1. #3781
    The Lightbringer
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    Look behind you.
    Partially related but still a predictable outcome of this decision: Ol' Ted Cruz has just bluntly come out and said that the Supreme Court was clearly wrong about about its Same Sex marriage decision.

    Because anyone with more than two neurons to rub together absolutely fuckin' knew this was going to be the next logical step for them. Either Republicans are incredibly confident in their Mid-term chances to just be this brazen about their fuckery, or it's more of the same throwing a bone to their base to keep them riled up and ready to vote.

  2. #3782
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyonai View Post
    Partially related but still a predictable outcome of this decision: Ol' Ted Cruz has just bluntly come out and said that the Supreme Court was clearly wrong about about its Same Sex marriage decision.

    Because anyone with more than two neurons to rub together absolutely fuckin' knew this was going to be the next logical step for them. Either Republicans are incredibly confident in their Mid-term chances to just be this brazen about their fuckery, or it's more of the same throwing a bone to their base to keep them riled up and ready to vote.
    It's even worse. Thomas basically said, in his over-turning-Roe-decision, that same sex marriage was next for review. We are at the end times.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    No they're not children, they're fetuses. Two different stages of development for a HUMAN BEING.
    By your ridiculous logic, all women's eggs should be saved, harvested, and born into the world because they are merely "two different stages of development for a HUMAN BEING". The neo-con yall quaida GQP are just fucking insane at this point.

    And the worst part is that this point of view, held by Big V, is held by 10's of millions of people. This whole situation is only going to get worse.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This...this is so very, VERY bad. This is no joke, no hyperbole, Gilead-level double-plus-bad.

    Australian woman who was detained and asked by a US border official if she had an abortion:
    The 32-year-old was traveling from Brisbane, Australia, to Canada where she planned to house- and cat-sit in exchange for accommodations. After landing in Los Angeles, Gourley was detained by American border officials who didn't believe her story and questioned her for three hours.

    During that time, a US border officer asked her repeatedly whether she was pregnant, and if she recently had an abortion. Gourley said no, but told Insider she thought about what the response would have been if she had said yes, and whether that would have gotten her deported quicker.
    It would be almost impossible to express how bad, on so many different and separate levels, this situation is for the future of the United States.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Let me paint a legal picture, that isn't too far fetched.

    The GQP gets a national bill passed banning abortion. Then, they pass an addendum making anyone who gets an abortion a murderer (landing somewhere on the homicide scale, depending on the situation - i.e. First Degree Premediated Murder all the way to Involuntary Manslaughter - charges and convictions based solely on women having an abortion - I can't even think about Felony Murder at this point, and how that would apply; my brain is about to leak out).

    People passing through the country, or immigrating to the United States, cannot enter if they have committed a felony. If an abortion equates to a felony, then anyone passing through who had one is a felon, and could be detained, and certainly would be deported.

    This woman from Canada, today, was asked if she had an abortion, by a federal officer, in a state where abortion is legal.

    Everyone needs to read that again.

    I have no idea how to turn this ship around. Women's rights are about to be voided in the United States.

  3. #3783
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubby View Post
    This...this is so very, VERY bad. This is no joke, no hyperbole, Gilead-level double-plus-bad.

    Australian woman who was detained and asked by a US border official if she had an abortion:

    It would be almost impossible to express how bad, on so many different and separate levels, this situation is for the future of the United States.
    What in the fucking fuck.

    I am assuming she was detained at the LA airport. If she were hitting a connecting flight, I presume that US border and customs wouldn't have any jurisdiction on shit having to do with her as a passenger; she's not actually legally entering the USA at all, in that case. So I assume she was going to land in LA, and drive to Canada or whatever, taking a bit of a vacation before she started housesitting in Canada.

    The visa waiver program allows her to do so for 90 days without a special visa. The exceptions that would prevent that are pretty goddamned limited, and "did you have an abortion" would not be anywhere on that fucking list.

    It's probably gonna be impossible for her to sue anyone, practically, since she's not American and not in the US and so on, but christ, those border officers need to be frickin' crucified. Like, "human rights violations" levels of criminal charges. Fascist fucking pig-fuckers. Particularly as there's nothing wrong or illegal about having had an abortion, federally speaking, or in California, and those are the only jurisdictions that apply in LA.

    Absolutely fucking insane. If you wrote this into a dystopian novel, people would laugh because it's so over-the-top it's not even believable in a dystopia, it's so fucking stupid. And yet, that's the actual reality we're living in.

    Let me paint a legal picture, that isn't too far fetched.

    The GQP gets a national bill passed banning abortion. Then, they pass an addendum making anyone who gets an abortion a murderer (landing somewhere on the homicide scale, depending on the situation - i.e. First Degree Premediated Murder all the way to Involuntary Manslaughter - charges and convictions based solely on women having an abortion - I can't even think about Felony Murder at this point, and how that would apply; my brain is about to leak out).

