And SCOTUS just gave states oversight to federal elections, so we're screwed basically. If an election goes badly for the Republicans, they'll scream FRAUD and put their guy in anyways, just as they've been saying they'll do, just as they've been planning to do.
Put a fork in this fucking country, it's done.
Under His Eye.
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I live in New England, maybe we'll just split off and make our own nation.
With cabot cheese and maine lobster.
Putin khuliyo
Just as a reminder for how partisan, stupid, and dishonest Clarence Thomas in particular is -
They may object for that reason, but that doesn't make it true. Because it's absolutely not true, yet here Clarence Thomas is, accepting their dishonest objection to the vaccine without question.They object on religious grounds to all available COVID-19 vaccines because they were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children.
Why am I posting this here when it's not directly related to this ruling?The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna do not require the use of any fetal cell cultures in order to manufacture (produce) the vaccine.
Early in the development of mRNA vaccine technology, fetal cells were used for “proof of concept” (to demonstrate how a cell could take up mRNA and produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) or to characterize the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were found to be ethically uncontroversial by the pro-life policy organization the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Further, the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, a committee within the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has stated: “neither Pfizer nor Moderna used an abortion-derived cell line in the development or production of the vaccine. However, such a cell line was used to test the efficacy of both vaccines. Thus, while neither vaccine is completely free from any use of abortion-derived cell lines, in these two cases the use is very remote from the initial evil of the abortion…one may receive any of the clinically recommended vaccines in good conscience with the assurance that reception of such vaccines does not involve immoral cooperation in abortion.”
To highlight just how deeply stupid and partisan Clarence Thomas is, and how his rulings require that he reject facts and reality. Including his ruling on this case in particular.
Which is a dig that's really either dishonest or ignorant; the Democrats had a supermajority for only a very brief time (because Kennedy died suddenly), they had to focus on digging us out of the recession first, and that Democrat supermajority was, on the whole, considerably more lukewarm regarding abortion. I suspect, too, that there may have been a thought about wrapping it into the ACA until Kennedy's death forced them to compromise more heavily to get Republican votes on it. He may deserve flack for saying "this is the first thing I'll do" and then not doing it, but he wasn't wrong that there were higher priorities at the time and the reality is that it was unlikely to have succeeded anyway.
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They did not. They merely agreed to hear the case, which won't happen until the fall and probably won't have a decision until next year.
"We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
-Louis Brandeis
Not sure but Medicare for All would be found unconstitutional because the Federal government doesn't have an clear mandate in the constitution that they can administer healthcare, take on healthcare costs, or have any program for healthcare.
Even the ACA got torn to shreds and that was GOP Lite policy. What makes you think the SCOTUS would allow for that, even if you had the votes?
It appears that Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision had some impact in Georgia.
New polling conducted by Quinnipiac University from June 23 to 27 showed Abrams in a tied race with Kemp for the first time in a public survey of Georgia's voters. Previous polls all showed the Democratic candidate trailing the incumbent Republican by a range of 2 to 7 percent.
The same poll showed Warnock now has double digit lead over Walker. Part of it likely due to the reveal that he has multiple secret children. Even for GA that's a bit much.
It’s a fruit-of-the-poisonous tree argument. I don’t have a problem with the use of fetal cell lines (might as well use them for something, we use cancer cells from a long dead woman all the time), but his argument is hardly original or unique. I hear plenty of this ridiculous line of reasoning all the time from partisans pushing some agenda or another. I understand the argument, mind, I just disagree with the conclusion (and the framing as well tbh).
I know that historically young people don't vote or have ever voted. Which makes it more puzzling that democrats are pushing a strategy to cater to them???
Go for the people that actually bother to vote they are the ones making change in this country not those that just protest in the streets
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Also I find it extremely funny that a leftist from Britain is saying liberalism is an ineffective strategy when Labour had their worst years under Corbyn. But that doesn't belong in this thread
Man doooood, man. It's almost as if several of us said that the supreme court seat was more important than people getting angry over some emails.
But you're right, as the courts are now packed with ideological conservative judges, nothing really seems off limits. There doesn't seem to be any recourse against the USA slowly sliding back into a theocracy. Anything the Dems do will either be overthrown by the court now, and I imagine the fuckwads are eyeing Brown vs Board and Plessy vs Ferguson next.
Feels like we're in the worst timeline, where the USA might actually become the Republic of Gilead.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
They're not wrong, however. And Trump and the current direction of the Republican Party are evidence of this.
How could a far right party be evidence that neoliberalism is anemic? Well, that's very simple; because it's fundamentally based on the same set of political and economic assumptions as post-Thatcher/Reagan conservatism which is also proving itself to be anemic in the face of right wing populism. In the US, that's manifested as Trumpism; in the UK, it's manifested as Brexiteers.
People on both sides are increasingly of the same opinion that the existing political paradigm of free market capitalism doesn't work. Where they differ is that the right wing thinks fascism is the solution (which it isn't, because capitalism and fascism are bedfellows).
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Doomerism is massively unhelpful, just fyi.
It also doesn't account for the fact that unlike, say, the Weimar Republic or Soviet Russia or post-Imperial China the current crop of American fascists are not capable of delivering improvements to most people's material conditions because they fundamentally support the same forces that are causing a decline in most people's material conditions.
American neo-fascism is dangerous, but it's also febrile and empty-headed.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
I look at it the same way as I look at the climate crisis.
Insisting that fascism has already won and that there's nothing that can be done to halt its advance is the political analogue to the last stage of climate change denial. It's not helpful and ultimately just services malign interests.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
"We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
-Louis Brandeis
I mean ultimately you have to realize under the current system of government there's literally nothing you can do.
Rural power rules the US, always will, always has been, always will be.
I was thinking of applying for visas because this country is just headed down a Christian Nationalist place.
I'm not saying "nothing can be done". I'm saying "the systems and processes of the US government have already been suborned". Things can still be done, they're just not gonna happen through official channels, most likely.
The Conservative justices could die, for instance, whether by force or natural causes. Being unable to replace them, for either side, could "fix" things in the short term. You could also convict them of felonious crimes which wouldn't remove them from office, but they can't legislate from a prison cell either, I don't believe.
It may also create such a lock-up that the government officially fails and chooses to Balkanize itself into two separate legal entities, going their separate ways, each with a selection of the States that favored their "side".
I don't see a way forward through the normal processes of government to surmount this, though. You can't impeach SCOTUS justices without controlling the House and Senate, and there are no ethical obligations on SCOTUS justices in the first place. That's not "doomerism", that's recognizing where effective change can be made, and not wasting time and effort on situations where change simply won't happen.
Like with climate change; it would've been nice to just stop using gasoline-powered cars back in 1995 or so, but that was never gonna happen, and pushing for that rather than effective policy would have ensured nothing got done.
You're wrong. Sally Hemings