Well there you go. It's a group of people who believe something versus a group of people who believe something else. Nothing more.
This has been an issue with the left for ages. It's like they don't know how to discuss policy without a clear, visual, "identity vs identity" angle to it. Which is weird because that's specifically a right wing strategy, so why fall for it.
Why is it always about religion?
Why can't someone be both pro-choice and also at the same time say that the action of abortion itself is a sad and tragic thing?
Because on one hand, I would imagine it's a traumatic experience, and on the other hand, it's the loss of a potential life. And I say my second point not from the point of view of any religion, I'm not saying it because I believe that there's a soul in there and it should be saved, or anything of the sort.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
What? I'm saying the data doesn't corroborate your prior explanation as the strongest explanation...
That argument is a double-edged sword though. While it is true that spiritual stuff can't be measured, other abstractions such as the ethical validity of having an abortion also can't be measured.
Also just to be clear here my personal guess on this issue is that the consent of the pregnant woman outweighs all other concerns.
F--k chakra, I agree!
Last edited by PC2; 2022-06-25 at 05:52 PM.
I just had to get a couple fillings replaced at the dentist, yesterday. Was that a "traumatic experience"? I'm slightly phobic due to past trauma with dentistry, so I certainly found it deeply unpleasant and had a low-grade anxiety attack for hours before my appointment time. Does that mean we should consider banning or restricting dentistry? Or should I recognize that my issues are my own to handle, as I did, and that dentistry is a perfectly valid and necessary practice for those who need dental care?
If you mean traumatic in the ending of a pregnancy rather than any specifics of the actual procedures, I'm gonna point out that you're making up an emotional argument and trying to force it onto people, and that's you trying to inflict trauma. No such "trauma" is inherent.
And I hope it's clear by my example, but I'll say it pre-emptively, that I'm not dismissing that some women might find the decision difficult or unpleasant. That can, as it was with me and my need for dental repair, be absolutely internally justifiable and understandable. But that's about personal hangups, concerns, and views, not the procedure and practice itself. I'd never use my traumatic experiences in a dentist's chair to try and discourage people away from dental care, let alone try and outlaw the practice.
So is every woman's period wherein she goes unfertilized. "Potential life" is an admission that you're talking about a fantasy about an imagined future, rather than the reality of today, and wanting legislation to reflect your imagination instead of reality.and on the other hand, it's the loss of a potential life.
Last edited by Endus; 2022-06-25 at 05:55 PM.
GQP going after nationwide ban on abortion.
If they can get someone in the White House (thank you EC!) they'll get it.