    People passing through the country, or immigrating to the United States, cannot enter if they have committed a felony. If an abortion equates to a felony, then anyone passing through who had one is a felon, and could be detained, and certainly would be deported.

    This woman from Canada, today, was asked if she had an abortion, by a federal officer, in a state where abortion is legal.

    Everyone needs to read that again.

    I have no idea how to turn this ship around. Women's rights are about to be voided in the United States.
    It's so much worse than that, actually.

    Even if abortion were, federally, a crime, a visitor to the USA having had an abortion in a country where it's legal would not qualify under any grounds for denying them entry. Same way if you came to Canada and enjoyed some premium marijuana, you have no history of illegal drug use. Whether it's legal in the States does not matter.

    This is right up there with "are you or is anyone in your family a Jew" levels of monstrosity.
    Last edited by Endus; 2022-07-17 at 03:42 AM.

  4. #3784
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    What in the fucking fuck.

    I am assuming she was detained at the LA airport. If she were hitting a connecting flight, I presume that US border and customs wouldn't have any jurisdiction on shit having to do with her as a passenger; she's not actually legally entering the USA at all, in that case. So I assume she was going to land in LA, and drive to Canada or whatever, taking a bit of a vacation before she started housesitting in Canada.

    The visa waiver program allows her to do so for 90 days without a special visa. The exceptions that would prevent that are pretty goddamned limited, and "did you have an abortion" would not be anywhere on that fucking list.

    It's probably gonna be impossible for her to sue anyone, practically, since she's not American and not in the US and so on, but christ, those border officers need to be frickin' crucified. Like, "human rights violations" levels of criminal charges. Fascist fucking pig-fuckers. Particularly as there's nothing wrong or illegal about having had an abortion, federally speaking, or in California, and those are the only jurisdictions that apply in LA.

    Absolutely fucking insane. If you wrote this into a dystopian novel, people would laugh because it's so over-the-top it's not even believable in a dystopia, it's so fucking stupid. And yet, that's the actual reality we're living in.
    This situation was written into a dystopian novel. The Handmaid's Tale.

    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    It's so much worse than that, actually.

    Even if abortion were, federally, a crime, a visitor to the USA having had an abortion in a country where it's legal would not qualify under any grounds for denying them entry. Same way if you came to Canada and enjoyed some premium marijuana, you have no history of illegal drug use. Whether it's legal in the States does not matter.

    This is right up there with "are you or is anyone in your family a Jew" levels of monstrosity.
    I can't even imagine how those Border Agents got their orders to ask that question.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Friendly reminder that SCOTUS Justice Barret was a Handmaid.

  5. #3785
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    All I read out of that is, "this is why liberals think it's okay to murder unborn children and deprive them of a chance at life"

    Look man, life ain't perfect, but that don't take away the right of a baby to live and try.
    While I know I won't get a reply, if you agree with women should be forced to give birth, then you also agree with forced vaccinations, forced organ donations(regardless if the person "donating" is alive or dead), forced medication and forced anything else that could be put into ones own body. If you disagree with those, then you are a hypocrite pure and simple.

    I've stated it in this thread, I do NOT agree with abortion. However, I also feel more strongly about ANYONE telling ANYONE ELSE what they can and cannot have in their own body. If a person doesn't want something in their body and it comes at the cost of another life, regardless of what that life is, so be it. No being, entity or otherwise has a right to use another person to sustain itself. NONE.

  6. #3786
    This Guardian article is a few days older but has more details.


    What little official response there is (mealy-mouthed ass-covering or not) doesn't make it sound like the officer was instracted to do so:

    Asked about Gourley’s treatment, the CBP spokesperson said it took “allegations of unprofessional behaviour seriously”.
    Reminder there sometimes are just assholes who go off on a power trip. Like Kim Davis.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  7. #3787
    Woman left to bleed for 10 days from incomplete miscarriage after being turned away by hospital post-Roe

    A woman in Wisconsin was left to bleed for more than 10 days after suffering an incomplete miscarriage as doctors in the state struggle to navigate abortion laws in a post-Roe America.

    Carley Zeal, an OB/GYN in southern Wisconsin and fellow with Physicians for Reproductive Health, told The Washington Post that the unidentified woman was going through a miscarriage and needed to have the fetal tissue removed from her uterus.

    However, because of Wisconsin’s outright ban on abortion, the woman was turned away by emergency room staff at a hospital in the state.

    Dr Zeal said that she saw the woman more than 10 days later when she was still bleeding severely and at serious risk of infection.

    She treated the patient with medication to expel the fetal tissue from her uterus – the same medication used in many abortions.

