1. #3561
    yay they have agreed to hear Moore v Harper so get your popcorn ready because Roe was just the first step and this one will really put the nail in that coffin.

  2. #3562

    Reminder that Republicans want national abortion bans because this has literally never been about "states rights".

  3. #3563

    I stress again, in the interview the person is all about Religious zealotry and fanaticism. I always stated that these people who eat, sleep and shit this stuff. Even with a 64% majority in favor of Roe, this majority will never go out and vote single issue as these people do.

    Also the interview goes into how they targeted laws to go to court and wrote Legislation. And get this they deny in helping to write opinions for Supreme Court Justices. What I will call the "pro-Roe" people will never have fanaticism like this.

    I guess I will say the "pro-Roe" people got heavily outplayed on not fighting back on freedom of religion aspect the past 50 years. The left especially really let this slide. Only argument is I guess this offends some part of the 64% that they don't do squat. Might be true, which shows to me again, that pro-Roe is just not that enthused.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2022-07-07 at 11:15 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  4. #3564
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    I stress again, in the interview the person is all about Religious zealotry and fanaticism. I always stated that these people who eat, sleep and shit this stuff. Even with a 64% majority in favor of Roe, this majority will never go out and vote single issue as these people do.

    Also the interview goes into how they targeted laws to go to court and wrote Legislation. And get this they deny in helping to write opinions for Supreme Court Justices. What I will call the "pro-Roe" people will never have fanaticism like this.

    I guess I will say the "pro-Roe" people got heavily outplayed on not fighting back on freedom of religion aspect the past 50 years. The left especially really let this slide. Only argument is I guess this offends some part of the 64% that they don't do squat. Might be true, which shows to me again, that pro-Roe is just not that enthused.
    That is the power of the minority. Rain or shine, even if they had to vote for the most despicable person in the world, as long as it advanced their cause, they showed up for every single election.
    Last edited by Rasulis; 2022-07-08 at 04:21 AM.

  5. #3565
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    And now women are considered less important than non-existent fetuses.

    This woman is being denied her medication for her rheumatoid arthritis because said medication could harm a fetus. But she isn't pregnant, nor has any intent of becoming so.

    Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Tayler
    Political conservatism is just atavism with extra syllables and a necktie.
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  6. #3566
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Masark View Post
    And now women are considered less important than non-existent fetuses.

    This woman is being denied her medication for her rheumatoid arthritis because said medication could harm a fetus. But she isn't pregnant, nor has any intent of becoming so.
    Working as intended.

    Abolishing Roe V. Wade was entirely about harming and marginalizing women, rendering something less than fully human, in a legal sense.

  7. #3567
    Quote Originally Posted by Masark View Post
    And now women are considered less important than non-existent fetuses.

    This woman is being denied her medication for her rheumatoid arthritis because said medication could harm a fetus. But she isn't pregnant, nor has any intent of becoming so.
    When we talk about how Republicans writ large don't actually care about "life" and that this is all about controlling women's bodies, this is exactly the kind of shit we're talking about. Women are breeding stock to them, nothing more.

  8. #3568
    Quote Originally Posted by Masark View Post
    And now women are considered less important than non-existent fetuses.

    This woman is being denied her medication for her rheumatoid arthritis because said medication could harm a fetus. But she isn't pregnant, nor has any intent of becoming so.
    But, what if she was infertile or has already hit menopause?

  9. #3569
    I think someone predicted this very thing earlier in the thread. Honestly, these doctors should be sued for malpractice or some shit.

  10. #3570
    To be fair, I don't think it's their fault. The law is stating they can't prescribe those meds lest they be sued (or worse) and lose their medical license (by the state).

    Like, the same thing as performing an actual abortion in a state where it's outlawed, like that same kind of cause and effect.

    Before anybody gets any wrong ideas, I think all of this is ridiculous bullshit.
    Last edited by Armael; 2022-07-08 at 06:44 AM.

  11. #3571
    Quote Originally Posted by Armael View Post
    But, what if she was infertile or has already hit menopause?
    MIRACLES happen! Seriously I've encounter this argument.

  12. #3572
    Quote Originally Posted by Masark View Post
    And now women are considered less important than non-existent fetuses.

    This woman is being denied her medication for her rheumatoid arthritis because said medication could harm a fetus. But she isn't pregnant, nor has any intent of becoming so.
    This is beyond ridiculous, might as well just ban womem from modern medicine, with this line of thought, since a ton of medicine is dangerous during pregnancy.

    Utterly insane

  13. #3573
    Quote Originally Posted by Combatbulter View Post
    This is beyond ridiculous, might as well just ban womem from modern medicine, with this line of thought, since a ton of medicine is dangerous during pregnancy.

    Utterly insane
    Alcohol and cigarettes too, but of course republicans don't want to get rid of those "freedoms."

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  14. #3574
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Combatbulter View Post
    This is beyond ridiculous, might as well just ban womem from modern medicine, with this line of thought, since a ton of medicine is dangerous during pregnancy.

