1. #1461
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Oh no, he's already doing much, much, much worse.

    Advertisers are already pausing ad buys and others are considering doing so depending on how things unfold. Power users (who are super valuable) are starting to leave. He has no plan at all and is just looking to cut costs with big layoffs a week after buying the company and well before he can even have a full understanding of the business.

    Elon is an idiot. He trolled and played a game of chicken and lost, and now has no plan or idea what the fuck to do with his new social media company. And as with every problem, Elon views Twitter's problems as, apparently, engineering problems. It's not, Twitter's problems have never been "engineering" and they've always been political in nature.

    And given how we've seen him handle the whole political/social aspect so far, it's pretty safe to assume that unless he makes a major course change soon that Twitter will be a glorious dumpster fire to watch as it fades into obscurity alongside Gab, Gettr, Parler, and whatever the other low-effort "freeze peach" social media sites that can't attract advertisers.

    See here is what we know. With Elons history and money he’ll hire someone who is brilliant and desperately in need of money meaning he’ll keep it afloat if not sustainable.

    The question will be what else will it cost. He already threatened to fire 75% and forced those that want to stay to work 84 hours a week while he sleeps on the floor or so I’ve read.

    Not to mention if also true that he siphon 50 Tesla workers to help him do it. I’m no longer and investor with Elon. But I can’t imagine if things take a turn for the worse next quarter stock holders will be pleased.

    This on top of the admitted millions not realized perhaps from Starlink.

    When you have to answer for all that while assured business boards are a waste of resources. Yeah this is going to get interesting.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jotaux View Post
    The problem is that he doesn't have that option. He massively overpaid for it and used borrowed money to do so. The interest on that is too high for him to do nothing so he's stuck trying to monetize the platform far beyond the previous management.
    Yeah especially since all the alternatives cost a fraction of what he spent. So what did he actually buy?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm surprised he hasn't floated Dogecoin yet, tbh. Why not bring out all the greatest hits of his shitposting?

    It was trending the other day so I think he has unless it’s and old tweet.

    I was Lol at far righters pissed he isn’t immediately unbanning people.

    I wonder if it sinking or in all that shadow banning people complained about being nonsense and nobody but not farmers and idiots follow far righters.

  2. #1462
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    See here is what we know. With Elons history and money he’ll hire someone who is brilliant and desperately in need of money meaning he’ll keep it afloat if not sustainable.
    Sure, Hyperloop seems to be going great! Last I checked his big success was a one-lane tunnel underneath Las Vegas, with a human being driving a Tesla SUV from stop to stop and getting stuck in traffic jams.

    But this presumes he even knows what the problems are and what kind of expertise he needs in order to fix them. So far: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to doubt.

    As mentioned, he appears to view this as an engineering problem. Twitters problems are not engineering problems, they're political problems. So if he's pursuing and engineering fix for a political problem it doesn't matter who he hires, he's hiring the wrong specialist for the job.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    He already threatened to fire 75% and forced those that want to stay to work 84 hours a week while he sleeps on the floor or so I’ve read.
    It's a great way to cut costs! And also gut your workforce and lose a mountain of institutional knowledge that's near impossible to get back once it's gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Not to mention if also true that he siphon 50 Tesla workers to help him do it.
    50? 50?!?!?!?1 Oh heavens be, clearly the company is saved as he's discussing laying off 3,700 employees. What's better is that the Tesla employees have as much understanding of the business and code as Elon does: Fuckin none. And they're reportedly swooping in and making all kinds of terrible decisions according to reports from Twitter engineers stuck wasting their time in these meetings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    But I can’t imagine if things take a turn for the worse next quarter stock holders will be pleased.
    You mean his new backers? Twitter's off the stock market, that shit's private now, last day of trading was October 27. Don't know, don't care, hope it all implodes at this rate.

  3. #1463
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Sure, Hyperloop seems to be going great! Last I checked his big success was a one-lane tunnel underneath Las Vegas, with a human being driving a Tesla SUV from stop to stop and getting stuck in traffic jams.

