1. #4521
    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    The issue here is that you have no idea about the effects a pregnancy can have on a women or even a couple, so even more for an unwanted pregnancy. It has a lot of physical and psychological effects (good and bad).
    Then if you're not psychologically ready to have a baby then perhaps don't have sex? If it's a risk you can't afford.

    Physically speaking, a woman's body is biological made to endure the process of pregnancy and birth. So that ain't an issue.

    Now if there's a complication then obviously termination is acceptable.

    But if the pregnancy is completely normal from beginning to end then there's no excuse.

  2. #4522
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Then if you're not psychology ready to have a baby then perhaps don't have sex? If it's a risk you can't afford.
    This stops being even a possibly valid argument the moment safe abortion techniques exist. Which they have, for decades now.

    Physically speaking, a woman's body is biological made to endure the process of pregnancy and birth. So that ain't an issue.
    That's just a lie. Pregnancy carries significant health risks.

    Now if there's a complication then obviously termination is acceptable.
    Right there's where you admit even you don't actually believe the fetus is a human being with the full rights thereof. If you allow for exceptions when it comes to rape, life of the mother, or the like, it's never been about human life; that's just your dishonest cover story so you don't have to admit your true motives.

    But if the pregnancy is completely normal from beginning to end then there's no excuse.
    There's no need for an "excuse", in the first place. "I don't want it" is all you need.

  3. #4523
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Because killing another uman being is objectively wrong....
    So you admit, that telling a woman what she can do is exactly what you want.
    You must wonder why you're relegated in the radical right wing minority of the gop...and why they're running from the likes of you.

  4. #4524
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    So you admit, that telling a woman what she can do is exactly what you want.
    You must wonder why you're relegated in the radical right wing minority of the gop...and why they're running from the likes of you.
    Um sure, when it specifically comes to an infant's life if you're so desperate to put me in an evil misogynistic box

  5. #4525
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Then if you're not psychologically ready to have a baby then perhaps don't have sex? If it's a risk you can't afford.

    Physically speaking, a woman's body is biological made to endure the process of pregnancy and birth. So that ain't an issue.

    Now if there's a complication then obviously termination is acceptable.

    But if the pregnancy is completely normal from beginning to end then there's no excuse.
    I get your argument but they are outdated. We are not living in the 17th century anymore. You have to live with your time.

    So you would say to not do an abortion to a 15 year old girl ? Knowing she will probably never go to college and such ? Knowing she will live a "miserable" life ?

  6. #4526
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Um sure, when it specifically comes to an infant's life if you're so desperate to put me in an evil misogynistic box
    But it's not an infant. It's not even a fetus.
    And you willingly put yourself in a misogynistic box. Because that's what you already are...where all the other right-wing zealots are.

  7. #4527
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Then if you're not psychologically ready to have a baby then perhaps don't have sex? If it's a risk you can't afford.
    "Don't do anything that has any risk associated with it." isn't a strong argument. We'd never get out of bed, because doing so would risk an accident and injury.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Physically speaking
    That's irrelevant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    But if the pregnancy is completely normal from beginning to end then there's no excuse.
    Unless the parents aren't ready to bring a child into this world and care for it.

    Until we have actually functional adoption services that are funded properly and can care for children, this is basically stanning for child abuse. This is you being the people showing up to anti-choice rallies holding a, "I WILL ADOPT YOUR BABY!" sign and then when asked, saying that they just can't actually afford to adopt any children.

  8. #4528
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    This stops being even a possibly valid argument the moment safe abortion techniques exist. Which they have, for decades now.

    That's just a lie. Pregnancy carries significant health risks.

    Right there's where you admit even you don't actually believe the fetus is a human being with the full rights thereof. If you allow for exceptions when it comes to rape, life of the mother, or the like, it's never been about human life; that's just your dishonest cover story so you don't have to admit your true motives.

    There's no need for an "excuse", in the first place. "I don't want it" is all you need.
    There's no such thing as a safe abortion technique when it results in the death of a baby.

    Pregnancy is a complicated process yes, which means complications are common. But pregnancy generally speaking from a healthy standpoint is completely normal.

    Um no, an extreme is an extreme, not a rule. Don't put words in my mouth.

    "I want to kill someone because" is an acceptable reason to commit murder? Of course not.

    But the reverse applies in this scenario because "my body". That's just an excuse radical feminists spew because of lack healthy values and not wanting to adhere to the consequences of your actions.

  9. #4529
    I like that people make this huge deal about abortion but animals of many species in the wild can self abort when the environment cannot sustain the offspring.

  10. #4530
    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    I get your argument but they are outdated. We are not living in the 17th century anymore. You have to live with your time.