    Utterly insane
    It is not so simple as that.

    The reason that it is in the crosshairs of the GQP isn't exactly that it is dangerous during pregnancy. It's that it is actually one of the medications used as an abortifacient in the first trimester. What they're afraid of is that people who are prescribed it for other uses (Like arthritis, cancer treatment, or other autoimmune disorder treatment... it was designed to be an anti-cancer drug originally) will pawn off their pills on the black market to women desperate to induce a miscarriage.

    It does lead into one of the major reasons that these bans are going to be so horrifying though. It's that this stuff WILL be handled by the black market in areas where it can't be done legally, and any time 'medicine' is being run by people who have no medical knowledge, interests, or ethics... people are going to die. You are going to have people on the streets selling shit like fentanyl pills to young girls claiming that it's something like methotrexate and the damage that kind of thing will do is incalculable.

  15. #3575
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynarii View Post
    It is not so simple as that.

    The reason that it is in the crosshairs of the GQP isn't exactly that it is dangerous during pregnancy. It's that it is actually one of the medications used as an abortifacient in the first trimester. What they're afraid of is that people who are prescribed it for other uses (Like arthritis, cancer treatment, or other autoimmune disorder treatment... it was designed to be an anti-cancer drug originally) will pawn off their pills on the black market to women desperate to induce a miscarriage.

    Not a justification, not unless your goal is harming women in general. It is, at best, reason to require a prescription rather than selling it over the counter.

    It is as simple as that.

  16. #3576
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post

    Not a justification, not unless your goal is harming women in general. It is, at best, reason to require a prescription rather than selling it over the counter.

    It is as simple as that.
    This stuff is prescription only already. And not even an easy prescription to get as a woman, you generally have to demonstrate that not only are you not pregnant and have no interest in becoming pregnant, but you're actively taking steps to make SURE you don't become pregnant. And yes, it's unfortunately not uncommon for us to have to answer some extremely invasive questions about our sex life just to be prescribed a medication for a completely unrelated condition.

    You're vastly mistaken if you think that I'm attempting to justify it, if you read the second paragraph I posted I explain why I believe that it only going to result in suffering and death. I was just attempting to explain why politicians are specifically looking at this medication and why doctors are worried that they could get in trouble for prescribing it.

  17. #3577
    Republicans think JFK Jr. will come back from the dead and become Trump's VP, that the COVID vaccine has microchips in it, that Democrats drain hormones from babies for power, and that Jewish space lasers cause wildfires.

    There's no reasoning with people who are batshit crazy.

  18. #3578

    Morton's, stanning for diner Brett Kavanaugh who fled out the back because protesters made their displeasure with his ruling known, had this to say -

    “Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner,” the statement continued. “There is a time and place for everything. Disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency.”
    Little do they apparently know, the "Right to eat dinner" is not enumerated in the Constitution and is not an actual "Right".

  19. #3579
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Morton's, stanning for diner Brett Kavanaugh who fled out the back because protesters made their displeasure with his ruling known, had this to say -

    Little do they apparently know, the "Right to eat dinner" is not enumerated in the Constitution and is not an actual "Right".
    Public figures do not have any right to have the public leave them alone. Ask any Hollywood star how well they can stop paparazzi from taking their photos while they're out in public. If you don't want to hear public opinions about you, you're free to stay the fuck at home and not go out into public spaces. Otherwise, freedom of speech fuckin' matters, and you can deal with it or you can fuck off back home.

    You have a right not to be harassed, but protest isn't "harassment", and hundreds of individuals making one-off critical comments towards you doesn't amount to harassment either, not unless you can prove it's a coordinated campaign intended to annoy rather than voice legitimate protest (and good fuckin' luck). If you walk down a public street and everyone you pass calls you a drunk shitbrain wannabe-rapist who hates women and should die forever and burn in hell, you get to fuck off and be sad about it. That's where your rights end.

  20. #3580
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Morton's, stanning for diner Brett Kavanaugh who fled out the back because protesters made their displeasure with his ruling known, had this to say -

    Little do they apparently know, the "Right to eat dinner" is not enumerated in the Constitution and is not an actual "Right".
    Bleep Morton's steakhouse. I hope this backfires spectacularly.

    Yeah Morton's and others it must really suck not being able to eat your meal than YOU KNOW, have to carry something you chose not to for 9 months.

    Stealing this tweet:

    Sorry, under the originalist reading of the Constitution there is no "right" to eat dinner. The Founding Fathers never spoke of a right to eat dinner, therefore the right does not exist.

    Originalism BITCH!!!!!

    I have to steal this tweet too:

    One of the anti-abortion movement's most durable and effective tactics was to use the first amendment to protest outside private establishments in order to make the people inside them feel uncomfortable.

    This is sooooo guuuud! One thing I never being put in this place but thinking on it, of how this already being a tough decision for women they had to go through the good ole Game of Thrones; "Shame! Shame! Shame!" shit.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2022-07-08 at 09:55 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

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