1. #7041
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    In which you make up complete fictions about me, heh. You're so focused on the source you're continuing to ignore the content, which is what I was focused on. It didn't matter who tweeted that video out, I'd have shared it regardless. But it appears you're so far lost in your own rabbit hole you can't see daylight.
    You didn't like how I addressed the content. Which was, well let me quote:

    You tagged me in your post. Maybe you should've quoted something that I've written to elaborate what you feel is the connection between the Gavin Newsom post and my posts on this forum. Lacking that, I can only conclude that you should re-read my posts on the subject if you think Elon can be substituted in for me. I think you know that I posted on the complicated network of issues surrounding the fire response and pre-fire prevention efforts, but you're being absurdly reductionistic to bring it down to my posts involving water and Elon's posts also involving water.
    I thought it was more appropriate to Elon musk's tweets, a much as I've noticed them, and lacked the facts and context to answer the questions and commentary in my posts. Your failure to quote my posts and explain how you think that video applied to them doesn't help. If linking a video and tagging me in a single sentence suffices for your explanation, maybe I didn't fully understand that your point was making cracks about "Leon" and trolling.

    I would suggest re-reading my posts to discover my writing on more factors for the fire's damage than just water, and more investigation on the pumps supplying pressure and water trucks (private firefighters did save a Palisades mall after all) and the impact of a missing a local hundred-million-gallon water reservoir where we know that the million-gallon-tanks were drained. I'm happy to link you those posts if you're willing to spend more than a sentence explaining how they apply to Newsom's post with Elon.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  2. #7042
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I'm sorry that you've lost interest in cross-party lying among politicians.
    You don't get to complain about people ignoring lying when you support a known mass liar and his entire party of liars.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  3. #7043
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Well, they complained about DEI. And that is their way of saying because she is a woman, first off, and gay, second off, that everything else doesn't matter. Because women cannot succeed at anything that would even be remotely a physical job. Because women are weak. Or some nonsense bullshit.

    Any and all complaints about "DEI" boil down to "how could <insert identity group here> possibly earn the job on merit? They're inherently inferior to <arbitrary identity group bigoted shithead saying this belongs to>."

    That's the entire argument, with no additional nuance to be included. They just get mad when you point it out at them, because they're insecure and pathetic pieces of shit who can't even take the heat for their own expressed views.

    See also complaints about CRT, BLM, "Wokeness", any of this. It's all new buzzwords for the same bigoted bullshit. They may as well just have the gonads to use the n-word with a hard R like they want to (or whatever other equivalent slurs for whichever identity group), but they won't, because they're chickenshit. Every single person expressing these complaints are cowards and bigots (and let me be clear; cowards that are also bigots, the Venn diagram is a single circle). Without any exception whatsoever.
    Last edited by Endus; 2025-01-14 at 07:53 PM.

  4. #7044
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I look forward to people applying the same standard to short videos posted by Donald Trump on X. But I'm gathering that you're really just upset about Elon Musk, and liked seeing him get rebuffed live on video. That's fine for you, by the way.

    But launching into diatribes about the lack of personal character of anonymous people posting on the internet is strange.
    You lied for a rapist. Correction, you lied for multiple rapists.

    The lack of personal character is pretty clear.

    Don't you think that's strange?

  5. #7045
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    Nah, Bloomberg reported it came from the Chinese Gove and everyone ran with it. Elon did not say nothing, Bytedance said they will not comment on fiction. Since it looks like they are going to have to sell would not surprise me if Elon does buy it
    No it didn't. Literally no other source says this.

  6. #7046
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Alright, I find it applicable to someone like Elon who has undoubtably been posting stuff about DEI and water like pithy comments........... So an Elon briefing on flow rate for Palisades wouldn't include details on the emptying of the smaller million-gallon tanks and the pump status. An future independent inquiry might answer some of that, and I hope it occurs and gets linked on this forum.

    I'm happy that you're happy about Elon receiving this briefing.
    See, here's the thing: Elon has absolutely fucking zero reason to be there. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Zip. He has no authority to be questioning these people. He has no justification for questioning these people.

    In a just and proper world, as soon as he showed up there, several burly firefighters should have grabbed him, drug him out behind a fire truck, punched him repeatedly in the dick, and told him to fuck off and stop wasting their time in the middle of a state wide crisis before stuffing him back in his cybertruck and setting the auto pilot to plot a course to the nearest cliff.

