1. #2921
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biglog View Post
    Estimates are predicting the number of foster children in the US to increase by 5x in the relatively near-term as a result of this ruling. There are currently over 400k unplaced foster children in the US. If that does increase 5x, that may mean a sad return to the days of orphanages in the US that haven't existed since the 1950's. A step back of 70 years.
    Not to mention unwanted infants left in dumpsters or thrown into the river, or smothered in their cribs, or any number of other horrors by desperate women who were denied ownership over their own bodies and forced to birth an unwanted child against their wills.

  2. #2922
    The Unstoppable Force Kathandira's Avatar
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    Has anyone seen any calls for organization and protest?

    From my social media feeds, I see people ranting about this, but I haven't seen anything come across my feeds as to a date and location for a gathering to protest this.
    RIP Genn Greymane, Permabanned on 8.22.18

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  3. #2923
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathandira View Post
    Has anyone seen any calls for organization and protest?

    From my social media feeds, I see people ranting about this, but I haven't seen anything come across my feeds as to a date and location for a gathering to protest this.
    I know a lot of Pride events have focused on protesting instead.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    I think it needs a reframing. The issue of fetal viability is still a valid one - but it should be framed in a way along the lines of "yeah the woman still has a right to have this unwanted entity removed but we will use a different process (birth induction vs abortion) if the fetus is viable."

    Assuming, of course, the procedure isn't being done due to medical issues that would dictate a certain approach.
    I was under the impression that by the time the fetus is viable, it's large enough in size to make inducing birth the safer procedure anyway.

  4. #2924
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    Are you serious or is this some kind of jest ?
    Of course, in stand-your-ground states the fear of death alone should be enough to make a reasonable claim for self-defense.
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

  5. #2925
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    You always bristle whenever anyone brings up slavery in the context of American history and legality but it seems you're allowed to bring it out of left field in some attempt to make an asinine gotcha. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
    It's a good example of moral wrong whose correction does not depend on personal involvement. The topic itself is hard to defend as anything but a moral wrong.

    Eugenics, segregation, the draft prior to the ability to vote ... these can be substituted as examples if necessary.

    Where people go amiss is using it as a means to smear a different topic as related to racism and the desire to put someone back in chains. That's the problem with either making something the fruit of slavery, a legacy of slavery, and/or modern slavery itself.

    I understood the context perfectly, and for the record and I don't entirely disagree with RobertoCarlos. It's not as simple as the fetus being a disposable clump of cells. That being said, this truth does not mean I believe the mother's right do not supercede the fetus's. The idea of a golden mean is fallacious in this context, much like in the context of slavery that you decided to bring to the table.
    Ok. I tend to think it's only the extreme end of early pregnancy when the mother's can be thought to supersede the unborn baby's. I'd favor laws like 15 weeks and would vote that way.

    To your point, I see the radical adherence to nothing but one-sided bodily autonomy (the other body has rights akin to a nondescript clump of cells) as being too extreme of a position to do anyone good. That argument doesn't end at viability, and in the seconds up to actual birth. In fact, I see quite a few examples of pro-choice politicians directly contesting any limits whatsoever being necessary. But I've probably said enough on the subject to give any good-faith listener the chance to understand the position.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gestopft View Post
    Is this supposed to be a gotcha? It's like you didn't even read the next thing you quoted...
    More of a reminder that the rails of the debate here don't resemble the state-level debate across most of America.

    As to why they don't speak about restrictions? They aren't needed. Abortions past viability are already incredibly rare.
    Mass shootings are also very rare. That doesn't go to show nothing should be done on the issue. Suffice it to say that if you can't support any restrictions whatsoever, I'm going to continue to say the very hours before birth is an appropriate time to seek and obtain an abortion in your worldview. "Except for medical emergencies" is equal to "I support restrictions in the final days/hours/minutes."

    Because Conservatives have been frothing at the mouth and calling Democrats "baby killers" for too long to understand that "let's intentionally end the life of a viable fetus that could otherwise lead a normal life" isn't really a position that people hold. I've also never heard any politician explicitly endorse the existence of stop signs. Kinda figure they don't really need to though. They usually don't say things that are that obvious.
    Same answer as before. I pointed out that pro-choice politicians can't get their act together to join in compromise on later stage abortions. I am unpersuaded by attempts to say that conservative pro-lifers have been so mean on the issue that the pro-choice side can't endorse meaningful restrictions like life of the mother. You don't favor them. You give unrestricted rights to abortion up to the moment of birth. That is enough.

