1. #7061
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I think that the firefighters have a more important duty of fighting the fires and coordinating resources than debunking some easily debunked conspiracy theories for apartheid-man just because he apparently won't believe anyone else.

    Just noting, again, that you zoom out to discuss the topic in the most vague, general terms possible while refusing to actually speak to the specifics of the topic in discussion.

    Which is a pattern with conservatives, and you in particular. Because it seems that engaging with the subject matter proper is rarely a winning strategy for your position, and instead you zoom out to dishonestly re-frame the incident in question.
    You're aware the communicating with the public and fighting fires are two different roles for public servants? I thought it went without saying that I wasn't advocating for pulling firefighters off the line to inform citizens of what's going on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    Your ability to read what you want to read out of people's posts so you can try to score cheap gotcha points continues to prove itself. Wherever have I even implied that public servants shouldn't be questioned except in the most warped possible interpretation of my post?
    You said, and I quote, "the people most qualified to question authorities about regulating fires." I happen to think no qualifications are necessary to question public servants that are funded by taxpayers.

    You were attempting a gotcha by changing a post response that started with "He has no authority to be questioning these people" into thinking that I was asserting he was the "most qualified." So, for the record, what are the qualifications for questioning a public servant? If they don't exist, why did you include "most qualified?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Midnight Bomber View Post
    I said nothing about his identity. I was talking about his agenda.
    Then let's back up. My post said, "I wish to live in a society where everyone can speak to public servants." Do you agree with me on that? I know you have some private wishes about how Elon spends his time, but there's other people in this forum that "In a just and proper world, as soon as he showed up there, several burly firefighters should have grabbed him, drug him out behind a fire truck, punched him repeatedly in the dick" before rebuking him on "his agenda." And since you haven't commented on that post or the subject of my response, I don't know how you feel about that. I do know how you feel about his agenda, as you interpret it.
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  2. #7062
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    You and I have very different wishes for society. I don't think the identity of the questioner means that public servants can abandon their duty to serve the public.
    You support an actual traitor.

    How do you justify your support of someone who abandoned their duty to serve the public?

  3. #7063
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post

    You said, and I quote, "the people most qualified to question authorities about regulating fires." I happen to think no qualifications are necessary to question public servants that are funded by taxpayers.

    You were attempting a gotcha by changing a post response that started with "He has no authority to be questioning these people" into thinking that I was asserting he was the "most qualified." So, for the record, what are the qualifications for questioning a public servant? If they don't exist, why did you include "most qualified?"
    The very post I quoted first has you say people who run social media companies need the most authority when it comes to questioning public servants. Are you really trying to use the fact I employed a synonym as a meaningful difference in order to avoid having to address the actual point? And then inventing this fantasy that it means I think public servants can't be questioned? And then you accuse others of attempting gotchas?

    I'm not sure if this is more risible or sad.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  4. #7064
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    The very post I quoted first has you say people who run social media companies need the most authority when it comes to questioning public servants. Are you really trying to use the fact I employed a synonym as a meaningful difference in order to avoid having to address the actual point? And then inventing this fantasy that it means I think public servants can't be questioned? And then you accuse others of attempting gotchas?

    I'm not sure if this is more risible or sad.
    While I agree public servants should be accessible, at the same time, they have fucking jobs to do and unless they're specifically in a public-facing role, that doesn't include communications. While you should be able to get their number or work e-mail to contact them, there shouldn't be any obligation for them to reply or not just hang up on you. And if it steps up to harassment after that, well, that's a crime and them being a public servant doesn't change that. If they've had to take 5 calls or so after telling you to stop calling, you should be facing criminal harassment charges. Take the fuckin' hint, jackass.

  5. #7065
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    While I agree public servants should be accessible, at the same time, they have fucking jobs to do and unless they're specifically in a public-facing role, that doesn't include communications. While you should be able to get their number or work e-mail to contact them, there shouldn't be any obligation for them to reply or not just hang up on you. And if it steps up to harassment after that, well, that's a crime and them being a public servant doesn't change that. If they've had to take 5 calls or so after telling you to stop calling, you should be facing criminal harassment charges. Take the fuckin' hint, jackass.
    Having a friend that works at the Canada Revenue Agency, you wouldn't believe how far some people go to complain about the government. Especially those who suckle at the teat of tax breaks and subsidies. Musk being of course is a pretty big example of this. This time it was more to complain about the so-called DEI hires that a particular brand of Conservatives get all hot and bothered about, but still.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  6. #7066
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    You're aware the communicating with the public and fighting fires are two different roles for public servants? I thought it went without saying that I wasn't advocating for pulling firefighters off the line to inform citizens of what's going on.

    You said, and I quote, "the people most qualified to question authorities about regulating fires." I happen to think no qualifications are necessary to question public servants that are funded by taxpayers.

    You were attempting a gotcha by changing a post response that started with "He has no authority to be questioning these people" into thinking that I was asserting he was the "most qualified." So, for the record, what are the qualifications for questioning a public servant? If they don't exist, why did you include "most qualified?"

