1. #2661
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertoCarlos View Post
    That's an incredibly vague non answer. Thanks
    It's exactly what sane people warned what was at stake if Trump won in 2016 but enough narcissists ignored those warnings to either vote for Trump out of spite or not vote at all or otherwise burned their ballot by voting third party.
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  2. #2662
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydin View Post
    It's exactly what sane people warned what was at stake if Trump won in 2016 but enough narcissists ignored those warnings to either vote for Trump out of spite or not vote at all or otherwise burned their ballot by voting third party.
    Thought it might be a TINY bit more nuanced than "last president done bad"

    Normally this stuff takes longer than 4 years to build too. Especially something so big that will have a negative effect on the economy not just voters.

  3. #2663
    Moderator Crissi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I should hope reform of the foster care system, and increased resources and decreased obstacles for adoption. I certainly hope that answer isn't to pressure certain parents *at risk of not fulfilling their roles* into aborting the child, rather than risk he/she might live with issues of love, attention, and abuse. I don't think the specter of (whatever true percentage) poorly treated kids gives rise to arguments that they were better off killed in the womb than having the chance to overcome childhood trauma. Simultaneously, it would be a poor reflection on society indeed if treatment specialists helping with these kids thought it a great misfortune of their being born alive, but troubled through no fault of their own, and something that ought to make them question their entire existence. It's a challenge, for sure, but not worth trying to rewind the tape to permanently erase childhood suffering.
    Thats great and all, but states like mine (Texas) are redirecting funds for such things to shit like sending the National Guard to the border. Our foster care system and CPS are regulkarly in judicial trouble. The Republican party in charge has no interest in changing that. So whats actually going to happen is an increwase in poverty striken children who end up severely abused, and as a result crime will increase.

    The only way to change that is to put Democrats in charge, because Republican priority is to not give a shit about kids after birth.

    source on our foster care shit: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06...are-sanctions/
    Last edited by Crissi; 2022-06-25 at 09:49 PM.

  4. #2664
    I think an abortion should absolutely be allowed in the case of rape, but I'd rather do something to reduce rape, so women don't have to worry about being raped in the first place.

  5. #2665
    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    I think an abortion should absolutely be allowed in the case of rape, but I'd rather do something to reduce rape, so women don't have to worry about being raped in the first place.
    Rape is already at the very top of criminal charges. It sentences you to a life of hell in prison, especially if the victim was young.

    Short of over the top measures like curfews and castrations theres not much left to try

  6. #2666
    So, this is just happening to ensure the GOP never loses the senate right? Force Liberals to leave red states to ensure red states never flip. Texas is gonna go solid red due to this once tech companies pack up.


    Last edited by Toppy; 2022-06-25 at 10:04 PM.
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  7. #2667
    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    I think an abortion should absolutely be allowed in the case of rape, but I'd rather do something to reduce rape, so women don't have to worry about being raped in the first place.
    Is this satire?

    Just in case this is whatever I'll add some my opinion. So yeah, some conservatives think of just avoiding rape, getting pregnant cause it's the woman's fault. None of these laws are against men.

    So I get this, if satire.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2022-06-25 at 10:56 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  8. #2668
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Is this satire?
    Clearly we can only do one or the other.

    Then again GOP constantly protects rapists and has many among its own so it wouldnt surprise me if they made rape a misdeamnor with a fine akin to that of speeding soon.

    The dems will say its a shame and how they're so dissapointed followed by a promise to cooperate in the future.
    Last edited by Toppy; 2022-06-25 at 10:20 PM.
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  9. #2669
    Quote Originally Posted by Toppy View Post
    Clearly we can only do one or the other.

    Then again GOP constantly protects rapists and has many among its own so it wouldnt surprise me if they made rape a misdeamnor with a fine akin to that of speeding soon.

    The dems will say its a shame and how they're so dissapointed followed by a promise to cooperate in the future.
    Thats more an issue with people of money/power being above any laws.