    Or maybe pro-life advocates could stop telling bold faces lies and spreading ignorance about what the pro-choice position actually entails in reality?
    I think the Pages 149-150-151-152-153 stand up pretty well even if you quibble about how myself and others describe the pro-choice and pro-life positions. I don't think the people interacting were coerced into misrepresenting their respective sides. (I do level the same back at you, if you were wondering: you're trying to escape what the pro-choice position actually entails in reality. Unrestricted abortion through all 40 weeks, easily seen when anybody prominent is asked about restrictions they favor. No changes for early delivery, nor allowances only entertained if the life of the mother is threatened.)
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  6. #2926
    Quote Originally Posted by Minifie View Post
    Comparing late-stage abortions to Mass shootings. Hoooooo boy there are takes and then there are fucking takes.
    Oh, now that is sad. Comparing most last stage abortions to a mass shooting would require that mass shooting being at an empty graveyard as the majority of those abortions to miscarriages whom are already dead or will not survive the birthing process anyways and will likely take the woman down with them.
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  7. #2927
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    They don’t care. They want a "domestic supply of infants".
    To then send them out to wars when they turn 18 as cannon fodder and treat them like crap if they return.
    Looking for <Good Quotes for Signature>.

  8. #2928
    Quote Originally Posted by Minifie View Post
    I mean, the implication is that gun control for preventive measures with regards to mass shootings is a whole WORLD of difference to giving women the right to full bodily autonomy. "I was only comparing that they were rare-" No, there is no comparison. One isn't just involving a woman walking into a clinic and having a baby potentially able to be birthed just killed, it's an imperative decision that could involve potential loss of more than one life, and a decision that wholly affects the body involved ONLY. A mass shooting is. . . A fucking mass shooting for shit's sake. Jesus, it's an absolutely dogshit take.
    Oh, my bad. I was thinking they were comparing late stage abortions to actual mass shootings like saying that these people were just mowing down babies left and right.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
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  9. #2929
    The Lightbringer uuuhname's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minifie View Post
    Comparing late-stage abortions to Mass shootings. Hoooooo boy there are takes and then there are fucking takes.
    It really goes to show that despite their best efforts to gas light the rest of us about "re-establishing common sense abortion laws" conservatives cannot help but give away how unserious they really are about solving..... really any sort of societal issue.

  10. #2930
    Quote Originally Posted by Minifie View Post
    Nah that both were rare; but it doesn't matter: Mass or spree shootings aren't good things, but giving women bodily autonomy is, If you wanted to compare something like for like then maybe the execution of innocents being exceedingly rare, since preventing late stage abortions can be a death sentence that isn't required, but then again, we loop back to: What is the comparison trying to emphasise? Mass shootings are bad and mean we need adequate gun control, just like late stage abortion is bad and requires adequate bodily control? It's, at best, an innocently ignorant train of thought; but I do not think -at all- that it is.
    Yeah, I was trying pointing out that they weren't really comparable at all with my analogy. A mass shooting of corpses isn't really a mass shooting. And the majority of late stage abortions are of fetus that are already dead or have no chance of surviving anyways.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  11. #2931

    In the audio, an unidentified source asks Vega if she’d heard that women who are sexually assaulted are less likely to become pregnant because their body “shuts down” in some way. Vega responded “maybe” because “there’s so much going on in the body.”

    “I don’t know,” she continued. “I haven’t, you know, seen any studies. But if I’m processing what you’re saying, it wouldn’t surprise me. Because it’s not something that’s happening organically. You’re forcing it. The individual, the male, is doing it as quickly … and so I can see why there is truth to that. It’s unfortunate.”

    Vega did not immediately respond to an email seeking clarification on whether she believes women’s bodies can “shut down” to stop a pregnancy in the event of a sexual assault.
    Reminder: Republicans wanting to control women's bodies - regardless of if they are a woman as well - don't understand biology or reproductive health. At all.

    These people just want to control women and force them to bear children.

  12. #2932
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    It's a good example of moral wrong whose correction does not depend on personal involvement. The topic itself is hard to defend as anything but a moral wrong.

    Eugenics, segregation, the draft prior to the ability to vote ... these can be substituted as examples if necessary.

    Where people go amiss is using it as a means to smear a different topic as related to racism and the desire to put someone back in chains. That's the problem with either making something the fruit of slavery, a legacy of slavery, and/or modern slavery itself.
    Anti-abortion movements argue that women do not truly have ownership over their own bodies, and must serve as brood mares for society, regardless of their personal choices or preferences.

    That's precisely as much of a "moral wrong" as any of the others you've mentioned. For the same reasons as slavery, in fact, since in both cases we're talking about the ownership and control over one's own body. That's why the comparison is drawn; because slavery is the single most comparable issue to anti-abortion movements, ideologically.

    To your point, I see the radical adherence to nothing but one-sided bodily autonomy (the other body has rights akin to a nondescript clump of cells) as being too extreme of a position to do anyone good.
    Explain why. Without making reference to any religious or pseudo-religious beliefs. Stick entirely to secular facts.

