1. #7081
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Are you kidding me? We'll finally get to disprove the simulation theory once and for all. Nobody could write a script this stupid.
    Oh please, only AI can write a script so dumb. I think this is what happens when you leave a computer on for far too long and you have a slow memory leak. You eventually get stupid shit that cannot be explained.

  2. #7082
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    What if our simulation is just generative AI writing scripts based on untold generations of Gen AI training on other Gen AIs, an ouroboros of stupid scripts informing future stupid scripts.
    Ahh, but if it was just AIs copying AIs, it would all just degenerate into an ever tighter repeating loop before degenerating into incoherent noise. What we have here is clearly a system where true randomness causes the system to destabilize, in an attempt to force a stagnating system to re-orient itself and begin evolving again.

    One day I shall prove that the universe is truly non-deterministic by referring back to this time period.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Oh please, only AI can write a script so dumb. I think this is what happens when you leave a computer on for far too long and you have a slow memory leak. You eventually get stupid shit that cannot be explained.
    But everything that happens CAN be explained! The explanation just is that roughly 50% of humans are below the average intellect.

  3. #7083
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Oh please, only AI can write a script so dumb. I think this is what happens when you leave a computer on for far too long and you have a slow memory leak. You eventually get stupid shit that cannot be explained.
    No, that's the thing.
    No fiction can be as crazy as reality.

    Seriously, ww1 started because after a failed terrorist assassination attempt the target got stuck in traffic outside of the shop where one of the failed assassins was eating a sandwich.
    - Lars

  4. #7084
    Who thought, an oligarch's fall would be about FAKING on a videogame. And not knowing what are VIDEO editors. And then calling Asmongold bad a video games, LOL!

    It's like someone said (can't remember who), we are slowly entering on the age of authenticity.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Muzjhath View Post
    No, that's the thing.
    No fiction can be as crazy as reality.

    Seriously, ww1 started because after a failed terrorist assassination attempt the target got stuck in traffic outside of the shop where one of the failed assassins was eating a sandwich.
    And the Arab Spring because of a Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire. The real history is "narratively" so badly written that an AI would write better narratives.
    Last edited by Timester; 2025-01-17 at 02:17 PM.

  5. #7085
    Brewmaster diller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    And then calling Asmongold bad a video games, LOL!
    Well that part is kinda true, but Asmon never claimed he was good.

  6. #7086
    Quote Originally Posted by diller View Post
    Well that part is kinda true, but Asmon never claimed he was good.
    True, but the pettiness of a bad gamer calling an other gamer bad.

    Elmo acts like a little kid that thinks is being calling for the shit is doing.

  7. #7087
    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    Who thought, an oligarch's fall
    Let's not oversell this. Largely the only people who care are terminally online gamers like us.

  8. #7088
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Let's not oversell this. Largely the only people who care are terminally online gamers like us.
    I think it's safe to say that Elon is too big to fail in terms of money however he has single handedly destroyed decades of propaganda for billionaires (meritocracy, genius etc). He could have pulled a Warren Buffet to keep his image as the modern day Tony Stark but his ego is insane. I can never understand how a man that has so much is so desperately lonely and starving for approval.

  9. #7089
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    I think it's safe to say that Elon is too big to fail in terms of money however he has single handedly destroyed decades of propaganda for billionaires (meritocracy, genius etc).
    He has absolutely not, outside of the terminally online sections of the internet. People don't like him (he's about as unpopular as Donald is), but those tropes remain alive and well.

  10. #7090
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    He has absolutely not, outside of the terminally online sections of the internet. People don't like him (he's about as unpopular as Donald is), but those tropes remain alive and well.
    Let's not underestimate the power of memes. There is significant overlap between the people who got Trump elected twice by running free propaganda campaigns for him on the internet, and the spergs that worship Musk.

    Pissing off those memesters is a good way of losing a significant portion of your support. Especially when Elon actually seems to be going out of his way to seek the approval of that crowd to stroke his ego.

  11. #7091
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    He has absolutely not, outside of the terminally online sections of the internet. People don't like him (he's about as unpopular as Donald is), but those tropes remain alive and well.
    I disagree I cannot think of a time where billionaires have been less popular, I know I am showing my age but Warren Buffet was downright a folk hero. I know he is still alive but there is no billionaire with that level of adoration and fame Warren had back in the day. Elon had the potential to have that level of fame and reputation before he screwed it up, he could have been this generation's famous / beloved rich man.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Let's not underestimate the power of memes. There is significant overlap between the people who got Trump elected twice by running free propaganda campaigns for him on the internet, and the spergs that worship Musk.

