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Why are we considering a possible future that doesn't actually exist when making decisions in the reality of today?
If there's an abortion, there's no baby, no kid. That possibility is entirely imaginary, and I have absolutely no reason to give it any consideration whatsoever.
Do I get to force a woman to have sex with me and bear my kids just because I've stated that I can picture what our hypothetical kids would look like? No? Because that's the same really awful argument.
Also, like Ghost of a Cow noted above; it still doesn't even matter. If you cut a woman open and stick a two-year-old inside her, surgically tied to her blood and nutrient supply for survival, that woman still has the inalienable right to say "get this thing out of me, I don't care if it'll die, get it the fuck out, what the fuck is wrong with you people?!" Personhood, the potential that it may be a human life, it's irrelevant. All you're really saying is you don't think women should be seen as equals, and exist to be used by men.