You didn't like how I addressed the content. Which was, well let me quote:
I thought it was more appropriate to Elon musk's tweets, a much as I've noticed them, and lacked the facts and context to answer the questions and commentary in my posts. Your failure to quote my posts and explain how you think that video applied to them doesn't help. If linking a video and tagging me in a single sentence suffices for your explanation, maybe I didn't fully understand that your point was making cracks about "Leon" and trolling.You tagged me in your post. Maybe you should've quoted something that I've written to elaborate what you feel is the connection between the Gavin Newsom post and my posts on this forum. Lacking that, I can only conclude that you should re-read my posts on the subject if you think Elon can be substituted in for me. I think you know that I posted on the complicated network of issues surrounding the fire response and pre-fire prevention efforts, but you're being absurdly reductionistic to bring it down to my posts involving water and Elon's posts also involving water.
I would suggest re-reading my posts to discover my writing on more factors for the fire's damage than just water, and more investigation on the pumps supplying pressure and water trucks (private firefighters did save a Palisades mall after all) and the impact of a missing a local hundred-million-gallon water reservoir where we know that the million-gallon-tanks were drained. I'm happy to link you those posts if you're willing to spend more than a sentence explaining how they apply to Newsom's post with Elon.