1. #4281
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    This is about protecting babies from their irresponsible and mislead mothers
    No babies are harmed by abortion. Please educate yourself before you laugh about removing rights from people.

  2. #4282
    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    It's now common sense to remove the right of women away from them and tell them they have no choice when it comes to their own bodies.

    I'll take your kidney then. I need it to live.
    A baby isn't taking away anyone's kidney. Birth is a natural part of biology and life, organ transplant aren't. Stupid comparison is stupid.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    No babies are harmed by abortion. Please educate yourself before you laugh about removing rights from people.
    Death by suction isn't harmful???


  3. #4283
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    A baby isn't taking away anyone's kidney. Birth is a natural part of biology and life, organ transplant aren't. Stupid comparison is stupid.
    Yeah, it's an education issue for you then.

    Please read up on what this discussion is about and then you can leave the kids table and join the adults in conversation.

  4. #4284
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Lol you're like those teachers who ask their students "why did the author say "the sky is blue" to their students and then write a 10 page paper.in it.
    No, what I'm doing is engaging in basic deductive reasoning.

    If you honestly think a fetus is a human life, you can't support exceptions for things like rape or incest. That would mean you consider a child of rape to not be a human life. Is that your argument? I'm pretty sure it's not, but feel free to correct me if you think the 30-year old who was conceived in rape is not actually a person and can freely be killed. Because these two views are inconsistent, they can't be simultaneously held. Which means one of them is a lie. Given that you'd have no reason to lie about supporting exceptions, since you could just not support them like many pro-lifers don't, it must be your belief that the fetus is a human life that's the lie.

    You can't believe that and support exceptions. It's a direct contradiction. Supporting the exceptions demonstrates you do not believe the fetus to be a human life. So we know you're lying to us. Maybe to yourself, too, but definitely to us.

    I don't hate women. But if you get pregnant through your own concented actions and aren't in mortal danger then there is no response to terminate the pregnancy.
    They want to. That's all the "reason" there needs to be. You denying that is an expression of naked misogyny; a desire to deny women the basic right of controlling the use of their own bodies.

  5. #4285
    Herald of the Titans enigma77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    No babies are harmed by abortion. Please educate yourself before you laugh about removing rights from people.
    Haha this is so signature worthy but I think I'll keep the bug

  6. #4286
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Only thing I hope is that rape (with reasonable time), and the life of the mother remain as exceptions. And that kids are tought properly about safe sex in school
    Hypocrit. If the life of the fetus is sacrosanct, why does it matter if it is a product of rape? The fetus itself (and the child it will become if it is born) is blameless.

  7. #4287
    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    Yeah, it's an education issue for you then.

    Please read up on what this discussion is about and then you can leave the kids table and join the adults in conversation.
    I know what it's about.

    Obnoxious pittoful women and soy immaculated men who can't take accountability for their own actions lying to themselves and convincing themselves that baby murder is okay because their donkey overlords told them so.

  8. #4288
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Hypocrit. If the life of the fetus is sacrosanct, why does it matter if it is a product of rape? The fetus itself (and the child it will become if it is born) is blameless.
    The secret is it's an admission that even he doesn't believe the "every fetus is a human life" malarkey. Not when push comes to shove. It's a lie to cover the real goal; inflicting suffering on innocent women.

  9. #4289
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Hypocrit. If the life of the fetus is sacrosanct, why does it matter if it is a product of rape? The fetus itself (and the child it will become if it is born) is blameless.
    That's why I said with reasonable time, and also it's an extreme circumstance. If I was religious then I probably wouldn't want that exception

  10. #4290
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I know what it's about.

    Obnoxious pittoful women and soy immaculated men who can't take accountability for their own actions lying to themselves and convincing themselves that baby murder is okay because their donkey overlords told them so.
    There's the deplorable bile.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by enigma77 View Post
    Haha this is so signature worthy but I think I'll keep the bug
    This guy thinks babies and fetuses are the same thing and wants to have their input taken seriously.


  11. #4291
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I know what it's about.

    Obnoxious pittoful women and soy immaculated men who can't take accountability for their own actions lying to themselves and convincing themselves that baby murder is okay because their donkey overlords told them so.
    Man. All laid right out.

    1> Outright hatred towards "obnoxious pitiful women".
    2> Bullshit "alpha male" snake oil garbage about soy.
    3> That "women should be accountable for their actions", in this context being punished for having non-procreative sex by being forced to bear to term.
    4> Calling abortion "baby murder", which is laughably crazy and not a view supported anywhere in the developed world.
    5> "Donkey overlords" which I assume has to mean Democrats, which is hilarious because at least some of us aren't even American and this isn't a partisan thing in the first place, it's a basic-human-rights-for-women thing.

  12. #4292
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    No, what I'm doing is engaging in basic deductive reasoning.

