That, or they're gambling that they'll get more votes riling up their base by all but telling them 'We're gonna make Abortion Illegal if we get voted in!' then they'll lose by doing that same thing.
But you're right, the GOP's usually been slicker with their messaging game and this seems like a blunder, especially after it's become incredibly apparent how unpopular full abortion bans are.
It will never be passed.
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There is 400k children in the adoption system now, and they are already overflowing. You think adding on average 600k a year to that list, is going to fucking help? I can guarantee that will just make that system collapse.
GOP politicians are afraid of enacting new anti-abortion laws before November election. Kim Reynold, Iowa governor, has made clear her intentions to end most abortion in Iowa. However, instead of calling a special session of the legislature to pass a new law, she turned to the courts to impose stricter abortion limits by trying to bring back a 2018 previously blocked abortion ban.
Why? She is trying to avoid contentious political debate weeks before the November election. A poll published last month by the Des Moines Register indicated 60% of Iowa residents believe abortion should be legal in most or all cases.
One thing I'll never understand is the enormous and mind boggling stupidity of things like:
No one is forcing them to get pregnant and if they do then there's adoption.Juts imagine for a second that all women look at the situation and go "golly gee you're right, no contraception is 100% safe, so from now on I will only fuck if I actually want a child". Now what? ... Abstinence advocates really don't think it through, do they.I don't hate women. But if you get pregnant through your own concented actions and...
Herp derp both sides. Pretty sure Republicans lied enough to cause a terror attack last year, but do go on about how they're the same.
A shame you don't have the foresight to be worried about the abandoned babies in alleyways, dumpsters, and adoption centers, then again we both know you don't care about children.Good to know so many innocent lives will be saved. Just wish it was sooner.
HAHAHAHAHA Oh sweet summer child, there are already states without exceptions, and it's clear you're fine with forcing 10 year olds to give birth. I do find it hilarious you think Republicans want safe sex taught in school. You're hilarious.Only thing I hope is that rape (with reasonable time), and the life of the mother remain as exceptions. And that kids are tought properly about safe sex in school
You don't and the only person you're fooling is yourself.
Imagine being so "smart" you forget rape exists. Also the republican party forcing women to keep any pregnancy they have to get. You're smart.
And who is going to adopt these millions of soon to be children? Not you, that's for sure.and if they do then there's adoption.
No one believes you.
Imagine being this wrong and still believing you're right.But if you get pregnant through your own concented actions and aren't in mortal danger then there is no response to terminate the pregnancy.
Even if you can't financially care for the baby then you could always put them up for adoption.
No harm no foul.
If we're going by what's "natural" you do know that animals kill their babies all the time, right? Even chickens destroy their own eggs on occasion.
Last edited by Dontrike; 2022-09-14 at 08:38 AM.
Well we should mention this was a very tight ban. First Graham went from 20 weeks and a rape, incest exception to a 15 week ban and no exceptions. I wish this would go to a vote. Love it. I believe Graham tried to say this what European countries and quick look and big picture here they are generally 18-24 weeks and later access for specific circumstances such as mother's health.
Pleas run on this Democrats! This is a National abortion ban! All you need to say Dems. Start doing the commercials of "they are coming for your body".
"Buh dah DEMS"
Hell, lions will kill offspring of a potential mate, hedgehogs that you can get as pets will kill their own young if they get stressed and a large amount of other examples of animals killing offspring outright.
Hell, there is an animal(the Quokka) that throws their young at a potential predator so they can escape.
Leaving it to the states is always hilarious.
The states are the most tyrannical form of government in the US Republic.
Pelosi, speaking about the disagreements even within the Republican party on their position on abortion in response to Lindsey Graham's 15-week national abortion ban.I think what you're seeing there is a conflict within the Republican Party. There are those in the party who think life begins at the candlelight dinner the night before
Worth noting that it seems about as popular as Rick Scott's plans, which the Biden administration is actually promoting because they're so awful all they have to do is make people aware they exist.
Don't believe me? Here's Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's response when asked about Graham's bill -
i.e. he realizes this is a national political cyanide pill and that he wants nothing to do with it, especially after the vote in Kansas where Republicans were reminded about how deeply unpopular their extremist views on this topic are.I think most of the members of my conference prefer that this be dealt with at the state level
I am rather surprised republicans are at odds about this usually they are all good Nazi soldiers literally when it comes to elections. I wonder what Graham's end game is he isn't up for any election as far as I can tell and his political career is pretty much dead outside of his state.
Sorry cringe on Pelosi's part. She is so cringe. This is obviously a cute saying that many used pre Dobbs.
Now Pelosi and others really need to do the "Pants on Fire" rhetoric. They really need to say that they are taking away your rights, your body and all but the kitchen sink. From your article and quick looking around, Pelosi's speech was very weak. Say the scary bleep out loud, cause that is what is happening.
I think this is a high charged issue but I swear if people fall asleep on this again, thinking there will never be a national ban and the harsh consequences as pre 2016 election, then it will happen. Pants on Fire!
"Buh dah DEMS"