  10. #2670
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertoCarlos View Post
    Rape is already at the very top of criminal charges. It sentences you to a life of hell in prison, especially if the victim was young.

    Short of over the top measures like curfews and castrations theres not much left to try
    I'm talking about reducing violent crime with social programs and stuff.

  11. #2671
    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    I'm talking about reducing violent crime with social programs and stuff.
    You mean socialism!
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  12. #2672
    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    I'm talking about reducing violent crime with social programs and stuff.
    Oh right.

    Rehab, Counseling, Mentor roles all costs money. And with more kids being born means more drain on those already limited resources.

    Ideally they use some of the 40B+ defense budget and start putting more money in, but that would require a complete clean slate where lobbyists are banned and public officials are made to show their income earnings

  13. #2673
    Moderator Crissi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CastletonSnob View Post
    I'm talking about reducing violent crime with social programs and stuff.
    there arent any social programs to fix male entitlement or abusive relatives. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him understand no means no or that you shouldnt fuck drunk people.

  14. #2674
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkeon View Post
    Darn, you dodged answering that question like a boss.
    Oh, I see we have another ignorant moron here. Thanks for putting your hand up and self-identifying.

    The question doesn’t need answering because it’s not an issue that exists. No one outside of the most dire of medical circumstances is aborting fetuses moments before they’re truly viable (aka moments before they could be considered babies). “The line” is drawn quite naturally already with well over 90% of abortions being performed early in pregnancy. The “question” is one born from ignorance. Ignorance concerning how biology works and ignorance concerning actual abortion statistics.

  15. #2675
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    there arent any social programs to fix male entitlement or abusive relatives. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him understand no means no or that you shouldnt fuck drunk people.
    Sadly at the rate we're going the penalties for abortions are going to be more severe than those of sexual assault.
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  16. #2676
    Moderator Crissi's Avatar
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    Also, Cornyn apparantly meant that not all overuling precedent is bad. That ignores 1) he worded it poorly and should be shit on just for that and 2) revoking rights isnt progrress. Overruling precendent is nearly always to expand rights.

  17. #2677
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Because it's better to teach the other side how and why your ideals are important, instead of just telling them they're a bunch retards that should just go and die.
    I know right? Republicans are just showing how fucking ignorant they are. I had one guy told me yesterday to go drink bleach and die or kill myself for arguing that abortion is a human right.

  18. #2678
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    there arent any social programs to fix male entitlement or abusive relatives. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him understand no means no or that you shouldnt fuck drunk people.
    Rather defeatist attitude.

    Plenty of people can help or correct the course someone may be heading in. Particularly when they are young.

    You're acting like every patient that walks through their doors is some 50 year old red neck that lost his daddy in vietnam

  19. #2679
    Moderator Crissi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertoCarlos View Post
    Rather defeatist attitude.

    Plenty of people can help or correct the course someone may be heading in. Particularly when they are young.

    You're acting like every patient that walks through their doors is some 50 year old red neck that lost his daddy in vietnam
    I live in Texas. The government will not help with anything that's not expanding gun rights or "protecting the border". And given SNob's intial thing was on rape, and not violent crime in general...

    The states with the most strict abortion laws are also the ones that dont give a shit about welfare or guildance to avoid crimes.
    Last edited by Crissi; 2022-06-25 at 10:49 PM.

  20. #2680
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    I live in Texas. The government will not help with anything that's not expanding gun rights or "protecting the border". And given SNob's intial thing was on rape, and not violent crime in general...
    Yeah Im talking about rape.

    "You cant change male entitlement" is what you said which is incredibly sexist but ignoring that its also wrong.

    Male entitlement is from poor parenting and lack of a strong father figure with morals. Which has nothing to do with funding but people actually having kids when they are good and ready rather than just having sex getting neighbors pregnant as a way to past the time and we're left with 12/13 year olds all over the streets joining the gang life with no father figure in sight.

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