1. #4481
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    I don't know. I figure for a lot of them, it's merely a concession to play at seeming reasonable. For others, it might just be that even they can't stomach the idea of forcing women to keep a pregnancy that was a result of one of the worst violations a person can endure.
    I think this is correct. Most people's sense of ethics is poorly considered and based almost entirely on intuition. In this case, they're employing some crude utilitarianism - they don't like abortions, but they dislike forcing a raped woman to carry a pregnancy even more.

  2. #4482
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    I think he went on with “If your preborn your fine, if your preschool your fucked”.
    Yes he did.

    He also continued with, "They don't give a shit about you until you reach military age. Then they think you are just fine, just what they've been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."

  3. #4483
    Minors, cancer patients, and homeless people forced out of Ohio to get abortions amid strict ban, says court filing

    Court documents filed to the Ohio Supreme Court allege that children, cancer patients, and people carrying fetuses with severe genetic anomalies have been denied abortions.

    The documents were filed against the state by a coalition of organizations, including the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and women's centers. It details how numerous women have threatened to end their lives due to the state's strict ban on abortion after six weeks.

    In July, headlines focused on a story of a 10-year-old girl who was raped and subsequently forced to leave the state of Ohio to obtain an abortion. The documents show that she has not been the only minor to face this predicament.

    Attesting within the complaint, Aeran Trick, operations manager of Women's Med Center of Dayton, spoke about a case of a 16-year-old girl living in southwestern Ohio, who had become pregnant after being sexually assaulted by a family member, and was forced to travel to Indianapolis to receive an abortion.

    She said, "I am concerned that Ohio's ban and the need to travel increasingly far distances to obtain abortion care not only cause unimaginable harm to these young victims but could also hamper law enforcement's ability to investigate and prosecute these cases in the future."

    Police investigating the assault allegations also had to drive to Indianapolis to collect tissue for crime lab testing, said Trick.

    Local news outlet Ohio Capital Journal reported that Dr. Adarsh Krishen also attested to a similar case of a minor forced out of state after being allegedly assaulted by a family member and becoming pregnant.

    The court documents also highlighted the case cited of an Ohio woman with Stage 3 melanoma cancer, who was denied necessary treatment by her physicians until she received an abortion.

    The document reads, "When the patient learned she could not receive an abortion in Ohio, she broke down and cried while multiple staff members…attempted to console her."

    Another case told of a homeless woman becoming "so overwhelmed that crisis intervention was required because she did not see how she would be able to travel out of state."

  4. #4484

    Eyo, pro-life Hershel Walker has some more "kids" you don't know about. Because he paid to get an abortion for his girlfriend. She doesn't want to be named, obviously, but she brought the literal receipts -

    She supported these claims with a $575 receipt from the abortion clinic, a “get well” card from Walker, and a bank deposit receipt that included an image of a signed $700 personal check from Walker.
    Interesting tidbits -

    The woman said Walker, who was not married at the time, told her it would be more convenient to terminate the pregnancy, saying it was “not the right time” for him to have a child. It was a feeling she shared, but what she didn’t know was that Walker had an out-of-wedlock child with another woman earlier that same year.
    Hey, that's great! People having agency over their bodies! People being supportive of each others decisions!

    Except for the whole "Herschel Walker was a fuckin slut getting women pregnant left and right, and some of those potential kids he wanted to keep."

    After The Daily Beast reached out to the Walker campaign for comment, Robert Ingram, a lawyer representing both the campaign and Walker in his personality capacity, responded.

    “This is a false story,” Ingram said in a phone call, adding that he based that conclusion on anonymous sources.

    “All you want to do is run with stories to target Black conservatives,” he said. “You focus on Black conservatives.”

    Ingram asked The Daily Beast to disclose the identity of the woman, but we declined.
    I wonder if the lawyer would like to make that claim under oath?

    The woman, a registered Democrat who still communicates with Walker, said he did not tell her about his plan to run for the Senate before his announcement in August 2021. Since then, however, one of Walker’s top surrogates has asked her repeatedly if she would be willing to vouch for his character, reaching out as recently as this August.