    “It really delayed her care,” Dr Zeal said. “I saw her a week and a half later with an ongoing miscarriage and bleeding, increasing the risk of severe bleeding as well as infections.”

    Dr Zeal told The Washington Post that another physician had reached out to her for a second opinion on a patient who was suffering from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.

    “She knew exactly what she had to do because [the patient] was bleeding and was clearly going to die if nothing was done,” said Dr Zeal. “But she wasn’t sure what she needed to document to be sure she wouldn’t be charged with a felony.”


  8. #3788
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Doctors legit need to have their medical license revoked for this shit. It violate their oath to save lives.

  9. #3789
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Doctors legit need to have their medical license revoked for this shit. It violate their oath to save lives.
    Unfortunately, medical license is granted by the State Board.

    The number of patients from other states spiked 900% at nine Planned Parenthood clinics in Orange and San Bernardino counties in the week following the ruling, Nichole Ramirez, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties, said via email.

  10. #3790
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Doctors legit need to have their medical license revoked for this shit. It violate their oath to save lives.
    What oath is that? If you mean the hippocratic oath, it doesn't say that. If you mean the oath of maimonides it also doesn't say that. The declaration of geneva says something about the health of their patient being paramount, but it also includes following the laws laid down that cover medical practice. BTW, not all medical schools make their graduates take any oath, let alone the only one of the three that even comes close to what you're suggesting. So what are you talking about?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  11. #3791
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Ah, yes, my favourite; abortion after birth...
    If reality survives the revisionist history the GQP and the Handmaid will write, these people will be vilified the same as those we saw burning "witches".

    The United States is no longer a First World Country.

  12. #3792
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Definitely get that retirement age in.
    Speaking as a non-american.
    Retirement age is good it's important to keep new blood percolating through the bench to avoid the situation America has now.
    Term limits (broadly) are a terrible idea which undercuts the independence of the judiciary and hence are the reason they essentially don't exist in any common law high/supreme court in the anglosphere.
    Further increasing the size of the bench is a short-term solution to the real problem and would only be helpful right now.

    The real issue at hand is the obvious brazen politicisation of the bench which is unheard of in the countries mentioned above. Aside from the obvious impact of shitting up another arm of government (now the legislature is effectively immobilised), a politicised bench undercuts the concept of the rule of law in the mind of the public (if judges always vote with their colour like politicians why should I respect red/blue team's decision on X) which is frankly mortifying.

    A court that cannot be trusted to be a principled impartial arbiter is no court at all, although, perhaps that's naive in the post-truth corporatist hellscape that is the US.
    Tonight for me is a special day. I want to go outside of the house of the girl I like with a gasoline barrel and write her name on the road and set it on fire and tell her to get out too see it (is this illegal)?

  13. #3793
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Just gonna post this here as it's related to SCOTUS.

    Definitely get that retirement age in.
    How about 10 years of courtroom experience as a requirement?

  14. #3794
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    How about 10 years of courtroom experience as a requirement?
    Or not being rapists.

  15. #3795
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Ah, yes, my favourite; abortion after birth...
    Honestly, he's not wrong. I believe abortions should be legal until the age of... erm, how old is Clarence Thomas?

  16. #3796
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Honestly, he's not wrong. I believe abortions should be legal until the age of... erm, how old is Clarence Thomas?
    What you're looking for is the 300th trimester. Maybe make it 301 just to be safe.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  17. #3797
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    A 1 month old fetus is just as human as a 1 year old.
    So maybe you'll tell me then - how many years in prison should women get for miscarrying?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    No wonder they went hard after this doctor, she was already on the militant anti-abortion extremist's radar and they'd already previously threatened to kidnap her daughter.
    They need to really go after these people and throw the book at them. Threatening people's lives, making kidnapping threats, and encouraging violence against others are all illegal. Prosecute them.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

  18. #3798
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    They need to really go after these people and throw the book at them. Threatening people's lives, making kidnapping threats, and encouraging violence against others are all illegal. Prosecute them.
    Can they do that and make it stick though? As we've seen in this thread there are hospitals who won't do anything to women who are in dire circumstances with their pregnancy out of fear of prosecution. The SCOTUS and GQP are doing a fine job of making doctors and women seem like the actual criminals, and I fear that with the right judge(s) they'd declare stopping the "Pro-Abortion Liberal Agenda" to be completely legal.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  19. #3799
    heh, the MO story coming out is even more ridiculous... can't get a divorce if you're pregnant??


  20. #3800
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain N View Post
    Can they do that and make it stick though?
    I mean...I guess they could just derelict their duty and let people kill abortion providers.

    I'd like to think given the history we already have of this happening that law enforcement would take efforts to strongly discourage people issuing threats and kill orders against these healthcare providers.
    Forum badass alert:
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    It's called resistance / rebellion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochana Violence View Post
    Also, one day the tables might turn.

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