    The fact that this self absorbed shithead manchild was even given a chance to waste 2 minutes of their time is a travesty in and of itself.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    You didn't like how I addressed the content.
    Dude, this entire little recent back and forth exchange was sparked entirely because you spouted off a random bullshit response to a video you didn't even bother to watch and you got called on it. You straight up failed to even engage in the content you were responding to, let alone address it. So yes, "we didn't like how you addressed the content" because you simply didn't, and then tried to gasslight us about it would be a pretty good summary.

  7. #7047
    Quote Originally Posted by Moralgy View Post
    Na i mean, who caused him to start faking his ability at video games. Like this dude really only does anything as a reaction to something happening to him and making him insecure.
    He is seeking validation wherever he can find it. For the techbro identity he has built, gamers are a logical audience, not the least because gamers unfortunately demonstrate quite an overlap with incels and other misogynists.

  8. #7048
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    See, here's the thing: Elon has absolutely fucking zero reason to be there. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Zip. He has no authority to be questioning these people. He has no justification for questioning these people.
    In fact, billionaires that have a social media company and contrarian/knee-jerk social positions need it the most. The power only comes when public servants act like nobody is good enough to question them. Which thankfully didn't happen.

    In a just and proper world, as soon as he showed up there, several burly firefighters should have grabbed him, drug him out behind a fire truck, punched him repeatedly in the dick, and told him to fuck off and stop wasting their time in the middle of a state wide crisis before stuffing him back in his cybertruck and setting the auto pilot to plot a course to the nearest cliff.
    A little violent authoritarianism for you right there. Keep your dick-punching fantasies in whatever venue encourages such behavior.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  9. #7049
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    In fact, billionaires that have a social media company and contrarian/knee-jerk social positions need it the most. The power only comes when public servants act like nobody is good enough to question them. Which thankfully didn't happen.

    A little violent authoritarianism for you right there. Keep your dick-punching fantasies in whatever venue encourages such behavior.
    You have literal rape fantasies. Look at your avatar.

  10. #7050
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    A little violent authoritarianism for you right there. Keep your dick-punching fantasies in whatever venue encourages such behavior.
    Authoritarianism? And here I thought conservatives were clutching pearls about words being used carelessly.

    That's just the very real bullying Leon needs to hopefully snap him out of his self-prescribed drug-induced haze and, hopefully, back to reality.

  11. #7051
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    In fact, billionaires that have a social media company and contrarian/knee-jerk social positions need it the most. The power only comes when public servants act like nobody is good enough to question them. Which thankfully didn't happen.
    Boy is your civil society in fucking tatters if the people most qualified to question authorities about regulating fires should be billionaire narcissists who have no knowledge of the subject whatsoever, on top of a history of spouting self-serving bullshit and a tendency to whine loudly about any and all regulation they happen to not like. Elon is doing it for attention, much like 95% of his public appearances. He's not interested in the actual problem in the least.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  12. #7052
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    Boy is your civil society in fucking tatters if the people most qualified to question authorities about regulating fires should be billionaire narcissists who have no knowledge of the subject whatsoever, on top of a history of spouting self-serving bullshit and a tendency to whine loudly about any and all regulation they happen to not like. Elon is doing it for attention, much like 95% of his public appearances. He's not interested in the actual problem in the least.
    I wish to live in a society where everyone can speak to public servants. You can criticize Elon all you want, but I think you're actively being worse than Elon if your takeaway is that public servants cannot be questioned // certain people aren't allowed or authorized to question them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Authoritarianism? And here I thought conservatives were clutching pearls about words being used carelessly.

    That's just the very real bullying Leon needs to hopefully snap him out of his self-prescribed drug-induced haze and, hopefully, back to reality.
    I did not have "EdgE thinks the prospect of several burly firefighters should have grabbed him, drug him out behind a fire truck, punched him repeatedly in the dick, and told him to fuck off is not an example of authoritarianism" on my bingo card today, but it has been a strange day.
    Last edited by tehdang; 2025-01-15 at 07:15 PM.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  13. #7053
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I wish to live in a society where everyone can speak to public servants.
    While I generally agree, I don't think that "in the middle of an ongoing disaster where fire resources are needed to fight the fire" is a good time to be asking fire officials the same questions that he could have gotten answered via a quick web search. To me that seems like an incredible waste of limited resources.

