1. #3601
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jotaux View Post
    Are you not allowed to order a kids meal if you are an adult?
    It's generally frowned upon but not illegal per say.

    I have heard of places that will just charge you full price for the kids portion if you're an adult too.

  2. #3602

    Hrm...life begins at 80? Well this sure throws a wrench into this whole topic if this Donald J. Trump guy is telling the truth.

  3. #3603
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Hrm...life begins at 80? Well this sure throws a wrench into this whole topic if this Donald J. Trump guy is telling the truth.
    When did he ever, though?

  4. #3604
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Hrm...life begins at 80? Well this sure throws a wrench into this whole topic if this Donald J. Trump guy is telling the truth.
    The only way that tweet Truth™ makes sense is if he's trying to justify his own continued involvement in politics, despite being old and senile as fuck himself, when Biden's age and mental health are such big talking points among conservative dipshits.

  5. #3605
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    The only way that tweet Truth™ makes sense is if he's trying to justify his own continued involvement in politics, despite being old and senile as fuck himself, when Biden's age and mental health are such big talking points among conservative dipshits.
    That was precisely my reading of it.

  6. #3606
    Hopefully biden's legal instructions will save lives.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  7. #3607
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    The only way that tweet Truth™ makes sense is if he's trying to justify his own continued involvement in politics, despite being old and senile as fuck himself, when Biden's age and mental health are such big talking points among conservative dipshits.
    That is exactly what it is. He's likely gotten a diagnosis of some kind recently or those talking to him brought up his age in a negative light.
    Last edited by Dontrike; 2022-07-12 at 09:07 AM.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  8. #3608
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Hrm...life begins at 80? Well this sure throws a wrench into this whole topic if this Donald J. Trump guy is telling the truth.
    Does this mean that Donald Trump isn't a real person yet and still needs time to develop? That would explain a lot. A whole lot.

  9. #3609
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    TIL Trust Social is still just US only.
    Doubt it could ever come to the EU. So many regulations would stop it. UK probably has regulations they could not match as well.

  10. #3610
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    TIL Trust Social is still just US only.
    Sure, but the criminal investigation focused around it is still only in the US too, so they've got that going for them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  11. #3611

  12. #3612
    The fact that the US border patrol agent even asked that question when the President has stated that it is legal on all land and buildings that are federal means they should be fired.

    If they want to question her about her visit or the fact that she is housesitting is one thing, but her getting, taking part of, recently had or is planning sometime in the future, an abortion should get that agent fired.

    Like postman said, I hope she sues and wins.

  13. #3613

    Above the Law responding to a NY Post op-ed claiming that 18 USC §1507 (look it up if you want, though it's full text is included in the article) is being violated when people peacefully protest SCOTUS Justices.

    It highlights the importance of intent in the law, which the NY Post op-ed writer completely ignored in making their argument.

    We’ve written a lot about the growing protests aimed at the Supreme Court majority in Dobbs. Despite the hate mail and tweets that come in, we’re not actually saying that these protests are good or bad, just that the sort of time, place, and manner restrictions that conservatives seem to want applied against these protests have already been struck down… by conservatives. Back when protesters were following Planned Parenthood receptionists — who don’t have federal marshals protecting them — to their homes to hurl insults at them all night, the Supreme Court thought it was totally awesome and ruled that those restrictions infringed upon the First Amendment.
    And highlight that the very protections conservatives are arguing for for SCOTUS Justices were denied the women who have been repeatedly harassed at health service centers by the same conservatives.

    - - - Updated - - -


    That story about the 10 year old who had to travel to Indiana for an abortion after she was raped? That one that conservatives kept falling over themselves saying was completely fictitious?

