1. #4441
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Well yeah it is... But a cow ain't a human lmao.
    Not the point.

    Feel free to find me a single law code in the developed world that categorizes abortion under "murder".

  2. #4442
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    If only there was an alternative to killing your baby and not having to raise them. Poor mommies.
    Ok, since you are Mr. Forced Birther, what about fetuses that don't grow with lungs, a brain, a heart, a mouth or any other deformities that would make it not survive outside of the womb? I mean, the fetus will die after birth. Are you for forced birth in this case where a miscarriage happens but doesn't get pushed out so the fetus is dead in the womb but still would need to be aborted? I mean, these are real things that do happen and aren't as rare as one would think.

  3. #4443
    Abortion just describes a specific act.

    One that results in, wait for it, murder.

  4. #4444
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Killing ain't evil?

    Refusing to raise your child by killing them isn't lazy?

    And yeah I did, because modern feminism is man hate since last I checked women aren't lacking any rights as it stands.
    Repeatedly declaring murder doesn't make it murder. This feels like the episode of the Office where Scott walks into the office and just goes "I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY".

    And like I said, willful ignorance isn't a way to argue. You can easily rectify your own hate by trying to understand instead of slandering.

    Here's a little bit to get you started on why you're wrong to think women have it equal.

    A man can easily go to the doctor and get his tubes tied whenever. And yet if a women tries to, they more often than not hit a wall, whether it's through "you might change your mind!" or "you need a man to sign off on this for you"

  5. #4445
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Ok, since you are Mr. Forced Birther, what about fetuses that don't grow with lungs, a brain, a heart, a mouth or any other deformities that would make it not survive outside of the womb? I mean, the fetus will die after birth. Are you for forced birth in this case where a miscarriage happens but doesn't get pushed out so the fetus is dead in the womb but still would need to be aborted? I mean, these are real things that do happen and aren't as rare as one would think.
    Obviously not.... That's an extreme like rape and life of the mother

  6. #4446
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    When did I say men have rights women don't???
    When you argue against women's self-ownership, which your arguments against abortion rights explicitly do.

    Were those methods smiled upon or profitable?
    Oh god, "profitable"? You're pushing the absolutely buttfuck-crazy conspiracy garbage that Planned Parenthood is profiteering off abortions, aren't you? What next, are they harvesting fetuses to feed to the lizardfolk masters, or is it for the Greys?

  7. #4447
    Quote Originally Posted by Jester Joe View Post
    Repeatedly declaring murder doesn't make it murder. This feels like the episode of the Office where Scott walks into the office and just goes "I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY".

    And like I said, willful ignorance isn't a way to argue. You can easily rectify your own hate by trying to understand instead of slandering.

    Here's a little bit to get you started on why you're wrong to think women have it equal.

    A man can easily go to the doctor and get his tubes tied whenever. And yet if a women tries to, they more often than not hit a wall, whether it's through "you might change your mind!" or "you need a man to sign off on this for you"
    A visectomy isn't permanent and fucking up your baby factory is. And women have a much deeper connection to fertility than men do for obviouse reasons. That's why it's harder. And they don't need a man's signature lol wtf

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    When you argue against women's self-ownership, which your arguments against abortion rights explicitly do.

    Oh god, "profitable"? You're pushing the absolutely buttfuck-crazy conspiracy garbage that Planned Parenthood is profiteering off abortions, aren't you? What next, are they harvesting fetuses to feed to the lizardfolk masters, or is it for the Greys?
    You think abortions are free....

    And you child's LIFE is more important than "ownership" of your body which you had sex with. Again there's always morning after pill or adoption.
    Last edited by Varx; 2022-09-27 at 07:56 PM.

  8. #4448
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Obviously not.... That's an extreme like rape and life of the mother
    Outside of the miscarriage, the rest is the fetus will survive while in the womb just not outside. Since it would still be murder according to your definition because it is prematurely ending the life of those deformed fetuses before they can die of natural causes. Are you for that? Those abortions since you claim, according to your definition of abortion, that, outside of the life of the mother and rape, the rest are murder.

    I mean, carrying those fetuses to term just for them to die, I would think that would be an act of cruelty on both the fetus AND the mother. One for having something brought to this world only for it to die immediately after birth just because of feelings and the other is to have the mother go through the pain of childbirth just to watch what they gave birth to die right in front of their eyes.

    ADDED EDIT: This is how the law in states that have outright banned abortion except in cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother is like. The second part of that statement would hold true because they would NOT be able to get an abortion even though the fetus would die right after birth. Which is both cruel to both the new infant AND the mother.
    Last edited by gondrin; 2022-09-27 at 07:57 PM.