    That argument doesn't end at viability, and in the seconds up to actual birth. In fact, I see quite a few examples of pro-choice politicians directly contesting any limits whatsoever being necessary. But I've probably said enough on the subject to give any good-faith listener the chance to understand the position.
    Oh, we understand it. We simply reject it, because it isn't based in reality. There is no magical point where the principles in play change.

    Mass shootings are also very rare. That doesn't go to show nothing should be done on the issue. Suffice it to say that if you can't support any restrictions whatsoever, I'm going to continue to say the very hours before birth is an appropriate time to seek and obtain an abortion in your worldview. "Except for medical emergencies" is equal to "I support restrictions in the final days/hours/minutes."
    Again, you've literally never established why this should even be a concern. You seem to take it for granted, but you've never even made the effort.

    Same answer as before. I pointed out that pro-choice politicians can't get their act together to join in compromise on later stage abortions.
    Again; for the same reason abolitionist politicians couldn't accept a compromise of "some slavery". Because the existence of the institution is an ethical and moral affront, no matter how scaled-back it is.

    Trying to quibble about how much ownership women should have over themselves misses the point that their self-ownership must be absolute. In the sliding scale from "fully enslaved" to "fully self-owned", anything short of "fully self-owned" is a form of slavery.

    you're trying to escape what the pro-choice position actually entails in reality. Unrestricted abortion through all 40 weeks, easily seen when anybody prominent is asked about restrictions they favor. No changes for early delivery, nor allowances only entertained if the life of the mother is threatened.
    That position, save the bold, is exactly how it's been for decades here in Canada. It hasn't caused any problems whatsoever, and we've got lower abortion rates than the USA does.

    The bold is just a lie, since inducing birth is an option that's on the table when these things are being discussed, already. I have no idea why you think pro-choicers ever suggested it should be taken off the table, because they haven't; you're just making that shit up.

  13. #2933
    The Lightbringer uuuhname's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minifie View Post
    I would say it's another "mask off" moment but honestly at this point how many scooby-doo masks do we have to rip off?
    Tehdangus is just a text book narcissist who thinks everyone else on this forum is dumb enough to not remember the things he posts. forgetting we can pull them up at anytime.

  14. #2934
    Quote Originally Posted by Biglog View Post
    Estimates are predicting the number of foster children in the US to increase by 5x in the relatively near-term as a result of this ruling. There are currently over 400k unplaced foster children in the US. If that does increase 5x, that may mean a sad return to the days of orphanages in the US that haven't existed since the 1950's. A step back of 70 years.
    I already posted about Texas foster care system. We know that it is bad when the person in charge had to actually apologized in public. In continuance on the theme of “Texas pro-life hypocrisy.”

    Texas consistently ranked in the 10 worst states for maternal mortality. In fact, 9 out 10 worst states for maternal mortality are so-called pro-life states. It’s safer to get abortion in Texas than it is to have a baby in Texas. For women, the risk of death to give birth in Texas is almost 48 times that of abortion.

    Texas is one in 12 states that has not expanded Medicaid. Guess the other 11 states.

    Texas has one of the lowest medicaid eligibility standards in the nation. A single parent with 3 children would have to earn less than $400 per month to qualify for Medicaid.

    One in 5 Texans have no health insurance. For women of childbearing age it is 1 in 4. The highest rate in the US.

    Lowest rate of women accessing prenatal care in the first trimester.

    Texas Medicaid only covers 6 months postpartum. California Medical 12 months.

    One of two states that don’t cover contraception on its Children’s Health Insurance Program.

    Combined that with abstinence only sex education, and Texas has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the US, and #1 for teens having multiple babies before their 18th birthday.

    Texas does not require employers to offer paid family time off. Totally barbaric.

    If the State decides that the parents can't adequately care for the baby as a result of an unplanned pregnancy, the foster care system intervenes. The same foster care system that is currently in the midst of a lawsuit over its inability to adequately care for the children in their system. Statistically, the system has gotten worse. Twenty three children died under the state care in 2019. One hundred in 2020.

    I could go on, but it just gets more and more depressing.

  15. #2935
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Mass shootings are also very rare.
    Y-You're kidding, right? You can't look at the last 90 days and say that shit, or really the last five years. Shit practically happens every other day in the US. If something happens that often it's not fucking rare, and in fact is pretty common.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  16. #2936
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Reminder: Republicans wanting to control women's bodies - regardless of if they are a woman as well - don't understand biology or reproductive health. At all.
    There's a video going around with Greg Abbott defending a 6-week ban on abortion because 6 weeks is plenty of time to get an abortion, clearly not understanding that 6 weeks is before most women even know they're pregnant.

  17. #2937
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    There's a video going around with Greg Abbott defending a 6-week ban on abortion because 6 weeks is plenty of time to get an abortion, clearly not understanding that 6 weeks is before most women even know they're pregnant.
    The number of men who don't understand the first thing about women's reproductive health making policy directly impacting women's reproductive health is truly impressive.