    But this presumes he even knows what the problems are and what kind of expertise he needs in order to fix them. So far: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to doubt.

    As mentioned, he appears to view this as an engineering problem. Twitters problems are not engineering problems, they're political problems. So if he's pursuing and engineering fix for a political problem it doesn't matter who he hires, he's hiring the wrong specialist for the job.

    It's a great way to cut costs! And also gut your workforce and lose a mountain of institutional knowledge that's near impossible to get back once it's gone.

    50? 50?!?!?!?1 Oh heavens be, clearly the company is saved as he's discussing laying off 3,700 employees. What's better is that the Tesla employees have as much understanding of the business and code as Elon does: Fuckin none. And they're reportedly swooping in and making all kinds of terrible decisions according to reports from Twitter engineers stuck wasting their time in these meetings.

    You mean his new backers? Twitter's off the stock market, that shit's private now, last day of trading was October 27. Don't know, don't care, hope it all implodes at this rate.

    Yeah Twitter stock is off the market but I was talking about Tesla. Like it or not that’s part of Elons brand along with Twitter meaning his failure at Twitter will effect production over there especially if the problems Tesla has run into along with degradation of the brand amongst some of Tesla most loyal enthusiast.

    It’s going to be interesting for sure.

    Seems smarter to buy a Parler or Truth and implement his ideas. Was Twitter as a brand that valuable to him in the end?

    How much more than 44b will this cost in the end?

  4. #1464
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Oh no, he's already doing much, much, much worse.

    Advertisers are already pausing ad buys and others are considering doing so depending on how things unfold. Power users (who are super valuable) are starting to leave. He has no plan at all and is just looking to cut costs with big layoffs a week after buying the company and well before he can even have a full understanding of the business.

    Elon is an idiot. He trolled and played a game of chicken and lost, and now has no plan or idea what the fuck to do with his new social media company. And as with every problem, Elon views Twitter's problems as, apparently, engineering problems. It's not, Twitter's problems have never been "engineering" and they've always been political in nature.

    And given how we've seen him handle the whole political/social aspect so far, it's pretty safe to assume that unless he makes a major course change soon that Twitter will be a glorious dumpster fire to watch as it fades into obscurity alongside Gab, Gettr, Parler, and whatever the other low-effort "freeze peach" social media sites that can't attract advertisers.
    Agreed. He fucked this up from the get go, to no one's surprise, and you're doubly right that he will try to "engineer" himself out of a YUGE political problem. And he will fail. Best case would be to bring in a CEO and let them run it, with an effort to increase monetization...somehow.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Yeah Twitter stock is off the market but I was talking about Tesla. Like it or not that’s part of Elons brand along with Twitter meaning his failure at Twitter will effect production over there especially if the problems Tesla has run into along with degradation of the brand amongst some of Tesla most loyal enthusiast.

    It’s going to be interesting for sure.

    Seems smarter to buy a Parler or Truth and implement his ideas. Was Twitter as a brand that valuable to him in the end?

    How much more than 44b will this cost in the end?
    Twitter was unprofitable for a second year in a row, with the second year dropping it's losses by 80%. So it's costing him money now into at least the near future (aka 2024). He also just fired all the people who made that dramatic loss drop happen, so it will probably only get worse. Plus, all those Golden Parachutes are going to cost him as well.

  5. #1465
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Yeah Twitter stock is off the market but I was talking about Tesla. Like it or not that’s part of Elons brand along with Twitter meaning his failure at Twitter will effect production over there especially if the problems Tesla has run into along with degradation of the brand amongst some of Tesla most loyal enthusiast.

    It’s going to be interesting for sure.
    Tesla is down around $100/share since he made the offer, so not exactly going swimmingly, eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Seems smarter to buy a Parler or Truth and implement his ideas. Was Twitter as a brand that valuable to him in the end?
    That it's a platform people actually know exists and has at least some actual influence.