  9. #4449
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Outside of the miscarriage, the rest is the fetus will survive while in the womb just not outside. Since it would still be murder according to your definition because it is prematurely ending the life of those deformed fetuses before they can die of natural causes. Are you for that? Those abortions since you claim that, outside of the life of the mother and rape, the rest are murder.

    I mean, carrying those fetuses to term just for them to die, I would think that would be an act of cruelty on both the fetus AND the mother. One for having something brought to this world only for it to die immediately after birth just because of feelings and the other is to have the mother go through the pain of childbirth just to watch what they gave birth to die right in front of their eyes.
    Dude I said I agree with you in that aspect but again it's an extreme not the rule.

  10. #4450
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    If only there was an alternative to killing your baby and not having to raise them. Poor mommies.
    You have no idea what kind of damage an unwanted pregnancy then child can do to a women, physically, mentally and financially.

  11. #4451
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    You think abortions are free....
    PP is a non-profit. Not even understanding basic shit like this means you're pushing conspiracy nonsense.

    And you child's LIFE is more important than "ownership" of your body which you had sex with.
    Nope. That's special pleading. If my child needed a kidney and I was a perfect match, there is no legal basis under which I could be forced to donate them my kidney. Even if they'll die if I don't. You continue to try and plead a special case for abortion without any justification for its special treatment.

  12. #4452
    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    You have no idea what kind of damage an unwanted pregnancy then child can do to a women, physically, mentally and financially.
    Then maybe dont have sex.... Lol like no one is forcing these women to get knocked up.

    You can't mentally take it then you have no business engaging in sex. That goes for men too

  13. #4453
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Then maybe dont have sex.... Lol like no one is forcing these women to get knocked up.

    You can't mentally take it then you have no business engaging in sex. That goes for men too
    Again, this "responsibility" is an entirely religious argument. There is no basis for this in secular reasoning, none whatsoever.

  14. #4454
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Then maybe dont have sex.... Lol like no one is forcing these women to get knocked up.

    You can't mentally take it then you have no business engaging in sex. That goes for men too
    Don't you have a better argument ? What about a broken condom ? Curious to see your answer about that

  15. #4455
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    PP is a non-profit. Not even understanding basic shit like this means you're pushing conspiracy nonsense.

    Nope. That's special pleading. If my child needed a kidney and I was a perfect match, there is no legal basis under which I could be forced to donate them my kidney. Even if they'll die if I don't. You continue to try and plead a special case for abortion without any justification for its special treatment.

    Abortions most definitely are earning money for some entities.... Come on man don't be naive

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    Don't you have a better argument ? What about a broken condom ? Curious to see your answer about that
    Morning after pill / adoption.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Again, this "responsibility" is an entirely religious argument. There is no basis for this in secular reasoning, none whatsoever.
    How many times do I have to say I ain't religious.

  16. #4456
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Abortions most definitely are earning money for some entities.... Come on man don't be naive

    - - - Updated - - -

    Morning after pill / adoption.
    Again, morning after pill are not 100% sure. So adoption ? So that means the women have to go through all the pregnancy ? Do you have any idea how all that works physically and mentally for a women ? Plus the interruption of her career. Step up your argument, you need it

  17. #4457
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    How many times do I have to say I ain't religious.
    You'd have to stop making arguments that only have a religious basis, if you want us to believe your reasoning isn't religious.

  18. #4458
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    You'd have to stop making arguments that only have a religious basis, if you want us to believe your reasoning isn't religious.
    Nope, he is not making those. His argument are based on his personal ethics and morals. We could say those are coming from a religious basis but I do not think so.

  19. #4459
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    A visectomy isn't permanent and fucking up your baby factory is. And women have a much deeper connection to fertility than men do for obviouse reasons. That's why it's harder. And they don't need a man's signature lol wtf
    So because YOU think it's fine that means it's equal? Not how this works.

    And you seem to not done any research then, it's not very hard to find stories of doctors doing just that to women.

    It's a case by case basis and it falls again, under private religious doctors as far as I know but that doesn't excuse it existing.

  20. #4460
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    Nope, he is not making those. His argument are based on his personal ethics and morals. We could say those are coming from a religious basis but I do not think so.
    That's not a counterpoint; it just shifts us to pointing out his personal ethics and morals derive from religious views rather than secular reasoning.

    There is no secular basis for the idea that sexual intercourse creates any sense of "responsibility" towards bearing a fetus to term.

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