Let me paint a legal picture, that isn't too far fetched.
The GQP gets a national bill passed banning abortion. Then, they pass an addendum making anyone who gets an abortion a murderer (landing somewhere on the homicide scale, depending on the situation - i.e. First Degree Premediated Murder all the way to Involuntary Manslaughter - charges and convictions based solely on women having an abortion - I can't even think about Felony Murder at this point, and how that would apply; my brain is about to leak out).
People passing through the country, or immigrating to the United States, cannot enter if they have committed a felony. If an abortion equates to a felony, then anyone passing through who had one is a felon, and could be detained, and certainly would be deported.
This woman from Canada, today, was asked if she had an abortion, by a federal officer, in a state where abortion is legal.
Everyone needs to read that again.
I have no idea how to turn this ship around. Women's rights are about to be voided in the United States.