    Pissing off those memesters is a good way of losing a significant portion of your support. Especially when Elon actually seems to be going out of his way to seek the approval of that crowd to stroke his ego.
    I don't think it's just the memes it's part of it but his personal life really screwed him on top of it he got involved with the whole Jonny Depp mess. Every aspect of his life came out to be a hot mess.

  12. #7092
    Quote Originally Posted by Muzjhath View Post
    Seriously, ww1 started because after a failed terrorist assassination attempt the target got stuck in traffic outside of the shop where one of the failed assassins was eating a sandwich.
    There's a bunch of small things surrounding the outbreak of WW1 that make you cringe in hindsight.

    For example, Jean Jaurès, a french socialist, who wanted to mediate between parties to prevent war was assassinated on July 31.1914 by a man named "Raoul Villain".
    You'd expect this naming convention in a Kojima game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    People don't like him (he's about as unpopular as Donald is)
    When you run from a bear, you don't have to be the faster than the bear, just faster than the slowest kid.

  13. #7093
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Let's not oversell this. Largely the only people who care are terminally online gamers like us.
    His ego oversells it and his insane insecurity kills it, that's the thing. Yes, we know who is Asmon, but Elmo's reach on Twitter is way beyond the gamer community and those people will read his twitts and think "uh, why the hell is Elon acting like a kid, what's happening?".

    And it will only get worse with this kind of insecurity.

  14. #7094
    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    and those people will read his twitts and think "uh, why the hell is Elon acting like a kid, what's happening?".
    ...Trump is about to become President a 2nd time and his style of debating is called "trading schoolyard insults".

    If this is still going in a few months, perhaps but right now i would not oversell this.

  15. #7095
    Quote Originally Posted by Kralljin View Post
    ...Trump is about to become President a 2nd time and his style of debating is called "trading schoolyard insults".

    If this is still going in a few months, perhaps but right now i would not oversell this.
    It's different. Trump's life was being an artistic realityshow conman that became senile and decided to go to politics. He had a thicker skin and now his mind is just to gone to actually even care.

    Elmo is actually insecure as fuck, a nerd that go lucky with his businesses. A somewhat excentric "genius". The more he became a public figure, the more he began to show this insecurities. It will be his own ego that will sent him into a rabit hole.

  16. #7096
    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    He had a thicker skin and now his mind is just to gone to actually even care.
    Trump is very thin skinned, the dude cannot even let the slightest remark lie, the difference is that Trump doesn't play video games.

    Swap out Video games with Golf and that stuff could come from Trump, easily.
    It's just that you cannot fake playing golf like you can do with video games.

  17. #7097
    Quote Originally Posted by Kralljin View Post
    Trump is very thin skinned, the dude cannot even let the slightest remark lie, the difference is that Trump doesn't play video games.

    Swap out Video games with Golf and that stuff could come from Trump, easily.
    It's just that you cannot fake playing golf like you can do with video games.
    I'm comparing the two at the same age. Trump had so many scandals through his entire life when was younger and he simply didn't care.

  18. #7098
    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    I'm comparing the two at the same age. Trump had so many scandals through his entire life when was younger and he simply didn't care.
    Difficult comparison because we're talking about a ~30 year age difference, 90's Trump didn't have social media around to put out every spur of the moment stupid idea into the world.

    Being involved in a "scandal" and being thin skinned are also two different beasts.
    Frankly, calling this situation here even a scandal is stretching the term, it's a petty fight, nothing more.

  19. #7099
    Quote Originally Posted by Kralljin View Post
    Difficult comparison because we're talking about a ~30 year age difference, 90's Trump didn't have social media around to put out every spur of the moment stupid idea into the world.

    Being involved in a "scandal" and being thin skinned are also two different beasts.
    Frankly, calling this situation here even a scandal is stretching the term, it's a petty fight, nothing more.
    Yes, this isn't a scandal and Elmo is acting like a kid (has he ever had a true scandal?). Trump actually went so deep scandals with the same age.

  20. #7100

    This must be what "genius" looks like.

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