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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkeon View Post
    Lots of seethe and cope in this thread.

    I, for one, welcome Muskeet app with open arms. What a big white pill this was.
    Every time I see you guys communicate this way, I always wonder if you have any self awareness. Like one drop of it.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Grapemask View Post
    Every time I see you guys communicate this way, I always wonder if you have any self awareness. Like one drop of it.
    "You guys"? You guys are wild.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by EyelessCrow View Post
    The incoherent screeching is glorious. Especially from those putting free speech in quotes directed at people being banned for simply having the wrong political opinion.

    I'm just not quite sure why questioning a ridiculous amount of votes for a particular candidate being counted after voting was "stopped" is a bannable offense but promoting injecting children with hormones who still want to be a lampshade when they grow up is fine or being an elected official and promoting burning a city to the ground over a trial verdict is A-OK.

    I'm looking forward to Trump's first unbanned Tweet and I don't even like him.
    Oh ,you are not quite sure?

    Worry not. I'll explain to you.

    I put the quotes in "free speech" because no one has ever been banned from Twitter by a political opinion. Ever.

    People get banned for lying and for claiming they have the right to hate and spread that hate because although you think everything is an opinion the truth is there's statements that are objetively false and when we put the microscope of Science on it we can call it bullshit and when we put the microscope of Law and due process we can call it bullshit and that turn the concept from opinion to LIE.

    If we don't tell apart both concepts people could start saying things about votes being counted for a candidate after voting was "stopped" ( what a simmetry in people putting qoutes.....) , don't you think?

    Because that's the beauty of Science and Law. They admit a very limited ammount of bullshit so if you say vaccines shrink your testicles Science is gonna ask you to prove it. If you say there was some kind of Law fraud in the elections the courts are going to tell you ....prove it. They are not "I heard on twitter" no, they are not "I got this feeling"...they are not "The world would be a better place if this was true so I choose to believe it",not at all.

    And there's lies that are extremely dangerous lies. Lies that affect public health, lies that erode the very pillars of democracy ( I could tell you what happened in Europe last century once lies get out of control) so if you want to believe earth is flat go ahead, no problem at all, full throttle on that but if you are gonna be all about the dangerous lies be aware that some places ( especially private places) are not gonna allow you to do that and there's zero,niet, nada,nothing...of limiting your free speech there.

    Is it clear now? No? Yeah I knew it but you still shouldn't worry about.....

    "I think we should have stricter inmigrations laws" ---> political opinion
    "Rapist and murderers" ----> hate

    "The vaccine is more dangerous that Covid" --> false ,objectively false , and dangerous lie
    "I don't trust the vaccine has been tested enough" --> personal opinion

    "There was election fraud" --> false ,objectively false , and dangerous lie
    "We should enforce stricter checks on elections" --> political opinion

    Greeting from my friends Law and Science....they are really really as sick of bullshit as I am and can tolerate no more.

  4. #64
    My guess is that nothing much actually changes and it is business as usual.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkeon View Post
    "You guys"? You guys are wild.
    I honestly can't tell if this is intentional or not.

  6. #66
    Moderator Rozz's Avatar
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    "banned because of wrong think"

    People are openly racist there...lmfao, suuuuuure. Half everything viral would result in mass bans if that was the case... it's practically unmoderated.
    Moderator of the General Off-Topic, Politics, Lore, and RP Forums
    "If you have any concerns, let me know via PM. I'll do my best to assist you."

  7. #67
    Infracted for "trolling transgendered youth" for specifically commenting on adults injecting toddlers with hormones. This site is fucking disgusting and the mod that is for that is fucking disgusting. Oh wait I can't comment on an infraction, can't let the reason get out! I'm done with this place.

    Maybe I'll go to Twitter ROFL

    Infracted for Discussing Moderation.
    Last edited by xskarma; 2022-04-26 at 12:01 AM.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by EyelessCrow View Post
    commenting on adults injecting toddlers with hormones.
    Cool, does everyone complain about things that don't exist but they seem to spend a lot of time fantasizing about? This is like Ted Cruz fantasizing about turning on the TV to see Mickey Mouse absolutely plowing Pluto.

  9. #69
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyelessCrow View Post
    Infracted for "trolling transgendered youth" for specifically commenting on adults injecting toddlers with hormones. This site is fucking disgusting and the mod that is for that is fucking disgusting. Oh wait I can't comment on an infraction, can't let the reason get out! I'm done with this place.

    Maybe I'll go to Twitter ROFL
    Good. Take the obvious transphobic bigotry with you. You're so, so angry that transgender people might get to live happy, healthy lives.

  10. #70
    The Lightbringer uuuhname's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyelessCrow View Post
    Infracted for "trolling transgendered youth" for specifically commenting on adults injecting toddlers with hormones. This site is fucking disgusting and the mod that is for that is fucking disgusting. Oh wait I can't comment on an infraction, can't let the reason get out! I'm done with this place.

