Medically during the earliest stages of development?...yes, actually.
I do! I also think music is extremely influential. And movies/TV. And their parents. And a whole host of other things.
But if you want to single out one specific thing rather than, I don't know, the Republican party for failing to convince Gen-Z that they have a platform worth voting for that's fine.
It seems you have a problem with abstract thought. No wonder the librul professors went over your head. You cannot even entertain a thought that would go against your fundamental religious principles.
Sad actually, because this point has some merit i'd argue. Now i don't see every fetus as a cancer - because that would be stupid, but if you cannot imagine that for a person that doesn't want to be pregnant there is no difference (the thing inside you using up your resources without your consent, making you sick literally and making you handicapped for months) - now making this connection does not feel good, but guess what - this is gross reality of life. you cannot just put your ears over your ears and mumble "dont do it". How many times do we have to show how aboritions will happen whether they're legal or not. This is the real world, not your fantasy make belief world where you have a solution for everything. I'm not a woman, and i will never experience that, but that doesn't mean i can handwave it away with "its only 9 months"
Would you force people to go through 9 months of life threatening sickness. Would you go through that because someone on a message board thinks you should?