1. #4501

    Seems that after the Roberts court overturned Roe that there's little appetite for continued rulings on the topic, I imagine given the consequences of their deeply unpopular decision to overturn Roe.

    The justices turned away an appeal by a Catholic group and two women of a lower court’s ruling holding that fetuses lacked the proper legal standing to challenge a 2019 state law codifying the right to abortion in line with the Roe precedent. The two women, pregnant at the time when the case was first filed, sued on behalf of their fetuses and later gave birth.
    Seems that the conservative Justices on the Roberts court don't want to actually try to address the can of worms they opened up, since leaving it unaddressed serves their ideological goals.

    Which just kicks this stupid can down the road even further when there shouldn't even be a can to kick in the first place.

    I'm pretty comfortable saying that the Roberts court is shaping up to be one of the worse SCOTUS's in history at this point.

    And as a permanent reminder: Chief Justice John Roberts presided over the SCOTUS during oral arguments in which a lawyer arguing his case "in front" of the SCOTUS over the phone took a shit and flushed it audibly during his arguments. That is the legacy of the Roberts court, so respected by lawyers that they have no problems taking a shit while making arguments.

  2. #4502
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I am trying to wrap my head around this... So Rhode Island enacted a law codifying Roe vs Wade at state level; then a Catholic Organization and two (at the time) pregnant ladies sued the state to try to overturn the law on the grounds that they believe the unborn to be living beings, thus entitled to the rights afforded to all living things (in this country at least). Many courts disagreed on the reasonable basis that there's no reasonable way for an unborn fetus to claim said rights, and now that it reached the SCOTUS, the Supreme Court refuses to even hear the case? Did I get that right?

    My brain hurts.

  3. #4503
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RampageBW1 View Post
    I am trying to wrap my head around this... So Rhode Island enacted a law codifying Roe vs Wade at state level; then a Catholic Organization and two (at the time) pregnant ladies sued the state to try to overturn the law on the grounds that they believe the unborn to be living beings, thus entitled to the rights afforded to all living things (in this country at least). Many courts disagreed on the reasonable basis that there's no reasonable way for an unborn fetus to claim said rights, and now that it reached the SCOTUS, the Supreme Court refuses to even hear the case? Did I get that right?

    My brain hurts.
    Yup. Glad we could clear that up.
    Who would have thought that overturning Roe would have such consequences.
    You'd think some clerk or assistant would have been set to figure out "What will be the repercussions of beastfucking settled law, what this could lead to?"
    It's almost like the SCOTUS is refusing to deal with the fallout of their own fuckups.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  4. #4504
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    Yup. Glad we could clear that up.
    Who would have thought that overturning Roe would have such consequences.
    You'd think some clerk or assistant would have been set to figure out "What will be the repercussions of beastfucking settled law, what this could lead to?"
    It's almost like the SCOTUS is refusing to deal with the fallout of their own fuckups.
    Overturning RvW wasn't a fuck up. It was a huge step in the right direction. But shit ain't perfect.

    Until abortions are outlawed on a federal level, with extreme exceptions for rape and the life of the mother, which will happen, then this will continue to get messy.

    Just give it time.

    Took time for gays to get their just deserved rights for marriage, women for the right to vote, end of slavery, etc etc. All good things take time.
    Last edited by Varx; 2022-10-12 at 02:31 PM.

  5. #4505
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Overturning RvW wasn't a fuck up. It was a huge step in the right direction. But shit ain't perfect. .
    And every right-winger running for office this year is running away from this "right" direction.

  6. #4506
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    And every right-winger running for office this year is running away from this "right" direction.
    They're either losing sight of what's right or pressured by democratic bullies.

    Regardless, this isn't about political party it's about what's morally right.

    Gay marriage was the right thing to do and was supported by some republicans despite being a left thing.

  7. #4507
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    They're either losing sight of what's right or pressured by democratic bullies.
    You mean red states are bullied by the few democrats in such states?
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Regardless, this isn't about political party it's about what's morally right.
    Hershel Walker ringing a warning bell?
    You don't get to tell what a woman can do. And anyone thinking they can tell a woman what's morally right, can go to hell.

    Go back to your pedophiles and your rapists running for office in the gop..and and try voting them back in. Because they're the ones running on your version of morality.

  8. #4508
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Regardless, this isn't about political party it's about what's morally right.
    Oh. really now?

    If it were indeed about what's "morally right", how come the SCOTUS outright refused to hear the case in question? if they (SCOTUS) do believe that the unborn is a living being with rights afforded to them by the constitution, they could have just listened to the case, ruled that the unborn were living beings, and then all it would take to get pro-abortion laws dropped from states where abortion is legal would be to file a lawsuit against those laws. Because, states can not have a law that goes against the murder statute. It would have been the door to the national abortion ban the republicans are looking for.

    But the refused to hear the case at all; either because they don't want to be accused of writing law from the bench or (more likely) they knew they fucked up with overturning Roe v Wade.

  9. #4509
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    You mean red states are bullied by the few democrats in such states? Hershel Walker ringing a warning bell?
    You don't get to tell what a woman can do. And anyone thinking they can tell a woman what's morally right, can go to hell.

