There's just nothing like conservatives telling abortion is murder and thus abominable, is there? People who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Anything that helps other people is bad, if it doesn't help you. Make a thread on death penalty, and our morally flexible friends are arguing in favor of it. What the fuck are your values, even?
A *lot* of people. It's kind of tied into our worthless public education system. Teach people American *mythology* instead of American history, mock intellectualism to further discourage people from seeking out education and knowledge, and you can lie to their faces and they're going to be literally too stupid/ignorant to know when you're lying to them.
Pick any of the pillars of Republican electoral strategy and you'll find the combination of "don't let your voters become educated" and "wave symbols in their face" is a foundation for each and every one.
Alright, let's go with that "logic" and say that a fetus has all the rights of a normal human and is considered human. What happens to a fetus that has absorbed another in the womb? Does that fetus get arrested for manslaughter?
Does child support start at birth? Taxes? You don't actually have these answers because you don't care about a fetus nor the child it will become, only about your feeling of self righteousness.
The worst shit it. Even people who want to be parents hate and have horrible preganancies. One of my cousins had a fucking horrific pregnancy filled with issues and complications.
Then there's my sister who got the worst post-partum depression. But good and benefitial!
Internalised Misygony. It's a thing and it's common as fuck.
Should people who get a misscarriage be charged with manslaughter? Since it's a spontaneous abortion?
Since you keep going on about how it's about respecting life. Let's ask you this for when you're back.
Should every dead person be harvested for viable organs to donate to those in need? They don't need them anymore. Not donating them post life is selfish and causes harm to others.
So donating them will save lives and help people live. A thing you consider paramount.
Do you think the dead have a right to their organs?
- Lars
"In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Paradox of tolerance
Seriously. Is the argument that people born of rape are less "people" than everyone else? Can you just murder them? Or is it that, for a lot of pro-lifers, there just happens to be some limits to the intentional cruelties they're willing to inflict?
Which, of course, is an implicit admission that their entire position is predicated on the deliberate infliction of cruelty, rather than "protecting life", in any respect whatsoever.
Jesus fucking Christ. This is so disgusting and sick... I don't know how these people can fool themselves into thinking this is "beneficial" for anyone. It's a stressful, horrific experience for everyone involved. Imagine having to carry to term a mutilated fetus that won't even survive moments after being born, if it survives being born at all. Plus all the other medical complications, the financial cost, the mental burden... fuck. They really do hate women.
I'm curious how long after birth do they stop giving a fuck about life cause nearly every other policy they put out is very anti-life. Force babies to be born with no support to the family for raising it, don't give the schools the money needed to feed the poor kids in the district so the rich kids can out run them when a kid with mental issues comes and shoots up the school, don't give any medical support to the injured, and so on and so on.
There are people who believe in judging people for the actions of their ancestors so if someone believes in generational sins then I can see how they would be ok letting a woman get an abortion as she would be the "innocent life" they are protecting. Although I wonder if a female rapist raped a man and got pregnant would they be ok with abortion in that situation? Or would she be forced to give birth and then does the baby stay with the criminal/her family or is the guy supposed to take it or what?
The mother's life being at risk is interesting too imo. Are they only ok with it if both the fetus and mother are in danger of dying? Or is the fetus no longer a person if the "real" person is in danger? Or is it that they just don't want to support a child who mother died while the mother can just get back to work if she loses her fetus? I strongly suspect its the last one.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
At some point society should just be allowed to launch these fuckers out of a cannon aimed straight at the sun.
- - - Updated - - -
That he did. Kind of amusing how an already old man at the time of that special who was raised in a religious household, realized how bullshit religious people are due to their massive hypocrisy when it comes to pro-life and anti-abortion. The same people who don't think abortion should be illegal are the same people who also don't want to ensure that children who are born disadvantaged get all the help they can to survive and be successful in this life. And that to me is a pretty fucked up worldview for anyone to have.