preferred work assignments, according to a survey viewed by Business Insider.

    “As we continue to assess schedules to meet business needs, we’ll be making a change to Model Y and Cyber schedules and we want to ensure that your preferences are considered,” the survey said.

    Tech billionaire Elon Musk said Wednesday that his budget-cutting effort on behalf of President-elect Donald Trump would most likely not find $2 trillion in savings, backtracking on a goal he set earlier as co-head of a new advisory body, the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE.

    Musk told political strategist Mark Penn in an interview broadcast on X that the $2 trillion figure was a “best-case outcome” and that he thought there was only a “good shot” at cutting half that.

    Musk’s lowered estimate is a significant downgrade from his earlier view. At a rally for Trump at Madison Square Garden in New York on Oct. 27, Musk said he’d be able to cut the federal budget by “at least $2 trillion.”

    Nobody wants his stupid fucking death machine, and he lied about how much he can suggest be cut through DOGE. Two outcomes literally everyone with a brain saw coming the moment each was announced.

    I guess right now the popular thing is to dunk on him for paying a Chinese dude to borrow his PoE2 character that's all kitted out for him so he can pretend it's his (well could, he got it killed), but if I didn't know better I'd think Leon was largely just a very, very, very good bullshitter who's so rich nobody dare call him on his bullshit.

  5. #6985
    Think the LA wildfires were caused by climate change? Rare conditions? Lack of preparedness?

    You'd be wrong, luckily detective dipshit Musk is on the case and the real cause is black and gay female firefighters!

    He downplayed the role of climate change, placing blame on individual female firefighters of colour and lesbian firefighters, including publishing their names and faces. He boosted an hour-long propaganda video by right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones that claimed the fires were “part of a larger globalist plot” to cause the collapse of the United States; Musk replied simply, “True”. And he repeatedly amplified claims that the Los Angeles Fire Department’s investments in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs cost lives by wasting money that could have been spent on disaster response, suggesting that the destruction could have been mitigated if more white men had been retained.

  6. #6986
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post



    Nobody wants his stupid fucking death machine, and he lied about how much he can suggest be cut through DOGE. Two outcomes literally everyone with a brain saw coming the moment each was announced.

    I guess right now the popular thing is to dunk on him for paying a Chinese dude to borrow his PoE2 character that's all kitted out for him so he can pretend it's his (well could, he got it killed), but if I didn't know better I'd think Leon was largely just a very, very, very good bullshitter who's so rich nobody dare call him on his bullshit.
    It's easy to cut that if you take out billionaire subsidies, corporate subsidies, and so on, but Musk wants to go after things like social security.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  7. #6987
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    It's easy to cut that if you take out billionaire subsidies, corporate subsidies, and so on, but Musk wants to go after things like social security.
    Nah even that would not be trilllions lol. That trillion 1 or 2 cut is from the mind of retards that never read the government budget lol. Which would be someone like Elon Musk. Even cutting the entire military discretionary budget doesent get you to 1 trillion, let alone 2. 2 trillion is the entire US government discrationary budget. 2 trillion is the entirety of social security and medicaid combined.

    2 trillion is 25% of the total budget. In short anybody expecting even half of that is a retard.
    Last edited by minteK917; 2025-01-11 at 10:18 AM.

  8. #6988
    I don't remember hearing these people claim DEI caused the hurricanes this past year. I'm guessing they're only going to do this for disasters that happen in areas politically controlled by dems.

  9. #6989
    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    I don't remember hearing these people claim DEI caused the hurricanes this past year. I'm guessing they're only going to do this for disasters that happen in areas politically controlled by dems.
    They did blame all of FEMA's shortcomings on DEI, though.

  10. #6990
    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    Well, Musk is also rich primarily because the stock market is basically Insane Magical Woo-Woo Land where the rules of reality are coked out of their minds.

    Like 85% of his value comes from Tesla stock, which is so grossly obscenely overvalued it should basically be criminal. If Tesla was actually valued at a reasonable rate for what it is, Musk would have been just another middle of the pack rich kid and likely faded into obscurity a decade ago. Instead, he's become of some kind of Bond Villain Caricature almost entirely because a middlingly successful car company startup got hyped into the stratosphere and arbitrarily assigned a stock value that would make Scrooge McDuck jealous.