    Go back to your pedophiles and your rapists running for office in the gop..and and try voting them back in. Because they're the ones running on your version of morality.
    Laws tell us we can't murder at our leisure, because it's morally right, right?

    But yet we can't tell women that killing their babies is morally evil? Despite having consensual sex???

  10. #4510
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Gay marriage was the right thing to do and was supported by some republicans despite being a left thing.
    It's not supported by Republicans writ-large actually, they're openly discussing trying to eliminate protections for it and to redefine marriage.

    And "being a left thing"? That's giving up the game on conservatives being rampant homophobes, my guy.

  11. #4511
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    But yet we can't tell women that killing their babies is morally evil? Despite having consensual sex???
    It's not "we," it's you. You don't get to tell a woman what's moral.
    You have so much in common with radical fundamentalists in the mideast.

  12. #4512
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    They're either losing sight of what's right or pressured by democratic bullies.

    Regardless, this isn't about political party it's about what's morally right.

    Gay marriage was the right thing to do and was supported by some republicans despite being a left thing.
    Not sure how "forcing" unwanted pregnancy is a "right" thing.

  13. #4513
    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    Not sure how "forcing" unwanted pregnancy is a "right" thing.
    Time for the age ol' "If you didn't want to become pregnant, you shouldn't have had sex!" argument! I am sure it'll have more weight now more than ever!

  14. #4514
    Quote Originally Posted by RampageBW1 View Post
    Time for the age ol' "If you didn't want to become pregnant, you shouldn't have had sex!" argument! I am sure it'll have more weight now more than ever!
    Pretty sure that it will come to that obviously. But nowadays, most abortions happen after protected consensual sex. And it is not an easy decision to take.

    Those using abortion as a contraception are an extreme minority but those are usually taken as example why Abortion = evil. Go figure.
    Last edited by Specialka; 2022-10-12 at 03:30 PM.

  15. #4515
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Laws tell us we can't murder at our leisure, because it's morally right, right?

    But yet we can't tell women that killing their babies is morally evil? Despite having consensual sex???
    If it can live on its own with no support from the woman in question then yes it should leave its flesh apartment and live on its own. Its literally not the males choice to make because they are not the host body period. I want to have sex since its enjoyable but i do not want to be a parent, i kind of want to do what i want to do all the time its why i have had a vasectomy give women the same choice at all hospitals then we can end this debate.

  16. #4516
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    It's not "we," it's you. You don't get to tell a woman what's moral.
    You have so much in common with radical fundamentalists in the mideast.
    Lol keeping women from killing babies is the same as killing women for not covering up their hair???????

    Lol come on man

  17. #4517
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Lol keeping women from killing babies is the same as killing women for not covering up their hair??????? Lol come on man
    You're the one telling a woman what she can and can't do...as if she were your property.

  18. #4518
    Quote Originally Posted by jeezusisacasual View Post
    If it can live on its own with no support from the woman in question then yes it should leave its flesh apartment and live on its own. Its literally not the males choice to make because they are not the host body period. I want to have sex since its enjoyable but i do not want to be a parent, i kind of want to do what i want to do all the time its why i have had a vasectomy give women the same choice at all hospitals then we can end this debate.
    Well they can have sex too and practice safe sex and not get pregnant. Between BC, spermacide, condoms, and even pulling out the chances are practically zero.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    You're the one telling a woman what she can and can't do...as if she were your property.
    Because killing another uman being is objectively wrong....

    Especially if you consented in the act of procreation in the first place

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    Pretty sure that it will come to that obviously. But nowadays, most abortions happen after protected consensual sex. And it is not an easy decision to take.

    Those using abortion as a contraception are an extreme minority but those are usually taken as example why Abortion = evil. Go figure.
    Well it's a gamble. If you have protected sex but still somehow get pregnant it's still a gamble that your're taking and if you lose then you need to own up to it just like everything else in life.

  19. #4519
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It's not supported by Republicans writ-large actually, they're openly discussing trying to eliminate protections for it and to redefine marriage.

    And "being a left thing"? That's giving up the game on conservatives being rampant homophobes, my guy.
    Well I don't identify as a republican or democrat. All I know is that gay men and women deserve to get married, because why the hell not.

  20. #4520
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Well they can have sex too and practice safe sex and not get pregnant. Between BC, spermacide, condoms, and even pulling out the chances are practically zero.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Because killing another uman being is objectively wrong....

    Especially if you consented in the act of procreation in the first place

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well it's a gamble. If you have protected sex but still somehow get pregnant it's still a gamble that your're taking and if you lose then you need to own up to it just like everything else in life.
    The issue here is that you have no idea about the effects a pregnancy can have on a women or even a couple, so even more for an unwanted pregnancy. It has a lot of physical and psychological effects (good and bad).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Linkedblade View Post
    Government should have nothing to do with marriage. The only reason marriage laws ever existed is to tell people who they cannot marry. Any perks of marriage are pretty useless anyway. Spousal privilege? Next of kin? Married filing jointly? Insurance coverage? Could all be reworked to work for anyone.
    Nope, do not spout that kind of nonsense about "The only reason marriage laws ever existed is to tell people who they cannot marry".

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