    Parler and the rest are functionally nonexistent, and given their origins advertisers will likely never touch them. That's not to mention most being built by people with less talent than the drug addicted teens that created The Pirate Bay, though at least those are engineering problems that Elon can understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    How much more than 44b will this cost in the end?
    Probably a lot. A fuckin whole lot. There's interest to pay and a lot of revenue to lose.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Best case would be to bring in a CEO and let them run it, with an effort to increase monetization...somehow.
    Somehow I don't think his, "Only I can save the future of humanity." mentality will allow this given that he's already attached his pride/ego to Twitter in a way he didn't do with his companies that he lets actually competent people run.

  6. #1466
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    I love how

    1. There's a bunch of conservatives and conservative adjacent posters in here who bemoaned the banning of nazis and other ultra racists enough to claim that Twitter was anti free speech before Musk.

    2. These same people believe that Musk is going to "restore" free speech to twitter. When in reality, Nazis are going to continue to be banned, and their poster boy Musk isn't actually going to change anything.

    So many believe that normal conservatives are being banned for expression "normal" conservative opinions. The reality is it's all extreme harassment, racist, sexism, etc. If this starts being allowed, advertisers are going to pull out of twitter, and so will people. Tiktok is already on the rise far faster than twitter, and Facebook is in decline. If Musk changes nothing, Twitter will continue to be successful.

    If twitter becomes a home for nazis and other deplorables, you'll get to witness Twitter implode in real time.

    I realize many of these people think twitter should be considered a "town square" or "town hall" type space where people can freely express their opinions. Except realize, this, such behavior was never accepted in town halls or town square type places. People expressing extreme harassment or hatred for others was never tolerated in such places.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  7. #1467
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Somehow I don't think his, "Only I can save the future of humanity." mentality will allow this given that he's already attached his pride/ego to Twitter in a way he didn't do with his companies that he lets actually competent people run.
    Yeah, I don't see that happening either.

    (I really hope SpaceX doesn't suffer with his continuing mental decline)

  8. #1468
    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    Yeah, I don't see that happening either.

    (I really hope SpaceX doesn't suffer with his continuing mental decline)
    I don't think he is having mental decline, he is just a prime example of someone believing their own hype too much. He is surrounded by people that would have given him good advice not to mention even he publicly admitted buying twitter is a bad idea.

  9. #1469

  10. #1470
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post

    Based based based
    Karma is a bitch

  11. #1471
    One of the wonders of the US legal system are workers pre-emptively suing Musk for the layoffs.
    Twitter was sued over Elon Musk’s plan to lay off about half of its workforce, Bloomberg News reported on Friday, citing a class-action lawsuit filed in a San Francisco federal court.

    Twitter employees say the company is eliminating workers without enough notice in violation of federal and California law, the report said.
    Note that this is an addition to the legal problem for firing the top executives "for cause".

  12. #1472
    Quote Originally Posted by Forogil View Post
    One of the wonders of the US legal system are workers pre-emptively suing Musk for the layoffs.

    Note that this is an addition to the legal problem for firing the top executives "for cause".
    Yep, they have to have 60 days notice to be fired like this. It's California law, should be an easy win for the workers.

  13. #1473
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Karma is a bitch
    Karma for what? Working for a company that was bought by a self-absorbed con-man?

    Karma would be something like: a shithead who goes to a WoW fan forum to celebrate random tech employees losing their jobs (with chants of "based based based") getting fired themselves shortly after.

  14. #1474
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    Karma is a bitch
    Huh? Him likely cutting jobs is to cut cost and his other factor is his asshole bias that it was in this case almost all these employees just showed up everyday to do their job. Not Musk and other shitheads thinking it was to "own the right".

    Edit: The oh btw cause my political brain and biggest reason I hated this purchase is Musk getting rid of staff when it may be needed the most until after the election, maybe the year. Pretty sudden and quick decision on his part. I guess maybe he saves some millions for bonuses at end of year.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Karma for what? Working for a company that was bought by a self-absorbed con-man?

