Seems that after the Roberts court overturned Roe that there's little appetite for continued rulings on the topic, I imagine given the consequences of their deeply unpopular decision to overturn Roe.
Seems that the conservative Justices on the Roberts court don't want to actually try to address the can of worms they opened up, since leaving it unaddressed serves their ideological goals.The justices turned away an appeal by a Catholic group and two women of a lower court’s ruling holding that fetuses lacked the proper legal standing to challenge a 2019 state law codifying the right to abortion in line with the Roe precedent. The two women, pregnant at the time when the case was first filed, sued on behalf of their fetuses and later gave birth.
Which just kicks this stupid can down the road even further when there shouldn't even be a can to kick in the first place.
I'm pretty comfortable saying that the Roberts court is shaping up to be one of the worse SCOTUS's in history at this point.
And as a permanent reminder: Chief Justice John Roberts presided over the SCOTUS during oral arguments in which a lawyer arguing his case "in front" of the SCOTUS over the phone took a shit and flushed it audibly during his arguments. That is the legacy of the Roberts court, so respected by lawyers that they have no problems taking a shit while making arguments.