    Welp, there's a suspect now. A suspect who has turned himself into the police for raping the girl on at least two occasions. So it sure seems like yes, Republican policy attempted to force a 10 year old girl to give birth to her rapists child. This is the future Republicans seem to want, 10 year old rape victims either having to drop out of school and raise the kid when they're not ready for that kind of responsibility - as they're still a god-damned child - or putting the child up for adoption and hoping a good home is found (probably not given the hundreds of thousands of children in need of adoption) while the girl continues to deal with the psychological and emotional trauma of the rape, pregnancy, and then giving a child up.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Watters said that his show “decided to investigate this alleged child rape, but we quickly found out that authorities in Ohio haven't even begun a criminal investigation into the rape,” adding, “This doesn't make any sense. No one reported this child rape to law enforcement?”

    “You would think the story of a sexual abuser roaming free assaulting 10-year-olds would raise quite a few concerns in small town Ohio, but no one seems to be doing anything about it,” he said later. “No one even knows anything about it. Local media outlets aren't even alerting the public. There's a monster on the loose and from what we can find, no local newspaper or TV station picked up the story.”

    The host even suggested that doctor who originally reported the pregnancy by rape of avoiding the press and accused her of having a “history of not reporting abuse cases to the police.”

    “So where do we stand?” Watters asked at the end of the segment. “If there’s a 10-year-old child abuser out there on the streets of Ohio, he needs to be brought to justice. And if so-called doctors are covering up child rape, they need to be prosecuted. But if this horrific story isn’t accurate and the abortion doctor and the Indianapolis Star are misleading us? And the mainstream media and president of the United States seizing on another hoax? Then this is absolutely shameful. And fits a pretty dangerous pattern of politically timed disinformation.”
    Reminder that Fox News doesn't have journalist, just a bunch of bad-faith, amoral, gross liars.

    On Tuesday, Watters’ Fox News colleague Dan Bongino shared the segment on various platforms with the caption, “Yet Another MAJOR Liberal Media Story Is Looking Like B.S.” And former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway appeared on Fox News to compare the story to everything from “Russia collusion” to the Jussie Smollet case, calling it “too rich to verify.”

    “There is no shortage of 10-year-old rape victims,” Fox host Emily Compagno said in that same segment. “There are so many monsters out there. What I find so deeply offensive, they had to make up a fake one.” Similarly, the Wall Street Journal editorial board published an op-ed with the headline “An Abortion Story Too Good to Confirm,” which referred to the case as a “fanciful tale.”
    He wasn't alone. Fuck every one of these people.

  14. #3614
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Hrm...life begins at 80? Well this sure throws a wrench into this whole topic if this Donald J. Trump guy is telling the truth.
    So hard these past 6 years for me not to be ageist.

    Yes, Trump questioning anyone on senility is classic.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  15. #3615

    The recent SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade has seen an increased number of men seeking vasectomies.

    According to the State of Missouri, health care providers have the right to choose whether or not they provide certain services due to religious freedoms.

    Just this week, a Missouri man says he was denied a vasectomy.

    “He asked if I had any children. I told him, no, but I also didn’t want any children. He then said that he wouldn’t perform the vasectomy on principle because he’s a devout Catholic and that it’s his personal belief that everyone needs to provide at least two children to the church. And so he wouldn’t perform the vasectomy on anyone that didn’t already have two children,” said Chris Hogan.

    Hogan says the reason he wants a vasectomy is his partner has complications giving birth.

    “She has health issues that would make it hard for her to become pregnant. But if she did become pregnant, would most likely end in miscarriage or complications. And so with all the new laws going into effect, we discussed it and it was just going to be simpler for me to get the vasectomy and just avoid all that altogether,” Hogan continued.
    Cool, so the decision is also resulting in some doctors choosing not to provide medical services to men, too.

    If you have religious objections to doing part of a job, don't sign the fuck up for that job. So not only does America have dogshit healthcare in general, but now, depending on where you live, many Americans will simply have to deal with medical professionals who choose not to provide the care patients need because their religion prevents them from doing their jobs.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Gym Jordan has now deleted his tweet calling the story of the 10 year old rape victim a hoax, though he supports charging the rapist. He has not apologized for calling the reports a lie.

  16. #3616
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Gym Jordan has now deleted his tweet calling the story of the 10 year old rape victim a hoax, though he supports charging the rapist. He has not apologized for calling the reports a lie.
    Jim Jordan and attempting to sweep sex abuses against minors under the rug, name a more iconic duo.

