Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
There is not common ground on some of these issues.
I am not going to half way agree with someone on whether or not gays can get married. It is a yes they can or no they can't.
And if your answer is they can't because your religion says no, you can leave for a more religious country.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Last edited by tikcol; 2022-06-28 at 12:59 AM.
One man's trash is another man's treasure
"We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
-Louis Brandeis
Ah, thank you. I don't have anyone on my ignore list on here. Just seems pointless and counter productive with how MMO-Champion currently has it implemented.
Doesn't hide the posts, just obscures them, doesn't hide the responses to them at all either so you are literally stuck coming back to a mountain of posts you just would rather skip over while at the same time will block entire threads just because they posted them even if it has actually turned into something worth reading due to other correcting them.
Just seemed like you lost something decent while gaining virtually nothing using it.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Thats what the Republicans do. Take the ACA.The Republicans were involved virtually every stop on the way. They were at committee meetings, were given the opportunity to view the bill and offer amendments and many if not all were taken. And they still voted against the thing.
why in gods name should anyone compromise with those assholes? like even that misses the point endus was trying to make but if you want to disregard that its still a loosing proposition. Again not that I think we should expressly go in the direction of political expediency on something like this but even if you do you still lose...
Yeah, you aren't going to get unity when you have the republican party denying reality and willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want and will actively damage us as a nation just to blame Democrats and would rather destroy the nation than let it survive in ways they don't want.
And you might think I am being hyperbolic on this, I am not.
They lied and stole supreme court seats, they lie, cheat, and steal through voter disenfranchisement and gerrymandering a exploiting all they can to have more influence than their own voter base would dictate and I have personally met countless who had no issues and actually supported killing people they didn't agree with with the law being one of the main things holding them back from killing people who they disagreed with but didn't know personally.
For unity, you need the anti-intellectuals out of the picture or at least out of power along with the biggots. But kinda hard to find a common ground between someone who thinks that people who should be equal and judged based on their actions and motivations and people who think that homosexuality is a form of brain damage and torturing children is justifiable if their parents brought them here requesting asylum justifying that if they hadn't came here then it wouldn't have happened. Again, no hyperbolic remarks there either, these are views I have literally had to deal with.
Then just look at Texas
Wants to abolish minimum wage, Child Protective Services, wants to redirect money from public schools, wants to remove laws on hate crimes and hate speech and ban facebook and twitter from enforcing their own policies on it, and that's just the start.
It's their own CHOSEN platform policies and it reads like a horror movie.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
Well, then you are in for a treat because my brother in law is a hardcore conservative and when I pointed out what he was fearing that Democrats would do I pointed out that the Republicans had just did them and he supported it and his justification was that the Democrats were a bunch of devil worshiping liberals who would burn in hell. And met a few just like him where power was all that mattered.
Used to debate the daughter of a local congressman and backed her into a corner multiple times in debates where she would refuse to answer because it would expose her double standard and hypocrisy.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.