    In a 40-minute phone call this June about one of his out-of-wedlock children, The Daily Beast pressed Walker repeatedly on whether he had ever knowingly had an abortion with any of his past partners. After dodging the question multiple times, he ultimately said he had not.
    Oh look, Walker is still a dishonest liar. And a horny dishonest liar.

    Why is it that Republicans are consistently fine paying for their wife/mistress's secret abortions but they don't want anyone else to have that kind of personal agency?

    - - - Updated - - -


    So, how are things going in the post-Roe world?

    Before they’re allowed to take the field, female student athletes in Florida are asked about their menstrual history—and as that data increasingly moves to digital platforms, parents and doctors are expressing some grave concerns about the practice.

    Asking questions such as when the student got their first period and when they had their last one isn’t anything new in Florida. It’s been an ongoing question for two decades, and it is optional.

    Historically, that has been done on paper forms. This fall, however, some districts—including Palm Beach, Broward, Hillsborough and Sarasota counties—will switch to a digital platform that’s held by a third party. And in the post–Roe v. Wade world, that has many people concerned.

    “I don’t see why (school districts) need that access to that type of information,” said Dr. Michael Haller, a pediatric endocrinologist based in Gainesville told the Palm Beach Post. “It sure as hell will give me pause to fill it out with my kid.”
    First off, what the fuck? Why have Florida student athletes anywhere even be asked about their menstrual history, even if it's optional?

    Second off, this is sure a lot of pointless, irrelevant personal data that the state wants to grab from digital platforms and likely host themselves which in no way seems like any kind of privacy risk at all.

    Aktivate says all student information will be kept confidential. Critics note, however, that since the company is not run by a medical care provider, it is not protected by HIPAA laws, so it could be forced to turn over the data to the state if subpoenaed.
    Now we know Republicans don't actually understand what HIPAA means since they seem to think asking someone if they're vaccinated is a violation of their HIPAA rights, but this is actually a risk to these girls and women's HIPAA protections.

  5. #4485
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I know it might be a bit weird since most ring wingers are religious and are motivated by their religious veiws, but not me. Im agnostic, and I don't need religion to have a good moral compass,


    Go do some research kid. I realize you're banned, but seriously, go do some research. Right to bodily autonomy for women isn't just about "killing babies". Teen pregnancy, infant mortality rates, maternal mortality rates, and numerous other issues are far lower/better where access to abortion is both legal and supported. Don't care if you think a zygote is a human. Just do some simple research.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  6. #4486
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post


    Go do some research kid. I realize you're banned, but seriously, go do some research. Right to bodily autonomy for women isn't just about "killing babies". Teen pregnancy, infant mortality rates, maternal mortality rates, and numerous other issues are far lower/better where access to abortion is both legal and supported. Don't care if you think a zygote is a human. Just do some simple research.
    Don't worry, Republicans are also trying to ban contraceptives, because the white birth rate is down, so they have to offset it by banning abortion and contraceptives, so the great replacement that they are fearmongering about, doesn't happen.

  7. #4487

    The next thing we need to do is go after gay marriage. We need to revert that back to the states, so each and every state can decide her destiny.
    GOP Congressional candidate Andy Ogles.

    Just a reminder that this doesn't stop at Roe. And that Republicans seem to still believe that states are actually nation-states under some kind of simultaneously weak and strong central government.

    What about couples that move from a state where it's legal to a state where it's not? Can liberal states "ban" straight marriage?

    And worry not. As we saw on abortion, Republicans will fairly swiftly come out in support of national bans as well. Because it's literally never been about "states rights", ever. That's always been a bullshit lie from Republicans, as we keep seeing time and time again.

  8. #4488
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Don't worry, Republicans are also trying to ban contraceptives, because the white birth rate is down, so they have to offset it by banning abortion and contraceptives, so the great replacement that they are fearmongering about, doesn't happen.
    Maybe paying people enough money to live would likely push them to have children. This is why you have to talk down to them because they do not understand a damn thing about the area in which they live. Also repealing the welfare reform from the 90s would do a bigger service to childhood poverty along with giving parents a hand up to again perhaps push them to having more children. Thank god i left that shithole.

