1. #4581
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Wth what???? That made no sense what so ever. Obviously if there's a cure it should. Lol wtf
    Then you support abortion rights.

    Because that's the "cure" to an unwanted pregnancy.

    Kudos on missing the point. Your own "logic" mandates that you deny that cure to the smoker. Or maybe it's that not even you actually believe the abusive horse shit you're pushing in your attack on women.

  2. #4582
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Given that I respect women, and you're only posting here in pursuit of subjugating them and restricting their basic human rights, no.

    You continue to lie to push your extremist religious agenda and the open bigotry it is based upon, and I'll post the truth that exposes that to everyone else. Every time.
    Lmao I'm agnostic and I promise you I don't want women to cover up their hair in public. I just want babies to have their chance at life just like their misguided mothers did.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    A carrot has a completely unique set of DNA. Plants even combine their DNA to propagate.
    A carrot doesn't need a womb

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    They like to confuse the terms "human" as biologically descriptive of the genetic composition of the cells with "human being" which is a legal term more or less interchangeable with "person".

    If I wank off into a handkerchief, the sperm cells in that handkerchief are "human". They're not "human beings". Despite being living cells. This isn't actually confusing, but if they use the terms incorrectly, they can confuse people into misunderstanding reality, sometimes.

    You man juice is not what I consider human, unless your junk spews out completely unique full DNA codes.

  3. #4583
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Lmao I'm agnostic and I promise you I don't want women to cover up their hair in public. I just want babies to have their chance at life just like their misguided mothers did.
    What baby? If they are aborted there was never a baby to begin with as it was just a cluster of cells with no consciousness.

    No consciousness means no person.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  4. #4584
    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    BuT PoEpLe ShOuLd LiVe WiTh ThE CoNsEQueNcEs Of ThIeR AcTionS!

    What happened to that argument?
    Cure for cancer doesn't kill babies...

  5. #4585
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Lmao I'm agnostic and I promise you I don't want women to cover up their hair in public.
    There's no secular backing for the views you're pushing, so this is just an obvious lie.

    It might be a lie because you're secretly religious and hiding it. It might be a lie because you know your logic doesn't hold up but still want to attack women's rights. But whichever way it goes, you're lying, and your argument is predicated on faith-based concepts, not science or reality.

    I just want babies to have their chance at life just like their misguided mothers did.
    There's no "babies" in this equation. You insist on using emotionally-charged language like this because you can't make your case on the actual facts.

  6. #4586
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post

    A carrot doesn't need a womb
    Ahm, yes. It does. It's not a womb from a biological point of view, but it needs fertile soil and a constant supply of nutrients, or it dies. Damn, you know even less about carrots than you know about humans.

  7. #4587
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Morally right as decided by what?

    Science says that abortion is morally right.

    The problem with common sense is that it isn’t common with many people not knowing or flat out ignoring important parts but if you know about the stuff and don’t ignore the important stuff then it agrees with abortion as well because science agrees with it.

    And though I may risk an infraction for saying this and I am not trying to make a religious debate but even the Bible supports abortion. So who’s morals are you going by?

    And a federal abortion ban will be even less effective than their outlawing of weed as not everyone likes to smoke but most everyone likes to fuck for pleasure.
    Does science say murder is right because science created murder tools?

  8. #4588
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post

    You man juice is not what I consider human, unless your junk spews out completely unique full DNA codes.
    Why would it matter if it's "unique"? Are identical twins not separate people?

    And how is it not "human"? Where the hell do you think it came from? It's "human", just like my blood or my toenails or whatever. It's not a person, but neither is a fetus. This is exactly what I meant by the willful confusion of terms.

  9. #4589
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Cure for cancer doesn't kill babies...
    Neither does abortion. It ends the development of a fetus. It does not kill a baby.

  10. #4590
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Cure for cancer doesn't kill babies...
    Ahm, yes. Yes, it does. Do chemo therapy while you're pregnant, see what happens. Submit a fetus to radiation treatment, see what happens. That's deader than dead. Damn, you know nothing about how the human body works.
    Last edited by Skulltaker; 2022-10-12 at 05:05 PM.

  11. #4591
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Then you support abortion rights.

    Because that's the "cure" to an unwanted pregnancy.

    Kudos on missing the point. Your own "logic" mandates that you deny that cure to the smoker. Or maybe it's that not even you actually believe the abusive horse shit you're pushing in your attack on women.
    I figured that was your point. But cure for cancer doesn't kill a baby.

    But the fact that you compare pregnancy to a disease affirms my previous statement of you lack any respect for life

  12. #4592
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    What baby? If they are aborted there was never a baby to begin with as it was just a cluster of cells with no consciousness.

    No consciousness means no person.
    Okay, CNN.

  13. #4593
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    You man juice is not what I consider human, unless your junk spews out completely unique full DNA codes.
    It does. In this case, it'd be @Endus complete and unique DNA mockup. That's kind of the point of sperm, to provide a complete genetic signature. The fuck, where did you go to school?

  14. #4594
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Cure for cancer doesn't kill babies...
    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    Ahm, yes. Yes, it does. Do chemo therapy while your pregnant, see what happens. Submit a fetus to radiation treatment, see what happens. That's deader than dead. Damn, you know nothing about how the human body works.
    Also yes, this. Thank you Skulltaker.

  15. #4595
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    I figured that was your point. But cure for cancer doesn't kill a baby.

    But the fact that you compare pregnancy to a disease affirms my previous statement of you lack any respect for life
    Respect for "life"? I just had chicken and sausage gumbo for lunch. Are we talking about the "respect" for the chickens and pigs that died to make that gumbo, not to mention the vegetables which, yes, are "life"?

    Or are we talking about "respect for human beings"? Because again, the fetus isn't a human being. It's human, but so is ejaculate.

  16. #4596
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    There's no secular backing for the views you're pushing, so this is just an obvious lie.

    It might be a lie because you're secretly religious and hiding it. It might be a lie because you know your logic doesn't hold up but still want to attack women's rights. But whichever way it goes, you're lying, and your argument is predicated on faith-based concepts, not science or reality.

    There's no "babies" in this equation. You insist on using emotionally-charged language like this because you can't make your case on the actual facts.
    The fact that you accuse me of lying shows me that you're at least subconscious aware of.your evil opinions and the existence of me being both agnostic and pro life make you Insecure, ashamed, or both.

  17. #4597
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    It does. In this case, it'd be @Endus complete and unique DNA mockup. That's kind of the point of sperm, to provide a complete genetic signature. The fuck, where did you go to school?
    I'm still baffled by how he doesn't think identical twins or triplets are actually separate people. And that chimeric people are two people in the same body. Apparently.

  18. #4598
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Does science say murder is right because science created murder tools?
    Does science say that removing a cluster of cells with no consciousness is murder?

    You are asking a question that is completely unrelated to the debate until you can qualify how it’s murder to kill cells with no consciousness of any kind as that logic literally calls me a murder when I had to deal with a case of athletes foot and any woman who had to deal with a yeast infection.

    And if you try and qualify that it has to deal with the fact that it’s human dna then you need to clarify how dealing with cancer isn’t murder.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  19. #4599
    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    Ahm, yes. It does. It's not a womb from a biological point of view, but it needs fertile soil and a constant supply of nutrients, or it dies. Damn, you know even less about carrots than you know about humans.
    You know exactly what I meant. If you gonna debate with me then don't act like a clown.

  20. #4600
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Okay, CNN.
    Go back to complaining about dracthyr and tinkers and made up brothers in boot camp; less chance for you to get infracted and banned for being wrong.

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