  18. #2938
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    The number of men who don't understand the first thing about women's reproductive health making policy directly impacting women's reproductive health is truly impressive.
    Why don't you get a 14 week time limit like in France. Enough time to know, take the decision, and get the abortion done.

  19. #2939
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    To your point, I see the radical adherence to nothing but one-sided bodily autonomy (the other body has rights akin to a nondescript clump of cells) as being too extreme of a position to do anyone good. That argument doesn't end at viability, and in the seconds up to actual birth.
    If a woman chooses to end a pregnancy "seconds up to actual birth," that's called "induction." The baby survives that. Call me radical, but I support inducing labor.

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    In fact, I see quite a few examples of pro-choice politicians directly contesting any limits whatsoever being necessary. But I've probably said enough on the subject to give any good-faith listener the chance to understand the position.
    Most of what you've said seems to be based on a misunderstanding of what pro-choice politicians are talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    More of a reminder that the rails of the debate here don't resemble the state-level debate across most of America.
    Well most people don't read MMO-C? And this isn't a site just used by Americans? And I mean...congratulations on realizing that people don't usually bother to examine the philosophical groundings of their arguments or that of their opponents'.

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Mass shootings are also very rare. That doesn't go to show nothing should be done on the issue.
    Well mass shootings have a much larger effect and on more people per event than abortions late in pregnancy.

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Suffice it to say that if you can't support any restrictions whatsoever, I'm going to continue to say the very hours before birth is an appropriate time to seek and obtain an abortion in your worldview. "Except for medical emergencies" is equal to "I support restrictions in the final days/hours/minutes."
    Sorry, but "final minutes" such a mind-bogglingly ignorant thing to say. It is understood- except by pro-life extremists, apparently- that the baby survives an exit from the womb at that point, and that nobody actually supports terminating viable fetuses that can be safely delivered. Particularly the medical community. If a woman requires an abortion late in pregnancy, "save the fetus if possible" is automatically the preferred option. The fact that I should have to clarify that "I think viable fetuses should be saved whenever possible" instead of it being as obvious as "I support the existence of stop signs" is due entirely to pro-life propaganda and brain rot.

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Same answer as before. I pointed out that pro-choice politicians can't get their act together to join in compromise on later stage abortions.
    If only the people they were meant to compromise with had any clue what they were legislating, maybe they would? I mean, I don't agree with compromising a human right, but this is America...

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    I am unpersuaded by attempts to say that conservative pro-lifers have been so mean on the issue that the pro-choice side can't endorse meaningful restrictions like life of the mother. You don't favor them. You give unrestricted rights to abortion up to the moment of birth. That is enough.
    Like I already said about restrictions: they're not needed, and in fact would do more harm than good.
    1) The medical community is already going to default to "save a viable fetus, if it can be done safely."
    2) The exceptions like "life of the mother" are written by legislators and enforced by prosecutors that know shit about medicine and are usually politically motivated. The situations they are meant to legislate are complicated; there's no test to determine whether or not the life of the mother is endangered or not, or how in danger she is. If she had a 90% chance of dying, does it qualify as an exception? A 70% chance? A 50% chance? A 25% chance? Where is the line between "exceptional situation" and "prosecutable offense?"
    3) Because of the complexity of said situations, medical providers are better qualified than legislators to make these decisions.
    4) Because of- again- the complexity of the situations, knowing that they could be investigated/prosecuted if some government official decides the mother's life "wasn't in enough danger" is sufficient to scare medical providers into preferring inaction when they would otherwise prefer to act. The threat of potential legal action against providers due to vague and politically motivated restrictions will mean more women dying.

    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    (I do level the same back at you, if you were wondering: you're trying to escape what the pro-choice position actually entails in reality. Unrestricted abortion through all 40 weeks, easily seen when anybody prominent is asked about restrictions they favor.
    This is just you either misunderstanding the pro-choice position and/or ascribing malice where there is none. When pro-choice politicians say they support unrestricted abortions all the way through, they do so with the understanding that the medical community is more equipped than legislators to make these decisions, and that they are going to default to preserving life wherever possible.

    If you want to accuse Democrats of being terrible communicators, have at it. I'll join you. But at least make an attempt to understand what "unrestricted abortion through all 40 weeks" actually means instead of buying into the malicious assumptions pro-lifers have been projecting at us for decades.
    Last edited by Gestopft; 2022-06-27 at 05:10 PM.
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  20. #2940
    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    Why don't you get a 14 week time limit like in France. Enough time to know, take the decision, and get the abortion done.
    There are a lot reasons women can't or don't. I don't know why people think they--and the government--are better equipped to make that decision than the woman and her doctor.

    Also, of course the forced birth people aren't going to settle for anything less than a full federal ban.
    Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. --Frank Wilhoit

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