    Karma would be something like: a shithead who goes to a WoW fan forum to celebrate random tech employees losing their jobs (with chants of "based based based") getting fired themselves shortly after.


    Typical brainwashed of masses celebrating people losing their jobs by whims of a billionaire. This person and others who are much closer to these Twitter employees in just trying to get a check to live. Yes, these people are paid well, but you lose you job likely effed paying the bills.

    Only way an asshole like Musk might get effed is paying $44 billion for an undervalued company. Even worst case scenario, Musk will have a few billion when he leaves this earth.

    Now I'm laughing. Musk is crying on Twitter:

    Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists.

    Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.

    Him once more in the right wing bubble blaming it on "activist groups". So far there has no big call or movement for boycotts. Unless, You know they are being shadowbanned!!! Dun! Dun! Dun!!

    Him saying everything has been the "same" is not correct. Why? Elon himself has almost continued tweeting bias and attacked people on what is considered the left. He just agreed replied and agreed with Tom Fitton, an election denier and extreme right winger. Can he reply and agree, Sure. Yet this never happened before where the CEO or top exec. was doing this. The right would be screaming bloody murder, if so.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2022-11-04 at 03:32 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  15. #1475
    Quote Originally Posted by Forogil View Post
    One of the wonders of the US legal system are workers pre-emptively suing Musk for the layoffs.

    Note that this is an addition to the legal problem for firing the top executives "for cause".
    this is just america as well, hes firing people all over the globe where labour laws are better than murica.

  16. #1476
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Author Stephen King chimes in on him paying a fee for Twitter check mark/verification.

    $20 a month to keep my blue check? Fuck that, they should pay me. If that gets instituted, I’m gone like Enron.

    Then we have the great Elon Musk reply:

    We need to pay the bills somehow! Twitter cannot rely entirely on advertisers. How about $8?

    Hmm? Let's check that letter posted once more time Elon posted to advertisers.

    Right here Elon is claiming he purchased Twitter for some virtuous ide of a "digital town square". Laughably saying media is bad cause they believe that's what brings in the money. I can agree here about media and for profit or money over news.

    So he didn't realize that maybe that was the problem with Twitter before you bought it. First Twitter as many have stated was almost impossible to generate profit or say break even. If Elon want to nickel and dime people with verification fee and whatever else than he by his own statement is not creating a place where people can gather for a digital town square.

    This guy is an effin idiiot.

    Edit: After reading Elon's timeline I might be way wrong on this. His stans and whoever might be dumb enough to pay the fee giving him millions in fees.
    It honestly sounds like a gundam villain speech, see for yourself.

  17. #1477
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by For_The_Horde View Post
    It honestly sounds like a gundam villain speech, see for yourself.
    Not to mention the whole "I bought it to be a digital town square, which is why I'm ruling it by my own petty whims and mocking any members of the public who challenge me on what I choose to do with my own property" thing.

    Musk's just a stupid fuckin' liar.

  18. #1478
    So Elon has gone full Republican.

    Blame others - preferably liberals/progressives - for the consequences of his own actions. Knowingly lie about it publicly, and then make dishonest claims.

    I thought that the platform wasn't about free speech? I thought it was about the future of humanity? Or was that just for advertisers and it's actually about free speech?

    The faster advertisers flee this shithole and it fades into obscurity like Gab/Parler/Gettr the better. I hope this shit forces Elon to sell off his ownership of other companies and fuck off for once.

  19. #1479
    My theory that white south africans are 90% genetically evil that i got banned for mentioning last time is looking pretty sweet right now.

  20. #1480
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    My theory that white south africans are 90% genetically evil that i got banned for mentioning last time is looking pretty sweet right now.
    You can't be serious? There isn't really such a thing as good or evil genes because the concepts of good and evil mainly relate to culture. So instead of thinking in terms of genetics you should be thinking in terms of memetics.

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