    If you honestly think a fetus is a human life, you can't support exceptions for things like rape or incest. That would mean you consider a child of rape to not be a human life. Is that your argument? I'm pretty sure it's not, but feel free to correct me if you think the 30-year old who was conceived in rape is not actually a person and can freely be killed. Because these two views are inconsistent, they can't be simultaneously held. Which means one of them is a lie. Given that you'd have no reason to lie about supporting exceptions, since you could just not support them like many pro-lifers don't, it must be your belief that the fetus is a human life that's the lie.

    You can't believe that and support exceptions. It's a direct contradiction. Supporting the exceptions demonstrates you do not believe the fetus to be a human life. So we know you're lying to us. Maybe to yourself, too, but definitely to us.

    They want to. That's all the "reason" there needs to be. You denying that is an expression of naked misogyny; a desire to deny women the basic right of controlling the use of their own bodies.
    "They want to"

    That's enough. So a 49 year old wants to have sex with a 12 year old because she wants to then it's all okay right?

    No it's not because we all know a child can't properly concent to that type.of relationship thus is morally wrong. Just like how killing your unborn child because you decided to go fuck happy and don't wanna own. Up to it is morally wrong.

  13. #4293
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    "They want to"

    That's enough. So a 49 year old wants to have sex with a 12 year old because she wants to then it's all okay right?

    No it's not because we all know a child can't properly concent to that type.of relationship thus is morally wrong. Just like how killing your unborn child because you decided to go fuck happy and don't wanna own. Up to it is morally wrong.
    Mega huge yikes.

  14. #4294
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Man. All laid right out.

    1> Outright hatred towards "obnoxious pitiful women".
    2> Bullshit "alpha male" snake oil garbage about soy.
    3> That "women should be accountable for their actions", in this context being punished for having non-procreative sex by being forced to bear to term.
    4> Calling abortion "baby murder", which is laughably crazy and not a view supported anywhere in the developed world.
    5> "Donkey overlords" which I assume has to mean Democrats, which is hilarious because at least some of us aren't even American and this isn't a partisan thing in the first place, it's a basic-human-rights-for-women thing.
    "Basic human right" LMAO what a joke.

    See the prob with progressive ls that you have no basic moral compass and only care about your own selfish desires. Sad sad

    Well doesn't matter we could disagree all day. When it happens it happens and that'll be it and the world will be much better as a result. you can cry all you want to cope. Won't change anything.

  15. #4295
    Herald of the Titans enigma77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    There's the deplorable bile.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This guy thinks babies and fetuses are the same thing and wants to have their input taken seriously.

    Arbitrary distinction, based on nonsense and lies. A baby is a baby all the way through pregnancy.

    You lost, buddy. Abortion is going to be illegal and/or highly restrictive, as it should be, in most of the country.

  16. #4296
    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    Mega huge yikes.
    What exactly is "yikes".

    It's the same logic. Difference is that one generates a shit ton of money, the other doesn't.

    I mean listen if I could get away with a akot of shit as a kid because someone said it's okay it's your right then I would have eaten that shit up.

    Same basic simple way of thinking for baby killers.

    "You mean to say killing my unwanted baby is okay? Fuck yeah I'm in, party wooooooo"

  17. #4297
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    "They want to"

    That's enough. So a 49 year old wants to have sex with a 12 year old because she wants to then it's all okay right?

    No it's not because we all know a child can't properly concent to that type.of relationship thus is morally wrong. Just like how killing your unborn child because you decided to go fuck happy and don't wanna own. Up to it is morally wrong.
    You lost me at "Unborn Child". Until a fetus actually develops a consciousness, it isn't a child or a person.

    And are going by "potential", then you just outlawed getting rid of any infection because there is a chance that could develop a consciousness.

    And whose morals are you going by? Because you are the immoral one in this going from what I seeing.

    Edit: Heck, science has already turned stem cells into eggs and sperm and even an actual life when it comes to smaller species, your logic would mean that soon the skin off my ass would be as deserving of life as your children because it could become a child too.
    Last edited by Fugus; 2022-09-13 at 05:33 PM.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  18. #4298
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    "They want to"

    That's enough. So a 49 year old wants to have sex with a 12 year old because she wants to then it's all okay right?
    Kudos on not understanding the nature of consent and thinking that your lack of comprehension is the same thing as an argument.

    Just like how killing your unborn child because you decided to go fuck happy and don't wanna own. Up to it is morally wrong.
    Not even a little bit, no. There is no "child"; that's a lie. There's a non-sentient fetus that's not even an individualized organism unto itself yet. There's no moral concern to be had, here, not unless you're shoehorning in some extremist religious views, and even if you are, those views have no meaning to anyone but yourself. You're free to make decisions for yourself about your own religious views, you're not free to try and force others to submit to your religious requirements. That's the immorality here.

  19. #4299
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    See the prob with progressive ls that you have no basic moral compass and only care about your own selfish desires.
    No, we're just all about bodily autonomy and the state having as minimal a role as necessary when it comes to people making their own health care decisions as they relate to their own bodies.

  20. #4300
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by enigma77 View Post
    Arbitrary distinction, based on nonsense and lies. A baby is a baby all the way through pregnancy.
    By what definition? Because it's not by legal or medical definitions.

    That's your problem. You're making shit up.

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