  17. #3617
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Cool, so the decision is also resulting in some doctors choosing not to provide medical services to men, too.

    If you have religious objections to doing part of a job, don't sign the fuck up for that job. So not only does America have dogshit healthcare in general, but now, depending on where you live, many Americans will simply have to deal with medical professionals who choose not to provide the care patients need because their religion prevents them from doing their jobs.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Gym Jordan has now deleted his tweet calling the story of the 10 year old rape victim a hoax, though he supports charging the rapist. He has not apologized for calling the reports a lie.
    Assuming that story about vasectomies is true, it's telling how conservative Christians are dead set on forcing everyone else to live according to their own beliefs.

    I saw something on Twitter that summed up conservatives pretty well: They LOVE telling other people what to do but they HATE being told what to do.
    "If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers

  18. #3618
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    This whole story about the 10 year old rape victim is infuriating.

    The Republicans are of course, blaming Joe Biden because HURR DURR THE RAPIST WAS AN ILLEGAL and that somehow makes it Joe Biden's fault.
    The Indiana AG is attempting to investigate the abortion provider, you know, the medical doctor who performed the necessary procedure to save the life of a FUCKING TEN YEAR OLD GIRL

    Then you have clowns like Gym Jordon running around like "this is fake news, invented by liberals to make us look bad"

    Like how sick are these fucks?

    A ten year old girl was RAPED AND IMPREGNATED and half of them want her to have the child because eVeRy LiFe Is PrEcIoUs, the other half are claiming the story is fake news.

    Like she's 10. She probably wouldn't survive a full pregnancy or birth. She needs this to survive. This is so gross.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    If you have religious objections to doing part of a job, don't sign the fuck up for that job. So not only does America have dogshit healthcare in general, but now, depending on where you live, many Americans will simply have to deal with medical professionals who choose not to provide the care patients need because their religion prevents them from doing their jobs.
    A couple weeks ago a woman posted to Tiktok or Reddit. I don't know where the post went now, but essentially, she went to CVS to get her birth control. That was prescribed to her by a doctor, that she needed, not for sex, but to control her hormones. For medical necessity. She was told she couldn't get the prescription filled. The women then got the run-around for a while until she got to a new technician, who immediately apologized and said the first one had been doing shit like that for a while. The woman finally got her medicine. At the end of her video, she was practically in tears.

    I agree 100%. As I was listening to this story, all I could think of was "if it's against your religion to not give certain types of medicine, don't be a fucking pharmacist."

    And on a somewhat related note, if you're religion says gays can't be married, don't be a county clerk.

    Christ, sick of people trying to push their beliefs on everyone.
    Last edited by Adam Jensen; 2022-07-14 at 04:37 AM. Reason: Misread the article and thought it was OH's AG.
    Putin khuliyo

  19. #3619
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post

    Christ, sick of people trying to push their beliefs on everyone.
    It all makes sense if you just remember one thing: According to literally every preacher and apologist, they're the persecuted ones in this country.


  20. #3620
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    This whole story about the 10 year old rape victim is infuriating.

    The Republicans are of course, blaming Joe Biden because HURR DURR THE RAPIST WAS AN ILLEGAL and that somehow makes it Joe Biden's fault.
    The Indiana AG is attempting to investigate the abortion provider, you know, the medical doctor who performed the necessary procedure to save the life of a FUCKING TEN YEAR OLD GIRL

    Then you have clowns like Gym Jordon running around like "this is fake news, invented by liberals to make us look bad"

    Like how sick are these fucks?

    A ten year old girl was RAPED AND IMPREGNATED and half of them want her to have the child because eVeRy LiFe Is PrEcIoUs, the other half are claiming the story is fake news.

    Like she's 10. She probably wouldn't survive a full pregnancy or birth. She needs this to survive. This is so gross.
    But everything she'll go through, the pain, trauma, and death will be for the best because theoretical being rewards his people when they are tortured no matter how preventable it is. Just have FAITH and Trust The Plan.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

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