    Then let's back up. My post said, "I wish to live in a society where everyone can speak to public servants." Do you agree with me on that? I know you have some private wishes about how Elon spends his time, but there's other people in this forum that "In a just and proper world, as soon as he showed up there, several burly firefighters should have grabbed him, drug him out behind a fire truck, punched him repeatedly in the dick" before rebuking him on "his agenda." And since you haven't commented on that post or the subject of my response, I don't know how you feel about that. I do know how you feel about his agenda, as you interpret it.
    Ok, I personally don't care that Elon is questioning public officials. It is more about the timing of it. Much like I wouldn't want a random person going up to the police during an active hostage situation asking basic questions, the same applies here. Until the fires are under control, don't stop them and ask them anything. Ask to hold a press conference where questions can be answered. Otherwise, all that is happening is people are being distracted and now not actually doing anything to deal with the problem at hand.

  7. #7067
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Ok, I personally don't care that Elon is questioning public officials. It is more about the timing of it. Much like I wouldn't want a random person going up to the police during an active hostage situation asking basic questions, the same applies here. Until the fires are under control, don't stop them and ask them anything. Ask to hold a press conference where questions can be answered. Otherwise, all that is happening is people are being distracted and now not actually doing anything to deal with the problem at hand.
    Look at you, actually addressing the topic at hand directly instead of zooming out to dishonestly change the entire framing and act like the criticisms are outrageous and unreasonable.

  8. #7068
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Midnight Bomber View Post
    I wish to live in a society where billionaires don't waste the time of public servants to try and force their bullshit political agenda.
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    You and I have very different wishes for society.
    Yeah, that's it in a perfect little nutshell.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  9. #7069
    Lmao the bitch boy got so mad at Asmongold for calling out his PoE2 character as being played by someone else that he removed Asmon's blue checkmark on Xitter.

  10. #7070
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Lmao the bitch boy got so mad at Asmongold for calling out his PoE2 character as being played by someone else that he removed Asmon's blue checkmark on Xitter.
    Oh my lmao
    And we all have to remember that you hafta pay for those these days

  11. #7071
    We live in a world where the world's richest man, who is also a key advisor to the new president of the United States spends his free time arguing on twitter with a man who used to be woken up by the fucking decaying sun-baked corpse of a rat.

    Saw that on reddit and that about sums it up. Well done trumpers.

  12. #7072
    So I guess gamers have pushed Leon over another ledge?

    He's yoinking blue checkmarks from streamers like Kripp and Assmongold while also posting his DM's with Assmongold because he doesn't know what an editor is. All because those dudes made fun of him for paying to borrow someone's account and sucking at the game.

    Much Freeze Peach. Very wow.

    It's almost like it's what literally everyone said would happen with Twitter under his watch while conservatives said it would be a FREEZE PEACH UTOPIA which I guess mostly means they can post the N-word a bunch without getting banned anymore.

    Absolutely the most pathetic shit ever.

  13. #7073
    Brewmaster diller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Lmao the bitch boy got so mad at Asmongold for calling out his PoE2 character as being played by someone else that he removed Asmon's blue checkmark on Xitter.
    Asmon even tried to weasel out of reacting to Elon for a while but eventually he almost had to.

  14. #7074
    Quote Originally Posted by Woodtable View Post
    We live in a world where the world's richest man, who is also a key advisor to the new president of the United States spends his free time arguing on twitter with a man who used to be woken up by the fucking decaying sun-baked corpse of a rat.

    Saw that on reddit and that about sums it up. Well done trumpers.

    I can't wait for Asmongold to start his stream today.

  15. #7075
    Quote Originally Posted by diller View Post
    Asmon even tried to weasel out of reacting to Elon for a while but eventually he almost had to.
    it's funny seeing his dumpster of a sub turn on Leon like this would doubling down on how much they love Assmongold and the novel bacterial and fungal cultures that grow in his room.

    "oh no, the stupid, dishonest, awful person finally turned on me, I am so shocked and surprised." said every idiot ever

  16. #7076
    Quote Originally Posted by diller View Post
    Asmon even tried to weasel out of reacting to Elon for a while but eventually he almost had to.
    It's goddamn glorious.

    Asmongold might finally have to come down from the fence he's been sitting on for years now.

  17. #7077
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    We really are in the absolute worst timeline.

  18. #7078
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    We really are in the absolute worst timeline.
    Are you kidding me? We'll finally get to disprove the simulation theory once and for all. Nobody could write a script this stupid.

  19. #7079
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Are you kidding me? We'll finally get to disprove the simulation theory once and for all. Nobody could write a script this stupid.
    What if our simulation is just generative AI writing scripts based on untold generations of Gen AI training on other Gen AIs, an ouroboros of stupid scripts informing future stupid scripts.

  20. #7080
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    What if our simulation is just generative AI writing scripts based on untold generations of Gen AI training on other Gen AIs, an ouroboros of stupid scripts informing future stupid scripts.
    I mean, there's arguably only seven actual stories that get told. We just re-arrange the details a bit.

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