  9. #4489
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Don't worry, Republicans are also trying to ban contraceptives, because the white birth rate is down, so they have to offset it by banning abortion and contraceptives, so the great replacement that they are fearmongering about, doesn't happen.
    We all know what this ultimately is. Capitalism relies on constant growth for constant increase in value. The more people there are, the more valuable commodities are. The more the stock market prices rise. If birth rates reach a point where they're stagnant, i.e. people are simply being replaced 1 for 1 with the birth and death rate, growth stops. The values of stocks stops rising. The conservative platform also relies on a constant supply of uneducated labor to pay slave wages to. They need high school drop outs or GED's who will work for $10/hr and defend low wages as some sort of intended feature of capitalism.

    That is ultimately what this entire movement is about. No matter how much people believe it's about "saving lives", the above is the purpose of the movement they support. And they are being sold this thinly veiled "saving lives" excuse to turn women into brood mares.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  10. #4490
    Unpaid Medical Bills by States

    Here are state-by-state figures for the percentage of residents burdened with unpaid medical bills, or past due for payment, according to a survey by FINRA:

    Top 10.

    Mississippi – 41%

    South Caroline – 31%

    West Virginia – 31%

    Georgia – 30%

    Alabama – 29%

    Arizona – 29%

    Texas – 29%

    Delaware – 28%

    Louisiana – 28%

    Indiana – 27%

    Bottom 10.

    New York – 18%

    Washington – 18%

    Minnesota – 17%

    Rhode Island – 17%

    Connecticut – 16%

    Massachusetts – 16%

    New Jersey – 16%

    New Mexico – 15%

    California – 14%

    Hawaii – 13%

    Notice a trend?

    How about by metro areas?

    Few places have more medical debt than Dallas-Fort Worth, but hospitals there are thriving

    Of the nation’s 20 most populous counties, none has a higher concentration of medical debt than Tarrant County, home to Fort Worth. Second is Dallas County, credit bureau data shows.

    These are the states that claimed that they care about their citizens well-being.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Findings from Stanford University study.

    • The South has the most people with medical debts, or 23.8 percent of all residents, and the largest average amounts past due, as of 2020. The Northeast had the lowest debt loads, with 10.8 percent of individuals with credit reports in arrears, and the smallest unpaid tabs. People living in low-income areas owed the most, while those residing in high-income regions owed the least.
    • States that expanded Medicaid in 2014 saw a decline in the average yearly accrual of medical debt through 2020 that was 34 percentage points greater than states that did not expand their Medicaid rolls.
    • Almost all income groups in non-Medicaid expansion states saw their medical debts rise annually from 2009 to 2020. The poorest communities were most affected: In 2020, they added $836 on average in new medical debt per capita, up from an annual amount of $630 in 2009.
    • Between 2009 and 2020, total medical debt in collections decreased less than reductions in nonmedical debt. By 2020, individuals had more medical debt in collections than they had in debt in collections from all other sources combined, including credit cards, phone bills, and utilities.
    • Nationally, 17.8 percent of people with a credit report as of 2020 had medical debt in collections, and 13 percent had accrued debt in the prior year but were not yet in collections. Of those who had medical debt, the average amount was $2,424 last year. These findings are roughly in line with previous Census Bureau estimates.

    Total medical debt as of 2019 - 81B. No updated number for 2022.

  11. #4491
    It's almost as if giving birth is expensive! And looks like the percentages will rise in states with forced birth laws.

    I mean, I know it's an oxymoron, but the people whom claim to be pro-life don't really care about life after it's birth. But we all know that abortion bans is not really about saving the life of the unborn, but rather to punish women for daring to enjoy sex.
    Last edited by RampageBW1; 2022-10-07 at 09:12 PM.

  12. #4492
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    GOP Congressional candidate Andy Ogles.