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    You can criticize Elon all you want, but I think you're actively being worse than Elon if your takeaway is that public servants cannot be questioned // certain people aren't allowed or authorized to question them.
    It's a good thing I don't think a single person has that takeaway and it only exists in your mind. I'll let others confirm for themselves, but I've seen no indication of this sentiment.

    It's weird how you read things that nobody else does while also missing very obvious and explicit points that other people have no issues understanding.

  14. #7054
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    In fact, billionaires that have a social media company and contrarian/knee-jerk social positions need it the most. The power only comes when public servants act like nobody is good enough to question them. Which thankfully didn't happen.
    If the billionaire with a social media company and contrarian/knee-jerk social position was there to actually find solutions to prevent such tragedies from occuring again...you would have a point. But he isn't interested in finding solutions... he went there to push an agenda. Fortunately, all he managed to do was trip over his own dick. But nothing of any real value came out of him going there.
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  15. #7055
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I wish to live in a society where everyone can speak to public servants. You can criticize Elon all you want, but I think you're actively being worse than Elon if your takeaway is that public servants cannot be questioned // certain people aren't allowed or authorized to question them.
    That is literally all you do when it comes to the rapists you support. You hate when they're questioned.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  16. #7056
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I wish to live in a society where everyone can speak to public servants. You can criticize Elon all you want, but I think you're actively being worse than Elon if your takeaway is that public servants cannot be questioned // certain people aren't allowed or authorized to question them.
    I wish to live in a society where billionaires don't waste the time of public servants to try and force their bullshit political agenda. As I said before, if Elon actually had a genuine interest in finding solutions to prevent this type of thing in the future...you would have something of a point. But he doesn't. He used this tragedy as an excuse to push his bullshit "DEI" narrative.
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  17. #7057
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Midnight Bomber View Post
    I wish to live in a society where billionaires don't waste the time of public servants to try and force their bullshit political agenda. As I said before, if Elon actually had a genunine interest in finding solutions to prevent this type of thing in the future...you would have something of a point. But he doesn't. He used this tragedy as an excuse to push his bullshit "DEI" narrative.
    You and I have very different wishes for society. I don't think the identity of the questioner means that public servants can abandon their duty to serve the public.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  18. #7058
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    You and I have very different wishes for society. I don't think the identity of the questioner means that public servants can abandon their duty to serve the public.
    I said nothing about his identity. I was talking about his agenda.
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  19. #7059
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I wish to live in a society where everyone can speak to public servants. You can criticize Elon all you want, but I think you're actively being worse than Elon if your takeaway is that public servants cannot be questioned // certain people aren't allowed or authorized to question them.
    Your ability to read what you want to read out of people's posts so you can try to score cheap gotcha points continues to prove itself. Wherever have I even implied that public servants shouldn't be questioned except in the most warped possible interpretation of my post?

    Elon can say whatever he likes on his social platform as befits free speech and all that, but that doesn't mean he should be celebrated actually going to firefighters handling a crisis and questioning their ability or methods when he doesn't have the beginning of a clue as to the subject. This isn't him bravely standing up to a rigid authority because (according to you at least) billionaires are the best placed to do so or whatever, it's him wanting to put the spotlight on himself to feed his main character syndrome. People have the right to call his visit useless at best, and it is only in your mind -or in the torturous reading of what people actually write that is required for you to claim moral victory- that this translates to wanting no accountability for public servants.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  20. #7060
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    You and I have very different wishes for society. I don't think the identity of the questioner means that public servants can abandon their duty to serve the public.
    I think that the firefighters have a more important duty of fighting the fires and coordinating resources than debunking some easily debunked conspiracy theories for apartheid-man just because he apparently won't believe anyone else.

    Just noting, again, that you zoom out to discuss the topic in the most vague, general terms possible while refusing to actually speak to the specifics of the topic in discussion.

    Which is a pattern with conservatives, and you in particular. Because it seems that engaging with the subject matter proper is rarely a winning strategy for your position, and instead you zoom out to dishonestly re-frame the incident in question.

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