    Quite frankly, you could probably solve a shitload of the world's problems by just burning Wallstreet to the ground.
    I can't possibly fathom a singular better example of the fact that the economy is utterly disconnected in any meaningful sense from the stock market then the valuation of Tesla.

    Let's be honest Tesla is like one half the valuation of Amperex and maybe Skoda aggregate, based on assets, output and sales.

  11. #6991
    To put it into context https://www.linkedin.com/posts/grego...098166785-zaxY

    Tesla accounts for nearly 50% of the automotive industry market cap, yet only accounted for 2% of global automotive sales. It's valued at more than the next something like 15 auto manufacturers COMBINED, yet wouldn't even make it on the top 20 list of cars produced.

    It's fucking insane.

    Absolutely nothing could possibly justify a company like that having the stock valuation that it does.
    Last edited by Surfd; 2025-01-12 at 05:00 AM.

  12. #6992
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    It's fucking insane.

    Absolutely nothing could possibly justify a company like that having the stock valuation that it does.
    Literally the definition of a "bubble". It lasts until it pops, and then chaos ensues, and everyone who loses their shirt fucking deserves it.

  13. #6993
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Literally the definition of a "bubble". It lasts until it pops, and then chaos ensues, and everyone who loses their shirt fucking deserves it.
    At least it's a bubble that's one company, not an entire industry.

  14. #6994
    Brewmaster diller's Avatar
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    I fucking hope tesla will implode, as I understand it their sales are plummeting BECAUSE of Elons stupid behavior (at least in Europe)

  15. #6995
    Quote Originally Posted by diller View Post
    I fucking hope tesla will implode, as I understand it their sales are plummeting BECAUSE of Elons stupid behavior (at least in Europe)
    That's the problem though. Their sales appear to have absolutely nothing to do with their valuation. Tesla's car sales are literally nothing, yet they still somehow account for almost half of the stock value of the ENTIRE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY. It makes no rational sense at all.

  16. #6996
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    Btw I don't think his gaming scandal was posted.

  17. #6997
    I mean, I thought that was blindingly obvious. Guy spent his time on the campaign trail for Trump, manages who knows how many companies, competitively shitposts on Twitter all day long, does whatever else he does for business/entertainment, yet still has the time to sit at a PC downing Mountain Dews to grind like a motherfucker and perform at top level on two ARPGs one after the other whose leaderboards are dominated by people who (sometimes literally) play them for a living for years on end? I didn't believe that for a second. No amount of money can add more hours to your day, at least not yet.

    As for Tesla, its sales have little to do with its silly valuation. Part of it is the tech side of the company -they really do many great batteries, or at least used to lead the industry- and most of it is the now usual cryptotechbro-adjacent bubble where hype dominates reason.

    Also, to be at least a little bit fair, it's not the only company to showcase this. Porsche is valued higher than Volkswagen but I somewhat doubt it has more sales numbers. Same for Ferrari. Tesla of course blows this completely out of proportion tho.
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  18. #6998
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    As for Tesla, its sales have little to do with its silly valuation. Part of it is the tech side of the company -they really do many great batteries, or at least used to lead the industry- and most of it is the now usual cryptotechbro-adjacent bubble where hype dominates reason.
    I'm aware of that is how it is NOW, at some point if the sales keep going down that will change.

  19. #6999
    The Lightbringer Pannonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    To put it into context https://www.linkedin.com/posts/grego...098166785-zaxY

    Tesla accounts for nearly 50% of the automotive industry market cap, yet only accounted for 2% of global automotive sales. It's valued at more than the next something like 15 auto manufacturers COMBINED, yet wouldn't even make it on the top 20 list of cars produced.

    It's fucking insane.

    Absolutely nothing could possibly justify a company like that having the stock valuation that it does.
    I'd argue that is because Tesla isn't really an automotive company, but a greenwashing company. Carmakers in europe pay a lot to Tesla for their CO2 certificates. So to a degree the price of Tesla is due to EU regulations when it comes to CO2.

  20. #7000
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    Also, to be at least a little bit fair, it's not the only company to showcase this. Porsche is valued higher than Volkswagen but I somewhat doubt it has more sales numbers. Same for Ferrari. Tesla of course blows this completely out of proportion tho.
    Not even close, Porsche is maybe 1/10th of VW. Also let's not ignore VW owns AUDI, so that market cap shows quite literally just gambling or is based on things that have absolutely nothing to do with manufacturing cars.
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

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