    Just a reminder that this doesn't stop at Roe. And that Republicans seem to still believe that states are actually nation-states under some kind of simultaneously weak and strong central government.

    What about couples that move from a state where it's legal to a state where it's not? Can liberal states "ban" straight marriage?

    And worry not. As we saw on abortion, Republicans will fairly swiftly come out in support of national bans as well. Because it's literally never been about "states rights", ever. That's always been a bullshit lie from Republicans, as we keep seeing time and time again.
    I mean maybe… or that could just be a bunch of gaslighting /shrug

  13. #4493
    Quote Originally Posted by D3thray View Post
    I mean maybe… or that could just be a bunch of gaslighting /shrug
    ...who's gaslighting? The candidate repeating the same "States Rights" bullshit regarding basic rights and protections because Republicans are desperate to find any way to legalize discrimination and marginalization?

  14. #4494
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    Crisis Pregnancy Clinics aren't new, they've been around for decades, but with recent events their existence becomes even more insidious. They pass themselves off as cheap/free pregnancy assisted clinics and often just chameleon as low cost abortion clinics. Once they get women in the door, women who want an abortion, they start guilt tripping or attempting to indoctrinate people against abortion. And of course, none of them ever actually offer abortions despite charading as being a place where you can get, or at least get information on how/where to get one on the cheap.

    One of the organizations that runs a bunch of these clinics even won a lawsuit over whether or not they could lie to their clients about offering abortions (when they don't) because "muh first amendment". They pretend they offer abortions, then when someone books an appointment, they tell them they don't offer that service, which wastes their time for trying to get abortions elsewhere.

    And the icing on the cake? These organizations/clinics receive federal and state funding. Take that, Planned Parenthood?
    Last edited by Cthulhu 2020; 2022-10-09 at 04:52 PM.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  15. #4495
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    One of the organizations that runs a bunch of these clinics even won a lawsuit over whether or not they could lie to their clients about offering abortions (when they don't) because "muh first amendment".
    WTF? Surely you could at least ping them on false advertising laws or something? America does have those, surely??

  16. #4496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trifle View Post
    WTF? Surely you could at least ping them on false advertising laws or something? America does have those, surely??
    Most of them are affiliated with a religion/cult of some sort. You don't get The God Pitch until you show up. Bait and switch. After agonizing over making what might be the toughest decision in your life...you go to a place to have this over with and someone is telling you you're a horrible person for thinking of an abortion while telling you a first century Jew is the key happiness.
    "Muh Relijus freedumbs."
    Not to mention the info you gave them in the paperwork when you showed up.

    The day you can take a religious organization to court and sue (and win) over that type of false advertising in this country will be hilarious and glorious.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  17. #4497
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    Most of them are affiliated with a religion/cult of some sort. You don't get The God Pitch until you show up. Bait and switch. After agonizing over making what might be the toughest decision in your life...you go to a place to have this over with and someone is telling you you're a horrible person for thinking of an abortion while telling you a first century Jew is the key happiness.
    "Muh Relijus freedumbs."
    Not to mention the info you gave them in the paperwork when you showed up.

    The day you can take a religious organization to court and sue (and win) over that type of false advertising in this country will be hilarious and glorious.
    You know the other day a queer content creator fired as a joke the idea of doing fake conversion centers (they send in their kids to be scared straight, we show them how they can live their lives freely as queer people if they want to with a bit of queer culture they probably did not get access to in their homes). Maybe they were right . . .

  18. #4498
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    You know the other day a queer content creator fired as a joke the idea of doing fake conversion centers (they send in their kids to be scared straight, we show them how they can live their lives freely as queer people if they want to with a bit of queer culture they probably did not get access to in their homes). Maybe they were right . . .
    You mean ex-ex-gay camps?
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  19. #4499
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    Well a more intentional version of that.

  20. #4500
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trifle View Post
    WTF? Surely you could at least ping them on false advertising laws or something? America does have those, surely??

    Oh you sweet summer child.

    First amendment always TRUMPS honesty when it comes to conservatives.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

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