    So you would say to not do an abortion to a 15 year old girl ? Knowing she will probably never go to college and such ? Knowing she will live a "miserable" life ?
    She can easily put her baby for adoption. And yes I know the adoption process ain't perfect but that's not a justification to not give a baby a chance in life.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    But it's not an infant. It's not even a fetus.
    And you willingly put yourself in a misogynistic box. Because that's what you already are...where all the other right-wing zealots are.
    Whether is a zygote, embryo, baby. It's all a human. Different stages of human life is still. A human.

    The day fertilized eggs turns into a carrot then come back to me

  11. #4531
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    She can easily put her baby for adoption. And yes I know the adoption process ain't perfect but that's not a justification to not give a baby a chance in life.
    Giving birth after an unwanted pregnancy is not easy, don't you get it ? It is called a "trauma". You are kinda devoid of empathy, aren't you ?

  12. #4532
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    There's no such thing as a safe abortion technique when it results in the death of a baby.
    A fetus is not a baby. That's simple facts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    But pregnancy generally speaking from a healthy standpoint is completely normal.
    This depends on your income, race, and where you live in America. Because many places in America, especially for women of color, have serious complications or maternal mortality at rates we see in third world nations, not developed nations. America needs to start caring about the health of women that want to have babies first.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    "I want to kill someone because" is an acceptable reason to commit murder? Of course not.
    Because this is only a standard you are holding and it's not a standard anyone else views as reasonable given our knowledge of the development of an embryo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    But the reverse applies in this scenario because "my body".
    Yes, their body.

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    That's just an excuse radical feminists spew because of lack healthy values
    Feminists aren't trying to force 10 year old girls to carry a pregnancy to term.

  13. #4533
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    "Don't do anything that has any risk associated with it." isn't a strong argument. We'd never get out of bed, because doing so would risk an accident and injury.

    That's irrelevant.

    Unless the parents aren't ready to bring a child into this world and care for it.

    Until we have actually functional adoption services that are funded properly and can care for children, this is basically stanning for child abuse. This is you being the people showing up to anti-choice rallies holding a, "I WILL ADOPT YOUR BABY!" sign and then when asked, saying that they just can't actually afford to adopt any children.
    Not having perfect adoption processes is a shit excuse to deny a baby a chance in life.

  14. #4534
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Whether is a zygote, embryo, baby. It's all a human. Different stages of human life is still. A human.
    ...get back to me when your...ilk isn't running away from your own opinion.

  15. #4535
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    A fetus is not a baby. That's simple facts.

    This depends on your income, race, and where you live in America. Because many places in America, especially for women of color, have serious complications or maternal mortality at rates we see in third world nations, not developed nations. America needs to start caring about the health of women that want to have babies first.

    Because this is only a standard you are holding and it's not a standard anyone else views as reasonable given our knowledge of the development of an embryo.

    Yes, their body.

    Feminists aren't trying to force 10 year old girls to carry a pregnancy to term.
    Wow, and a child isn't an adult. But they're both still human right?

    You're just trying to find justification in murder because you convince your self that a fetus somehow isn't human. Again will a fetus ever turn into a carrot?

    And a 10 year raped into pregnancy would most like fall into the extreme exception I keep sayjng

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    ...get back to me when your...ilk isn't running away from your own opinion.
    This is where pro choicers fall apart.this right here...

    The moment the "an embryo isn't human" argument is finally proven wrong is where pro choice will finally die.

    It's insane that lefties still hang in to that. It's so weak yet so reliant due to humans inate desire for an easy escape from responsibility

  16. #4536
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    And a 10 year raped into pregnancy would most like fall into the extreme exception I keep sayjng
    "Most like?"
    You really are hateful...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    This is where pro choicers fall apart.this right here... The moment this argument is finally proven wrong is where pro choice will finally die.
    Try again...after all where have you been all this time?

  17. #4537
    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    Giving birth after an unwanted pregnancy is not easy, don't you get it ? It is called a "trauma". You are kinda devoid of empathy, aren't you ?
    I'm empathetic when it's warrented an deserved.

    A 15 year old engaging in consensual sex and getting nocked up because they were in the heat of the moment doesn't deserve my empathy.

    If they care so much about their havard application then maybe don't make stupid decisions?

  18. #4538
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    She can easily put her baby for adoption. And yes I know the adoption process ain't perfect but that's not a justification to not give a baby a chance in life.
    The fact that you even say this with a straight face means you are so far disconnected from reality as to not be taken remotely seriously.

    "ain't perfect".....JFC

  19. #4539
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    "Most like?"
    You really are hateful...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Try again...after all where have you been all this time?
    I don't need to try again. It's the truth. That's all that's keeping pro choice alive. The believe that an embryo ain't human.

    The moment SCOTUS realizes an embryo will never turn into a toaster is when they'll abolish abortion across the states.

  20. #4540
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I'm empathetic when it's warrented an deserved.

    A 15 year old engaging in consensual sex and getting nocked up because they were in the heat of the moment doesn't deserve my empathy.

    If they care so much about their havard application then maybe don't make stupid decisions?
    What about when it's not consensual? As in the case of rape?

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