    Maybe I'll go to Twitter ROFL
    see you in a couple weeks.

  11. #71
    Pandaren Monk Ettan's Avatar
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    I see this as a positive.
    Its not like its going to be wild west and anything allowed, it will still be moderated. Just more moderatly/ fairly one could argue.

    And if your on the never trumper band wagon. This is royally going to screw over Trump's dwac truth social/rumble dreams,
    and all the money he poured into that.
    Much much harder to attract his base, if theres a viable established option out there for them.

    I could still see it attract fringe extremes, but it will be much harder for it to grow into an actual competitor now.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by xmirrors View Post
    My guess is that nothing much actually changes and it is business as usual.
    Probably. Dude didn't just spend $43 billion to own the libs. There are business implications here and one of them is getting even fucking richer off everyone's data. It's the new gold rush.

    Any right-wingers on here talking about how their freedom of speech is saved are going to be quite sad when nothing really changes because their false victimhood complex is... fake news.

    In addition, if Musk does force Twitter to ramp up the efforts to get everyone verified (great for collecting data) and banning bots (also great for collecting data) it's going to hurt all the Russian shills and bots propping up right-wing talking points and propaganda. This could literally have the opposite effect the nut jobs are hoping for.

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Ettan View Post
    I see this as a positive.
    Its not like its going to be wild west and anything allowed, it will still be moderated. Just more moderatly/ fairly one could argue.
    What's "unfair" about the current moderation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ettan View Post
    And if your on the never trumper band wagon. This is royally going to screw over Trump's dwac truth social/rumble dreams,
    and all the money he poured into that.
    He poured none of his own money into it, actually. And the DWAC stock has been tanking since the announcement as "Truth Social" still isn't launched months after it was supposed to launch, and their star attraction, Trump, still has only posted a single "truth"

    Quote Originally Posted by Ettan View Post
    Much much harder to attract his base, if theres a viable established option out there for them.

    I could still see it attract fringe extremes, but it will be much harder for it to grow into an actual competitor now.
    As with Parler, Getr, Gab, and the other "freeze peach" platforms before it, there's no real audience to attract. "Truth Social" was never going to be a sucess, and Musk buying Twitter has nothing to do with that.

  14. #74
    Truth Social was a scammy money grab, just like the hundreds of other things Trump has done in his life. His supporters seem to have done absolutely no research on the guy at all. Or they're just choosing to pretend his past doesn't exist. For his entire adult life he's went from one scam business/product to the next with money laundering and tax fraud in between. Truth Social was never going to succeed. It wasn't intended to.

    It's probably a good idea to recognize how small Twitter actually is compared to other social media. People who love it tend to make the same mistake that others do, like on Reddit (like Sanders vs Biden). It represents a very small portion of people. It's not representative at all of the larger population. So even if Musk monkeys with it, it won't matter all that much. The vast majority of people won't even being looking at it.

    If Musk does some serious fuckery, like letting thousands of banned people come back, then it will just turn into a worse cesspool than it already is. Whether Trump returns or any number of other nutjobs, it will just chase away regular users. There are many other ways for people to express their views without having to post on Twitter. If Musk turns it into /pol/ then it'll end up like all the other right wing social platforms.

  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by EyelessCrow View Post
    Infracted for "trolling transgendered youth" for specifically commenting on adults injecting toddlers with hormones. This site is fucking disgusting and the mod that is for that is fucking disgusting. Oh wait I can't comment on an infraction, can't let the reason get out! I'm done with this place.

    Maybe I'll go to Twitter ROFL
    And nothing of value was lost.

    Toodles bigot.

  16. #76
    Banned Hammerfest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Good. Take the obvious transphobic bigotry with you. You're so, so angry that transgender people might get to live happy, healthy lives.
    Folks, try to read that without blood spurting out your nose...

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    As with Parler, Getr, Gab, and the other "freeze peach" platforms before it, there's no real audience to attract. "Truth Social" was never going to be a sucess, and Musk buying Twitter has nothing to do with that.
    Unironically mocking Free Speech.

    Tell me you lived in USA all your life without telling it.

  18. #78
    The Lightbringer uuuhname's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkeon View Post
    Unironically mocking Free Speech.

    Tell me you lived in USA all your life without telling it.
    lol? are we really pretending those platforms don't have ToS'?

    also even bigger LOL when it's the US that has the first amendment, not Europe.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammerfest View Post
    Folks, try to read that without blood spurting out your nose...
    I mean, it's really easy not to when you have an actual life to live.
    Last edited by uuuhname; 2022-04-25 at 11:35 PM.

  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkeon View Post
    Unironically mocking Free Speech.

    Tell me you lived in USA all your life without telling it.
    I'm not mocking freeze peach, I'm mocking people who think that private social media companies are bound by the First Amendment. Because they're not.

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm not mocking freeze peach, I'm mocking people who think that private social media companies are bound by the First Amendment. Because they're not.
    Sounds like you take it for granted, that's what.

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